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Official First Edition Strategy Guide Errata Thread

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So instead of 300 of us emailing Martin with typos, spelling errors, grammatical errors, and etc., maybe we ought to catalogue them here, for easier reference?

Thanks to aka_tom_w, Grabenhund, Firefly, Manx, Pascal di Folco, Rune, Spook, Terrapin for contributing.

Page / Error

iii......Germanboy's handle has been comically printed as "German boy" smile.gif under the author's acknowledgements.

v..........Chapters 7 and 8 mis-identified as dealing with Axis and Allied armour, respectively, when the opposite is the case.

1/5....Under Rest: "route" used instead of "rout"

1/5....Under Support: "led" used instead of "lead"

1/7....Para 3 "Yeah, a squad of German Fusiliers may have an MG42 æa gun that may also serve as a heavy machine gunæ but..." (Weird character in text)

1/9....Under Woods, Tall Pines, Scattered Trees - final sentence, "tress" is used instead of "trees"

1/9....Para 3 - "Indeed, troops may be placed within in...."

1/9....Para 3 - final sentence, "tress" is once again used instead of "trees"

1/10 - Picture caption - "firled of fire" used instead of "field of fire"

1/10...first complete sentence on the page- "Barbarossa to Berlin easily destroyed by small arms, light AA and light mortar fire than those in CMBO". Something is obviously missing here.

1/11...Para 3 "KAR-8K" used instead of "Kar-98K"

1/14.... Example Two - "Rather than defend the outskirts of a village." (Sentence fragment)

Page 1/15...under LEADERSHIP - "Well rested well lead infantry are hard to best" should be "led"

1/19....Para 2 - "...from Combat Mission, Airborne Assault: Red Devils over Arnhem or...". (Airborne Assault title is only partially in italics)

1/20....under Combat - "The star icon represents a headquarters with a COMBAT bonus." (It's actually a lightning bolt instead of a star.)

1/21....Para 1 - "...and if the headquarters has a line of site to the..." (Should be "sight")

1/21....Headquarter Command Radius table - The listings of radius for Veterans, Cracks, & Elites (the right half of the table) have the headings "LOS" and "LOS blocked" reversed.

1/22....first entence - "...do not completely block line of site." (Should be "sight")

1/23....Line 8 - "Soviet's" used instead of "Soviets"

1/24....Page number incorrectly given as 1/X24 (perhaps it is an experimental designation? ;) )

1/27....Para 3 - "site" used instead of "sight"

1/27-1/28....Seem to suggest that HQs can hide while spotting for mortars.

1/29....Para 3 - "We'll look at each in below" - the word "turn" has been deleted.

1/31....Para 2 - "obsesse (sic)" has been left in by the editor

1/32...under GET YOUR HEADS DOWN -"It's one the men's best friends." Should perhaps read "It's one of your men's best friends"?

1/33....Para 1 - "Site and place your mortars carefully..." (Sight instead of site).

1/33....Para 2 - "...will get a yummy led sandwich." (lead instead of led).

1/34....Para 2, sentence 1 - no period at end of sentence.

1/34....Para 2 - two question marks left in by editor - was the author unsure of the preceding sentence - "Trenches and Roadblocks block all wheeled vehicular movement across them" ?

Page 1/34...Para 2 - two entire sentences in wrong place - "Stealth also increases the likelihood of a unit to really only engage units within the covered arc set for it. Conscripts and greens might ignore the arc from time to time and fire at other targets, a good stealth commander is able to prevent this." This section appears in para on trenches.

1/37....under Plugging the Holes - "....led on limbs..." (lead instead of led)

1/49....Para 1, line 2 "are within 50 meters of the enemy and then chance their orders" should actually be "change their orders"

1/49....In the second paragraph is the statement as follows: "With any luck the enemy will already be SHAKEN, PINNED or SUPPRESSED." This implies that "SUPPRESSED" is a specifically labeled morale state in CMBB, when it is not.

1/66....Under "1943 Mechanized" Category: the "Armored Panzergrenadier Battalion Panzer Grenadier Squad" has no values listed past the unit speed and transport class.

1/66 & 1/67....An asterisk (*) shows up as a character in front of the labels for the 1943 Cavalry Squad, 1943 Cavalry Pioneer Squad, & 1943 Infantry Pioneer Squad that does not seem to serve any purpose

1/70.... Right after the heading for the category "1945 Airborne" are the values "Fast" and "1" (speed and transport class). These should be removed, as they are lined up with the heading and not to any specific unit.

1/74 German MG unit listing, no speed or transport class listed (as is done for Finns)

1/76....Under the category "1941 Mountain," the first unit begins its label with "MAOUNTAIN" instead of "MOUNTAIN".

1/80 Hungarian MG unit listing, no speed or transport class listed

1/81...In the Italian infantry squad, the 42' Bersaglieri squad shows 5 Carcano Rifles instead of 10.

1/82....Italian MG unit listing, no transport class listed

1/91....Romanian MG unit listing, no speed or transport class listed

1/93....Partisan MG unit listing - no transport class listed

1/94....Polish MG unit listing - no transport class listed

1/112....Soviet MG unit listing - no transport class listed

1/97....AIRBORNE is incorrectly spelled several times.







Line 10 - AIBOUNE


Line 12 - AIRBOUNE - also, ASSAULY is used instead of ASSAULT

1/97.... Under "1942 Infantry", the 42A-battalion lists only one squad type. This is incorrect. There are two rifle squad types in the 42A organization (perhaps dependent on scenario month in 1942): the "41" rifle squad and the "41L" squad. Neither of these are properly cataloged in the list.

1/97....The rifle squad for the 42B-battalion is not included in the list. This is a "41" squad, similar to the first type under 41A.

1/97....The 42D-battalion's rifle squad, labeled as a "42" squad in the game, has incorrect values printed in its listing

Pg. 1/98.... for Soviet 1942 brigade rifle battalion squad options, I did not find the "42B" or the "Rifle B" squad types which I will find in the editor, dependent again on time of year.

1/101....Under the 1943 Infantry category, only one rifle squad type is given -- and the numbers are all wrong. They do NOT correlate either for the "42" squad or the "43H" squad, either of which can show in 1943 scenarios dependent again on month.

1/105....Under the category "1944 Infantry," the 44A Rifle Company Squad is spelled "SQAUD."

1/110....Line 9 - MOUNTIAN used instead of MOUNTAIN

1/110....Line 10 - MOUNTIAN used instead of MOUNTAIN

1/93 through 1/112....On the top of the columns for squad weapons breakdown, the column for squad members having the PPSh Submachinegun are all instead given the heading: "PPSH RIFLE".

2/3....Para 3 - "and" used instead of "an"

2/27....Heading of page starts out: "Chapter Seven: Axis Guns and Armor", while the chapter's following pages lay out the Soviet vehicle details.

2/43....Heading of page starts out: "Chapter Seven: Allied Guns and Armor", while the chapter's following pages lay out the Axis vehicle details.

2/44....Row 1 - "Assualt boat" is used instead of "Assault boat".

2/52....Row 1 - "Kubelwageb" is used instead of "Kübelwagen"

2/52....Row 1 - maximum speed for a Kübelwagen is listed as 25 MPH, in the purchase screen in-game it is listed as 50 MPH

2/53....Row 7 - "Panthe" is used instead Panther

2/53....Row 8 - "Panzer (T)E" used instead of "Panzer 38(T)E"

2/54-55....Rows 9-15 - "PSI" is missing after Ground Pressure number.

2/55....Row 7 - "Bow/Ccoaxial" is used instead of "Bow/Coaxial"

2/57....Row 3 - Missing PSI after number.

2/58....Row 1 - Data in Armor Quality, Radio, MG, and Main Weapon columns should be shifted to the right by one.

2/58....Row 7 - Data in Armor Quality and MG columns should be shifted to the right by one.

2/59....Row 8 - Silhouette rating is in wrong column.

2/60-61....Somua S-35, SD KFZ 7/1 Flak Vehicle (Early), SPW 250/I Halftrack, and SPW 250/7 Halftrack are listed twice.

2/61....Row 2 - Radio column says Radio instead of Yes.

2/63 - Vehicle 2 - "Assaul" is used instead of "Assault"

2/63....Rows 3-7 - Data for Max Speed, Ground Pressure, and Silhouette are in the wrong column.

2/63....Rows 5 & 6 - the data for the radio column is in the MG column instead.

2/69-2/70....No entry for the Hungarian Tiger.

3/5 ...last sentence on the page "I mean it's not like the mortar crew busy fighting or anything" is missing the word "is".

3/7...."German 'flak' tracks" used instead of "German 'flak' trucks" - this may be correct, in that modern usage of the word "track" can indeed refer to a half-tracked vehicle, but seems out of place here. (?)

3/11....Para 1 - "Wouldn't be great if this was simple?" is missing the word "it".

3/14...Para 3 - "Tip" - "Observation teams also make good scouts; albeit very valuable scouts..." Putting aside the incorrect use of the semi colon (it should be a comma), the use of albeit doesn't make sense - "good scouts" and "valuable scouts" mean exactly the same thing in this context. The context of the para suggests something else should have been said.

3/15....Para 1 - "...this method is closer to an attack on a prepared position that a true..." - "that" was used instead of "than".

3/17...Para 1 - under "Concentration of Fire" - last sentence ends "...you have a available to yourself." Obviously an extra "a" thrown in.

3/17....Para 2 - under Maneuver - first sentence - "...while the rest of your force to maneuvers..." The "to" should not be there.

3/17....Para 2 - under Maneuver - second sentence - "...don't use them a stationary pill boxes." "a" was used instead of "as"

3/17....Para 3 - under Keep Infantry With Armor - first sentence "Keep infantry with your armor infantry." The second instance of "infantry" should not be present.

3/17.... last para, fourth sentence, comma missing between "Attempt to maneuver your armor to the enemy rear" and "avoid the enemy's strong points".

3/19....Para 2 - "The point is not to spoil the scenarios fun" - should be "scenario's".

3/19....Para 2 - "Neither do we claim that these walkthroughs demonstrate the best of only..." - "of" should be "or"

3/19....Para 3 - "This excellent scenario by not only Andreas Biermann...." No other names are mentioned. The use of "not only" seems to be a mistake, or in the wrong place.

3/24....Para 3 (under Setup) - "tigers" should be capitalized, as in all other instances of the word.

3/25....Para 3 - "The four axis of advance" should in fact read "The four axes of advance".

The plural of axis is axes. Some radical etymologists insist that the plural form of axis is axii, but that is only if there are three or more....Source
3/32....Para 3 - "staring" instead of "starting"

3/32....Para 3, same sentence as above - "tanks" should be "tanks'"

3/32....Para 3, same sentence as above - "compares" should be "compare"

(The sentence refers tot he armament of multiple German tanks, hence the apostrophe after the 's' in "tanks", and the use of compare.

3/32....Para 3, same sentence as above - "can fire a shell that through"...missing a word, perhaps "cut", "tear", "punch" or something similar.

3/32....Para 4 - "Spilt" instead of "Split"

3/32....Para 4 - "you" instead of "your"

3/32...final sentence - "shake" should be SHAKE to indicate a morale state in the game. Perhaps rewrite sentence to allow the correct tense - SHAKEN - to be used.

3/33....second complete sentence "You want them get where they are going quickly" omits the word "to".

3/33....para 1 - sentence beginning "It is fool hardy motor into...." omits the word "to".

3/33...Para 2 - "...while the foot soldiers stand ready to engage any enemy they buddies find." "they" should be "their".

3/34....Para 2 - "Volksturm" should be "Volkssturm"

3/34....last para - "The default set is not a bad one" omits the word "up".

3/35....sentence 1 - "setup" should be two words in this case

3/35....sentence 1 - "form" is used instead of "from"

3/35....Para 2 - "I choose this scenario because it is great study" is missing the word "a". Also, tense of "choose" seems awkward but is grammatically correct.

3/36....Para 3 - "flack" is spelled the ungroggy way redface.gif

3/37....Para 1, sentence 2 - "put it a position" omits the word "in"

3/37....Para 2, sentence 2 - "stiffing" used instead of "stiffening". I believe "stiffing" is a verb used to describe something like not leaving a tip in a restaurant ("stiffing" the waiter).

3/37....Para 2, sentence 4 - "German's" used instead of "Germans"

3/38....Para 4, sentence 3 - an extra "the" appears in "and the through the Woods"

3/39....Line 2 - the word "gristle" has been spelled "grizzle".

3/39....Para 1 sentence 2 - "Russian's" used instead of "Russians"

4/6...Para 1, answer portion. "You will notice no infantry unit guns and tanks-..." is awkward and confusing. Does this sentence only apply to infantry (as implied by the manual)? If not, what is an "infantry unit gun"?

4/9...."mark one eyeball" should probably be represented in print as "Mark I eyeball" - it is a reference to British military nomenclature

4/10....The question is raised "what the heck is a TO&E?" in the questions and answers section. Nowhere in the five paragraph answer does the phrase "Table of Organization and Equipment" appear.

4/21....Last name should be "Orosz", not "Oroscz"

4/23....Last name should be "Biermann" not "Bierman"

Back Cover - In the first sentence of the last paragraph, there is no spacing between the words "simulation" and "commercial".

[ May 04, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Michael Dorosh ]

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yes, a better spell check would of been nice, but think of it this way....

It was only 15 bucks compared to most 20 buck guides, so for a few spelling errors you saved 5 bucks. lol

I'm not so hung on the errors, at least I understood it, and still best written guide I've ever purchased.


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A) 1/21 -- In the Headquarter Command Radius table, the listings of radius for Veterans, Cracks, & Elites (the right half of the table) have the headings "LOS" and "LOS blocked" reversed than should be the case.

B) 1/49 -- In the second paragraph is the statement as follows:

"With any luck the enemy will already be SHAKEN, PINNED or SUPPRESSED." This implies as that "SUPPRESSED" is a specifically labeled morale state in CMBB, when it is not.

C) 2/27 --- Heading of page starts out:

"Chapter Seven: Axis Guns and Armor", while the chapter's following pages lay out the Soviet vehicle details.

And Chapter Eight leads off with "Allied."

The error of reversal is done also on the Contents page (v).

(Below each chapter heading, however, discussion is given as to clue in what side's vehicles will be related on the following pages.)

D) Allied Infantry tabulations, pgs. 1/92 to 1/112: On the top of the columns for squad weapons breakout, the column for squad members having the PPsH Submachinegun are all instead given the heading: "PPSH RIFLE".

There's a few others here & there, but these are among the most prominent for me now.

[ December 19, 2002, 09:45 PM: Message edited by: Spook ]

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1/10,line 1 : "Barbarossa to Berlin (eol) easily destroyed by small arms, light AA and light mortar fire than those in CMBO".

This sentence makes no sense, the verb is missing :eek: !! The paragraph pertains to buildings, but I'm still unsure if it should be "..buildings are more" or "are less" easily destroyed ! tongue.gif

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Trenches, Roadblocks and Wire are excellent channelers. Stealth also increases the likelihood of a unit to really only engage units within the covered arc set for it. Conscripts and greens might ignore the arc from time to time and fire at other targets, a good stealth commander is able to prevent this. Use these man-made obstacles to slow and direct the attacker etc. etc......then you get the two ?? later in the paragraph as already mentioned previously.

I don't believe the text in bold belongs here.

EDIT: In fact, this is used (correctly) in STEALTH on page 1/X24. Yep, 1/X24. smile.gif

[ December 20, 2002, 05:36 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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Page 1/15 - LEADERSHIP

Well rested well lead infantry are hard to best

Errors in bold text.


As we wrote in the first chapter, infantry loves cover. It's one the men's best friends.

It's one of your men's? Maybe?

[ December 20, 2002, 05:42 PM: Message edited by: Manx ]

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Well rested well lead infantry are hard to best
The verb "to best" meaning "defeat", or "overcome" does actually exist, though whether the author intended this or "beat" is hard to say. It seems a little poetic (archaic?) for a strategy guide, but it's not incorrect.

It should, of course, be "well-rested, well-led infantry"

None of these things, whilst annoying to someone who has been teaching English as a foreign language to degree level for the last seven years, would prevent me from buying the guide. Paragraphs and sentences in the wrong place, chapters or titles inversed, binding errors, and some of the other things pointed out here and elsewhere, however, will certainly discourage me from doing so any time soon. It's a shame, because I was seriously considering it up until now. For me, a strategy guide is supposed to take some of the frustration OUT of playing the game, not add to it.

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I would think the correct grammer as found in an English manual would be "well-rested, and well-led infantry", wouldn't it?

The and is only necessary if the adjectives are used in the predicative position (after the verb) as in "This infantry is well rested, and well led." Note that in the predicative position, the hyphens disappear: they are only needed when the adjectives are used in attributive position (in front of the noun).

The and is only essential in attributive position if the adjectives describe different parts of the same object, as in "a red and blue carpet" or "a glass and concrete building". You would not, for example, find it in the sentence, "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog."

My references are available on request, but I don't think you want to go there . smile.gif

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Hey guys, is this litterary discussion about "best", and use of "and" not somewhat excessive ? :eek:

It ain't no litterature classic, just a strat guide, if it's just in an understandable pidgin I'd be Ok, anyway I'm French...

BTW should this "sum" (unsure if it's a proper term in English, may be a gallicism - means "reference book in its category", comes from religion tongue.gif ) be translated in diverse alien languages such as French and Finnish (this one is really alien) ? :D

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Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

Hey guys, is this litterary discussion about "best", and use of "and" not somewhat excessive ?

You're quite right! The point of my original post was to make a distinction between minor irritants, like the odd spelling mistake, grammatical error, or typo, and some of the more serious blunders which could actually lead to confusion. I just couldn't resist responding to Bruno's question.

By the way, I'm looking forward to the next installment of your own guide in PC4WAR, Pascal. Envoyez-moi un mél si vous êtes intéressé par un PBEM ou TCP/IP!

(Trans: send me an e-mail if you're interested in a PBEM or TCP/IP game )

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ColdSober wrote:

The and is only necessary if the adjectives are used in the predicative position (after the verb) as in "This infantry is well rested, and well led."

I agree. I suppose what I was getting at is it would then more better if it said; "When infantry is well rested and well led." Doesn't that place the adjectives in a predicative position and sounds more smoother when read.

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In the next round of review for Grog D's feedback crusade for BTS, I directed some attention to Chapter Four, which comprises the infantry unit listings (pgs. 1/55 -- 1/112).

This review is not complete; for others who want to focus on specific nationalities (perhaps multiple volunteers for the two big lists of German & Soviet), this should be highly welcome. Anyway.....

A) MG unit lists, pgs. 1/74 (German), 1/80 (Hungarian), 1/82 (Italian), 1/91 (Romanian), 1/93 (Partisan), 1/94 (Polish), and 1/112 (Soviet): either the transport ("XPORT") class, or the unit speed, or both, are not listed. Only the first nationality listed (Finnish) has both speed and transport class ratings.

B) Pg. 1/66, Under "1943 Mechanized" Category: the "Armored Panzergrenadier Battalion Panzer Grenadier Squad" has no values listed past the unit speed and transport class.

C) Pgs. 1/66 & 1/67: an asterick (*) shows up as a character in front of the labels for the 1943 Cavalry Squad, 1943 Cavalry Pioneer Squad, & 1943 Infantry Pioneer Squad. If there is some purpose for this, it wasn't observed in my review so far.

D) Right after the heading for the category "1945 Airborne" are the values "Fast" and "1" (speed and transport class). These should be removed, as they are lined up with the heading and not to any specific unit.

E) Pg. 1/76: Under the category "1941 Mountain," the first unit begins its label with "mAOntain".

F) Pg. 1/105: Under the category "1944 Infantry," the 44A Rifle Company Squad is spelled with "SQAUD."


Now stepping out of normal errata observations, I will add the following recommendations IF ever the sum errata compels BF to do a reprint:

1) If possible, I would recommend that the "transport class" column be deleted and instead list the sum unit manpower of each unit. Similarly, the "unit speed" doesn't add much in being tabulated either, and could also be deleted. The vast majority of units in the tables will be "Speed = Fast" and "Xport Class = 1". Better instead that a separate table be given SPECIFIC to these two factors, and then list the units, for each nationality, that have differing speeds and transport classes than above.

2) If not that, then PLEASE put dividing lines LEFT and RIGHT of the columns for the various ranged-firepower weapons, so to help distinguish "Xport Class" and speciality weapons from the other weapons. Speciality weapons like rifled grenades, demo charges, etc. do not contribute to ranged firepower (listed in range columns to the right), and thus should be easier to pick out more distinctly than is presently the case.

3) An even more EMPHATIC recommendation is that for EACH page of infantry/vehicle listings, the nationality be posted either over the column listings or towards the top of the page. Several times in flipping through the infantry listings, I lost track as to which nationality I was reviewing. This suggested addition should not be that hard to apply.

4) I do NOT like the present way as that sharpshooters, flamethrowers, and mortars as units for ALL nationalities are all "lumped together" at the tail end of the Soviet infantry listings (1/112). They should be given their own page, identified in the contents page too if necessary. AND they should have their unit speed and transport classes listed (they presently don't), or alternately listed per my suggestion (1).

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I wish I had nothing more to contribute. Unfortunately, while in the process of using the CMBB scenario while creating a scenario for future download, I had discovered more and thus wandered deeper into the Valley of SNAFU.

The constraint of my observations was to Soviet rifle infantry, 1942-43, either by standard rifle battalions,brigade rifle battalions, or mechanized in select cases (pgs. 1/97 thru 1/101).

Here goes....


A) Under "1941 Infantry," pg. 1/97: The 42A-battalion lists only one squad type. This is incorrect. There are two rifle squad types in the 42A organization (perhaps dependent on scenario month in 1942): the "41" rifle squad and the "41L" squad. Neither of these are properly cataloged in the list.

B) The rifle squad for the 42B-battalion is not included in the list. This is a "41" squad, similar to the first type under 42A.

C) The 42D-battalion's rifle squad, labeled as a "42" squad in the game, has incorrect values printed in its listing (pg. 1/97).

D) Pg. 1/98, for Soviet 1942 brigade rifle battalion squad options, I did not find the "42B" or the "Rifle B" squad types which I will find in the editor, dependent again on time of year.

E) Under the 1943 Infantry category, pg. 1/101, only one rifle squad type is given -- and the numbers are all wrong. They do NOT correlate either for the "42" squad or the "43H" squad, either of which can show in 1943 scenarios dependent again on month.


And for all that I know, this may only be the tip of the iceberg, as I was hardly attempting to be all-inclusive to all possibilities of Soviet squad types through all timeframes.

I'll have to state plainly. I can get past the grammatical and spelling errors to a given point. But when there are the kinds of omissions or flat-out errors in the unit listings that I've seen, and seen just in my chosen limited sampling, we're past the niggling stuff and now in solid FUBAR territory for which I am much less forgiving.

BUT....... as a disclaimer, I am not holding this against the strategy guide's author yet, nor to any one person in particular. I don't know if Walker worked up the infantry tabulations, or someone else, or even a group of people.

Furthermore, one must still keep perspective as to how much time as that Walker himself had to review the material, given his other wargaming-related commitments and the overall size of the CMBB strategy guide's content.

But the scope of errors are now such as that I must assert that Battlefront discontinue issuing this book until a reprint can correct the errors. If volunteers are needed to help review specific portions of the unit lists, then let a public call for such volunteers be made. To which I am prepared to throw in also if needed, but given my own holiday commitments, this is something I can give no further time to until after Dec. 30th.

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