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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

edited to say that I never expected seanachai become bigger looser then you are.

Um, yes. Am I supposed to be pleased, or frightened by this remark? </font>
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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Mace is speechless. There's a first -- at least, a first since Kitty did that strip-tease thingie.

Silly nong.

I carried out the strip-tease in celebration of Kitty's birthday, and I'm quite happy to reenact it for you in case your memory needs to be jogged (or rather brutally assaulted with a sledge-hammer).


[ March 12, 2003, 04:23 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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An interesting little tale....

"One day, Lunatic Lars thought to himself "*DING* .... ummm, oh yeah ... why don't I foist a horribly gamey Rune scenario on that Downunder genius of military tactics, Sir Aussiejeff? I'll win for sure, since I've played it at least 30 times before and know every little trick!! .. hehehee"".

Well, the evil, scheming little sod starts this battle, see, where he commands two Battalions of Crackhead Russian Naval Cadets vs my two playtoons of Rumanian Pheasants.

It is darkest night. Pitcher than black. I have to turn my monitor up to Mad Max brightness just to see the dim, flickering shadows, let alone anything else.

Thus, blundering aimlessly orf into the dark, each playtoon of Rumanian Pheasants looses their way and fall each unto a sewage trench. "*Owwww*! Wot's this 'ere lump of iron eh?" says one Spotty Faced Pheasant, rubbing his/her bruised big toe. "Ooo-er! It be a popgun of 76.2mm dimensions!". Indeed it is. And one in each sewage trench no less.

Just as this discovery is made, a million screaming, insane Russian Naval Cadets, led by the totally insane Lunatic Lars come charging out of the trees to the right left back front and centre.... oh, and all this on Turn 1 too!

Within a milliturn, my handful of quivering, jellykneed Pheasants are surrounded on all side by the Lunatic Legions! What hope is there dear reeder? Then Supreme Commander Of Pheasant Force South Sir Aussiejeff, strides into battle and barks his terse commands "WOOF, WOOF!!!" The Pheasant Phighters suddenly stiffen their sagging resolve and point their thingies in the appropriate directions.

"Fire at Will" I say, and *BANG!!* Lar's Will is deader than a dead dingoes donger! His remaining Crack Cadetski surge forward in mass waves, but are beaten back to a pulp with grape and shots of whiskey tumblers. Moans are heard coming from Lar's side... "STOP THAT OR YOU WILL GO BLIND" I yell, in faint hope of halting that insidious progress.

And then after 35 turns of slapping each other stoopid with wet fish, it is all over!!! Silence. Spent like a beached haddock, Lar's loves lies bleeating at my Pheasant's feet. The AI sighs in awe and awards Supremo Commander Aussiejeff a MASSIVE AND TOTAL minor victory to the tune of 60% to 40% - whatever those strange meaningless numbers indicate.

A saddened, sorry Lunatic Lars is heard wandering mournfoully orf into the darkness, muttering "I'm gonna wring the life outta Rune for that monstrosity. Bloody Rumanians with 76.2mm guns in trenches... bloody SICK that is.."

Thus endeth the tale of his woe. For now. Methinks he wishes to extend the suffering.

Meanwhile, celebrations Downunder continue unabated. Champers anyone????


Big cheesy grin added purely for stinging effect coz I know Larsy boy ain't a'gonna like it!! Hee, hee, hee.....

Next idjit please ..........

[ March 12, 2003, 04:41 AM: Message edited by: AUSSIEJEFF ]

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by rune:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

hey ,for a moment I considered suicide as a option

Please, don't let us stop you...carry on...carry on....

Rune </font>

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by rune:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

hey ,for a moment I considered suicide as a option

Please, don't let us stop you...carry on...carry on....

Rune </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

An interesting little tale....

"One day, Lunatic Lars thought to himself "*DING* .... ummm, oh yeah ... why don't I foist a horribly gamey Rune scenario on that Downunder genius of military tactics, Sir Aussiejeff? I'll win for sure, since I've played it at least 30 times before and know every little trick!! .. hehehee"".

Well, the evil, scheming little sod starts this battle, see, where he commands two Battalions of Crackhead Russian Naval Cadets vs my two playtoons of Rumanian Pheasants.

It is darkest night. Pitcher than black. I have to turn my monitor up to Mad Max brightness just to see the dim, flickering shadows, let alone anything else.

Thus, blundering aimlessly orf into the dark, each playtoon of Rumanian Pheasants looses their way and fall each unto a sewage trench. "*Owwww*! Wot's this 'ere lump of iron eh?" says one Spotty Faced Pheasant, rubbing his/her bruised big toe. "Ooo-er! It be a popgun of 76.2mm dimensions!". Indeed it is. And one in each sewage trench no less.

Just as this discovery is made, a million screaming, insane Russian Naval Cadets, led by the totally insane Lunatic Lars come charging out of the trees to the right left back front and centre.... oh, and all this on Turn 1 too!

Within a milliturn, my handful of quivering, jellykneed Pheasants are surrounded on all side by the Lunatic Legions! What hope is there dear reeder? Then Supreme Commander Of Pheasant Force South Sir Aussiejeff, strides into battle and barks his terse commands "WOOF, WOOF!!!" The Pheasant Phighters suddenly stiffen their sagging resolve and point their thingies in the appropriate directions.

"Fire at Will" I say, and *BANG!!* Lar's Will is deader than a dead dingoes donger! His remaining Crack Cadetski surge forward in mass waves, but are beaten back to a pulp with grape and shots of whiskey tumblers. Moans are heard coming from Lar's side... "STOP THAT OR YOU WILL GO BLIND" I yell, in faint hope of halting that insidious progress.

And then after 35 turns of slapping each other stoopid with wet fish, it is all over!!! Silence. Spent like a beached haddock, Lar's loves lies bleeating at my Pheasant's feet. The AI sighs in awe and awards Supremo Commander Aussiejeff a MASSIVE AND TOTAL minor victory to the tune of 60% to 40% - whatever those strange meaningless numbers indicate.

A saddened, sorry Lunatic Lars is heard wandering mournfoully orf into the darkness, muttering "I'm gonna wring the life outta Rune for that monstrosity. Bloody Rumanians with 76.2mm guns in trenches... bloody SICK that is.."

Thus endeth the tale of his woe. For now. Methinks he wishes to extend the suffering.

Meanwhile, celebrations Downunder continue unabated. Champers anyone????


Big cheesy grin added purely for stinging effect coz I know Larsy boy ain't a'gonna like it!! Hee, hee, hee.....

Next idjit please ..........

Pool in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

I'm very proud and happy , Sir

(I always hated Lars ,and his parasitical dependence on ritual)


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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I have hereby decided to expand my crusade to also include people who quote huge, long and boring posts only to add one or two lines of text. They must be destroyed.

Rule of thumb:

If the quoted part is larger than the size of your part, you are wasting everybody's time.

So far my crusade is aimed against.

1) Rogue posters.

2) Rogue quoters.

3) Male posters wearing Rouge.

As soon as I get even the slightest hint of a nod of approval from any Olde One I shall gather a coalition of the willing and set forth on this Last Great Crusade.

[ March 12, 2003, 09:29 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Mace:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Mace is speechless. There's a first -- at least, a first since Kitty did that strip-tease thingie.

Silly nong.

I carried out the strip-tease in celebration of Kitty's birthday, and I'm quite happy to reenact it for you in case your memory needs to be jogged (or rather brutally assaulted with a sledge-hammer).

Mace </font>

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Hashish.Very good.

Ok ,I will repeat to you , Private Hortlund :

Shut up ,unless you've actually have something to say.


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Remember that we intend to have children some day...

Hiram procreating???

Thank you for that tidbit of information. I'll have you know that you have destroyed all hope and joy in my universe.

Everything's spiralling down into a...spirally thing of entropy and doom.

Ice cream, kitten and puppies, the innocent laughter of children, bird song on a rain washed morning...all are ashes.

It's almost as if Julie Andrews had never existed.

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

Remember that we intend to have children some day...

Hiram procreating???

Thank you for that tidbit of information. I'll have you know that you have destroyed all hope and joy in my universe.

Everything's spiralling down into a...spirally thing of entropy and doom.

Ice cream, kitten and puppies, the innocent laughter of children, bird song on a rain washed morning...all are ashes.

It's almost as if Julie Andrews had never existed. </font>

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Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Not to worry, Persephone still cherrishes you as a pet, er i mean friend, now scurry off up to your little tree house and make us a nice fresh batch of cookies will you snide er i mean kind gnome?

Gaylord, you just don't understand.....everyone loves the Gnome....so it is okay to admit that you love the Gnome too.


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Originally posted by Mace:

I carried out the strip-tease in celebration of Kitty's birthday, and I'm quite happy to reenact it for you in case your memory needs to be jogged (or rather brutally assaulted with a sledge-hammer).


Mace, I think I can speak for the rest of the Ladies....Yes! We want to see you do a strip-tease!!!!!!


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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:


So far my crusade is aimed against.

1) Rouge posters.

2) Rouge quoters.

{snipped more}

hmmmm...rouge posters and quoters....hmmmm...ROUGE???

I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm not wearing rouge. I don't like rouge. My cheeks are rosy enough without it thankyouverymuch.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by sGTGoody:

And minute by minute,time engulfs me,as the snow's measureless fall covers a motionless body.

And of course again You are wrong .Don't you see ther pattern?


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF

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Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmmm...rouge posters and quoters....hmmmm...ROUGE???

I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm not wearing rouge. I don't like rouge. My cheeks are rosy enough without it thankyouverymuch.

Thank you m'lady. *bows politely*

I have now gone back and edited my post to correct two embarrassing spelling errors, and to iclude a new category of enemies in my most justified Last Great Crusade.

*bows yet again even more politely and backs out of the room leaving behind several valuable gifts as means of saying thank you*

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Originally posted by AUSSIEJEFF:

A saddened, sorry Lunatic Lars is heard wandering mournfoully orf into the darkness, muttering "I'm gonna wring the life outta Rune for that monstrosity. Bloody Rumanians with 76.2mm guns in trenches... bloody SICK that is.."

At least that part was true.

I notice you left out the 35 turns of you whining that the scenario wasn't "balanced" while you sat behind those damn guns in trenches snickering. Two more turns and I would have owned your sorry rear end.


The scenario was "Odessa Reprieve". Another good job rune, it was almost perfectly balanced. Except for the fact that AJ managed to hang on till the end.

You're a bastiche too.

SSN Hint Of The Day: Cross at the red or the green or the yellow.

Now sod off.

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by sGTGoody:

And minute by minute,time engulfs me,as the snow's measureless fall covers a motionless body.

And of course again You are wrong .Don't you see ther pattern?


Faithful Squire To SIR AUSSIEJEFF </font>

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Originally posted by OGSF:

Ah thank tha' as a feckin' grrreat story wi' a brilliant endin'.

Still no moral, no plot twist, no love interest.

And no friggin setup in my in-box either!

I'm looking at you, Jimmy!!!

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moraine Sedai:

hmmmm...rouge posters and quoters....hmmmm...ROUGE???

I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm not wearing rouge. I don't like rouge. My cheeks are rosy enough without it thankyouverymuch.

Thank you m'lady. *bows politely*

I have now gone back and edited my post to correct two embarrassing spelling errors, and to iclude a new category of enemies in my most justified Last Great Crusade.

*bows yet again even more politely and backs out of the room leaving behind several valuable gifts as means of saying thank you* </font>

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Originally posted by Persephone:

Mace, I think I can speak for the rest of the Ladies....Yes! We want to see you do a strip-tease!!!!!!


Yeah come on Mace put your money were your mouth is...

We're waiting...........................

[ March 12, 2003, 09:43 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

Thank you m'lady. *bows politely*

I have now gone back and edited my post to correct two embarrassing spelling errors, and to iclude a new category of enemies in my most justified Last Great Crusade.

*bows yet again even more politely and backs out of the room leaving behind several valuable gifts as means of saying thank you*

*narrows eyes at you suspiciously*

Well, I was just trying to be helpful. I guess a simple *psst - hey buddy - you spelled that wrong* in an email would have sufficed, but this was so much more fun.

As to your newest category, I guess there's only a couple of guys here that would fall into that. Least that I can think of at the moment:

Leaningkornkob and Mace (who I am still hoping will be regaling us with said strip tease).

Good luck in your endeavor to thwart either of them.

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