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Forgetful Goodales Cheery Waffle of Monthly Moves

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Originally posted by Snarker:

Attention maggots!!!!

Do not put your winter coats away yet. Just in time for summer - HELL FREEZES OVER!!!!! :mad: :mad:

Goodale sent another turn - three in one week, give or take one week.

I received one also!! :eek: Being a glutton for punishment, I not only sent him my next turn in that game (in progress almost 4 months), but also a setup for our rematch. I wonder if having two games going at once with Goodale will mean I receive turns twice as often? Or half as often? Or never? :confused:
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Originally posted by Dave H:

I wonder if having two games going at once with Goodale will mean I receive turns twice as often? Or half as often? Or never? :confused:

I'm pretty sure it's actually one of the seven signs of the end of the world.
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Stand by for an important announcement from MasterGoodale concerning the result of our first game. It could come any day now, depending on when he gets around to opening my turn. Maybe I should say IF he gets around to it. ;)

For our second game I sent him a Quick Battle (and isn't that title a cruel joke) setup for a Russian attack on 2,000 points of Germans in August 1942. He had some very specific criteria for the rematch, and I gave him everything he asked for. I suspect he'll buy a dozen or two KVs, with the rest in heavy artillery. I know how he loves to chuck his furiously molten Russian TNT.

Anyway, the map is one I downloaded from Biltong's maps (I hope that's right). Back when Becket wanted to play on a certain map, I downloaded the entire set. If you haven't tried them, I HIGHLY recommend them to you. There is so much character on them that a normal QB map just doesn't have. Prinz Eugen and I are fighting on another of the maps. I'm defending a really well done railroad station from the Prinz's rotten elite German horde. Well, I should say at this point in the battle our "fight" consists of me shooting and him burning. But that could change on Turn 2. :D:D

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Hmmm, come to think of it, if MasterGoodwrench actually wins a game, that would be the second of seven signs the end of the world is nigh.

What else?

If Grog Dorosh fails to reach 10,000 posts.

If Mike_the_wino climbs on the wagon.

If Soddball stops making TNT-laden lunatic scenarios.

Hmm, what else?

Jas :mad: n

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Hey Axe2121 did you like that last go-round? Things are starting to pick up a bit; 1 building burning (w/ Ruskies inside) and 1 building collapsed (w/ Ruskies inside, notice the trend?). I saw one his tanks randomly firing and thought Axe might be getting into the swing of things...nope, just popping smoke in a vain attempt hide his cowardly retreat from my uber-truppen. Don't know why he bothered most of my troops are playing troll under the bridge and refusing to run out into the hail of bullets. I wish Soddball had given me more mortars so I could shell the spineless fools. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Dave H and I are wrapping up "Manstein Returns". I don't know why you gits like the Ruskies so much. It's like coaching a 5 year-old girls soccer match. Yea there is a lot of running around but they never move how you want them to. It's gonna be close but I think Dave is getting his sig back. :(

Gaylord Focker and Beowolf are playing CMBB all MasterGoodale-ish, yep no turns from either maggot. Beowolf may be dead for all I know, it's been a fortnight since the last turn. OMG, he IS FancyGayDoll!!!!! Maybe it is a split personality or somefink.

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Yes, I live, although only just. In between long hours at work the world is falling out of my bottom with a particularly nasty bug.

I have several scenarios on the brew for you monkeys, but nothing hot and ready just yet.

Kinky is still awaiting his turn, soz.

Snockarock's email address keeps rejecting my email for fear that the MOLTEN TNT will melt the face off the recipient.

MightyBadWhale sent me a turn, whence I opened up a Can-'o-Whoopass 'pon his M-17 halftrack. It died.

Not content with this, he rolled up a fat, podgy T-34 close to where I had earlier pasted another fat, podgy T-34. It, too, will die.

Also, some other hoors have had turns. Yes.

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Originally posted by Soddball:


Yes, I live, although only just. In between long hours at work the world is falling out of my bottom with a particularly nasty bug.

There are some things I really don't want to know. :eek: Hope you get better soon. Is it possible to catch some moldy and nasty bug from MasterGoodale through this thread? Hmmmmm...

Have you had the chance to post your Kneiber Dam scenario yet? I've looked at the Depot, but haven't seen it yet. Of course, I may be looking in the wrong place. Let me know, I want to write a review of Axe's gamey victory and my historically accurate, perfectly directed, flawlessly executed defeat. :D:D

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Originally posted by Dave H

Is it possible to catch some moldy and nasty bug from MasterGoodale through this thread? Hmmmmm...

Two things to remember;

1) All the Molten-TNT kils germs.

2) RustyOldPail doesn't post....hhhmmm, EVER. Originally I was thinking that he didn't post enough to pose a moldy-germ-ridden threat but looking back the Elton-John-wannabe hasn't been around at all.

Soddball come back, the neo-Prohibitionists are giving me the stink eye. I need a fellow inebriate* to show them how TNT is supposed to be chucked.

For a sober lad Dave H isn't doing a half-bad job. But the whole speaking clearly and not understanding that being passed out IS an excuse for not sending turns (as is being hungover after aforementioned passing out), really is too much.

And don't me started on the lumberjack-at-large, Axe2121 . That fancy lad is pratically AVOIDING unnecessary damage. WTF?!? What's the matter? Is this the historic district or what? Smash some stuff lad and be quick about it. Or you can sit there and let the world crash down around you.

The only one I hold out hope for is Prinz Eugen . This chap has to be buzzed 24/7 to be this trusting in this day and age. Hell, you need to be half in the bag to read this drivel in the first place.

{*anybody who read Get Fuzzy in Sunday's Comics knows you can " wordify " anything}

[ April 29, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: mike_the_wino ]

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Originally posted by Soddball:


Yes, I live, although only just. In between long hours at work the world is falling out of my bottom with a particularly nasty bug.

Poor blighters have a case of you... :D

Snockarock's email address keeps rejecting my email for fear that the MOLTEN TNT will melt the face off the recipient.

Even zipped??? If so, their spam filter thinks you're a pornographer or a photographer or sumfink. Nitwits. Let me know so I can call them for the eleventy seventh time to straighten this out. Actually, it shouldn't bounce back if that's the case... I should see it in a quarantined file. Double nitwits.

[ April 29, 2003, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: Snarker ]

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This news bulletin just in. Dave H and MasterGoodale complete their first PBEM game in one whole day less than four months! :eek: Our rematch has already begun (I sent a setup). I expect the rematch to finish around mid-September or later. ;) My esteemed, moldy, and very gamey opponent, MasterGoodale, will be along in a week or three to give further details of our titanic struggle. Over to you, Maggot! :D:D

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I say. I say !

Almost a complete page without words of wisdom coming from me. So pay very close attention maggots, I shan't repeat myself here.

After the lecture in passwords, the use of, from the popular and extremely informative series "Teaching Prinz Eugen a lesson or three" , I am with mike_the_wino finally settled to a fight that we might actually finish . It's going to be an exciting TNT-chucking competition over the laid, barren steppes that are going to be even more barren after the next 25+ turns.

Snarker and I have finally gained contact, with six or so turns into the game, as his not yet properly ID'd SP Gun, probably a Marder, is spotted on a hill on my left, looking terribly vulnerable and alone. The life expectancy of aforementioned AFV's crew is not something he would cheer at.

Unteroffizier Grill was, ahem, grilled in his very, very, very thinly armoured AC, causing enormous jubilation in Dave H's T-34. Well, I will advice him to extract all pleasure there is to be had in such unjust action, as I presume the rest of the battle will not go as cheerfully for him. :mad:

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Originally posted by Prinz Eugen:

Snarker and I have finally gained contact, with six or so turns into the game, as his not yet properly ID'd SP Gun, probably a Marder, is spotted on a hill on my left, looking terribly vulnerable and alone. The life expectancy of aforementioned AFV's crew is not something he would cheer at.

Hot, angry, mad :mad: :mad: TNT screams your way as you write this. Hope your captured kitty doesn't suffer much.
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MightyGrumbleGuts is on the end of a serious piece of arse-whooping. This turn he lost another SU-152, a T34 and a T-60. His infantry have just come into range of my big guns and he plays like the AI. I pasted 2 T-34s in a narrow valley, so, if that were you, would you roll an SU-152 into same valley and proceed to turn it sideways? Would you hell!

Goodale has just successfully carried out a flanking maneuver, directly into the flank which I had specifically prepared against flanking maneuvers. I can read this boy like a book, and the outcome is not going to be pretty.

I had a metric buttload of red wine last night - a rather nice bottle of Koonunga Hill followed by a bottle of Lindeman's, which seems to have enabled me to clench for longer. Thanks for all your cheery waffle on the matter. Plus, the corks come in extra handy when clenching is no longer an option.

Teddy Windsor and I are having a smashing set-to, 1000 points of infantry on a pretty, shiny QB map. I know, I need to download Biltong's maps, and I will do, if I can find the biatches. We are only on turn 5 but I can sense the slaughterous potential throbbing away.

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Originally posted by Soddball:

I can sense the slaughterous potential throbbing away.

On the contrary, my hairy little chum, the tension is mounting exquisitely and my brave Germans are sick with excitement, their guts churning in their stomachs.

The sound of birdsong and the breeze caressing the leaves of the trees is soon to be shattered by the crack of gunfire, the whistle of mortars and the screams of men.

War is dirty business.

Speaking of which, Snarker and Mike the Wino, do you consider “extras”?

Teddy ( :mad: :mad: :mad: because it feels so gooood)

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor

Speaking of which, Snarker and Mike the Wino, do you consider “extras”?

Did that little photo spark some memories, you silly little bath-house boy?

In a duel of epic proportions "The Finn vs. The Drunk" is under way. No sig line for the winner as the multiple mishaps has left both parties disgusted with the impending outcome. But at least Prinz Eugen and I are gaming.

Dave H was obviously dazzled and amazed by my tactical prowess, as only one turn was received last night. Or perhaps he is crying in his de-caf, sugar-free, mormon-approved beverage as our game has yielded results not to his liking? :eek:

The game with Axe2121 is a typical SnotWad knife-fight. The guns have been silenced, the armour battle is a draw and now its time to see who can blow up more stuff before the end.

This weekend will be a cleansing of the files. All games stalled, stagnanating or otherwise Goodale-esque will be lost to the ages. In case you numbskulls forgot who you are let me remind you; Gaylord Focker, Javaslinger, Beowolf.

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mike, while in your drunken haze you probably overlooked the fact that when you send me a turn at 1 am, for me it's already 4 am. While I enjoy CMBB as much as the next person, I can't sit up all night every night waiting for a turn from you. I'm sorry to disappoint you with only one turn per day. tongue.gif

I see this thread's patron saint MasterGoodale hasn't arrived yet to report on our PBEM. I will announce that he rejected my original setup for our rematch because he wanted his 1942-era Russians to have the same morale as my Germans. Personally I assumed he wanted more TNT to chuck. I'll never figure this guy out. The maggot! :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by Edward Windsor:

Axe2121 I hope I've finally managed to send you an email - many apologies for the delay.


No apologies needed Teddy. Message gratefully received. Most appreciated. I'll send you an update soon.


Jas :mad: n

(edited for a lack of boldness and etiquette)

[ April 30, 2003, 09:00 PM: Message edited by: Axe2121 ]

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Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Not only did Dave H finish second to my brilliant tactics in Sockball's Kneiber Dam scenario, he will also finish second in the review game as well.

Hmmm, should he turn out to have lost to MoldyGolfball we should probably have an intervention. I'll buy my ticket to Indiana tomorrow.

Jas :mad: n

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What a no-good, drunken, worthless pile of maggot nads!!! The whole lot of ya!! :mad:

I hate you all with a blackness in my heart even the most stone-hearted terrorist would envy!! :mad:

DaveH is awefully proud of his "TACTICAL VICTORY" over MasterGoodale's tired, hungry hordes who hadn't seen their newborn children or wives for over a year. But nonetheless, I must grant him the spoils of the victor as I will soon be eager to collect my own from several ill-fated victims of my bitter TNT-Chucking techniques (SNARKER? THERMOPLAE? CARROTTOP??(or whatever your game name is) ). DaveH has chosen to strip me of my most precious possesion as my punishment for losing to such a loser. He has muted the "G" in my *RAR**ARARA***!!" until I either beat him or August 1st. Quite clever for a cretin actually. Trust me, the former will come sooner. You've never even read about TNT as angry as what I'm going to chuck at him maggots! :mad:

SoddBall hahahahaha boy are you in for a bitter, angry, gray, flaming surpise!! :mad: And I aint talkin' bout your mama's dick maggot nuts!! :mad:

Fall Out Scum Pouches!! :mad:

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Originally posted by Soddball:

Snarker and Mike the Wino enjoy a long night in:


Roight. When you tire of the embrace of your favorite goat, purty please send a feckin' TNT slathered turn!!!! No excuses about bounce backs.

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Well, Snarker is well on his way to finishing off my poor Russian force with his evil Grizzly SP. I'm sure the thing will top 100 kills. I can only hope I gave him some surprises the AI wouldn't have. Anyway, I'm looking forward to our next game, where I get angry :mad: :mad: :mad:

Really :mad:

Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry :D

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