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** work in progress : "from scratch" Jagdtiger **

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Hi Gentlemen,

I have promised to inform the CM community of a future "from scracth" Jagdtiger. Then, here I am ! Unfortunatelly, I haven't yet any screenshot of my stuff, but I join here a list of what I have to do on each BMP file :rolleyes:

- 13260 (Bottom hull, side) : File taken from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" King Tiger. No changes. I didn't try to move the rear idler from its original position. As you surelly know, the Jagdtiger was longer than the KT and there was a larger space between the last roadwheel and this idler.

- 13261 (Bottom hull, deck) : File taken from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" King Tiger. I only made a little change by replacing the radiator's exhausts by the original BFC Jagdtiger's ones.

- 13262 (Gun mask, side) : Complete scratch

- 13263 (Gun mask, top) : same file as 13262, but with a 90° rotation angle. I also unabled the shadding effect.

- 13264 (Main gun) : Complete scratch, preserving the shading effect.

- 13265 (Bottom hull, front) : File taken from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" King Tiger. I'm actually trying to redraw a complete travel lock for the main gun. I have noticed, when looking at some pictures, that this "tool" wasn't on every vehicle. Some had it, some didn't and some only had the fixation part of this travel lock welded on the front glacis.

Here a screenshot of this part :


- 13266 (Bottom hull, back) : File taken from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" King Tiger. No changes.

- 13267 (Superstructure, front) : complete scratch.

- 13268 (Superstructure, back) : complete scratch too. I will add two german crosses on it. On each sides of the hatch, as seen on many photos.

- 13269 (unidentified !) : not done yet…

- 13270 : (Schürzen) : File taken from Kingfisher's "Modder's series" King Tiger

- 13271 (unidentified !) : not done yet…

- 13272 (unidentified !) : not done yet…

- 13273 (Superstructure side) : not done yet too ! I will add the possibility to have a third "column" of tracks. AFAIK, some late Jagdtiger had this device.

- 13274 (Superstrucure deck) : not done yet. I will surelly have to totally redraw it. I would like to add some markings which were put in factory (chassis's number for example)

- 13275 (Superstrucure, ventilator exhaust) : easy !

If someone around there have a good picture of that %@@%£ travel lock (I mean a frontal view usable for a good redrawing), please inform me smile.gif I would also be very glad of any advice / suggestion from you about anything concerning that vehicle and the location of each BMP file on the 3D model : some files are difficult to localize on it redface.gif

More news ASAP and a BIG thanks to Kingfisher/Zimorodok ;)

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Pardon moi, mon ami...I am a HUGE fan of your work but do you realize that the Jagdtiger was NOT used on the Eastern Front and ONLY saw combat in Western Europe? Since this is the CMBB and not CMBO Forum it also poses my next question: is the Jagdtiger IN CMBB? If so, why? :confused: I never bothered to check. If the Jagdtiger IS in CMBB then all of those guys requesting the Maus are now sounding less silly after all (no offense, Maus fans).

If it is, well, I guess it will be fun for a "what if" quick battle. maybe pit these bad boys against Stalin 3s. :D

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Originally posted by tooz:

Pardon moi, mon ami...I am a HUGE fan of your work but do you realize that the Jagdtiger was NOT used on the Eastern Front and ONLY saw combat in Western Europe?

Ah ah !! Let's debate :D

Since I'm not a grognard, I will only quote some authors. I knew that many Jagtigers saw combat in the late stages of WWII, most of the time in the western front. I also read that only two heavy Jagdpanzer abteilung(s?) existed in that theater. These informations are very easy to find. I never wonder myself if those monsters were deployed in the east (Oder region, Berlin area :confused: :confused: ) and never read anything about !

Then, your remark disapointed me a bit : why mod such a vehicle if it never saw combat ? For a moment, I felt a bit... ...embarrassed :rolleyes:

Please look at this quote, taken in a "Achtung Panzer" webpage :

The number of Jagdtigers produced was adequate to equip two units, schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 653 and schwere Panzerjager Abteilung 512. sPzJagAbt 512 was formed in the Summer of 1944 and was composed of two companies (1st company was commanded by Albert Ernst and became Kampfgruppe Ernst, 2nd company by Otto Carius) and was commanded by Major Scherf. Elements of sPzJagAbt 512 took part in the Operation "Fruhlingerswachen" in Hungary (part of VI SS Panzer Army), and then in the defence of the Fatherland on both Western and Eastern Front. sPzJagAbt 653 was formed in the Spring of 1945 and probably was not more than an understrenght company. It probably took part in Ardennes offensive and then was employed on the Western Front (Rhein and Karlsruhe area). It appears that 4 to 6 Jagdtigers were used by the schwere SS Panzer Abteilung (101) 501 in April/May of 1945.
web page

...I then had a look at WW2 vehicles.com :

Issued to only 2 combat units, the Jadgpanzer 512 and 653. Jagdpanzer 512 was formed in Paderborn on Feb. 11, 1945. It saw action at the Remagen bridgehead. Jagdpanzer 653 took part in Operation Northwind (Ardennes) with the 5th Panzer Army.
web page

So ? :confused:

I know what you are thinking, reading my lines : "that's only words, a proof would be a picture...". Ok, please have a look here :


Are those soldiers russians ? :D:D

Seriously, I don't know what to think about, maybe some grogs around there will clarify the situation...

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Here is a very good article about our subject, taken from panzerworld.net ( Link )

Sd.Kfz. 186 Panzerjäger Tiger Ausf. B 'Jagdtiger'



The history of the Jagdtiger began on Februaruy 21th, 1943, were the subject of a heavy Sturmgeschütz mounting a 128mm cannon was mentioned. The vehicle was meant to both assist infantry, like the StuG III and IVs, as well as being able to take out enemy armoured targets from a range of up to 3km. Heavy armour was, as with most other mid- and latewar Panzers, seen as more important than speed. Because of the experience on the eastern front, the vehicle was decided to have good cross-country abilities.

The 128mm PaK 44 L/55 (the weapon also used on the Maus) was decided to be used for the Jagdtiger. The size of the weapon did, however, demand for a fixed superstructure, in stead of a turret. For this, a lengthened (40cm) Tiger II chassis was suggested and approved.

Technical history

Dr. Professor Ferdinand Porsche suggested a paired external torsion bar suspension with single roadwheels, as opposed to the individual internal torsion bars with double roadwheels on the Henschel version. The roadwheels themselve were 800mm in diametre on Henschels Jagdtiger, and 700mm on Porsches.

The Porsche Jagdtiger was 1,2 tons leighter than the Henchel one, demanded 450 les working hours and was much cheaper. It was also possible to remove one 2-wheel section, without touching the other wheels - something that was impossible with Henchels overlapping wheels. On the other hand, the weight on a single roadwheel was about 200kg on Henschels Jagdtiger, and the Porsche one over 4600kg! Furthermore, there were 1/8 part more wear and tear on the Porsche roadwheels per centimetre than on the Henschel ones.

The engine was the same as the one of the Tiger II - the Maybach HL 230 P30 V-12 water cooled 23.1 litre gasoline engine. This engine could deliver 700HP at 2,500rpm. The maximum speed (which could only be retrieved for very brief periods of time on paved road) was 34.6kmph (very impressive, considering the weight 77 tons), with an avarage road speed of just 20kmph, and a cross-country speed of just 10kmph. The maximum range on road was 100km, and 70km cross-country. The fuel consumption was up to 12 litre per kilometre!

The first 5 vehicles mounted 18-tooth drive sprokets, and Gg 24/800/300 tracks. After this (with Fgst. 305006), type Kgs 73/800/152 double-link tracks were used.

A total of 88 Jagdtigers were produced, of which 11 (Fgst. 305001, 305003, 305004, 305005 (rejected because of poor aromur quality, but used for evaluation and training ), 305006, 305007, 305008, 305009, 305010, 305011 and 305012 were mounting Porsches suspension. The Jagdtiger was produced at Nibelungenwerke in Austria.

There were (aledgedly) produced 4 Jagdtigers mounting the 88mm PaK 43 L/71. The reason for this modification was the lack of 128mm gun mounts (and not gun barrels, as stated in most books). Although this cannon was altually better than the 128mm one, Hitler insisted on the use of the 128mm cannons.


On Fgst. 305003 and 305004, exhaust shields were mounted. From Fgst. 305006, an external travel lock was mounted on the front armour plate. This was later modified itself, with Fgst 305010, as a crossbar was mounted on it to strengthen it. As said above, the track type changed from this vehicle (Fgst. 305006) too.

From Fgst. 305011, Zimmerit was no longer applied. The Fgst. 305002 was not covered with Zimmerit, and thus, NO Henschel Jagdtiger recieved Zimmerit. By the end of November, the otherwise mounted 20 tons jack was no longer used, and 6 (in stead of 4) track link hangers were mounted on each side of the superstructure.

From February 1945, 4 'Pilzen' - crane mounts - were mounted on the top sides of rthe superstructure.

Some of the Jagdtigers mounted a MG-42 on the engine deck to use agains aircrafts. These have probably not been used for their true purpose, as only a suicidal maniac would stand on an open area, fireing at Typhoons and Mosquitos with a machine gun! These Fgst. numbers have been identified with a MG-42 mount: 305020, 305058 and 305083. (If anyone have any pictures not in the photo archive with MG-42s, I am very interrested!)

Operational history

653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.

The first unit to mount the Jagdtiger was the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt., as a replacement for the Elefant tank destroyer. The unit was sent to Fallingbostel, where they were trained using Porsche Jagdtiger. The first vehicles arrived in September 1944, at which time the unit still had a few Elefants left (these were given to the second company, until Jagdtigers could replace them), along with some Flakpanzer IVs. The crews of the first company were sent to Fallingbostel, where they recieved training. First three Jagdtigers in this unit was 305006, 305007 and 305008.

In October, the unit moved out. 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. was assigned to the 17. Armee in Poland, during which time the third company also recieved some Jagdtigers. Production was slow, and in November, the unit had only 12 Jagdtigers. 6 more Jagdtigers recieved during November.

In December, it is planned that the Jagdtigers shall take part of the Ardennes offensive. 16 Jagdtigers are loaded onto trains, and two of the 3 trains unload 50kms behind the front (as part of the 6. SS Armee). Some Jagdtigers are diverted to Operation Nordwind, as part of the 17. SS.Panzer Grenadier Division. Despite accounts that the Jagdtigers were used during the Ardennes offensive, there are no prrof which supports it. There are no photographs of any Jagdtigers during the Ardennes, and crew testimoneys say that they were not. (Sorry to all those modellers out there!). The main reason the Jagdtiers didn't reach the front is the logistic situation, which was worsened by the offensive and the weather. During December and January, second company is equipped with Jagdtigers.

In January 1945, the Jagdtigers were to take part of Operation Nordwind, but the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. was still on the train waggons as the offensive started. Still together with the 17. SS Panzer Grenadier Division, the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. attacke the Maninot line. By 9 January the first Jagdtiger is destroyed by a bazooka. The use of Jagdtigers is limited, and reports about the high number of breakdowns are sent to Hitler. Some Jagdtigers, more or less intact, are captured by the US forces. It is ironic, that most of the Jagdtigers found in good condition, whereas the Jagdtigers destroyed by their crew were in such devastated condition, that almost nothing could be extracted from the wreck. Medio January, third company Jagdtigers are still at the Maginot line, attacking bunkers, but preperations for the Siegfreid line is underway, including some Jagdtigers. These are commanded by the XXXIX Panzerkorps.

In the beginning of February, 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. had 41 Jagdtigers, of which 19 needed repair. The unit is ordered to the Hagenau forest on February 18th, where it is used as indirect artillery at rages of above 20 kilometres! At the end of February, most of the units Jagdtigers are just waiting in coverted positions, awaiting Allied attacks.

During the begining of March, 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. was refitted with repaired Jagdtigers while waiting for orders. 11 March, the unit actually reached its maximum capacity. On the night between March 15th and 16th, 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. was involved in heavy combat. On March 15th, the Allies had bombarded and afterwards attacked the German positions, and the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. was sent out to counter-attack the Allied forces. Neither the Allies, not the Germas, could go anywhere, and both sides recieved heavy losses. The Jagdtigers inflicted heavy casualties among the Allied tanks and infantry, but Allied artillery took several hits, and the Germans needed to tow 21 Jagdtigers away. Later that month, it was proved that the 12,8cm PaK 80 was capable of taking out Allied tanks at ranges up to 4000 metres. An Allied Sherman column was all but destroyed by heavy fire, while the Sherman crews paniked. Having called in air suport, the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. had to retrieve as P-47s showed up. 5 Jagdtiger were hit, of which 4 were destroyed. To save the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. from more losses, it was withdrawed from the front. Meanwhile, several Jagdtiger were destroyed by Allied infantry and tanks, of which one was destroyed by point-blank range by 3 Shermans. At Neustadt, 3 Jagdtigers did manage to take out 25 M10s and Shermans, and although the Jagdtigers took several hits, they didn't suffer any casualties, and were able to withdraw.

On March 28th, Leutnant Hans Knippenberg recieved the Iron Cross first class.

At the beginning of April, there were only 24 Jagdtigers remaining. After the first 9 days, the number is down to 17! Some crew members are sent to Nibelungenwerke. On April 26th, only 1 Jagdtiger is fully operational, with 14 waiting repair.

In May, the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. retrieves into Austria, to get to Nibelungenwerke, during which 10 Jagdtiger are blown up due to failures. After coming to Nibelungenwerke, 8 Jagdtigers are blown up on the assembly track, as they do not have any sighting devices. The unit continued to give resistance until May 7th, where the unit surrenderes.

Besides the Jagdtigers, the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. also featured Bergepanthers and Sd.Kfz. 9s, Flakpanzer IVs (of which some were Wirbelwinds, some 3,7cm Flakpanzer IVs and some Sd.Kfz. 7/1s), and several guns, halftracks and trucks.

512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt.

The second unit to recieve the Jagdtiger was the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. It was not equipped with as many Jagdtigers as the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt., and accounts are more blurry, but it still deserves mentioning.

The story of the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. starts in January 1945, but it was not until February that the unit started to recieve any Jagdtigers. This was due to time-consuming quality inspections, and later technical difficulties were also to give great problems for the unit. Starting with 5 Jagdtigers (officially given on January 30th), the unit slowly worked against a goal of 33 Jagdtiger. This was never to be reached, and other Panzers (Pz.Kpfw. IV H and StuG IIIs) were used in stead as compensation. A further 6 Jagdtigers were recieved in February.

During the first half of March, the second company was still recieving training. Because many of the crew members were udes to the Tiger tank, they didn't like the Jagdtiger much (due to the lacking turret, lower flexibility, etc.).Trying to drive to the Rhine to plug a gap, they experienced so mane logistic problems that they were unable to reach their destination in time. On March 24th, 5 Jagdtigers were used as the rear guard of a failed Allied attack. Although the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. have some great oppotunities to fight, they didn't exploit them. At one point, the unit lost 2 Jagdtigers due to some of the crews panicking, and running the vehicles down.

Meanwhile, the first company of the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. had little success as well. While destroying 2 Shermans, the unit lost 4 Jagdtiger due to mechanical failures. After this, by the end of March, the first company recieved 4 StuG IIIs and 4 Pz.Kpfw. IVs. After some small fighting, the Jagdtigers were commandered to Unna to assist Model here.

A third company of the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. saw a little action around Paderborn, and although the unit managed to hold the Allies back along with a few Tigers and Tiger IIs, they were destroyed rather quickly.

During April, the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. saw quite a great deal of action. Especially on April 9th, where the first company managed to engage an Allied column of Shermans and trucks from dug-down positions. 4 Jagdtigers, 4 StuG IIIs and 3 Pz.Kpfw. IVs opened fire at the same time, and managed to destroy 11 tanks and over 30 softskins. Some of the enemy tanks were hit at 4000 metres plus! The combat unit only lost 1 Jagdtiger as P-47s appeared. The company managed to destroy 5 Shermans before having to surrender in Iserlohn.

The second company still fought on, but with little result. On April 15th, the unit surrendered at Schillerplatz in Iserlohn without fighting.

As the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt., the 512. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt. also featured Bergepanthers and Sd.Kfz. 9s, Flakpanzer IVs (of which some were Wirbelwinds, some 3,7cm Flakpanzer IVs and some Sd.Kfz. 7/1s), and several guns, halftracks and trucks. Also, the unit had some Pz.Kpfw. IVs and StuG IIIs.

Other units

It is uncertain exactly which units the Jagdtiger was given to. Sources are blurry, but evidence suggest the 510. s.Pz.Abt. as one source (as no other can account for 2 missing Jagdtigers) and the 501. s.SS.Pz.Abt., under the LSSAH, either with crew of the 653. s.Pz.Jäg.Abt., or actual SS crew. It is, however, very uncertain, and any information about this is very welcome!


The Jagdtiger was certainly an impressive creation, and was intimmidating for the Allied crews. Still, it was a waste of steel and manpower, which could have been produced to manufacture Jagdpanthers or Tiger IIs. The extremely low number produced meant, that it had no influence at all on the war. Many Jagdtigers were destroyed by their crews due to machanical failure. One could say that the confidence in the Jagdtiger was also more vital than the results they showed, as Hitler believed strogly in this new wonder-weapon.

Today, the only Jagdtigers in existence are: Fgst. 305004 in Bovington Camp, England. Fgst. 305020 at Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA. Fgst. 305083 in the Kubinka tank museum, Russia.

Please note that the JT from Kubinka museum (n°305083) was built in april 1945. How did it arrive there ? Was it captured during the end of the war, on the eastern front ? Or is is a "present" from another museum ?
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Originally posted by Måkjager:

The very happy guy on the left of the picture is anAmerican GI...who cannot wait to get back Stateside. The soldier on the right is a Russian..who does not look too pleased about the prospect of returning to the Motherland.



Mmmhh... I think you're right smile.gif

Also, the vehicle shows a big teddy bear as an unit's symbol. Maybe someone could identify it.

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This tells something of the picture of the russian and american and the "teddy bear".

Taken from "Jagdtiger Operational History" by Andrew Devey.

The four new Jagdtigers were ordered on 29 April to leave the Nibelungen Werk area and proceed due east towards St Polten to counter advancing Soviet forces. ....

Four Jagdtiger crews from s.Pz.Jg.Abt.653 were assigned to these new vehicles and formed a Kampfgruppe commanded by a Hauptsturmfuhrer from the LAH. ....

The train only took them as far as St Leonhard. On the morning of 1 May, there was a skirmish with Sovet tanks pushing south from St Polten; the Jagdtigers repulsed this attack, however they had realized that the Soviets had already broken through the front!

The Jagdtigers were driven back along the St Polten Linz road, near Newmarket, one Jagdtiger "Sunny Boy" commanded by Fw Golinski broke down on the Ybbs River Bridge, and the crew abandoned it and jumped onto the other Jagdtigers.

In Amstetten the 3 Jagdtigers drove over a barricade in the market place, the Americans and Russians who were unable to stop the small Kampfgruppe already occupied the town. They continued to drive eastward at speed through Oed as far as a sharp bend in the road at Strengberg, there was an omnibus and two Russian tanks across the road.

The Jagdtigers stopped and surrendered to the Americans, the photo opportunity was taken. One of the three Jagdtigers photographed at the back of the line was taken to Kubinka for evaluation. Fw Schlabs had commanded it.

The crews had painted cartoon motifs on the front left superstructure plates for vehicle identification; they had not used the usual three number system, as there were not enough Panzers to necessitate this!

So perhaps the Jagdtiger pictured fought on both the east and west front at the same time!
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Bogdan, mon ami, je suis desolee! I never intended to cause you embarassment. Nor was my post a slight by any means. Again, I appreciate--and use--ALL of your beautiful mods. I just wondered about whether or not all of the time and effort you are putting into this mod is worth the effort, considerring that the Jagdtiger did not see action on the RUSSIAN FRONT. Does the previous post depict a battle? The AAR sounds more like contact with the enemy, then run like hell to surrender to the Americans. Regardless, I have now taken up MORE of your time :( and caused you to divert your energy to my post. Again, I apologize for this. I am an old wargamer with experience and memories of previous wargames that portrayed the Russian Front--Panzer Blitz, Squad Leader/Advanced Squad Leader, and East Front II. During my days as a researcher and scenario designer I had scoured as many works as I could find and found NO mention of Jagdtigers on the Russian Front. But, if Jagdtigers are in the CM game engine, and you want to work hard and create a mod for this obscure beast, I'll mind my business, download your mod, and hope that I some day get to use it in CMBB. The whole premise of my post was to draw attention to the fact that the Jagtiger was not used--save for this one excerpt, in battle against the Russians. It's a common misconception. I have seen too many PB, ASL, and East Front scenarios using Jagdtigers. :rolleyes: Since CMBB has the bmps for this AFV then it obviously is in the game--something I never knew before. I guess my question is best posed to the BFC group as to why it is included (is the IS-3 in CMBB?) Granted, they are fun (almost invincible--ever play that CMBO scenario as the US trying to hold off four Jagdtgers leading the attack?) to use and therefore if any one has a fictitious scenario--or one devised based on the previous post, using these, then please email me a zip copy or post it on the many fine scenario sites. I'd be happy to play it and use the new Bogdan mod.

The first thing I thought about when I saw your post was of that beautiful snow camo'ed King Tiger that was released a few months back. It truly is the best looking mod I have ever seen. But I have yet to use it in a battle or op. :( I just can't seem to take the time to delve into a quick battle. I'm too much of a history buff and prefer historical/semi-historical battles. Forgive me for being too fastidious about historical realism and details.

Now can someone please help my friend here with his original questions? ;)

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Well if it did or didn't I don't care I love your mods bogdan and would sure like to have one of these big boys done by you. I say go for it. Besides BFC is never wrong. ;) we'll be waiting you can rest assured. Oh and thanks for all your work and time in helping get this game looking as good as it does right now on my computer screen. It makes it just that much more fun.

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Hi !

Well, what a topic ! :D

I thank every guy who have posted something here. I also appreciate VERY MUCH all your compliments guys but please stop now, it's a bit embarrassing ! LOL :D

Tooz, please don't apologize, you don't have to. Since I'm not a teacher or an historian (IIRC, you are BOTH), any historic informations coming from grognards and/or Historian make me glad. Every day is a day for learning.

I'm not saying I'm a poor newb' who just play CM for the fun. I like to play, of course, but I play wargames (CC, Talonsoft campaign series and some more) since almost ten years just because I like this period of our History, like you all here. I'm just trying to explain that History and wargame are a PLEASURE for me. Then, I play/mod/post here for my own pleasure (but also because the CM community is a very nice "meeting" (word ?) of gentlemen ;) )

As I said before, I never read anywhere an engagement of Jagdtiger on the eastern front. I was thinking it was possible : I will never read every book about this war (even if I read MANY books about WW2). I mean, if this kind of engagement is not related, it may exist.

Now, Toos said that this situation NEVER took place. And he is in a respectable situation to affirm that. I trust him, no problemo !

About this mod, and like I said before, I can continue it without difficulty : it's for fun ! Of course, I know now that almost anybody will use it in CMBB. I'm a bit embarrassed : what can I do ? Continue or leave this steel beast on my hardrive ?

I really don't know.

I think (I hate to leave a work unfinished) I will finish it and upload it as a PSD files package for modders (like Kingfisher does...), alongside my PSD Jagdpanther (Hey, wait a minute, did some jagdpanthers REALLY saw engagmement on the eastern front ? :D ). But you know, I consider this stuff as a practice, it's a good experience smile.gif

Then, Gentlemen, what can I mod ? LOL :D

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Originally posted by Zimorodok:

Hey Bogdan, please finish it up! They nearly never used SturmTigers either but they're a popular tank! I would like to be able to mod me a JagdTiger and use it in some battles, sometimes it's really nice to have that 128/55 to blast things with.


Hey ! Nice to meet you here Master Kingfisher smile.gif

Thanks for this encouragement (word... :rolleyes: ). A post from you here is exactly what I needed : then I continue my mod ! :cool:

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I agree bogdan please finish it. I have used the Jagtiger three or four times since having the game and am sure I will plenty more. I like making my own scenarios and sometimes nothing will do but this monster and I'd rather have it look like what you'll mod then the original although it's really not that bad at all. So yeah do please continue it.

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I'll put it to like this, "If you build it, they will use it". Bogdan, don't stop making it just because its rarely used. Love your mods, keep up the great work.

Just because there isn't a documented case of the JagdTiger engaging/fighting the ruskies doesn't mean it never happen.

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Now I'm feeling like a pedant. redface.gif

"Never ruin an apology with an excuse."-Kimberly Johnson

Here's why I now feel that we NEED this mod--there is a cool scenario designed by "Rune" available from The Scenario Depot and Boots and Tracks, named "Clash of the Titans". :D It is a hypothetical scenario that pits all of the big cats from both sides against each other. It also includes the IS-3s!!! Perfect, except for one small problem--the Stalin 3s and Stalin 2s ARE THE EXACT SAME VEHICLE! :mad:

So Bogdan, I am looking forward to your Jagdtiger mod now (has anyone answered your question yet?) AND I suddenly wish I had a Stalin 3 mod FROM SCRATCH! The IS-3 was the forerunner of the T-55 and later models of the Soviet Union's main battle tank. Compare photos of the IS-3 with T-55, T-60, et al., and you will notice the similarity with the turret design. The Stalin 3 did NOT resemble the Stalin 2! :rolleyes:

So, please go ahead and finish that Jagdtiger mod. Now about a possible IS-3 mod... ;)

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Originally posted by MeatEtr:

I'll put it to like this, "If you build it, they will use it". Bogdan, don't stop making it just because its rarely used. Love your mods, keep up the great work.

Just because there isn't a documented case of the JagdTiger engaging/fighting the ruskies doesn't mean it never happen.

Thanks MeatEtr, it's my opinion too : books never said everything. It still (and It forever will) exist a part of unknown facts during WW2, that's why "What if ?" scenario exist.

Don't be afraid about my mod, I continue ! smile.gif I will trying to do my best...

[ September 21, 2003, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

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Originally posted by tooz:

Perfect, except for one small problem--the Stalin 3s and Stalin 2s ARE THE EXACT SAME VEHICLE! :mad:

yup, right down in the coding they are the exact same vehicle, they are represented by the exact same polygons. The coders for CMBB figured that the IS-1 whas pretty rare and the IS-3 was a lot rarer but the IS-2 was quite common, so they used the same .bmps and polygons for all of them.

So...although it may be possible to have a special set of IS-3 .bmps, they will still stretch over the IS-2 polygons and all of the IS tanks will still look the same.

sorry :rolleyes:

Zimorodok (lover of huge tanks)

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Originally posted by Zimorodok:

So...although it may be possible to have a special set of IS-3 .bmps, they will still stretch over the IS-2 polygons and all of the IS tanks will still look the same.

sorry :rolleyes:

Zimorodok (lover of huge tanks)

...yes... :( That's right.

Then, because with have some grogs here, did the IS3 really saw combat during the late stages of WW2 ? Maybe against some Jagdtiger... Ahem.. :D

Let's pray for a 1.04 patch, including : a REAL Pz I, a REAL Pz 35(t) and a REAL IS-III (I surelly forget some units) !

...I know, I know : It's a dream. redface.gif

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