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Fun, Feuds, frutescent frolics and flamed frangipani in the Peng Challenge Thread!

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Finally I can rest in peace.


My good Liege Konrad

To be your Squire until the end of days is honor enough if you will remain with us.

To be a knight without a liege can only lead to an empty shallow existence.

Just like at Christmas, your presence is required.

[ September 04, 2003, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

Finally I can rest in peace.


My good Liege Konrad

To be your Squire until the end of days is honor enough if you will remain with us.

To be a knight without a liege can only lead to an empty shallow existence.

Just like at Christmas, your presence is required. </font>

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:


Picture this:

A man standing, with wings on his back.

Now if he were to create a wind beneath his wings, just where exactly do you think that would come from?

Given that I can only endorse the Gnome's observation.

You really don't understand metaphoric imagery, do you. sigh...

I'd draw you a picture, but we'd be back to square one, I'm afraid.

So, are you a knight, a squire, a small woodland animal frozen in the headlights of an oncoming semi, or what?

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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

You really don't understand metaphoric imagery, do you.

Ah...metaphoric imagery. How about:

Your wit is like a glass of water filled only half-way ie; halfwit?


I'd draw you a picture, but we'd be back to square one, I'm afraid.

Given your picture posting abilities, I would have to agree.

So, are you a knight, a squire, a small woodland animal frozen in the headlights of an oncoming semi, or what?
Just me

Nobody but me

I'll always be me

Can't you see? :D

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Anybody seen the wind beneath our wings lately?

Way to go Seanachai, you've ruined (or is it runed) that lad. You went and filled his head with notions and such.

Jim! Great to see you popping by! Is this permanent or just a tiny reprieve? If it's permanent, is our game still on? If it's not - just glad to see you and our photoholic Konrad dropping by for some antics.

Konrad dear...have you a constant connection again or is this a mere tease to leave us wanting for more?

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Jim! Great to see you popping by! Is this permanent or just a tiny reprieve? If it's permanent, is our game still on? If it's not - just glad to see you and our photoholic Konrad dropping by for some antics.

Konrad dear...have you a constant connection again or is this a mere tease to leave us wanting for more?

To the newly annointed Valkyrie I doff my hat.....Long overdue and proudly earned. I am at your disposal in regards our game.

To the dismay of many, this return should be of some length, unless the.....real world.... rears it's ugly head again!

(please note-only two words italicized) ;)

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Anybody seen the wind beneath our wings lately?

Way to go Seanachai, you've ruined (or is it runed) that lad. You went and filled his head with notions and such.

If I didn't have more important...er...well, not really important, ya see...it involves Noba, after all...I'd taunt you until you left the room WEEPING LIKE THE LITTLE GIRLY-MAN YOU ARE!

But I can't, so I won't.

But I'm watching you, laddie!

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Jim! Great to see you popping by! Is this permanent or just a tiny reprieve? If it's permanent, is our game still on? If it's not - just glad to see you and our photoholic Konrad dropping by for some antics.

Konrad dear...have you a constant connection again or is this a mere tease to leave us wanting for more?

To the newly annointed Valkyrie I doff my hat.....Long overdue and proudly earned. I am at your disposal in regards our game.</font>
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ooooh! I just realized that, as the 'lady' of House Rune, I get to redecorate!

My, my...the possibilities!

*takes a look around the abode*

Hmmm...maybe some lace doilies and frilly curtains. A pale mauve paint on the walls. You know - liven Rune's dungeon up a bit.

Yes. Now to go find his credit card to purchase a few things.

Oh yes...this does have potential...

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You big, bulbous, brachiating, bog-brained bugger! You low-browed, lop-eared, lanquid lurker of leaky laundromats! My defeat at the paws of your were-truppen has left a bitter taste in my mouth! I demand satisfaction! Amid a flurry of exclamation points, I hurl my gauntlet at your hooves, you parsimonious, puling, pop-eyed PEASANT!!!

Send me a set up or all shall know you for a coward! Especially those who are pretty sure you're a coward already, but haven't quite made up their minds!


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I happened to be in the herpetic Goodale thread making sure that, should conflict arise, the Peng Challenge Thread would triumph, and those boorish poseurs would sink to the bottom of the Cess to simply provide treacherous footing for generations yet unblooded, and WHAT DO I FIND?!

YK2 posting! Persephone posting! And any number of Peng Challenge Thread Knights posting?!

We have always turned a blind eye to the occasional wanderings of Squires into dens such as this, and, of course, no one gives a rat's arse where the SSNs might want to disport themselves, but when I have to wander into such a place of vileness and drag back to their duty Knights of the Cesspool, then it is time to unleash...the Justicar!

Oh, yes, you're all going to be unhappy now! Shaw, explain to them the error of their ways.

And as for the Ladies...I am deeply traumatized. Not since that time my fiancee slept with the Human Rights attorney in Guatemala have I been more discouraged by the course of the world.

I shall bugger off, now, and dwell for a while in the house known as 'Sorrow'.

[ September 04, 2003, 10:35 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Posted by Seanachai on that other thread :We'll take the Becket thing; the lawyer.

What do you want for him?

Right then, that tears it. Something NEEDS to be done and I'm just the lad to do it.

Seanachai ... HE'S A LAWYER! Likely enough a Republican Lawyer and do we really want another one of ... THOSE hanging around spreading their filth and disease like Norwegian Brown Rats during the plague years?

Berli I know, only too well, how you value anarchy and deplore unnecessary rules. However it is MY contention that in THIS CASE we must stamp out the contagion before it spreads further. We must fumigate the CessPool and burn, I say BURN the vectors of this foul disease before it DOES US IN!

I refer, of course, to ... that other thread ! I recommend, as Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread and keeper of the sacred traditions of the MBT, that we treat that other thread as Sanctioned and Blockaded and that any ... mark you Berli ANY CessPooler who posts therein be considered Persona Non Grata here in the MBT.

I'm not completely settled on what that means exactly but it sounds damned impressive I think you'll agree.

Now we would not need to adopt such a drastic course were it not for the rampant and uncaringly reckless behavior of Seanachai. Were it not for him we could wander where the wind sped us, posting as we wished and where we wished. But NOW ... now we must be subjected to this infantile twaddle and his RECRUITING upon the Outerboard yet again.

If you've an alternative Berli I'm all ears, but I know that you must be as concerned as I at this ... invasion of the Peng Challenge Thread.

We've sent Seanachai to trial and it didn't work. We've censured him in public and it didn't work. What course is left to us?

{edited to add} I've now, just now, read the post that appeared before this and I must say that I've never seen such a display of ego gone amuck as I've seen tonight. Who, Seanachai, who do you suppose it was that ENCOURAGED them to vist that other thread ? And who, once there, went about RECRUITING from their ranks? JE ACCUSE Seanachai ... IT WAS YOU.


[ September 04, 2003, 10:43 PM: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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And so the flood waters of the great crossover slowly receded and only the mess was left to clean up. Work was begun immediately on the wall which would once again divide the two kingdoms.

The Pengish Leader proclaimed: "No more fraternization! To the wall, to the wall, we must rebuild the wall!!!"

Bending under the crack of his great wit, the wall began growing and widening and soon it had reached so far into the sky that the top could not be seen through the clouds.

"Is this high enough, oh great Olde One?"

"No higher, it must be higher!!!"

Soon the wall had reached into the thin atmosphere above the earth and the workers were beginning to suffer dreadfully in the continued raising of the wall. They began to slowly die, one by one, until no one was left except the Olde One.

And there was no one left to care.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Soon the wall had reached into the thin atmosphere above the earth and the workers were beginning to suffer dreadfully in the continued raising of the wall. They began to slowly die, one by one, until no one was left except the Olde One.

And there was no one left to care.

That was poignant.

But you're still a git.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

And who, once there, went about RECRUITING from their ranks? JE ACCUSE Seanachai ... IT WAS YOU.


Relax, Josephus. I'm not recruiting, I'm trying to buy us a lawyer. Once you've bought 'em, you can collect the whole set.

A literary moment of reassurance:

"Hey, they're sweatin," said Rob Anybody. "You mean we can have lawyers on oour side as well?"

"Yes, of course, said the toad. "You can have defense lawyers."

"Defense?" said Rob Anybody. "Are you tellin' me we could get awa' wi' it 'cause of a tishoo o' lies?"

"Certainly," said the toad. "And with all the treasure you've stolen, you can pay enough to be very innocent indeed."

The Wee Free Men

-Terry Pratchett

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Right then, that tears it. Something NEEDS to be done and I'm just the lad to do it.

Down the hall and on the right. You will find a box of "Depends" as well. Size extra blow-hard stocked just for.

Berli I know, only too well, how you value anarchy and deplore unnecessary rules.
I would say send the lad over but he is of the limp-wristed, no-game-have hoor types and who wants that...except maybe the MBT.

However it is MY contention that in THIS CASE we must stamp out the contagion before it spreads further. We must burn the CessPool, I say BURN the vectors of this foul disease before it DOES US IN!
Great idea. Need any help spreading the gasoline?

If you've an alternative Berli I'm all ears, but I know that you must be as concerned as I at this ... invasion of the Peng Challenge Thread.
I warned ya. Didn't I warn ya? Ye opened the gates and looky what swam in. Try helping you hooring, gimpy louts and what do I get?

{edited to add} I've now, just now, read my post and I must say that I've never seen such a display of ego gone amuck as I've seen tonight.
You could go back to any of your previous posts...that is if you remember how to use the "search" function and look up some of, hell ANY of your old posts to see what a blow-hard, pompous nong that you are. Shall I go find some? Rather not, Guiness is singing it's sweet siren song.

*pfffthhhh*...*gurgle, gurgle, gurgle*

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Great, Joey, just great. In the future, try not to use words like "twaddle", because now Goodwhale is going to read it. And then for the next six months, in between the "puss" and the "GRRAGARAG" we're going to hear five different variations of "twaddle", none of which will mean what he thinks it means. And god help us, someone will put it in the thread title.

You've got a black heart, Joey.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Guiness is singing it's sweet siren song.

*pfffthhhh*...*gurgle, gurgle, gurgle*

How much f'ing wine did you send?! I come home tonight to find a 'Delivery Tag' from Fed-Ex in which the driver has noted '2 packages', 'alcohol', 'wine', and checked 'security reasons, high value', and written in the 'Leave your signature for this shipment here': NO, SORRY.

The driver has also scrawled, on a line that doesn't seem to be appropriate to anything at all: Sean a chai ?

I had to call the sons of...certain appropriate female dogs, and ask when I could pick up my apparently innumerable packages of alcohol.

The bloody woman who answered the call spoke like some sort of character from a C.S. Lewis novel, exclaiming 'Oh, No!' when I told her the driver wouldn't leave my apparently vast and sudden windfall of alcohol on the bloody porch, and when I asked her how long they'd retain it at the delivery depot for me to sober up and truck on in to get, she breathlessly exclaimed "Oh, they'll keep it there for five days!"

Christ on a crutch judging Shiva, but at least the Fed-Ex driver had the good grace to write 'sorry' after his failure to deliver the goods. So tomorrow I shall mount up, and, 'Door Tag' delivery receipt in hand, I shall go and get the apparently vast amount of wine that Mike the Wino has sent to me.

Er...'Mr. Wino' (may I call you 'unrepentant vileness that must be expunged before mankind can achieve a higher level of being'?). Exactly how much wine did you send me?!!

I mean, in terms of full-sized, 750 ml bottles of wine?!

And do you somehow get this stuff for free, or are you knocking off liquor stores at night to (quite appropriately) propitiate Seanachai?

Oh, and who put the GRR, in the GRR ARG ARG ARG GRR GRR ARG GRR?

[ September 05, 2003, 12:54 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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