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It's the 'Great Cheery Waffle, MasterGoodale!' Growls and howls for Halloween

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Now stop that! Not only do we have to wait for CMAK, but now you've reminded me about the wait for TROTK.

Well done, Gollum(s). :mad: :mad: :D

Out of doubt, out of dark to the day's rising

I came singing in the sun, sword unsheathing.

To hope's end I rode, and to heart's breaking:

Now for wrath, now for ruin and a red sunset!

These staves he spake, yet he laughed as he said them. For once more lust of battle was on him, and he was still unscathed, and he was young, and he was king: the lord of a fell people.

RotK, Book V, Chap 6.

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Good grief, we've been overrun by a gaggle of hobbits! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Speaking of creatures with big feet, THumpre, are you still among the living? I need to get this game finished, to complete the BDLRM. Another day or two, and the game is kaput. :mad:

Stikkypixie, did my e-mail yesterday reach you? If so, where is my turn? :mad:

All the rest of you, what are doing standing around staring off into space? Get busy, maggots!! GRRRR!!! :mad: :mad: :D

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Anyway, Stikkypixie, I'll have to call Bill Gates and complain. My Microsoft Outlook shows that message in the "Sent" folder. Obviously a bug in the software. I'll forward it to you right now, so heads up!

GGRRRR Microsoft they should be sent here for every time a bug was discovered in their overpriced programs :mad: :mad:
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Originally posted by stikkypixie:

CANT ESCAPE RINGS HYPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh it is much worse than that - you can't escape Rings extras!! Bwah ha ha ha ha!!

Mike (Gondorian soldier #437.....yet to get the DVD to see which speck I appear as on screen!!)

Let's have soem news about maggots:

Axle grease - he started this craze of small maps featuring lunar landscapes, but has yet to be seen after 5 moves.

Dave the Horrible - he suffered the extension of this craze of small maps featuring lunar landscapes, with the added twist he's got an "Armour" force to attack with. also yet to be seen.....

Mopes a lot is enjoying machinegunning my brave defenders of the proletariat revolution since the smoke lifted....but he's no longer laughing quite as much now my armour can see a few of his poistions......a toughie that looks liek it'll go down to the wire!

Teddy Bear - I feel a little guilty over this one......so little that I'd happily do it again!! Edward is struggling to overcome an abandoned machine gun bunker on his way across a river - this is a nasty little scenario and I think I may have to give him an opportunity to inflict somethign equally evil on me in return...........and still beat him!!

Apart from that you're all piss por excuses for maggots!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

And I'd liek to say thank you to all the people who made CBS can that Reagan thingie - the cheap price it's going for now means the whole of the rest of the world will get to see it that much sooner!!

Like we dont' get enough carp Yank TV already!! :mad: :mad:

[ November 05, 2003, 03:52 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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Originally posted by Axe2121:

You'll wish you were on the moon soon enough. :mad:

"One of these days, Alice...POW, right in the kisser!" :D

Mike, I'm glad to know the fine citizens of New Zealand will soon have the opportunity to watch the Reagan miniseries. Be sure to tape it so you can watch it over and over. :D

Axe, why so excited about the Grant/Lee/whatever, with its huge silhouette, fixed 75 mm, and turreted 37 mm? It's not like it can outmaneuver and outshoot the German armor. Think of all the weaknesses of the Sherman, then remember the Sherman replaced the Grant. To engage multiple targets with the Grant means there are probably multiple Axis units shooting at you, too. :eek: :mad:

I'd love to see the carnage created by a platoon of T-34s or KV-1s fighting contemporary Grants and British tanks! ;)

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Mike-the-Orc-Target, did you in fact receive turn 66? If so, I'll have you know delaying the return won't make me forget where your walking corpses are going to, coming from, or dying at. But it is a fairly impressive Goodale imitation. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Ah...Snuggle pus....how could I have forgotten you........I wish it were easy to do, but alas you are indellibly imprinted on my conscious - which is why I drink so much!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

If I received your latest turn then I didn't load it and I've been noticing that yuor game has been sitting on "wait" for quite a while now!

Perhaps you should "re"-send it?

Actually Dave the bunny the Grant DID ouotshoot the German tanks since most of them were armed with short 50's or short 75's when it arrived!! And the 75 isn't fixed - it's traverse is certainly limited but quite a bit more than an SPG does.

Edited 'cos I figured that Snuggle pus is probably more correct than Snuggle puss

[ November 05, 2003, 05:27 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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*Knock knock*

"Who's there?"

"My opponents."

"My opponents who?"

"My opponents who suck, that's who!"

:mad: :mad: :mad:


I was home sick today. I think I have a fever. Either that or Snarker and Dave's troops are spinning in place with nowhere to go. Oh wait, they are for real!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Just as well you';re not him then ain't it - the thought of 2 Snuggle bunnies is pretty damned gross - actually encountering them would be mortifying!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Mike:

Just as well you';re not him then ain't it - the thought of 2 Snuggle bunnies is pretty damned gross - actually encountering them would be mortifying!! :mad:

Grrrrrrr.... Did you get the resend, jabber jaws? If not, check and see if your ISP has a spam filter - the attachments sometimes get flagged as porn. Not hard to understand, as your recent moves were obscene. tongue.gif
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Originally posted by Axe2121:

*Knock knock*

"Who's there?"

"My opponents."

"My opponents who?"

"My opponents who suck, that's who!"

:mad: :mad: :mad:


I was home sick today. I think I have a fever. Either that or Snarker and Dave's troops are spinning in place with nowhere to go. Oh wait, they are for real!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

So send me a turn, you nitwit!

PBEM helper tells me that I am waiting for turns from Axe, DaveH, and Abbott. Please let me know if you haven't received the files. :mad:

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I'll let you know when I get home Snuggle-pus-bunny - and my ISP has recently started fitering spam - so maybe that is why I haven't had any moves from you for a while.

In the mean time I suggest you do something useful, or at least innocuous......like persisting into the wind.

[ November 05, 2003, 09:19 PM: Message edited by: Mike ]

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