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Beevor book

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As far as Mr. Beevor is concerned, I have yet to delve into either of his books on the great urban battlefields of dubya dubya two, but I can HIGHLY reccomend his book on the Spanish Civil War. Don't have it on me at the moment, but I beleive the title is "The Battle for Spain", or somthing like that. I found the book completely on accident, having never heard of him before, as I recently had a class that touched on that conflict, but thouroughly (sp?) enjoyed it. I spoke with the professor, who was also the head of the history department, and he claimed that the book is one of the most comprehensive book on the Spanish Civil War, at least amongst those printed in english. Personally, I found it had the wonderful characteristic of speaking on not only the millitary, but also political aspects of the ordeal. Has anyone else read this particular book, I know there are more than a few SCW buffs in here.

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Yes, Beever's SCW book is very good, I read the original (pub. 1982) several years ago, nice balance between overview vs. detail, political vs. military. I haven't yet read the updated version (2006) yet, apparently has more detail from new sources.

For Christmas this year I bought my brother-in-law (and fellow CMBBer) Beevor's "A Writer at War - Vasily Grossman with the Red Army 1941-1945", he says is very good, I'm waiting for my turn to read it.

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My thoughts exactly. In fact, I think the school library might want a little money from me, seeing as I checked it out somewhere between october and november of last year. Yessir folks, it's just that good. As to the editions, it might be my youthful stupidity but I didn't think to check when it was published. Must have been the older one, as it was paperback, but it seemed in pretty good condition. In all my time lurking in these forums, I think I might be one of the younger players, as such, none of my friends can stand to even try the damned game. I'm just a WW2 buff I spose. Now if I could only find a way to have my internet computer be my CM computer, I could play all the old decrepit opponents i could find.

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HAHA ZING! Ya got me. But in my defense, not only are my CM computer and internet computer not one and the same, but they are in different houses. I started playing CM GOd, must have been when I was 12 or so, right as the very first demo came out(the one with Valley of Trouble and Chance Encounter). Thus, all my CM stuff is at my parents house. And my computer I have is a Mac, which, if there is a way to play CM on there, I can't figure out.

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I was under the impression that CM couldn't run on Mac OS? If there are indeed MAC versions this is new to me! Hmmm, I guess my age is showing considering I clearly do absolutely NO research before I post. Much like my school papers I suppose. Ah well, patience and reason are for older and wiser persons than I. Being young and impetous(sp?) is fun, though I bet it would make me a far worse H2H player. Hey who knows, I figger this whole Mac thing out I'll be ready for some matches!

EDIT: Holy God, I had never noticed, $40 US for BOTH CMAK AND BB?!?! Oh it's on like Donkey Kong now you old geezers! Even though I'll undoubtably suffer a terrific embarrasing defeat, I am very much looking forward to this. Give me a few weeks to arrive.

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I don't read gaming mags, since most of my reading time at the moment is centered around the Hapsburgs, Nazis, Mexico, or whatever else history course I'm taking, but I remember well when i first laid eyes on CMBO demo. My father instilled a great love of history on me, and WW2 is just about my favorite historical period, so you can imagine my 12 year old glee at seeing a game on the sudject. Once I played the demo, with its relativelty ultra realism, and historical significance, I was hooked, and bad.

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Aw, see now my feelings are a tad hurt. I'm no kid, gosh dang it! Well, I guess to most older people, 20 is still a kid, so no harm done I suppose. But please, please don't let that distract you from being uncivil to me! I may indeed be young, but beleive you me, I'm plenty used to insults, especially since the main ones floating around this forum seem to be along the lines of "you have no idea on the German tank strength from 13-20 April, 1943" and things of that nature. I'm no grog, and therefore won't get into groggy discussions, unless of course I fell like ruffling some grog feathers. Not to mention I believe it was you, Corvidae, who in another post defended my honor, telling someone to lay off as I'm a newbie or something of that honor (which I greatly appreciated, I might add). So ya'll, don't think of me as a kid, think of me as the one member of this forum who will be glad to drive to the store, rap music blaring and cutting off minivans, to get everyone new depends. Once I get the Mac bundle pack and my internet hooked up, ya'll will be needing em. Though most likely only because my play is so inept that you laughed a little too hard.

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Man, if only school hadn't just started! I have been getting all these great book reccomendations, which I had plenty of time to read over my break (at least a few of them), but unfortunately now the only free reading time I have is the breaks I give myself in between studying my various other (and required, I might add)history texts. I think it speaks wonders for my future grog greatness that in between required readings on psychology and the Hapsburg monarchy, I relax by reading about the exploits of the 1RTR. Oh and drink copiously of course.

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