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CMBB multi-turrented tanks

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Since you guys have figured out how to make multi-turrented tanks work in Afrika Korps, how about a patch for CMBB that would include Russian T-28 and T-35 tanks? The T-28 wasn't a bad tank for it's day and the T-35 is just too cool looking (if you're into land battleships) not to include.

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FAQ on top of forum already explain. Let me copy and paste for you

"That's wierd. I can't find the M3 Grant, the T-28 or the T-35. There were lots of these tanks, and the game is a stickler for accuracy, so why on earth aren't they included?

All these three tanks are 'multi-turreted'. The T-28, for example, had five turrets. The existing game engine can't handle multi-turret firing from tanks, so much to the disappointment of everyone, including the game designers, they were left out. There's a tank that looks as though it's multi-turreted in the game but both turrets fire as one."


I wonder maybe CM-X with new engine may able handle multi-turrets.

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CMBB could benefit mightily from a thorough retooling following all the 'lessons learned' from building CMAK. The dust clouds alone would be worth it.

BUT (there's always a 'but') a project to retool CMBB would be a lot of diverted manpower in a company that apparently doesn't have all that much manpower available to divert! Didn't BFC boast that they had hired their sixth full-time employee over Xmas? ...if not six it was a number close to six.

CMBB's already got a couple decent patches under its belt. Expecting BFC to rework the game yet again sounds about as futile as expecting the old "Tombraider III" game to ever see a new upgrade. :D

[ February 03, 2004, 04:09 PM: Message edited by: MikeyD ]

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I think this is a question of conflicting interest... I'm sure the Battlefront team could code the new CM engine to be more database-wise, enabling easy retrofitting. But that'd open the game for modders, and Battlefront would risk losing revenues from future CM titles to free fan-assembled mods.

It's the curse of the open source. redface.gif

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I'm no computer programmer so I'd be curious to know how much time and effort would be necessary to "retrofit" CMBB to CMAK standards. CMBO is almost a full generation behind, so I can see leaving that one alone. However, I read elsewhere that the changes between CMBB and CMAK (besides multi-turrets) are very subtle. I'd be VERY happy if we got the new smoke effects in CMBB if nothing else.

I don't want to see a delay in CMX2 either, but I would dearly love to play CMBB with the graphical/gameplay goodies of CMAk while I wait...

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Originally posted by rune:

It has been said, and will say it again, work will go to CMX2, and not to CMBB which is a done product.


Har!!! After I win this week's lottery, I will buy Battlefront.com and force you guys to make the kind of games I like! Like CM: Penguins vs. Waffle Grenadiers! And CM: Madmatt's Return! And there was much rejoicing...
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There is something i do not understand: CMBB makes 76475 posts.

CMAK (that I have too, yet frankly find less interesting than CMBB from both a strategical and tactical point of view) makes only 25554 posts, more or less on the order of "tech support"

So --my naïve conclusion- there must be some other people out there, like me, that love CMBB and would gladly improve/ crack/ modify/ perfectione it / get a patch.

Why should not battlefront react to this and realize that MOST afecionados would like a further, substantial CMBB patch?

Of course we would buy CMx2 nevertheless, as soon as it comes out, maybe, if nothing else better in the mean time comes out (concurrents have noticed the value of this huge niche), but now is now. And now you have CMBB three times any other CM-series.

If I were a serious software house I would definitely NOT ignore it, and I would improve CMBB till the cows come home.

Somebody's observations about useless updating of old games are futile.

Check http://www.abandonwarering.com/ to understand how many people play old games, or just look at all the people playing pacman, snake, tron --or worse-- on their GSMs...

And in this case, as I said before, CMBB, far from being an "old" game, is --by far--- the best of the whole series.

So, please, yes. Give us a T-35.

Or concentrate, at least on a CMx2 on the russian front :)

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Originally posted by Efraim:

There is something i do not understand: CMBB makes 76475 posts.

CMAK (that I have too, yet frankly find less interesting than CMBB from both a strategical and tactical point of view) makes only 25554 posts, more or less on the order of "tech support"

That's simple to explain, the CMBB forum has been around for close to two years vs. only four and half months for the CMAK forum. ;)
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Maybe you'r right.

Yet the rest of my post stays.

And I really wonder if you are right... it seems to me that this forum is quite lively (you must take account of the fact that many that just bought the new game will post in CMAK, whereas only those that actively play CMBB will post here)

See, you say it yourself: coupla month: 20.000, one year (the others are archived as far as I can judge) 5 times as much.

Yet if you look, all posts are only, if ever *twice* as big on CMAK board PER DAY, not three, not four, not five times.

Does this mean something?

Maybe not.

Yet I think it does.

And I think battlefront would be veryv careless to ignore this.


Once you play CMAK, youe'll go quickly back to CMBB


(to paraphrase somebody's other sig :)

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Last time. Charles is the only coder for BFC. There are so many hours in the day that can be spent on either a game 2 years old [CMBB], or to develop something newer and greater. Simple..

Also, if you want the company to survive, they need to make money. In order to make money, they need to bring out new product.

Last, as seen by the whineing on this forum, we can add and add forever, and someone will still whine something is not right, or needs to be added.

Going to add one more. Name me another game that goes into this level of detail. What is lost or forgotten by everyone, is the game was ground breaking in many areas. First to admit it isn't perfect, there comes a time to go to the next generation. CMX2 is the next generation. CMBB is NOT abandonware, however, there will be no more enhancements to the engine. Time to move on to better and better things.


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Originally posted by rune:

Last, as seen by the whineing on this forum, we can add and add forever, and someone will still whine something is not right, or needs to be added.


I reject the notion that those who are desiring an upgrade to CMBB are whiners. It is a difference of opinion, nothing more. In the end we all love these games or we wouldn't waste our time here "in-forum."

[ February 04, 2004, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: MRoadster ]

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It's reasonable for every one to have a specific feature or enhancement (call it pet peeve if you will) about something in one game which they wished was in another. We understand that, and if granted unlimited money, time and resources to do whatever we wanted there would be no debate on this matter. Every game would simply be patched to encorporate all the new features of the latest, in this case CMAK.

Sadly, this is the real world, and we do have limitations of time, resources, marketing, advertisement, payroll, operating costs and all the other little *issues* that seem to keep life from getting too boring.

As it has been said before, our current short term focus is with CMAK (as seen with the latest patch) and our long term strategic focus is fixed on the new CMX2 engine.

The current CM engine, a milestone in wargaming to be sure, is clunkly, overly complicated incredibly time consuming to work with and amazingly resistent to change. Even the smallest additions in CMAK took months to implement and that is time that we currently don't have to retrofit our past games.

Game design is an evolutionary process and while I totally understand peoples wish for the past to be reincarnated into the present, its simply not that easy.

One misconception I see a lot is that people like to focus on something specific in the game and consider it as a stand alone *feature* that can be ripped out of one or simply *inserted* into another. Again, it is not that easy espically considering the core level changes between each game.

The easiest way to say this as that CMBO, CMBB and CMAK are all three DIFFERENT games and its much easier to PLAN to include something to a new code base than to retrofit old code to accomodate those same improvements.

So, lets put a close to this issue for the time being. As it stands right now, we are not planning to upgrade either CMBO or CMBB to CMAK's code level via new patches.

We can't stress enough though how much the development of a new engine, CMX2, will render these types of discussions totally irrelevant.

That's all for now.


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