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MasterGoodale's International House O' Waffles, Ale and Maggots

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WTF?!? After a turn from MasterGoodale last night, another one at 8:24 a.m.this morning?!?

I don't feel so well. I think I need to call in sick today and lie down for a spell.

(Edited to add: after watching the turn I think MG is the one who may have to lie down. Tee hee. All his base are belong to me.)

[ June 20, 2003, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Mmmmmmm...sweet Uber-Finn groggy goodness. Good one Axe2121 you get a cookie and a helping of TNT in your mailbox.

See? That's wasn't so bad. :D

Edit: No really, thanks a lot. I tried a Google search on modern military uniforms and ended up with a list of gay porn sites about uniform fetishes.

[ June 20, 2003, 09:03 AM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

...And from Sparker

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Huh.

1) Axe7734 recently announces he's getting married

2) Fiance is ostensibly 'Paula'

3) Saw a news report that Canada is now recognizing gay marriages

Trying to draw any conclusion from the above makes you someone likely to believe Master Goodale actually sent you a turn.

Put down the bong and go back a couple of pages. I had this same thougt, oh, 2 pages ago? JazzFlunky ignored but has recently been all "pissy"....which lends more evidence for the same sex marriage idea. </font>
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Originally posted by Nippy:

Mmmmmmm...sweet Uber-Finn groggy goodness. Good one Axe2121 you get a cookie and a helping of TNT in your mailbox.

See? That's wasn't so bad. :D

Edit: No really, thanks a lot. I tried a Google search on modern military uniforms and ended up with a list of gay porn sites about uniform fetishes.

Actually, I think you need to thank Keke. He provided the link. I just provided the comic relief.

And as for gay porn sites about uniform fetishes, I think Soddball has an extensive collection of links.

Jas :mad: n

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You guys are pathetic. Everyone knows the uniform guru around this here forum is that mighty fine Canadian Michael Dorosh. Anybody who owns a uniformed life sized mannequin and collectible dolls really has a uniform fetish. :D Now if you're looking for an expert on drunken scenario building, then Soddball is your man. ;)

Congratulations to mike_the_wino for his total victory in "Car Wars" to the tune of 95-5 redface.gif . For some reason my halftracks, scout cars, and armored cars had trouble contending with his platoon of Lynx and his platoon of Pz III, not to mention his assortment of AA vehicles. Even so, having 65 men captured is kind of a kick in the head.

Any suggestions on good scenarios I can play against Keke and UXcva_? Both are awaiting rematches. I'd like something completely one-sided so I have a chance! Maybe a battalion of German elite paratroopers vs a squad of conscript partisans or something similar. :D

MasterGoodale has sent his turn for the month of June, so I can forget that battle for a while. He is currently using his surviving M-17 to chase crews from KO'd halftracks. His infantry is shooting fleeing mortar crews. He smells an easy massive victory. He is delusional. :rolleyes: His horde of Russians and my Germans will soon be re-enacting Rourke's Drift, using live ammunition. Naturally his troops will be appearing as the Zulu. :D

[ June 20, 2003, 10:10 AM: Message edited by: Dave H ]

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Originally posted by Dave H:

Any suggestions on good scenarios I can play against Keke and UXcva_?

Do NOT play B&T's The Beginning of the End operation against Keke as I am playing that against him. He needs help like Mastergoodale needs assertiveness training.

It look like it's going to be a good one though. Three battles, 25 turns each, static operation. Battle one, scout; battle two, consolidate positions as the big boys arrive; battle three, TNT chuckfest.

Jas :mad: n

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Any suggestions on good scenarios I can play against Keke and UXcva_? Both are awaiting rematches. I'd like something completely one-sided so I have a chance! Maybe a battalion of German elite paratroopers vs a squad of conscript partisans or something similar.

Play Von Lauchert as the Germans. You only need two things to win this battle:

1. The ablity to hit the "Go" button

2. The alility to repeat step one.

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Originally posted by Nippy:

Any suggestions on good scenarios I can play against Keke and UXcva_? Both are awaiting rematches. I'd like something completely one-sided so I have a chance! Maybe a battalion of German elite paratroopers vs a squad of conscript partisans or something similar.

Play Von Lauchert as the Germans. You only need two things to win this battle:

1. The ablity to hit the "Go" button

2. The alility to repeat step one.

That's great. But how about a scenario MasterGoodale can handle?
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Originally posted by Soddball:

Holy smokes!! TWO MastaofDisasta turns in 24 hours.

Somebody check the sky for me. I'm looking for an equestrian theme, and possibly some fire and brimstone.

You two had better be careful. Keep up this kind of behavior and you may actually finish your game sometime. Maybe then you and MasterGoodale (the maggot) could start into one of your operations. Say the 22,000 pointer, for instance. That should keep both of you safely occupied for the rest of your lives. :D:D

I checked the sky for you. There was nothing out of the ordinary except these four peculiar guys on horseback. They asked me for directions to New Hampshire. I'm not going to draw any conclusions from that. :D

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Snarker on the joys of Inferno, Marders and Molotov cocktails.

Me: "Did you forget to put the cap on the gas tank again when you filled up that Marder?"

Snarker: "The gas cap? When I find the guy that jammed his oil soaked shirt in the fill spout..."


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Originally posted by Axe2121:

Snarker on the joys of Inferno, Marders and Molotov cocktails.

Me: "Did you forget to put the cap on the gas tank again when you filled up that Marder?"

Snarker: "The gas cap? When I find the guy that jammed his oil soaked shirt in the fill spout..."


This coming from the guy that had a Brummbar taking point? :rolleyes:

RPG-43 is the r0x0r! :mad:

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You know, I think that ass kicking PlatCmdr gave me has upset my Karma. As things don't seem to be going well for Axe and Rob

Axe2121 - The smoke is killing my eyes. Please, throw some more of those HTs into the meat grinder. You will respect the power of the 152mm!

Robohn - SMG Comany, meet well thought out defence. Defence, meet SMG company. Kind of ironic that your troops are being slaughtered in a grave yard.

Turns are out my little punching bags. Grrrrrrr.... :mad:

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Nip-o-matic Actually, the troops in the graveyard suffered no casualties except for soiling some under-garments. It's the guys stuck wallowing in the wheat field that are getting waxed.... :mad:

[ June 21, 2003, 12:38 AM: Message edited by: Robohn ]

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Originally posted by Robohn:

Nip-o-matic Actually, the troops in the graveyard suffered no casualties except for soiling some under-garments. It's the guys stuck wallowing in the wheat field that are getting waxed.... :mad:

And every turn the Ruskies spend changing their pants is turn that they aren't shooting at me.

I better be careful, otherwise I'll turn this into a "Light FO vs a Heavy FO" debate.

Edit: Dada! Da! Dada! Marder power! tongue.gif

[ June 21, 2003, 12:14 PM: Message edited by: Nippy ]

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Gusanos, sí.

(Maggots, yes)

Vuelta, no.

(Turns, no)

Usted es todo el un manojo de gusanos.

(You are all a handful of maggots)

What a wacked out program Babelfish is.

I tried to translate "Kiss my ass" to Spanish and back again and got "My ass kisses." "You all suck" became "You all aspire."

I'll just have to use the universal language of hate:


Edited to save life: Keke sent one this evening. Being a Finn, he could probably find a way to mail an ass kicking to me.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

[ June 21, 2003, 08:40 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Non-turn sending, TNT-slathered, mold encrusted, ant-bit (you can see who is the focus of the rant), smeg-heads,I hate you all except for the ones who I am beating, and I hate YOU MORE! GGRRRRRRGRGRGRGRGR! Your mothers were all hampsters (explains Hampstertruupen), and your fathers smelt like MOLD.

...thank you.

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You guys aren't maggots, you're flies...as in "dropping like"

Robohn - Is on a business trip and won't be back till friday.

SHOT4TH - Is still AWOL with a busted modem and busy schedual of moving.

That leaves me with:

Axe2121 - That's right, keep having the expensive units take point. I though you learned not to do that after I brewed the Brumbar. But NNNNOOOOOOOOOO, Mr. Patton Jr. sends a HT FT charging into my section of the city. The spas case gunner in the HT FT managed to roast an empty building next the HT righ before my own FT team lit his ass up.

Andy the angery emote says:

"Napalm > TNT" - :mad:

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Hi fellow waffleheads (you maggots!).

Just wanted to briefly report to you illiterates that I am currently up to page 527 of the new Harry Potter novel. Only about 350 pages left! Obviously JK Rowling has quit writing the Potter novels for children. This one has very much in it about the misuse of power by government agencies and by media. Not to mention her continued emphasis on her earlier theme of prejudice.

So if I have owed you a turn for a couple of days, please accept my humble apologies.

On the other hand, if you owe me a turn, WHAT'S THE PROBLEM, YOU MAGGOT?? :mad: :mad: :mad: Don't you have any consideration for the other guy? What's going on in that vaccuum between your ears? Is anybody home there? GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Dave H:

This one has very much in it about the misuse of power by...the media.

Grrrrr. She's on to us. :mad: I'll have to let the head of the Liberal power-gathering conspiracy know. Oops, I've said too much.

I wonder what her personal fortune would be if the big, bad media didn't fawn all over her with adulation and free advertising. :rolleyes:


A jealous writer :mad:

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On to more important matters, like the Week in PBEM Pain. Brought you by Preperation H helping to sooth your sore bottom after getting it repeatedly kicked.

AssMonkey#1 is hiding. I am sneaking. Dropped some 75s on his position but no idea what it did. Riveting.

Dave H has sent me turn because the nong is reading some silly thing called a "book". Well does your book throw, chuck, hurl or fling TNT? WELL DOES IT? MAGGOT

Keke and I are stumbling around Knieber Dam. So one gave the Boy Scouts sub-machine guns. :mad:

Teddy was mostly useless this weekend and not too many turns for me this weekend.

MasterGoodale is as annoying in emails as he is on this thread. Never have I seen such a inane lunk-head in my entire life. And he is losing of course.

Snarker isn't losing as bad as he did the last go-round. But it's still early so I will have to see how bad it is in the end.

My hatred for Soddball continues as well as our game.

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You vile pouches of PUSS!!! :mad:

You all make me sick!! I've been chucking TNT straight for the last 90 minutes and let me tell ya there's a whole bunch a' angry Krauts in the forest tonight maggots HAH AH AH HAH AH AH AH H HAH A HAAAA!!!! :mad:

DaveH Play my scenario "Mangler Mountain" against one of those maggots that want a rematch! It's guaranteed to be a TNT Slathered experience for the weaker General!!! :mad: :mad:

I hate you all!!! :mad:


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