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Joe, agency is limited and revocable unless stated otherwise in the agency agreement. While you may well have acted as the agent of the Olde Ones in regards to Squire confirmations, you have NOT provided any evidence that you have the authority to OVERRIDE the clearly stated desires of the Olde Ones; e.g., when Berli said 'NO' to your desire to take Vadr as squire, that was it. The principal can, by direct action, override the decision of the agent.

Therefore, Vadr remains a pissant Serf.

So there, powergrabber.


[ January 19, 2003, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Joe, agency is limited and revocable unless stated otherwise in the agency agreement. While you may well have acted as the agent of the Olde Ones in regards to Squire confirmations, you have NOT provided any evidence that you have the authority to OVERRIDE the clearly stated desires of the Olde Ones; e.g., when Berli said 'NO' to your desire to take Vadr as squire, that was it. The principal can, by direct action, override the decision of the agent.


There was no such caveat in the original decree, had they wished it they could have provided it. Since they didn't, well, too late now isn't it then ... {pfffgftttttttt}!

Now go away for a while, I've work to do damnit.


p.s. OH, one more thing ... NAME the Squire whom they refused. You said there was one, so name him. {nyah, nyah, Nyah, nyah, nyah}

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Good Donkey Sir Yeknodathon, if by this you mean to proclaim for The One The True CessPool then by all means ... good War Donkeys are as hard to find, harder one would suspect, than good War Chargers.

So what say you Yeknodathon will you fight for the right, will you declare FOR the CessPool, will you cry out with us (or bray if you like, we're willing to be reasonable) against the hypocrisy and "let them eat cake" attitude of the Olde Ones, will you wage WAR with us Yeknodathon to keep the Pretender Apostate from the throne of olde? Will you lad?

Eh? [chews slowly on a regurgitated twig]

Well, see *sniff* being a highly trained thoroughbred I'm very sensitive... *sniff*... with needs peculiar to, and *sniff* note the correction, BATTLE Donkey (War Donkeys being a common error denoting lack of preparation, study and generaly lazy observation)...

*sniff*, yes, see it all depends? 'Cause yer got to treat yer BATTLE donkeys right... so, Justicar, yer know how to treat me special, eh?

I mean, would yer fit? This needs further discussion... one can't be hasty... please book an appointment.


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Lord Seanachai!

Just what the heil do you think you're doing? You and Berli create chaos (I'd expect no less from the likes of him), and just disappear?

Are you Olde Farts getting a good laugh while these two debate the fine print? Come back and get on with it, Bard, before the whole place self-destructs in uncivil war.

And what about all us squires? Any more of this fence-sitting, and I'm going to get piles.

Edited to bold the name of the instigator.

[ January 19, 2003, 07:44 PM: Message edited by: R_Leete ]

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Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

... and I wouldn't really want to twang the Justicar on account that guitar picks would have to be a certain size so as to pluck and lever lips with vigorous strumming... and one couldn't predict a constant tension... and I should think that consistent tension is very important playing a Justicar... one wouldn't want a flabby Justicar with inconsistently tuned lips otherwise one might lose not only yer guitar pick but half yer arm as well... *sniff*... don't suppose he's wanting a battle donkey?

Didn't think so.

No harm in asking, we wouldn't get very far.


So sorry Yeknod, but you will have no time to act the War Donkey for Joe. We've already tapped you for the role of Royal Steed of HRH Meeks.

Oh, and you do realize this means the Royal Stables don't you? Heated stalls, buxom grooms, plenty carrots...

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Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

No fence for you laddie-buck! You go with your liege... which I believe is Seanachai. Now say after me

Gods save the King!

Okay, God dam..., er that's not it. Give it another go, eh? How about Goats salve the... no still not quite right. Hm, Gut out the King? No? Why not?

Shoulda gone with Mensch. Who would have argued with him as king? Like trying to teach the village idiot quantum physics: pointless to try, and better off if left undone.

Okay, okay! Stop glaring. Here goes:

Dogs ****e the king! Better?

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Interesting. The Cess is revolting; but it's always been that what with you lot as denizens.

Joe makes some good points, and he even covered me with muck once. Then again, Berli did call for my head on a pike, and the Olde Ones bless HE WHO WOULD BE KING. Can't be all bad.

The Lawyer blathers on, mind you not necessarily truly fer or agin the Coronation (he being a shark and all), but rather stating the case for the right to go forward with the ritual of crowning a King dressed in borrowed clothes brimming with wildlife.

As long as we serfs can give forty percent of something to someone, it matters not.



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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

snore... Goose egg. End of story.

I hark, a commanding voice call, Eg?

Of what service may I be?

Yes, 'tis certain ,not yet serf, I'm free.

As none care which I side, nor see.

Though a store of pucks, from sport, or three

The scoundrel, a secret known but to me.

I retreat, a corner shadows cloak my glee.

I sense a concealed lover O' Canadee.

edited 'cause Vadr loves it. -Me

[ January 20, 2003, 12:56 AM: Message edited by: Egbert ]

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Originally posted by Egbert:

Of what service may I be?

Yes, 'tis certain ,not yet serf, I'm free.

As none care which I side, nor see.

What are you on about? I raised you to Serf in 'The Thread That Died'.

You just have to post in an amusing manner now until someone takes you as Squire.

[ January 20, 2003, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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House Moriarty is for Daft King Meeks should anyone be able to catch and pin down the balmy bugger long enough to plop on his head the tiara that Seanachai purloined from the reigning Miss Snowball 1967 during a late-night tussle outside the high school.

Crazy as a tree full of rats, he (that being Meeks) is.

And that, Joe Shaw, means that Sirs Stuka, Leeo and soon-to-be sir, now Squire Treeburst 155, should he decide to stay with his male nom de plume instead of the previous female one, of course, also will support the new Daft king.

Good lord, Berli, ain't you ever gonna spell Geier's name correctly?

[ January 20, 2003, 01:32 AM: Message edited by: Moriarty ]

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A flickering fire; a pool of light in an empty and all but formless land. Three figures crouch forward, staring into the distance, from whence comes the sound of argument, battle cries, and general brouhaha.

Seanachai: Interesting. Shaw says he's not revolting.

Berli: No mirrors in that house, then.

Seanachai: He just proclaimed to the folk that we're lunatic drunkards sunk in foolishness.

Peng: It's a fair cop, but society's to blame.

Seanachai: Some stirring stuff there from Shaw. Makes me want to jump right up and have at us!

Berli: I find MrSpkr's declamations more worthy. He has a very precise sense of politics.

Seanachai: I don't know, Berli. Shaw's going on and on about never accepting Meeks as King. Rallied quite a bit of support to his side, as well.

Berli: Have you ever heard of the Earl of Montrose?

Seanachai: Yes, I see your point. But I don't really see Shaw in that role. Not right for his...idiom. Works for OGSF, though. Damn near a natural role for him.

Peng: Seanachai may be right. I keep telling Shaw to shut up, and he keeps declaiming. He puts me in mind of 'oh who shall rid me of this troublesome priest?'

Seanachai: Exactly, Peng! Very apt. Point of conscience, upholder of what's right; sort of a noisy, bombastic Becket, or Thomas More.

Berli: Waiting for Godot?

Seanachai: No, the other one. The Saint.

Peng: Hold that thought. Shaw puts me in mind of 'Theatre of the the Absurd' more than anyone I know.

Seanachai: You've been reading too much Dalem and Leeo lately. Hmm...we've never had an Archbishop, have we?

Peng: You can't be serious! You want to drag The Church in here?

Seanachai: Not The Church, Peng, but rather, the Church. Or not even that, really. More like: the Temple. I mean, the only difference between the Templars and the Knights of the Cesspool is that the Templars were rich.

Peng: Are you sure?

Berli: The Templars were arrogant, willful, hedonistic voluptuaries given over to occult practices who did not acknowledge the Secular Powers, and who held themselves above the discipline of the Spiritual Powers of their time.

Peng: Ah! Spot on!

Seanachai: I think that, with apologies to Berli, we need an 'Archbishop of Canterbury', as it were.

Berli: No problem. You'd be amazed at how many of them were Ours, in any case.

Seanachai: True. If we would have a King, you see, then we must have a power to check their rule. Of course, there's always 'the People'. But most of them seem to be standing with Shaw.

Peng: The 'People' are sheep! Witness the 'approval ratings' of the current administration.

Seanachai: Ah! I wondered why Mace threw in with Meeks. At last, a chance to do what he does best with Royal Favour.

Berli: So you would elevate Shaw to...?

Seanachai: Archbishop of the Cesspool, yes. Isn't it funny how our little society seems to go through the same stages in its development as the wider world did in history?

The fire crackles, and sparks fly up towards the over-arching stars. The three figures stare deep into the flames.

Seanachai: Of course, this is a predominantly male community of drunken idiots given over to the most venal and ridiculous posturing, bereft of any form of logic, with more time on its collective hands than was needed to raise the Great Pyramids, and with as little regard for and grasp of reality as the average schizophrenic.

Peng: An incredible reproduction.

Berli: Uncanny.

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Originally posted by Vadr:

For want of the Respect for Tradition

The Old Git died

Ahhh, I see that the stress of your position (ie MBT outcast) has reduced you to calling your liege, the Justicar, names.

He won't be happy you know.

Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Vadr is my Squire ... end of discussion.

No need to apologise. I suppose you must make do with what you are dealt (in your case a very bad hand).


[ January 20, 2003, 02:18 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]

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Oh, and before we get on with the coronation, and all, I think it's only right that Joe should have Vadr to Squire.

Did you see how happy the lad was? I mean, if he had a tail (always supposing he doesn't...hard to tel with some of the mutants), he would have been wagging it.

Also, the promise of Squirehood had him not only working on a bit of prose, but caused him to bodily assault and do grievous damage to a Pink Floyd song!

Pluck, and intiative. All the things we want to see rewarded here in the Peng Challenge Thread.

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