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Peng, why hast thou forsaken my challenge?

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Originally posted by BilgeRat:


Thaar he blows!

Well now Mister Boo_R 'tis not tha habit o' 'is Majesties Navy to go whalin' but ifn one gets in tha ships way tha Rat will happily employ tha bow chasers. An 18 pounder roun'shot should silence yer blowhole which ye seem eager to vent without duly considerin' tha foul stench o your wind.


You know, BilgeSquat, reading your posts is a lot like massaging my skull with a ballpeen hammer. Why? Because it feels so good when I stop.

Now why don 't you take your little boats back into your filth encrusted bathtub where I'm sure you'll spend an amusing afternoon attempting to bite the bubbles that rise around your scabby flanks.

But do it quietly. I have a hangover.

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To all my opponents ,who vegetates ,somnolent and unkempt ,in small remote,shabby rooms:

As a lucky owner of CDV version of CMBB I officially updated to 1.02.

Private Hortlund owns me turn

so Master of Waffle , SgtGroovy ,

Nissan 1 ,and of course

Gerhard Fooler

Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another ,

that ye may be healed.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

[ February 14, 2003, 12:24 PM: Message edited by: lenakonrad ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by macguyver:

Edit: The Right Honorable MrSpkr, Esq., seems to know a hell of a lot more about this scenario than I do.

Sigh. Have your big sister read you the scenario briefings --- you know, all those boring old word thingies that pop up before you can start moving the tanks and little soljer guys around?

You'll note that, as a lead designer for Ker Dessel*, I authored Desert Redux.



*Ker Dessel -- When you want to play CM in the WORST way! </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

To all my opponents ,who vegetates ,somnolent and unkempt ,in small remote,shabby rooms:

As a lucky owner of CDV version of CMBB I officially updated to 1.02.

Private Hortlund owns me turn

so Master of Waffle , SgtGroovy ,

Nissan 1 ,and of course

Gerhard Fooler

Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another ,

that ye may be healed.


Faithfull Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

Check the clock, on your PC, genius, you will see that it is 1300 on the East Coast of the USA, that means I'm at work, your turn will come when it is very dark in Amsterdam...maybe.
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I've been following the Peng thread for quite some time now and have finally decided it's about time I posted something.

I have been dragged in here kicking and screaming by one of your own venerated (or degenerated - or is that degenerate?) members...can anyone guess who?

I figured, since I've knocked the wind out of his sails, I should apologize to you all for robbing you of his wit and ascerbic replies...but I won't. It's not my style to apologize. It is my style to castigate and remonstrate.

I impatiently await delivery of the game, as Hiram was so kind to show me the wonders of CMBB during my recent visit with him and I am now quite thoroughly hooked. This was his plan all along...I just know it. His insidious plot and scheming nature hastened my addiction. Now I writhe in agony awaiting The Game so I can flush out a new covy of victims for my machinations.

All beware! Once I get good at trouncing Hiram...you will all fall victim.

You have been forewarned...

That is all....

[ February 14, 2003, 01:32 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:


I've been following the Peng thread for quite some time now and have finally decided it's about time I posted something.

I have been dragged in here kicking and screaming by one of your own venerated (or degenerated - or is that degenerate?) members...can anyone guess who?

I figured, since I've knocked the wind out of his sails, I should apologize to you all for robbing you of his wit and ascerbic replies...but I won't. It's not my style to apologize. It is my style to castigate and remonstrate.

I impatiently await delivery of the game, as Hiram was so kind to show me the wonders of CMBB during my recent visit with him and I am now quite thoroughly hooked. This was his plan all along...I just know it. His insidious plot and scheming nature hastened my addiction. Now I writhe in agony awaiting The Game so I can flush out a new covy of victims for my machinations.

All beware! Once I get good at trouncing Hiram...you will all fall victim.

You have been forewarned...

That is all....

Fair Moraine Sedai, I bid you welcome
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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:


I've been following the Peng thread for quite some time now and have finally decided it's about time I posted something.

First misstake right there. Maybe you should try to sod off instead? </font>
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This one shows spunk. So, to annoy Joebob and Hiram , I take this one to squire....so I may ignore him/her/it/all of the above in the finest traditions of House Rune . I can then ignore you as well as I ignore Buzzsaw and Marlow and others.

Young Squire/Squirette/Squiggy/All combined into one, when ready, let me know and I will appoint thee with thy first task. Heck, I'll do in anyway...you are to bring Hiram's head to me on a platter...using Odessa Reprieve. Then, and only then, I want a post on the pros and cons of Berli's one line responses, single spaced, and spell checked, as well as a reason I should not have Berli make all your days Mondays.


Army of the Porcupine

[ February 14, 2003, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: rune ]

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Originally posted by rune:

This one shows spunk. So, to annoy Joebob and Hiram , I take this one to squire....so I may ignore him/her/it/all of the above in the finest traditions of House Rune . I can then ignore you as well as I ignore Buzzsaw and Marlow and others.

Young Squire/Squirette/Squiggy/All combined into one, when ready, let me know and I will appoint thee with thy first task. Heck, I'll do in anyway...you are to bring Hiram's head to me on a platter...using Odessa Reprieve. Then, and only then, I want a post on the pros and cons of Berli's one line responses, single spaced, and spell checked, as well as a reason I should not have Berli make all your days Mondays.


Army of the Porcupine

NOT so fast there Rune, or in your case, not AT ALL Rune.

The procedure is quite clear for those with half a brain ... oppsies, I see my mistake now. Nonetheless, you may appoint Marlene Settee (whatever) to SERF with first rights of refusal when/if he/she is to be taken to Squire, but there is an obligatory waiting period to be certain that the Serf KNOWS how to handle the bucket first.

Btw, what relation is this person to Hiram, he ... he hasn't BREEDED has he?


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rune you idjit --- that has a nice ring to it, reminds me of all the foul thoughts I have while trudging through that Fall Blau monstrosity you foisted upon me -- anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes --

rune you idjit (gawrsh I like that!), Moraine Sedai appears to be -- wait for it now -- a female*.

I know, I know, you've never actually ENCOUNTERED a female before, but they do exist -- trust me on this, okay?

In any event, rune you idjit (saying that makes me feel all giddy inside), you cannot take a female to squire.



*At least, based upon Berlichtingen's prior post calling her "the Fair Moraine Sedai. Of course, if he is in any way incorrect, ignore all this and consider yourself a Pillock of the First Order for not taking this one to Serf, first, rune you idjit.

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Fair Moraine Sedai, I bid you welcome

Thank you for the welcome, most esteemed Berlichtingen.

I will do my utmost best to prove myself worthy of the game and all who post in here. </font>

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Welcome, no need to worry about worthiness, if you posess more than 1 and a half brain cells (which you seem to have), you will be far more worthy than the ruffians in here.

Thank you for the welcome. Now I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

And yes, to all those who seem uncertain, I am female. *checks* Yep! Definitely female...

Also, no, Joe Shaw no breeding...yet. But give us time...

rune: while I would have been honored to be the first female squire, I'm afraid I would have had to decline anyway on the account that Hiram's head is dear to me. I have use of it yet. Well, both of them, really.

[ February 14, 2003, 02:03 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In any event, rune you idjit (saying that makes me feel all giddy inside), you cannot take a female to squire.


MrSpkr, you idjit, the precedent has been set. Dame Kitty served as a squire

[edited to add 'you idjit' to see if it would make me giddy... it didn't]

[ February 14, 2003, 01:50 PM: Message edited by: Berlichtingen ]

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

In any event, rune you idjit (saying that makes me feel all giddy inside), you cannot take a female to squire.


MrSpkr, you idjit, the precedent has been set. Dame Kitty served as a squire

[edited to add 'you idjit' to see if it would make me giddy... it didn't] </font>

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Okay...after some discussion with Hiram, I shall accept Squire from rune...but you still don't get Hiram's head on a platter. That's all mine.

How about a pinky finger? I think he could spare that...oh wait. That would throw off his typing. How about his left thumb? You don't use that to type with.

As to the rest of your tasks, I shall get to them post-haste.

[ February 14, 2003, 02:09 PM: Message edited by: Moraine Sedai ]

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Shut up, Joe. Ah, that feels better. Remember when you had a libido? Probably not. Well, I still do. I seemed to have found a wonderful female with wide hips and an incredible intellect. Amazingly, she has no taste in men, so I now have a girlfriend.

She has already beaten me in CMBB which is a small feat considering an autistic infant with a drooling problem could do that, but thats a story for another day. Anyway, she shows promise in many areas. Oh, and she promised to let me explore those other areas. (wink wink nudge nudge)

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