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Operation Störfang (Sevastopol 1942)

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Yes, landmarks are necessary for quick references. These maps are 3 * 3 km2 in size, you can easy get lost without those marks.

Found my self many times flying with the camera over the landscape, losing grip on the battle.

Note : If you lost some units in the forests you can turn on the unit's base (SHIFT+B) and set the tree density to Scarce or Off (SHIFT+T)

[ June 24, 2003, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

...Also, can you make a printable version of the area map ? I tried to print from the site but just the border came out...

A printable map of Sevastopol is available. If any one likes to receive a copy, please send me an e-mail with your request. I will reply you with the map in PDF format (Acrobat Reader 5).

The print size is A4 and the file size is 1.62 MB (1,707,451 bytes)

my e-mail address : eichenbaum@eichenbaum.org

Note : Make sure you have enough space in your mailbox for a 1.62 MB attachment when you want to receive the map by e-mail.

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Originally posted by eichenbaum:

Yes, landmarks are necessary for quick references.

... they help planning if there is no map ("1.Kp goes to that hill somewhere in the lower left, then takes the road to that village in the valley and joins forces with 2. Kp at the 2nd bridge from the right" vs. "1.Kp takes Hill 128, moves to Zaryzin and then joins with 2.Kp at October bridge")

...and they help writing (and understanding) AARs.

A must for any good map with more than 1 hill or village



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Enjoying it all so far...the tension is mounting as i push deeper into enemy territory!

One minor point, it would help in the briefing if it told you around what turn you should expect certain reinforcements that are mentioned,

so that i know when for instance to make moves on the village etc.

Another good tip that i've seen in a recent scenario, was the use of question mark (?) landmarks to identify possible enemy troop concentrations/positions (as identified by air recon etc).Though your briefing is pretty thorough and well put together!

cheers for all your efforts.

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Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

One minor point, it would help in the briefing if it told you around what turn you should expect certain reinforcements that are mentioned, so that i know when for instance to make moves on the village etc....

The 1st battle of 1st mission is a reconnaissance movement. The element of surprise is crucial in the game play. Throughout the whole area you can encounter heavy fortifications and ambushes. Without specific information you're almost forced to use recon squads at any time.

In the mission briefing you can read that "you have to wait for reinforcements". This means that they are on the way and no exact time of arrival is given.

I know that in most CM mission briefings a detailed list of equipment is given. That I tried to hold back for a change.

Thanks for your nice reflection !

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Okay, so far, so tough ! Upto turn 12 now (about 4 hours worth!!)

Possible SPOILER ALERT..............

Where are the pioneer squads that are supposed to clear the mines on the road? I only have grenadiers anywhere near the road, the only pioneers being FJ up in the woods a long way off. I only raise the question in case you forgot them !?..as i am one of the first 'testing' the first battle for you?

PS the enemy defence is aggressive !...like it !!

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Coincidentally, the other day I read an article by Pat McTaggart about the Crimean battles in "Hitler's Army: The Evolution and Structure of the German Forces, 1933-1945." This is a good reference source to have by the way, consider getting it if you do not already. I had not done a lot of reading about the specifics of the campaign there. I knew it took a while for the Germans to clear Sevastopol and the Crimea, but I had no idea there was so much back and forth.

So, is there going to be a prequel featuring Manstein's "Trappenjagd" (Bastard Hunt) that finally shoved the Soviets off the peninsula (8 - 15 May)?

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Yes, Jeagermeister you're the first who is testing the operation on this forum. It's great that you find the time and effort to write down your comments about it.

I can't tell you where you might need the Pioniere for mine clearing. I would spoil all the fun !

Tip : If you receive units with a mission, it might be that they would be useful in the 2nd battle or the 3rd. The operation has 4 battles with 15 turns.

What I can tell you is that : The Airborne Pioniere are with Hauptman Swartzekätze and his Fallshirmjäger dropped on the left side of the map. These are the only Pioniere you'll get for a while. So, handle them with care, don't let them run as recon units into enemy territory.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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Originally posted by Maj. Battaglia:

... So, is there going to be a prequel featuring Manstein's "Trappenjagd" (Bastard Hunt) that finally shoved the Soviets off the peninsula (8 - 15 May)? ...

No, Eichenbaum's Operation Störfang only takes place from the 2nd of June 1942 till the 6th of july 1942.

This is the final siege of Sevastopol that von Manstein launched after capturing almost all of Crimea in the months before June 1942.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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Originally posted by eichenbaum:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

...Also, can you make a printable version of the area map ? I tried to print from the site but just the border came out...

A printable map of Sevastopol is available....

The print size is A4 and the file size is 1.62 MB (1,707,451 bytes) </font>

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I'm trying it too - about five turns in, and just made a little contact here and there (a recon squad and an armored car of some sort). It's foggy with visibility of about 200m, so I'm not sure just how much I'm going to learn about enemy dispositions, but we're giving it what we've got.

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Originally posted by demoss:

I'm trying it too - about five turns in, and just made a little contact here and there (a recon squad and an armored car of some sort). It's foggy with visibility of about 200m, so I'm not sure just how much I'm going to learn about enemy dispositions, but we're giving it what we've got.

Wow, fog... that's bad ! Sometimes it happens, esp. in the morning. Good luck with the battle !

Tip : Try to hold off in the 1st battle. Wait for the 2nd. Move to where you're able to. Do not penetrate too far with fog.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

[ June 25, 2003, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]

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I think you mis-read me earlier, i certainly didn't want to know where the mines or enemy are!..most of the tension comes from surprise!!


its just that the briefing mentioned using the pioneers to clear the road, i noticed no pioneers anywhere near it, and then my first recon vehicle ran over a mine on the road (near waypoint 1)...so i thought something maybe amiss. Not a problem, just clarifying. I think the briefing maybe a little mis-leading to players, as you assume that you are to get on with the objectives (apart from village) from the start..ie FJ units proceed east until main fortifications spotted to call in arty, so i duly probed east only to run into many enemy units with my FJ, and i thought i was being very cautious !

On with the battle this eve ! Love the map terrain, very authentic feeling.

ps i pity the guy in the fog...what a nightmare!

[ June 25, 2003, 02:00 PM: Message edited by: JaegerMeister ]

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Originally posted by JaegerMeister:

...its just that the briefing mentioned using the pioneers to clear the road, i noticed no pioneers anywhere near it, and then my first recon vehicle ran over a mine on the road (near waypoint 1)...so i thought something maybe amiss. Not a problem, just clarifying. I think the briefing maybe a little mis-leading to players, as you assume that you are to get on with the objectives (apart from village) from the start..ie FJ units proceed east until main fortifications spotted to call in arty, so i duly probed east only to run into many enemy units with my FJ, and i thought i was being very cautious !...

Misleading ? OMG ! :eek:

The Russians did deploy a whole lot of mines near Sevastopol. That's an historical fact !

You should brain-storm about Why these Airborne Pioniere are dropped in that specific area ?

Those mines you encountered aren't the only ones. So keep your eyes wide open :eek:

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

Looked at the site. Very nice. I tried d/l the operation but it wants to d/l as .exe file, what is going on? I thought ops were .cmc or .cme.

The .exe file is a self extracting zip file.

It's a small setup program which helps you to place the .cme or .cmf file easy in the map of CMBB (comes with a browse button)

You can pick the .cmf file if you don't like to download .exe files :


icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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Interesting about the morning mists - as I have started twice. In the first it was misty and in the 2nd restart (paying more attention to the briefing smile.gif ) it was clear and sunny allowing things like aircraft possble. So is there a randomness attached to the starting weather conditions?

[ June 25, 2003, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Wicky ]

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First battle complete !...i think i was a little aggressive with my recon!

I lost 21 men KIA (mostly Romanians) and one Romanian carrier, but the booty included 3 pillboxes,a couple of guns, 1 tank and several enemy infantry units wiped out. My recon elements also pushed beyond waypoint 1 and outflanked the village position, so reasonably happy with the progress so far!

Battle 2 is well under way (Turn 6) !...couple of minor anomalies that didn't seem right, not sure if they are yours or just CMBB programming:-

1) i had two damaged armoured cars, 1 immobile and 1 with a damaged gun, yet in the setup for battle 2 they are both abandoned despite being within my lines.

2) the setup phase seemed to let me deploy well beyond the distances my forces had reached in battle 1, if i had been a 'gamey' sort, i could have advanced some units about 1/2 kilometer forwards.

3)the enemy seem to have abandoned their forward positions from battle 1...i spent 3-4 turns advancing into empty areas of map where i thought the enemy still was, especially as during setup it wouldn't let me place units in those certain spots, i therefore deployed alot of units pointlessly expecting combat to continue where it left off.

Oh well, onwards and eastwards !..heading for the ruins as my next objective!!

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JaegerMeister, you've done well if you only lost some Romanians.

1) If you didn't got your PSW cars back after only been damaged then it's a move of the CM engine. Suply and repair have been set to good, after all it's the beginning of an operation. I know one thing, units are mostly been repaired over night and return to the front in the morning. In this case I don't think you'll see them back :(

2)The setupzone been deployed way beyond the frontline ; It's a typical calculation of CM. In almost every huge operation the map is devided in half when starting with the 2nd battle. I'm not sure if I find it OK. Though the map is 3 * 3 km - a lot of space - and by this way you're getting somewhere...

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

Beer Rules: "hey, im real interested in playing this scenario, but i cant seem to download it. Whenever i got to the DL section, i see the operation storfang box thing, but its just blank? "

Do you have Flash Player installed ? http://www.macromedia.com/

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Originally posted by Wicky:

... So is there a randomness attached to the starting weather conditions?...

Ja sicher! Still after 50 years weather can't be predicted that well. Most of the time the sun wil shine in June in the Crimea. Howerver, in the mornings you could expect some fog, that's normal if you're close to water (like the Black Sea). The operation's parameters are set to weather conditions such as you can expect in that area.

icon_bbs.gif Eichenbaum

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