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The other UK tournament - NOWT special !

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Thanks Jiggles ...

I think the AAR will show just how close the game was. I've been on the wrong end of artillery many times ... but never had it cause so many problems as it did this time.

By the time it stopped I was praying for 'extra time'. A couple of times I thought it had stopped just to have it start again on the next turn.

Killing the Tiger was almost good to see ! it didnt need shots to the rear at point blank range and didnt need one of the 'super tanks' to do the job. I bet it'll never work like that for me :rolleyes:

Good game .... thanks

[ May 09, 2003, 06:05 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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The NOWT is progressing, my games are over but others are still working their way towards the final.

You all know that Apache has been kind enough to offer a prize for the winner ......

Well now Justin5471 has come forward with a prize for the runner-up of the final. Its a copy of Infantry Aces of the Reich by Gordon Williamson. It's not brand new - but should make a good second place prize.

I did a search on Amazon and both prizes get a good review.

And even though I've got no chance of reading them ..... I'd just like to offer a vote of thanks to both of them for the generous offers smile.gif

If we have an Apache Vs Justin final then you can both do a swap :D

Thanks guys - I'm sure the finalist will enjoy the books :cool:

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Originally posted by Lou2000:


FireFly (287) Vs Nestor (185)

With FireFly taking the choice and setup.

Firefly - set-up received. It will be back with you on Saturday morning (or what passes for Saturday morning in my house)

Lou - It's not that I get a thrill out of kicking myself when I'm down and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't really matter, but I think my points should be 174 not 185. Or am I misundersatnding the scoring system?

My game with Justin was good fun and included a beautifully executed ambush by my opponent as my impatient Germans took a short-cut down a hill. One knocked out halftrack, two destroyed 81mm mortar teams (oh how I could have done with those towards the end) two knackered squads and an eliminated platoon HQ later the birds started singing again and the remaining Germans gathered in a copse of trees to discuss tactics and agreed that they should really try to use some from now on!

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That's what you get for being early at the Railway Telegraph all the time.

Aaargh! He gets everywhere! I thought I was free of him here in the NOWT tourney, but he's like a omnipotent Big Brother knitting his way through Battlefront threads :D

Happy to offer the additional prize, but I doubt I'll wobble my way through to the final.

Best of luck to all the gents through to the second round.

Thats second round, Andreas ;)

Go Grrreens!

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My game with Justin was good fun and included a beautifully executed ambush by my opponent as my impatient Germans took a short-cut down a hill. One knocked out halftrack, two destroyed 81mm mortar teams (oh how I could have done with those towards the end) two knackered squads and an eliminated platoon HQ later the birds started singing again and the remaining Germans gathered in a copse of trees to discuss tactics and agreed that they should really try to use some from now on!

“Hey, Drinksupvodkavich, do you hear something?” Bleary eyed, their Sergeant raised himself onto his elbow and glanced around the tree he was slumped against.

“By Lenin’s legs, it’s those crazy Fascists,” he belched, “They’re coming straight for us!”

Kicking his drunken comrades into action, the brave men of Section 2b, Company 3 reached for their weapons with shakey hands to aim at the blurred grey half-track (tracks?) rattling towards them.

“Fire!” croaked the sergeant.

Somebody vomited.

“Fire!” retched the sergeant.

Somewhere, somebody let out a deafening fear induced fart.

“Fire!” cried the Sergeant, sweating profusely.

Only when the Germans were clearly within focusing range did the section let loose a ragged volley. They were heroes of the Soviet Union after all :D .

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ALL - - I've updated the NOWT pages (slides 3 and 5) with the scores from my battle with Jiggles.... I'll post the full AAR on my site once Jiggles has had a chance to read it .. and I've corrected the numerous typos :rolleyes:

Nestor - - Yeah 175 ... bit of a typo (another one) on my part !

Any updates on current games ?

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Any updates on current games ?
NickT and Justin5471 now embarking on Round 2. Oh My God. A map from hell. Moderate woods - but not in the middle; modest hills, but only in the setup areas.

Possibly a sneaking sniper might reach a flag unobserved - I think this might be a bit bloody...

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Lou - that's a fine AAR you put up.

I particularly liked the 'photographs'. What piece of natty software did you use to put them in the album frames? That's a really nice touch :cool: .

It started me thinking, what software do people use to map out their AARs? I use Fireworks before a game, particularly the transparencies, to identify possible routes to an objective as well as viable overwatch positions.

NickT is right, we have a catastrophic map. We're going to be knee deep in it by the end of it :(

If Nick woud consider it, the two of us could put together an AAR for our game. I think it could be quite interesting considering the bald map we'll be playing over and the carnage that I'm sure will ensue.

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Thanks ... and I'd like to thank Jiggles for adding his input.

There was no agreement before the game that we'd both do one ... any AAR is always better when it has the opponents view of things ...

otherwise it can seem to give a one sided view.

Remember, whilst I'm waffling on about a certain point in the battle, my opponent could be attempting something totally different that I'm not aware of and that can put a totally different perspective on the game.

My account of a valiant defence against the enemies attack ... could actually be me falling hook, line and sinker for a diversionary attack :eek:

I'm experimenting with various ways of displaying opponents comments even without a full AAR. Perhaps a DHTML 'tool-tip' type popup with a couple of lines from the other player about each turn.

I try to write the AAR as the game goes on .....

a few lines for each turn. That way it shows up any mistakes in my planning and it also makes writing it easier as I dont have to add much after the game is over.

I'm still not 100% sure about some of the 'story-line'detail I'm putting in but its in there to try add something extra when there is any action.

I always try and show my opponent the finnished AAR and get some feedback before posting it and would change anything they thought was really wrong or one sided.

As for the software .... Well I use FRAPS for the screen grabs and then load them up into Paintshop Pro 7 for some basic editing.

The pics are actually much easier than you'd think .... I'm not much good with graphics so I tend to find the 'easy' route.

Once I've cropped the image and adjusted the brightness, I add a few lines and some text as appropriate.

Then add a border (25 on each edge), adjust the colour of the border. Finally I've found a 'photo corners' frame that does all the work for me (I can send it if anybody wants it)...just apply the 'frame' and its done ...

Like I said it has to be easy :D

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That sounds just my cup of tea.

I'll have a look at the FRAPS (thanks for the link). I've got PSP7 so I'll tinker with the borders and, if you could, that frame would be lovely. I've converted CM:BO pictures into sepia in PSP, gives them that faux '40s feel smile.gif I've got some paper textures for background that might be quite nice as well.

I like the idea of the AAR being seen from both sides. Its always interesting to see if you worried about the wrong or right things. I'll strart penning one and if Nick would like to, well, so much the better.

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I'll send the frame over to you later .. I'm at work at the moment.

I tried with different backgrounds and some looked quite good, but made it harder to read... in the end I just left it white for clarity.

Also the frame puts a white edge on the pic ... that could easily be edited but I'm too lazy :D .

I tried the seipa filter ... and a few others to 'age' the pic and used that in the first AAR on my site .... but in the end the settings I tried were fine for a map with snow, but just made the pic look wrong on grass.

If you get it looking right, I'd be like to know the settings you use.

One thing I have found when doing an AAR with each turn .... It tends to make me think more about the orders I'm giving.

Maybe its just me but I'm sure I play better when writing an AAR than when I'm not !

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Originally posted by Dr. Juzzy:

I'll strart penning one and if Nick would like to, well, so much the better.

Yeh, OK. I could write most of it now:

Turn 1 Most of my armour immediately bogs, save for my best piece who is enclosed in 17 sq metres of grass in the corner, surrounded by wood.

Turns 2 to 10 inclusive: More casualties inflicted from the high ground across the map. Only those of my men who remain hidden have suffered no casulties.

Turns 11 to 35 inclusive: The loss of morale has traumatised nearly all my units. Some are still moving, but only to the rear.

Turn 36. My armour manages to unbog itself (see turn 1).

Game Ends

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Nestor vs. Firefly is up and running, the 10% casualties cost me a tank, so I've already got an excuse for losing. This one may run for a while as I'm off to Greece for two weeks next week, or will be if the bloody Travel Agents ever get round to sending me my tickets. At least it's not Kenya.

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Hi Lou

Originally posted by Lou2000:

Just dragging this back from the bottom of page 3.

The weekend is here again ...... How are those last couple of round 1 games going ?

My match vs Apache is at standstill at present as I have not had a reply from Apache since start of May (have sent him couple of emails in interim with no reply) I can only assume he is off his reservation on holiday or similar (I seem to recall him mentioning something).

If you need to progress our game to continue tourney feel free to give Apache a Victory (I assume he would be agreeable to this).


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Gary, are you in trouble in your game? or you being a gentleman?
At present my Ivans have upper hand (at least I believe so ?) having seemingly dealt with Hun armour. However Hun Inf onslaught ensuing so game still not decided by any means.............

Just got a turn from Apache (we are now on T30 of 30+) so hopefully we will complete our game soon.

You all realise its a cunning plan by us both to wear future opponents down smile.gif


[ May 17, 2003, 06:53 PM: Message edited by: Gary Barr ]

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Another weekend and another shout for some updates or results ! :rolleyes:

Any further movement on the round 1 games .... Sorry to keep chasing but we have people ready to start round 2....

Also it would be nice to be able to have the NOWT Final 'BEFORE' the release of CMAK ;):D

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Hopefully mine and Gary's game should end soon. Doubt I can do much now as those darn T34s seem to have creamed most of what I have left. If it does start to drag (I see little point in letting) what was the suggestions re calling a close - ceasefire or surrender? I may be going on hols next week too so I'd like to get it shut down.

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