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Andreas B - the Finnish Years

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Originally posted by Andreas:

Fire support from my tank will have helped too though, in showing him whence to go. Another of his weirdo infantry flanking moves collapsed in the hail of fire that my Suomis dished out at his Kulaks.

Them being kulaks, NKVD just spared some bullets by letting you do the hard work. It is all written into the 5-year plan as stated in the XIII Congress of the Central Committee of CPSU.

Of course, you have censored from your report that gun hit that your other StuG took just before it ran away and hid in some bear cave. My triumfant T-34's are now uncontested. It is interesting to watch how far you can go in wussiness, Andreas, but what else can you expect from a nation that considers that the best they ever had was Konrad Adenauer.

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Sauerkraut is obviously what my Finnish lads had for breakfast, together with a nice reindeer sandwich (sit down Soddball).

A very gutsy Panzerschreck team has just taken out a T34. Elsewhere on the map, Sergei pushed his tankers' luck too far, by venturing into the field of fire of my backstop 'oh-so-powerful-ATG-with-a-view-to-his-gamey-attempt-to-race-into-Finland', which saw said ATG deftly despatching his Sherman from the face of this planet. His infantry is meanwhile left to struggle on the objective against my Suomi wielding Finns.

I feel that so far I have taught Sergei a number of lessons that will be valuable in his future CM career. He and Finland at large should thank me for it. Maybe he will be able to beat the AI next...

In the meantime, his Commissar is getting anxious, and Stalin is known to have cried 'Sergei -give my tanks back to me' - alas, too late.

Nice map though.

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Wasting a Sherman is no big deal. Meanwhile the price of the T-34's will be added to the reparations to be paid by Germany... along with the price of the harvest lost by that fire your shreck team started.

I must say, I have to admire the guts of that Schreck team as well. So much, in fact, that I want them to be blown out of your men's asses by a howitzer so I can see them better. :mad:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Muhahahaha - the Finnish hordes, benefitting from the superior generalship of us, have successfully rubbed the proletarian snouts of the scum of world revolution into the drenching mud of defeat for a magnificent victory of White Finland (under German direction) over Bloodred Russia.

The insult is avenged. Sergei may grovel.

Hear our booming laughter resonate around the dank forests of neverwhere, 45 miles E of Helsinki.


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Yes, go ahead - cherish your pathetic MINOR victory. I admit, based on the obvious lack of balls displayed by your performance you must be a Whig, not Tory. :mad:

It was fun, though, and most educative. From now on I will use green T-34's for ramming purposes only. :mad:

Screenshots of the play will follow.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

If only those had been German troops I was commanding, I am sure it would have been a major victory.

Germans? You mean those who by 1944 could only retreat on all fronts? Don't make me laugh. Had you actually had some German troops, they'd just have torched all the houses on the map, mined roads, blown up bridges and run to Norway. And don't even get me started about the StuG Brigade in real Tali-Ihantala.

I'll do it anyway... :mad:

Kommandant: "Look Heinz, was ist das plant?"

Soldat: "Ich bin kein Botanistischischerknischer, but I zhink I have zeen them before. It muscht be a Tree."

Kommandant: "Mein Kampf und Himmel!!! Zhen wir must be in ein Forezt! Das ist eine Katastrophe! Run!"

It is well known that Germans do in forested areas about as well as norway lemmings, except that lemmings don't get so lost, they aren't as easy prey for their natural enemies, they know how to find edible stuff from nature, and when they're pissed they don't burn down Finnish cities.

That should be enough for now, I'll tell you about German tourists some other time...

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And then some gruesome pictures to scare off all the children.


My almighty Guards tank forces set their sights on Talinmylly, to prevent approaching Finns from taking it.


Deployment around the buildings of Talinmylly goes without problems. I set my tanks to defensive formation while my infantry deploys. From left you can see my Sherman M4A2, ISU-152, platoon of T-34/85 and platoon of T-34/76, behind them an M16 AAMG h/t. Two platoons of Guards SMG infantry are climbing the steep sides of the Talinmylly hill, while on the extreme right you can see the third platoon of the company.


My T-34/85's catch the first glimpse of the enemy when a T-34 comes from the forest. They decide to commemorate this meeting by making noises and smoke with those big cannons they have on their vehicles. Nobody is hurt.


The stolen T-34 drives to behind a bend. Two StuG friends follow it.


My T-34's decide that Finns are misbehaving mutha****as after the StuG's destroy two of them. Platoon leader's tank cowers behind buildings.

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I got pissed and showed my teeth. Since my T-34's were no good for hitting things over long distances (more than 50 m) I decided to charge.


This proved beneficial. He got one of my conscript tanks, but I destroyed one StuG of his and gun-damaged the other. The Finn T-34 had escaped earlier to move to support his infantry.


Next a Finnish Panzershreck eliminated another T-34/76 of mine. It also set fire next to the T-34 that had been destroyed by a StuG. In the background you can see the smoke emerging from my Sherman (see earlier thread Independence on Trial).


The final situation. Note the Sherman crew on field on the right, sneaking onto the T-34...


I may have lost on per point basis, but I consider myself the moral victor as Finns lost more men. My gameplay was also more aggressive and more impressionistic than his.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, in the spirit of the new year 2004, and all that, I feel I have to get Sergei out of the funk he must still be in over this desastrous defeat brought upon him by my superior leadership in the field.

Goes to show that even given Finns, leadership and tactical acumen have the potential to turn an assured hiding into a glorious victory.

Anyway, since I assume that Sergei is still rocking back and forth in a corner of his tent in Lappland, I thought I'd invite him for a public revanche deathmatch.

So, Sergei, what say you? This time you have the choice of weapons. Meet me on the field of battle to avenge the sullying of Finnish leadership skills.

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So now we know why Germans lost WW2... they just don't know how to stop. I don't mind, why would I? It's fun to watch a ship sink when the captain doesn't even realize he's hit an iceberg.

Let's try an historical scenario for a change. That'll be Siiranmäki by Keke. Sent.

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Originally posted by Sergei:

It is well known that Germans do in forested areas about as well as norway lemmings, except that lemmings don't get so lost, they aren't as easy prey for their natural enemies, they know how to find edible stuff from nature, and when they're pissed they don't burn down Finnish cities.

That's exactly what the US boys thought after the battle in the Hurtgen Forest ;)

By the way, your german is excellent, please... MORE! Your next AAR should be written in german :D

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Originally posted by Industrializer:

By the way, your german is excellent, please... MORE! Your next AAR should be written in german :D

I am sorry Comrade, the Party has to inform you that if the current battle goes the same way as the last one, he will post it in Russian.
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