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The PENG Free Challenge Thread Turns Over A New Leaf.....

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Guest PondScum
Originally posted by dalem:

<font size=-1>All turns are out. HAH!!!</font>

Mon petite general has returned from the dead!

<font size=-2>(Dammit)</font>

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Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by YK2:

It would be great to have as many as the old crowd back as humanly possible. I know that it's not possible for every single past Pooler to post, but it sure would be great to see some of the old crowd pop back just to say Hi mom!

Your problem, fair Emma, is that you tried to mix humanly and old crowd in the same sentence, thereby selecting out 99.9% of Cesspoolers world-wide.

I do see that you got Berli back to post, but he hardly counts as human, what with the cloven hooves and all...

But, count me in as one of the old crowd whom you roused enough to post for the first time in a long time. </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Hey Mouse, you like cheese? ...

I think I'll pass on the Tweena Cheese, and the Frumunda Cheese as well. As to the former, it probably has Vegemite mixed somewhere in it, and I can't tolerate the stuff. As for the latter, aren't there specially trained HazMat teams to take care of things like that? Justicar... isn't that something like a lawyer, or a perverse mutation thereof? This mouse would starve rather than take anything from one of those... those... leeches.

Now, for good cheese, I knew this Dutch girl a while ago, Mariet. She had some very, very nice cheese...

[ May 15, 2003, 08:31 AM: Message edited by: Mouse ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Knights --

Please send me a list of your family trees (yes, I realize some of them have fewer forks than a Chinese restaurant, but still) for use on the new web site.



I think it goes, jdmorse (He of the huge tufts of ear hair) begat Iskander (The lemming) and Croda (Who has the feet of a dancer...he wears them around his neck), who begat Boo Radley (The hero of our story), who begat Nidan1 (The illiterate and ill smelling) and Lurkur (Who actually thinks a degree in Art from Kent means something.) I think Nidan has a squire, but I forget who it might be.

I think it could be subtitled "When Carny Folk Get Liquored Up and Breed."

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Originally posted by dalem:

All turns are out. HAH!!!

Double Hah back at you!

{or Hah Hah for the mathematically challenged impaired among us, and you know who you are...}

I didn't send any!

SSN Hint Of The Day: Keep two sets of books.

Now sod off.

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Boo_Radley you miss the point ... (golly, imagine our surprise) ... MrSpkr asked that you send it separately because we have rules against obscenity here.

If delinating your family shrub isn't obscene then I don't know what is.


p.s. Where's my turn you idiot ... I REALLY want to see what happens to your right flank in all that fog ...


Come on boys, we're gonna set a trap ...

In All That Fog!

We're gonna wheel around and shoot 'em in the butt ...

In All That Fog!

And if they run away well we'll just chase 'em down

And if they stand and fight well we'll blow 'em down

And either way he's going down In ...

All That Fog!

Bob Fossey, eat your heart out.

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Okay, I now know what is wrong with Australians. I tried Vegemite over the weekend, brought by a nice visiting Australian gal. It was.....


It tasted like a paste made from beef boullion cubes. Truly bad. I needed lots of vodka to clear my palate that night.

Frikkin' Australians.....

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by dalem:


You lying again,you quasi neo-con hippie.

Vegemite is great ,I love it.

Oh , dalem ,there is so many things

you will never understand...

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Originally posted by dalem:

Okay, I now know what is wrong with Australians. I tried Vegemite over the weekend, brought by a nice visiting Australian gal. It was.....


It tasted like a paste made from beef boullion cubes. Truly bad. I needed lots of vodka to clear my palate that night.

Frikkin' Australians.....

I thought vegemite was some sort of explosive that combined the nuclear properties of boiled cabbage and potatoes?

I also heard that the addition of any type of alcohol would produce a mixture that was highly unstable.

So dalem don't burp!!!

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Malakovski is a nincompoop. Obviously you say? Yes but I have PROOF this time, not that any was really needed but why pass up a chance to further defame him I say.

Yet you leave out "Malakovski thrashed into ity, bity pieces on the battlefield." Yes, the clues are falling into place, and it's becoming increasingly clear you don't actually play the game.
Malakovski I do indeed play the game, but I play with whom I choose, not some Malak-come-lately, jumped upped, barely dry behind the knees JUNIOUR Knight who thinks he can talk tough and FORCE me to play him.

I, and all right thinking Knights of the CessPool know, KNOW Malakovski, that a Knight may choose to play or NOT TO PLAY whomever they choose, or choose not, to play or NOT to play whenever, if at all or never if they so choose or NOT choose for whatever reason or NO reason at all if they choose OR NOT CHOOSE to so do!

However, while it is true that the Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread is known as heartless, cruel, ruthless and utterly unwavering in his one track minded devotion to the traditions of the CessPool, it overlooks the fact that I DO have a heart. I DO have a sentimental side to me and every once in a while I ... grant a boon!

So Malakovski, I have a wonderful little Ker Dessel* scenario called IL Be Seeing You which I would be willing to ... wait for it lad, it's a moment to be savored ... play against you!

I'll take the Russians, are you up to the challenge?


* Ker Dessel - When You Want To Play CM In The Worst Way!

[ May 15, 2003, 11:38 AM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Malakovski I do indeed play the game, but I play with whom I choose, not some Malak-come-lately, jumped upped, barely dry behind the knees JUNIOUR Knight who thinks he can talk tough and FORCE me to play him.

It appears that a deep and all-consuming love of the traditions of the pool is no proof against blinding idiocy, as Joe, self-appoitned rule-enforcer and trumpet-blower (after the Monty Python fashion, I'm sure), cannot tell the difference between a squire and a kanigget, unless I am very much mistaken, and someone took it upon themselves to kanigget me in absentia and then didn't bother to tell me.

Not entirely implausible, I suppose, given the overall sense of decorum around here.

In any case, of course I am up to the challenge. Do your worst.

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Originally posted by Malakovski:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Malakovski I do indeed play the game, but I play with whom I choose, not some Malak-come-lately, jumped upped, barely dry behind the knees JUNIOUR Knight who thinks he can talk tough and FORCE me to play him.

It appears that a deep and all-consuming love of the traditions of the pool is no proof against blinding idiocy, as Joe, self-appoitned rule-enforcer and trumpet-blower (after the Monty Python fashion, I'm sure), cannot tell the difference between a squire and a kanigget, unless I am very much mistaken, and someone took it upon themselves to kanigget me in absentia and then didn't bother to tell me.

Not entirely implausible, I suppose, given the overall sense of decorum around here.

In any case, of course I am up to the challenge. Do your worst. </font>

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Boo_Radley you miss the point .

That's funny...I was aiming right for the top of your head. Sights must be off a bit. Not unlike yourself.

MrSpkr asked that you send it separately because we have rules against obscenity here.

You have rules against MrSpkr??? Is that legal?

If delinating your family shrub isn't obscene then I don't know what is.


And this coming from a man whose overgrown family tree really need to be defoliated.

p.s. Where's my turn you idiot ... I REALLY want to see what happens to your right flank in all that fog ...

My right flank??? Are you trying to peek up my pantleg...AGAIN?!?!


Come on boys, we're gonna set a trap ...

In All That Fog!

We're gonna wheel around and shoot 'em in the butt ...

In All That Fog!

And if they run away well we'll just chase 'em down

And if they stand and fight well we'll blow 'em down

And either way he's going down In ...

All That Fog!

Bob Fossey, eat your heart out.

(Or vomit on your shoes. Either way)

This shows that along with not allowing Aussie Jeff to do dialects, Joe should really be persuaded to stop and desist his ear-bleedingly bad poetry. Maybe with the judicious use of a cattle prod.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dear Boo_Radley ... Bob Fossey ... Chicago ... ALL THAT JAZZ?

You really ARE an idiot aren't you. Imean we joke about it with others but you really ARE aren't you ... cool.


Could never see myself agreeing with Olde Joe but this time I have to.

Boo since you seem to be the keeper of our lineage, my squire is one SgtGoody , a tactical retard, to be sure, but at least he has the good sense, not to post too often in the MBT ! Pillock!

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Dear Boo_Radley ... Bob Fossey ... Chicago ... ALL THAT JAZZ?

You really ARE an idiot aren't you. Imean we joke about it with others but you really ARE aren't you ... cool.


Sorry, Joe. I haven't seen All That Jazz since about 1980 and what with your horrid rendition, it didn't immediately spring to mind.

p.s. Oh, and Nidan? According to the ASPCA, May is Spay and Neuter month, so have a care.

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This constant, unmitigated, overwhelming, trashing of one Boo_Radley has gone on long enough.

It's time now to reflect on Boo's positive contributions to this Thread. I will list them below:






So, try to remember this before castigating

this Proud Son of Ohio

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


This constant, unmitigated, overwhelming, trashing of one Boo_Radley has gone on long enough.

It's time now to reflect on Boo's positive contributions to this Thread. I will list them below:






So, try to remember this before castigating

this Proud Son of Ohio

I think he probably does number 2 better than anyone. Of course considering that he comes from Ohio it only stands to reason.


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