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The Wheels of the Challenge Thread go "Peng, Peng, Peng".

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Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Well...actually...it was our own dalem's inspiration. I wouldn't want to take credit for his brilliance.

Who would? </font>
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Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Right, well why don't you go get yourself converted by MrSpkr or something.

Geez, I thought you left.

Isn't there any shame involved for those board members who make a big dramatic flouncy exit, then just hang around afterwards? Aren't you embarrassed at all? </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by dalem:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Gaylord Focker:

Right, well why don't you go get yourself converted by MrSpkr or something.

Geez, I thought you left.

Isn't there any shame involved for those board members who make a big dramatic flouncy exit, then just hang around afterwards? Aren't you embarrassed at all? </font>

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Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Coventry, dalem, Coventry.

Thou hast violated the rules, young dalem. For thine punishment, send me a setup, 1000 points, small map, you be the Italians, I be the Russkis, computer picks the forces, July 1942. Meeting engagement, 25+ turns.



Sorry boss, me no start new BB games.
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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by lenakonrad:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

Spawn Off

The greatest words ever. </font>
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So...did anyone else have a pleasant Friday the 13th?

What did mine include...let's see...well, my computer died of a bad power supply...then I witnessed a lovely car wreck with some fatalities...then the brakes on my car politely informed me they'd be failing in the near future.

Fortunately I'd picked up a new fan to fix my power supply before the car went tits up...but wait, after getting raped for $16 for a fan at RadioSchlock, I crack open the PSU, replace the fan and....ta da...there's a short somewhere else, too. Before I can investigate further, (did I mention I'm a professional?) I discovered that this little bit of the power supply I didn't think was hot was, in fact, hot, when a wire running back to the power supply touched said bit. Well, a sharp crack and small puff of smoke later, my shorted out PSU was a fried PSU with a side of bacon.

So no turns for you pillocks!

I'm going to bed before anything worse happens...

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Well, how...very special.

I've just spent some time trying to get caught up on the Thread, but I will probably have to have another go at it, as there were sections where my attention wandered.

But I can say this, without fear of having to recant later: Getting caught up on this incarnation of the Thread of threads has made me want to live.

Because only by a concerted effort of will can I extend my life long enough to get back the time I spent on the last hundred or so posts, and give that spent time some meaning. Any sort of meaning. Macrame hangings, for example. Normally something as utterly pointless as Macrame hangings would only convey some sort of meaning to the lives of manic-depressive women using 'Crafts' as a healing tool. But if I could gain back the time I spent reading the last lot of slurry, and used it to create Macrame hangings, I'd consider it time well spent.

There's an amazing opportunity here, when you come to think of it. An aspect of the Peng Challenge Thread of infinite potential. When you consider the physical impact on the psyche intent on regaining the time lost reading gibberish by annoying pillocks, and how it stimulates the will to live, you can see that the Thread has the ability to actually extend the life of your more intelligent, thoughtful, and witty poster. Such as myself.

Simply amazing.

I mean, even a terminal case, written off by Medical Science, could stand the world on its head by the longevity imparted by the need to somehow regain the time spent reading this Thread, sometimes.

I can see it now.

Doctor: Madame, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but...

Distraught Wife: Yes, Doctor?

Doctor: Well, there's simply no hope.

Distraught Wife: None? beginning to weep, but not, if she's the 'Soon to Be Widow' of anyone who contributes here, in such a way as to put the rather handsome Doctor off too much by her histrionics

Doctor: None. Well...

Distraught Wife: Yes?

Doctor: Well, there is one thing.

Distraught Wife: Oh, Doctor, what is it? I'll...We'll try anything!

Doctor: Madame, is your husband a man of intellect, iron will, and demanding standards?

Distraught Wife: I guess...yes, yes, he is, Doctor!

Doctor: Then I'm going to propose a radical, and possibly even illegal therapy. I want him to read 200 of the worst posts on the Peng Challenge Thread.

Distraught Wife: And that will help?

Doctor: If he's strong, and has the will to actually think, the outrage he'll feel will force him to live. No one with a brain won't somehow want to reclaim that time.

Distraught Wife: Is it dangerous?

Doctor: Of course it's dangerous! He might want to actually write a reply! But it's that, or pull the plug.

Distraught Wife: I...I don't want him to suffer...

Doctor: Ah, then you'd rather I just shot him full of morphine and let him slip away, rather than read the Thread, eh?

Distraught Wife: considers the last few years of Combat Mission play No, no. I want him to think about...er, that is, I want him to live! Yes! Make him read the Thread!

Doctor: Very good, Madame. Now, stand back, and shield your eyes. We're logging him on.

Distraught Wife: What happens if this doesn't work? What if the damage is too great, and he's still escap- er, 'slipping away'?

Doctor: Then we abandon all hope in God and man, and make him read the General Forum.

Distraught Wife: Dear Lord!

Doctor: Indeed, Madame. Sometimes our attempts to preserver them are more cruel than death itself.

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Originally posted by mike_the_wino:

I must say that this little serial was much better when der Ubergnome Seanachi was here. As it stands now it but Grisham short story as a made for TV movie.

Bring back the Gnome.

Good Christ, are you hanging around watching my apartment? How apropos.

I thought only the Government was doing that.

Well, and here you go. I was writing this while you were posting, you utter lunatic. Hope it helps soothe the pain.

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Originally posted by Persephone:

ÜberGnome, have you met anymore Minneapolis crazies lately?


I trust, Dear Patch, that by MET you refer to more than simply glancing in a convenient mirror?

Seanachai I blame you, yes lad YOU for the latest round of sub par postings. Consider the facts, (LPO1123) You were not here for much of the time. Now normally your absence could do little but IMPROVE the quality of the overall posting, that's well known to all, but by your absence you failed to act as a brake to the more crazed. Yes Seanachai you could have stopped the violence before it started!

It takes little more than one of your more ... {ahem} ... whimsical posts to jolt the miscreants from their none too firm grip on reality and wonder ... "what was I on about then?"

Normally it takes little more than one of your Firm but Kindly Intended posts to point out the errors inherent in the over the top ramblings of those who veer from the straight and narrow. I can't, of course, explain it.

It would SEEM more likely that my Firm but Stern approach as Justicar would yield better results but I suppose it's the universal sense of regard in which we, beyond any sense of real reason, hold you. Yes you may well fear the Cop who will drag you into the basement with rubber hose and truncheon more than you do the kindly, if slightly demented village cleric, but in the end the cleric can often do more with a disappointed glance than the cop can accomplish with hours of ... Questioning. Mind you the Cop likely has more fun at it ... I know I do.

But you're too blame also (MAC M1223-099) FOR that selfsame kindly nature. It's that "Oh well, let the lad hang around then as long as he wears a pink tutu and sings for my pleasure." attitude that ENCOURAGES them in the wrong headed pursuits. It's the taste of the LASH that they require Seanachai if they're to understand their station in life ... grovelling for coins and begging for the back of the hand from their betters.

There are those Seanachai who would do evil to this place and those within it. Luckily for you the Justicariate of the Peng Challenge Thread is ever vigilant ... when I'm not too busy or out of town that is.

Now ... how about a jolly sing-song in honor of your return eh?

Justicar, Justicar, visage set in stone,

Justicar, Justicar, Setting proper tone,

SSNs will quail, before his righteous ... uh ... flail!

Justicar, Justicar, Justicar.

There ... feel better now?


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I just wanted to thank little lenakorn-oil fo posting a huge picture. Now, added to the pain of reading the vapid, vacuous posts of you troglodytes, I also have to scroll.

I've heard of "working through the pain", but here I have to "work FOR the pain".


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Guest konrad
Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

I just wanted to thank little lenakorn-oil fo posting a huge picture.

You're welcome .

PS:per aspera at astra

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Originally posted by lenakonrad:

You're welcome .

PS:per aspera at astra

Minutus cantorum, minutus balorum, minutus carborata descendum pantorum.*

(*A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants.)

Oh, and I wanted to say that once again I'm quite miffed that we've all given Seanachai a reason to live again. I know that you all figured that enough vapid posts, with any kind of luck, would force the old grundoon would hurl himself out the nearest window.

Knowing that he lives on the ground floor (how apt!), if he were to truly wish to push his own OFF button, he'd be forced to hurl himself through the window again and again.

Imagine how the rest of the neighborhood would rejoice! Sense the jubilant, carnival atmosphere!

Makes me hungry for a corn dog and some cotton candy.

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Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

There ... feel better now?

No, but thanks for asking. It's been a very long and very expensive two and a half weeks.

First, it was just a little cold. No big deal. A bottle of Nyquil should do it's miracle work. But three days later, the coughing just wouldn't quit. Even stopped smoking, to no avail. Fever and chills add to the fun.

Doctor visit one. Diagnosis: bronchitis and perscription number one. Cost: 80 bucks (no health insurance *ouch*). Damn antibiotic makes me sick to my stomach. Add vomiting to the list of entertainment. Still feeling like hell, and no work means no pay for this contractor.

Doctor visit two, new perscription. Another 80 bucks. No change, except to the wallet. Sleep was becoming increasingly difficult, and the mood was "cranky" at best. Lack of nicotine makes it worse. Haven't eaten in almost 5 days.

Doctor visit three. Throat cultures for S.A.R.S, I kid you not. Recent airline travel makes it a possibility. Thankfully, it comes up negative, but the latest diagnosis is now accute pneumonia. More perscriptions, including a $60 (!) bottle of narcotic cough syrup. For 60 bucks, you'd think they could make the stuff taste slightly better than the large wads of phlem I choke up hourly. Hope you enjoy that mental image. I know that I have not. At least the codine knocks me out.

Finally had my first good night's sleep. My sides and back are sore from constant coughing. I've lost almost ten pounds (you think I'd at least look thinner), but the appetite is not yet returned.

To top it all off, my willpower is shot, and I resumed smoking. Needless to say, I wish all of you were as sick as I have been.

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Guest konrad
Originally posted by YK2:

*Shakes head*

Dear Konrad

I hate it when someone posts BIG pictures...

Can you please try and make your pictures a little smaller so as we don't have to scroll...

Thanks in advance

* YK2 *

I'm truly sorry ,but I don't know how to resize.

Besides ,it annoying Joe.

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[serious] Roger, sorry you've been so ill for the past few weeks. Hope the drugs are finally kicking in and you can beat this version of the crud. When you mentioned S.A.R.S., I though, " Oh, CRAP!" Glad it wasn't that.[/serious]

And all along I figured the reason I hadn't seen a move from you was that you had finally accepted the inevitability of going down in ruinous defeat, even though your Uber-Kitty had knocked out 47 of my T-34's and were cowering under your computer desk, sniffling and weeping that you didn't want to play mean old Boo[/], cuz he's a righteously excellent player.

That's OK, lad. We all know your shortcomings and it's one of the things we love, or at least allow us to tolerate you for.

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Sounds like you've been pretty sick Roger.

I hope your recent "good nights sleep" is a sign that you're getting better..

You should stay off the cigs.. I mean we don't want you missing that upcoming UK trip do we?

Get well Soon...

Also nice to see Seanacoochie back in the land of living... Seems our little Gnome has also been coughing up horrible stuff and feeling pretty sick.... That's at least 4 Peng Thread guys I know of that have had Bronchial problems... I think you should all check which grass mod you are using, could be something to do with the pollen!!!

Seriously though.. A speedy recovery to all.

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