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Appear Neither Void Nor Empty In the Sight or Presence of the Peng Challenge

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Originally posted by Egbert:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai :

Now, be a good Squire, and GO FIND ME A GODDAMN FANCY PLUMED HAT!

A hat sir, I present to you, from a donkey, yes,

but from a firm source, sir,I can attest, the patriarch whence the the kingdom but required a shoe.

A most noble steed then and but requires the blessing of ceremony.

edited but to grovel further.</font>

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You don't post for weeks, doubtless because your day-release program frowns on you using the tools that led to your original arrest, and then you show up here in a solemn f'ing moment and blather on.

Ahem ... Seanachai lad, doesn't it strike you as just a TAD odd that you're berating someone (nothing wrong with THAT of course, especially the one being berated) for being gone for weeks when YOU AND BERLI DECIDED TO INVEST Meeks (not a gonna bold, I don't hold with it) as King when he's been gone FOR BLEEDING MONTHS!

That you would annoit a known SPLITTER and Apostate ... I never thought I'd see the day ... then I took my sunglasses off and it was right there where I left it.


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Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

This isn't a Peng Thread - it's a bleedin' sycophantic groveling putrid agony Aunt Versace column!

Edited to say that it's <big><big>PAGE 2</big></big>, and there's still no rules!

Yes, yes, fine, whatever.


The Rules are as follows:

If you're here, it's because you've found 'the Life of the Mind' on the General Forum lacking, the 'Witty Give and Take of Humour' on the Regular Forum non-existent (witness any attempt to tease a mod slut), and the need to 'Pick Out a Specific Opponent and Challenge Him/Her By Means of Badinage, Banter, and Taunting' to be uppermost in your mind, such as it is.

Entertain us with the your quips and rapier wit, and join us. Piss on endlessly about your 'thingy', the passage of your bodily wastes, and how entertaining you find them, or how 'all should fear how kool you are' not to mention being the next Vanilla Ice, and you will be derided, laughed at, and then ignored.

Bring your Real World hatreds in here, other than a good and righteous need to annoy the Kiwis, and you will leave this place like a rocket, and very likely not stop at the borders of the rest of the Forum.

Cherish the Ladies of the 'Pool. Remember that you, too, are born of woman, and that your mother was the first law-giver in your life. Annoy them, and the Law will deal with you. And a 'Glasgow Kiss' is exactly that, compared to a firm grasp on your nadgers, and a husky, feminine voice saying 'feeling lucky, punk?'

They will do the 'Swiss Bell Ringers' act if you're stupid enough to laugh. And the musical notes of your screams will bring glee to every heart.

Finally, include an email address and general location in your profile.

We're not interested in spotty little trolls wandering about asking to be treated like 'a big boy' now.

[ January 17, 2003, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Ahem ... Seanachai lad, doesn't it strike you as just a TAD odd that you're berating someone (nothing wrong with THAT of course, especially the one being berated) for being gone for weeks when YOU AND BERLI DECIDED TO INVEST Meeks (not a gonna bold, I don't hold with it) as King when he's been gone FOR BLEEDING MONTHS!

That you would annoit a known SPLITTER and Apostate ... I never thought I'd see the day ... then I took my sunglasses off and it was right there where I left it.


I thought you were in Detox?

Anyway, something had to be done, Old Foul Joe. And King Meeks is an equal opportunity menace: He annoys everyone.

Anyways, we're not letting him resume his roll as Grand Inquisitor of the Peng Challenge Thread. We've had calls from both Geneva and the Hague asking for the assurance that it won't happen again. So we figure we're on safe ground here, and won't end up as some sort of rider on the Milosevic trial.

Be calm, Joe. Peng's out right now, even as we speak, buying some extremely powerful animal tranquilizers and the means of delivering them from a distance, should we need to.

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

Anyways, we're not letting him resume his roll as Grand Inquisitor of the Peng Challenge Thread.

Exactly... which brings me back to the idea of MrSpkr for that post. He seems naturally... qualified for it.

Oh, and won't Meeks need an heir? Should be someone with some resemblance. Meeks is crazy as a tree ful of hamsters... how about someone that is as crazy as a tree full of rats?

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Hey I am a bit of a newbie and you guys seem like vets so I was hoping I could ask you a question.

What’s the deal with my tanks being knocked out all the time? I thought tanks were tough because the have the armor. Is it me or is this game just too unrealistic?

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Originally posted by Seanachai:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stalin's Organ:

This isn't a Peng Thread - it's a bleedin' sycophantic groveling putrid agony Aunt Versace column!

Edited to say that it's <big><big>PAGE 2</big></big>, and there's still no rules!

Yes, yes, fine, whatever.


The Rules are as follows:

If you're here, it's because you've found 'the Life of the Mind' on the General Forum lacking, the 'Witty Give and Take of Humour' on the Regular Forum non-existent (witness any attempt to tease a mod slut), and the need to 'Pick Out a Specific Opponent and Challenge Him/Her By Means of Badinage, Banter, and Taunting' to be uppermost in your mind, such as it is.

Entertain us with the your quips and rapier wit, and join us. Piss on endlessly about your 'thingy', the passage of your bodily wastes, and how entertaining you find them, or how 'all should fear how kool you are' not to mention being the next Vanilla Ice, and you will be derided, laughed at, and then ignored.

Bring your Real World hatreds in here, other than a good and righteous need to annoy the Kiwis, and you will leave this place like a rocket, and very likely not stop at the borders of the rest of the Forum.

Cherish the Ladies of the 'Pool. Remember that you, too, are born of woman, and that your mother was the first law-giver in your life. Annoy them, and the Law will deal with you. And a 'Glasgow Kiss' is exactly that, compared to a firm grasp on your nadgers, and a husky, feminine voice saying 'feeling lucky, punk?'

They will do the 'Swiss Bell Ringers' act if you're stupid enough to laugh. And the musical notes of your screams will bring glee to every heart.

Finally, include an email address and general location in your profile.

We're not interested in spotty little trolls wandering about asking to be treated like 'a big boy' now.</font>

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Guest PondScum

Right. I'm buggering off to Minnesota for a long weekend. With a bit of luck I'll be snowed in for a week. No turns for the lot of you. And when I get back, that sodding king had better be INVESTED already, because I've got a BONE TO PICK with his Meekness.

Oh yessss we do, my precioussss.

Sit with me, dear reader, and picture the time, lo these many months ago.

First PBEM. Ever.

In the MBT (mistake #1).

Against Berli (mistake #2).

With a scenario by Meeks (mistake #3).

He probably thought it was a "fun" scenario. He probably thought it was a "cunning" scenario. He probably had lots of thoughts about that scenario that are rated strictly "NEED TO KNOW - EYES ONLY", and are sealed in small locked boxes with big BIOHAZARD stickers all over them, and that have loud disembodied voices saying "You have... five... minutes to reach minimum safe distance" when you try to open said boxes.

Three bones. That's THREE BONES I have to pick with Meeks. Last one to the marrow loses.

[ January 17, 2003, 02:45 AM: Message edited by: PondScum ]

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Quest for the Anointed Armoured Car


Like the mighty Mongols, brave vicious horsemen led by the feared and dreaded great KUBLAI, unyielding like the mighty yellow river, brushing aside all obstacles, unmoved like the great wall of China...My armoured cars have crushed the evil forces of Nidan1. Yes, and much like how women and children fled before the advancing Mongol army, his armoured cars have fled before my Romanian captured BA-10s, and the ferocious Hungarian Csaba machines. It is a great victory, and my Axis minors have once again proven that Nidan1 is as adept at leading his pixel-troops into battle as a supermodel is at leading Nobel prize winners in deep philosophical discusisons. Nidan1 I call upon you to surrender before my cars, and spare the lifes of your remaining crews hiding in the brush.

Like the mighty Romans, the fearless victorious Legionnares, diciplined on the field of battle, unmoved by the enemy resistance, advancing like the steady flow of the tide, harsh and unforgiving like the freezing cold of the arctic winter night...My armoured cars have secured a victory against the laughable disorganized rabble poor sgtgoody has seen fit to lead on the field of battle. My dreaded Romanian PSW 222 land battleships have already killed several of his unknown vehicles, and it is but a matter of time before his forces flee in terror before my unstoppable force.

Like NINJAS, the clever and guitarplaying superheroes, moving stealthily and cunning over the battlefield like a group of black clad superfoxes, constantly with a smile and a silent QUAH! on their lips...My armoured cars have secured victory against the laughable forces of Jussi, the mad finn. Already my stealthy PSW 222s are surrounding his positins, and soon they will strike at his crack M17s from all directions.

Like Ronald McDonald, the ankward and ugly red headed clown, with too big shoes and a peculiar attitude towards lipstick Mike has led his forces to the field of battle. With a not-a-step-back-tenacity and a never-surrender-attitude you normally only see among the French, his forces pulled back at the first sight of my mighty armoured cars. The only thing preventing them from driving back to Paris is the mapedge. Thrice I spit at his cowardly Ba10s *ptui* *ptui* *ptui*

Like a horde of ants, unstoppable like an avalance, fearless and organized like insects, I have sent my conscript Malaxa carriers against the forces of Das Reich. He does not read this thread so he doesnt know that for my fifth battle in the quest for the Anointed Armoured Car I bought 20 conscript Romanian Malaxa carriers, and 20 conscript Italian tankettes, supported by 4 Romanian Ba-10s. Soon he will learn to fear the effects of my horribly gamey, yet dashingly clever "horde of ants draws fire while Ba-10s sit hull down and wait for targets"-tactic.

[ January 17, 2003, 02:47 AM: Message edited by: Leutnant Hortlund ]

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Originally posted by Liken:

What’s the deal with my tanks being knocked out all the time? I thought tanks were tough because the have the armor. Is it me or is this game just too unrealistic?

Thank you for your thoughtful question. Indeed as you rightly noticed, tanks are tough, and the armor shields their crews admirably from artillery and small arms fire. However by the time of WWII modern armies were equipped with a variety of weapons systems designed specifically to defeat tank armor.

So in a battle, if one side has gained 'armor superiority', defined as the ability of his tanks to operate relatively unhindered in an infantry support role, then you will see the kind of powerful tanks you seem to have been thinking of.

But as long as this armor superiority is contested, tanks will die, since many weapons systems will KO a tank on their first hit. Much of the tactical pleasure of the game comes from trying to maneuver to a position where your armor can provide effective support against enemy infantry positions, while denying your enemy armor a viable way of stopping them. All the variables in the stats and performance of your armor, as well as terrain, objectives and intel will come into this complicated equation. So don't worry, lil fella. The game ain't broke ;)

Thanks again for your inquisitiveness and for your kind comment, in referring to us as vets. smile.gif

[ January 17, 2003, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: CMplayer ]

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Leave a man to do a womans job and what do you get?

A bloody flee ridden outfit only fit for the lowest of the lowest SSN.

I won't have any King of mine prancing about in such rags.

So I did a little bit of shopping and picked out a nice new Coronation outfit complete with a crown fit for the King of Kings.


Of course, until the Chosen one is actually crowned, he'll need something less extravagent to complete his look.

So I have chosen this rather flamboyant little red and black number complete with plume.


As you can see there are no shiny buttons not even English ones.

I shall speak to the Lady Persephone and hopefully she will finish of the look with somewhat more manly features once she recieves a pic from Meeks.

You lot didn't really think the guy in the pic was your future King did you?

No siree, he is so much more handsome.

And now, if you don't mind, I have a coronation to get ready for...

**Oh I have nothing in my wardrobe to befit such an occasion. Guess I'll have to go shopping again.**


(I mean where's those SSNs with my transport!!)


[ January 17, 2003, 05:39 AM: Message edited by: YK2 ]

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