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Hello to all!

I have been following this forum for about 4-5 months and a few days ago I decided to join the community.

I received a copy of CMBB a few days ago and so far I like the close attention to so many details in this game. So many "values" are considered for infantry, heavy armor, etc. Almost breathtaking for me. I received the bonus edition with 1.03 version already in the game so I didn't have to mess around downloading the patches. However I didn't download the mods as I am not sure wich ones I need. If you have any advice I will gladly listen to it.

I tried one battle in quick missions and lost terribly. I had tanks, infantry and still got wiped out. It was one of the 1941 battles near Kharkov. German soldiers had only three AT guns including infantry against 8 or 9 tanks on my side and I still lost. I tried to hide the tanks behind the buildings, do the "scoot and shoot" command but I believe the timing was wrong. They were always a few steps ahead of me. Just as I would spot an AT gun it would be already aiming at my tanks.

Also German infantry attacks were well organized even though I was fighting against AI. I tried flanking but again they were a step ahead of me.

Now that I shared some of my experience I have a few questions to ask.

1. Can I supress an AT gun with HMG or a rifle platton?

2. What is the safest way to discover AT guns? As an exapmle, I tried to use infantry but AT guns didn't open up until I ordered one of my T-34 to target someone.

3. If I only have molotov cocktail against heavy armor what is the right order to attack tanks with it? Is it a "cover ark" or "target"?

Overall I like this game because it makes you think first before making your move as it could always be your last one. Just like in chess and I love chess ;)

Thank you for your answers and I will look forward to join online tournaments even though it is too early for me at this point.

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1. Can I supress an AT gun with HMG or a rifle platton?

Yes, but they aren't very good at it, particularly when it is facing them and therefore gets the benefit of a gun shield. At close range infantry will take a gun out reliably. If they get it from two sides or catch it moving, they can make the crew abandon it sometimes.

A machinegun is better at keeping the pin level something heavier achieves. That is, use all the ammo depth of an HMG to keep them from rallying, after a bigger gun or mortar tossing serious HE shells makes them cower (you'll see the crew duck sometimes, if you are close enough).

The best weapon against a gun is a mortar, which can taken them out in a minute or two without the gun being able to fire back at the mortar, if you have an HQ spot for the mortar. Next best is a tank or gun of your own firing 75mm or bigger HE. A high enough value enemy gun (like an 88, say) or one with infantry near it, too, is a fine target for a FO's fire mission.

Once you know where a gun is, you can get everybody out of its sight until you have one of these good countermeasures, and then proceed with everyone after you've taken it out.

2. What is the safest way to discover AT guns?

A whole platoon of tanks at a time, not buttoned, more or less facing toward it. It will fire at one of them, but all of them will then fire back. It might get one, but they will get it in turn, and sometimes its first shot or two will miss, or bounce off a thick part of your tank, or go in but fail to destroy the tank completely.

Sure it is nicer to have infantry just walk over them and find them that way without risking any tanks, but in practice they are too far away for that and covered by enemy infantry and such.

If you know there will be guns and have ammo to burn, you can also try "recon by fire", shooting HE at a threatening treeline for example.

As a "stupid AI trick" you can try sending one piece of light armor and trigger their fire that way. But it usually loses that light armor. And humans will take your scout car out with something less than a full caliber AT gun, often something small enough you can't spot it even when it fires. (You just get a "sound contact", which isn't where the gun actually is located).

3. If I only have molotov cocktail against heavy armor what is the right order to attack tanks with it? Is it a "cover ark" or "target"?

You don't need to give them an order particularly. They will attack tanks within about 30m with their infantry AT weapons, if they aren't suppressed. If they are suppressed by fire they won't manage it. Also, molotovs are just awful as AT weapons, and a unit without them (just "grenades") will actually do better. Good Russian infantry AT comes from pioneer squads, who have demolition charges. And late in the war tank hunters get special AT grenades (RPG-1s). For the rest, Russian infantry AT sucks.

Don't try to chase a tank out in the open, if will just turn and fire its machineguns and slaughter you. Attack from cover 20-30m away. To get close to the edge of cover you can use "advance" or "assault", but if they see you can fire they will probably prevent the infantry AT attack. Works better from ambush - stationary is good cover until it gets close. A covered arc can help just to prevent them trying to hit an exposed tank commander with small arms, before it gets close enough for a close assault, but otherwise isn't necessary.

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Thank you for the info Jason!

Now, you said that I should group my tanks if I wanted to discover an AT gun, and even if the gun attemts to fire at one of my tanks, the rest of them will fire back and presumably destroy it, (worst case loosing one of my tanks). In the quick battle that I fought, I discovered three AT guns lined up against my armor. Now what should my tactics be against three AT's? I know you mentioned the mortars but unfortunately I did not have any. Neither a single PTRD gun. Just a buch of infantry and tanks. I almost can be certain that if I moved my tanks to discover the guns most of them would be destroyed. I have an idea to share fo this particular situation with three guns and if you think it's wrong please let me know.

Knowing that Germans are advancing, I can hide my tanks out of sight for the AT guns with my infantry and wait until they come within range to fire, (reppel the attack). I could continue appying this tactics until they either give up trying or loose enough men to surrender. In this situation none of my tanks would be visible to AT guns unless they decide to move them, and if they do, I will have infantry ready to fire form the flanks. Of course this should be done before the main attack begins. Tell me guys what you think of this tactics? Thank you

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Originally posted by zui:

"if you have an HQ spot for the mortar"

iam a newbie too. how i do it?

If you HQ unit is in LOS of the taget and your mortar isn't, you will be able to target the enemy and get a yellow line.

If your HQ and mortar don't have an LOS you will get a red line to the target and the mortar will not fire.

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When it comes to choosing among my mods I'd suggest you start by replacing the ugliest AND most common first. That definitely means the T34s and PzIVs (some of my PzIVs are only at Zimorodok.org).

If you want to swap-out the most common vehicles I'd suggest moving on to all those Stugs and PzIIIs.

But if you want to fix the UGLIEST vehicles regardless of rarity I suggest the Lend-Lease Stuart and Valentine. And definitely the IS-2. MOST definitely the IS-2.

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