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The other UK tournament - NOWT special !

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I've sent my purchase over to Nestor.

Looks interesting. My economic 5 Year Plan has enabled me to purchase a company of KV1s, a regiment of close assualt SMG troops, a battery of Katyushas, a natty little field kitchen and a Komsomol production of 'Carry on up the Reichswald'.

Personally, if I we're him, I'd concede straight away. It's only right, all those virtual orphans and widows brooding back in the Fascist's Lair. But, by Stalin, if he wants to prolong the agony by actually playing, so be it :D .

I'll send over a screenshot of the map when I get it.

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OK as far as I know ALL games have now started. Sandy has made it back from the US and returned the setup file so they're off ....

If anybody is still unsure about what points need to be reported in at the end of the game, this should make it clearer ...


These will all be added up to give your overall score for the Team Play competition. It doesnt matter who or how the scores are reported..... winner, loser, both and reported via email, posted on the forum or a screen grab. Just as long as the points are sent in and both players are happy with the scoring !

If game scores a draw in the percentage section, we'll go for the highest total points ... I doubt they will be exactly the same .. even if there is only 1 point in it ... in this case it may be better if both players forward the results ....or a screen grab would do it.

I know many other tournaments and campaings use much more elaborate scoring methods ... but as long as the game is prepared to do the counting, I'm prepared to let it. And it's the method we are all used to in the game.

Hopefully we'll start seeing a few game updates as the battles progress and contact is made :cool:

(edited because I've just been told there may still be a problem with one game :( )

Lou2000 (Green1)

[ March 01, 2003, 07:42 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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Sorry - no prizes for getting shot at first :D

Keep us all updated ....

Gents we may have a problem with one of the games ... Though not 100% sure yet, it looks like we may need a replacement. We seem to have lost contact with Blue 2.

If anybody knows of another UK opponent who could be up for a couple of PBEM's give them a shout and see if they want to join us.


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Well, there we was, having a super little picnic, when.....BANG....my opponent deemed it was time the picnic was over and brewed up one of my clankety thingies, sending shrapnel all over the table cloths. One of my troops almost spilled his beer too!!!

Oh well, now you done it, my guys peckers are up, and you're in for a fight!


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Athkatla .... I have a feeling I'll be joining you in reporting some Green casualties soon ... I made the classic mistake of sending back a turn 'AFTER' I had downed a few pints of Guiness ... should have done it 'before'.

I'm sure CSM Hollis will take advantage of it if the opportunity presents itself :eek:


I'm still looking for an additional UK player who would be willing to jump into the tournament if we need him in the next 24 hours.

I may have somebody from North of the border who just might join, bit I think he's worried that everybody in this tournament is a battle hardened CMBB vet .......well I know of one player who isnt :D .......... ME!


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Nestor (red 2) and I (Green 2) have purchased, deployed and made some initial moves.

We're holidaying in a lovely little valley, carefully manincured to be virtually treeless with a few scattered rockeries and tea houses dotted about.

Currently, my lads are engaging in vigorous cross country hiking in the general direction of the Germans whom, I understand, are engrossed in the cricket. Hopefully, we'll be able to bowl them all out before tea.

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Mr Byte calling Blue team. HELP!!!!

Jiggles just charged me with cossacks!!! NO JOKE!!!

they have sabred two stugs and are now looking for vodka and women behind our lines

you can't kill em the barstewards wont stand still !!! :mad:

I'm circling the trucks and arming the women even as we speak (anyone else buy a platoon of women? ;) )

send 3 and 4pence I'm going to a dance :confused:

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c'mon Steve

Stop fixing the fence and posting screenshots, and send me a file back!

Not that I have any objections to you posting, helps me tell where my troops are.

"Taking potshots" huh? Why not use aimed fire...or have your conscripts not got to that bit of their training??


[ March 02, 2003, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: sandy ]

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I'm officially declaring Mr Kain (Blue 2) as missing in action .... or actually missing 'inactive' as we cant seem to get hold of him. :( We have tried emailing and waited but no response .... I'm sure we have all seen Saving Private Ryan but we dont have the time to mount our own Saving Mr Kain mission ......

To wait any longer will just hold up the rest of the rounds - So if I can get a confirmed

replacement then I'm going to call in the reserves.

Anybody reading this who is willing to play - get in touch - though I'd prefer to keep it to UK players, if others are in agreement we can open it up a little..... your thoughts gents ?

If no replacement can be found then I'm open to suggestions as to how we should proceed.

Firefly could automatically go through to the next round but there will still be an issue with the runners up matches/team play :confused:


[ March 03, 2003, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Lou2000 ]

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Grrrrrrrrrr, I'm really going to have to teach this upstart Wesreidau a lesson!! Not only has he destroyed my beer wagon, he has now blasted the house where all the fresh rations were stored into the ionosphere!!

Luckily my drunken troops were outside having a pee, so at least they survived. This man is fighting a dirty war!!

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