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Moving in snow - ridiculous

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

Wow, Micheal Emrys , if I needed any more evidence I have inadvertantly stumbled into a bit of a fascist boys' club you have provided it.


Micheal Dorosh , the real problem with Canada is not a lack of culture, but rather the presence of people like you who are only to happy to suck on Uncle Sam's teet and perhaps even other parts of his anatomy.


Andreas, go straight to hell. Luckily I know enough Germans to be sure that you are a minority in your own country.

I don't think I have seen more uncalled for comments strung together in one post than this. Not sure what your intention is. You seem to want to run with the grogs, but have managed to insult just about all the pack leaders. You do seem to be making a name for yourself. I strongly suggest you lighten up and realize that your opinion is not the be all and end all
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Originally posted by Elvis:

Does anone besides me know Cabron means in spanish? Or am I doing the spelling worng?

I went to my Spanish/English dictionary last week and looked it up (yes, I actually do things like that). It gave two definitions: a male sheep (ram) and cuckold (a man whose wife has been unfaithful to him).


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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Not sure what your intention is. You seem to want to run with the grogs, but have managed to insult just about all the pack leaders.

Is it possible that he wanted to be top dog and is frustrated that he didn't make it on the first try?

You do seem to be making a name for yourself. I strongly suggest you lighten up and realize that your opinion is not the be all and end all
I fear it is too late for that. The die is cast, the Rubicon crossed. He hates us all and won't rest until our blood is smeared across the land and all our cities burned. Sometimes high drama is just a bore...


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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

Not sure what your intention is. You seem to want to run with the grogs, but have managed to insult just about all the pack leaders.

Is it possible that he wanted to be top dog and is frustrated that he didn't make it on the first try?

You do seem to be making a name for yourself. I strongly suggest you lighten up and realize that your opinion is not the be all and end all
I fear it is too late for that. The die is cast, the Rubicon crossed. He hates us all and won't rest until our blood is smeared across the land and all our cities burned. Sometimes high drama is just a bore...

Michael </font>

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Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

I fear it is too late for that.

Yeah, well, I posted before I read any further... realized he had completely shot himself in the foot moments after posting.

He hates us all and won't rest until our blood is smeared across the land and all our cities burned.
So, what your saying is that, other than being a homorless mook, he has something in commen with the Pengers?
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Hey, Grog Dorosh, Happy Birthday!

I was so traumatized by the fact that Emrys was receiving hatred that was all too clearly rightfully mine, that I almost forgot to congratulate you on getting older and closer to your eventual demise.

Thanks for getting older, Dorosh! Time will settle all our hash, eh?

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Well, Cabron666 seems to be about done with his hissy fit, and Dorosh is older, and Bastables is drunk.

God is in his heaven, and all is right with the world.

People should get back to discussing whether snow is correctly modeled. Obviously it's not going to matter to the current game, but perhaps the info could figure in the engine rewrite.

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

You seem to want to run with the grogs, but have managed to insult just about all the pack leaders.

And what universe did you fly in from?

Is Battlefront aware their forum has become a haven for this lunatic fringe known as the "grogs"?

Pack leaders? OK, looks like I was way off about the fascist boys' club thing. There's no boys' club here. Nope. Nosirree.

Did I give the impression I wanted to run with the grogs? That was not the impression I wanted to give. A more correct impression would be:

I don't give a rat's ass about the "grogs".

Does that mean this "open" forum is closed to me? That's interesting.

So, disagree with the "grogs" and you can't "play" anymore. Hmmmm, nice normal behaviour here.

I have an idea. Why don't you all go to hell and I'll continue with my thread just like this never happened. I'll never say another word to any of you and you do the same. That way I can continue to participate in Battlefront's forum in the constructuve manner I choose and you can all live peacefully in "grogland".

You'll notice I said "Battlefront's Forum". Yes, that's right, it does not belong to the "grogs", but rather to the people who designed this game. The same people who I'm sure did not intend for their forum to be what the "grogs" have made it. I say we put this to them and see what happens. What do you say "grogs"?

Ah, screw it. I'll do it myself.

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

You'll notice I said "Battlefront's Forum". Yes, that's right, it does not belong to the "grogs", but rather to the people who designed this game. The same people who I'm sure did not intend for their forum to be what the "grogs" have made it.

a) The guys who made this game that you don't seem to actually play are ... wait for it ... grogs

B) We who post here ARE the forum. You, me, everybody. Lewis too, well, till he got banned.

If a Canadian cries in the woods, does anybody hear?

EDIT - let me see if I've got this right - only those NOT INTERESTED AT ALL IN CAS may now apply to post to your thread?

I guess that will cut down on people asking you for proofs or disagreeing with your circular logic.

[ September 19, 2003, 01:57 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The guys who made this game that you don't seem to actually play are ... wait for it ... grogs

Good, does this mean I won't be seeing you anymore? I'm crushed.

Dorosh, let me ask you something? Are you really so deeply immersed in this fantasy world of the "grogs" that you actually believe it?

I hear the spaceship is coming. If you poison yourself you might still get on. Watch out, though! I hear they only have room for 200 chosen ones.

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Originally posted by Cabron66:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

The guys who made this game that you don't seem to actually play are ... wait for it ... grogs

Good, does this mean I won't be seeing you anymore? I'm crushed.

Dorosh, let me ask you something? Are you really so deeply immersed in this fantasy world of the "grogs" that you actually believe it?

I hear the spaceship is coming. If you poison yourself you might still get on. Watch out, though! I hear they only have room for 200 chosen ones. </font>

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Originally posted by Goanna:

PS: If a Canadonian cries in the woods, you clearly aren't using enough jellied gas. A proper first applications ends with nothing but that satisfying "whoosh" sound.

Does this geek/grog parade ever stop? Are you sure there's enough of you to take me yet? Maybe you can go out in the streets and round people up. Maybe give them badges and...guns...and hoods so as other folk don't be knowin who they is. Then maybe you get em all round a nice ol tree and throw up a noose. Damn, now dat be a real good idea. Seems dis ol Canadian boy don't like to be tol' he can' play wid da "grogs". I be of the opinion he need to be taught a lesson.

This is so far beyond ridiculous it's funny.

"Sure is nice when some pup with a number in the # 13269 range can come along and set you pontificating bastiges straight like that."

Be careful, dood. A few more comments like that and you'll make my case for me.

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

But by all means, continue to post your nonsense; you've revealed to all and sundry that you're a professional troll - you have no interest in CAS, you're merely here to make trouble.

...and by all means continue to respond to it, Captain Academia.

[ September 19, 2003, 02:21 AM: Message edited by: Cabron66 ]

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