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Peng Eye For the Challenge Guy: The Grog Makeovers

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

Originally post by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Go somewhere and get a clue. What are you? Joe Shaw's dimwitted assistant that is allowed to prance about here to make him look better?

I'll have you know that Shaw can be perfectly dimwitted all by himself, and needs absolutely no help from me. </font>
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Originally posted by MrPeng:

But fraternizing? NEVER!

Come on Pengy... release all that pent-up anger you have... there are therapy sessions available for you, you know.

We mice feel for the wounded child inside you... Why my granddaddy's granddaddy's grandaddy used to tell a story about a certain television show you used to watch with pre-pubescent fascination... Come on, I know you know the song...

M - I - C...

K - E - Y...

M - O - U - S - E.....

Have you never let go the pain that built up day after day when Annette failed to respond to your desperate letters... when no matter how hard you waved and shouted at the television "Annette! Over here! I'm over here!" she never quite looked your way with that smile you yearned for... after all she talked and played with Cubby... and Tommy... but poor old Pengie never got any...

We are all really quite sorry that Annette didn't pick you for beach blanket bingo, but get over it! Stop watching those old black and white reruns, and move on... Go stalk Buffy or sumfink...

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Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

Edited to note that you know we belong to the land and the land we belong to is grand.

Edited to note that I'm just an Eagles fan who can't say "no", I'm in a turrible fix. Just when I say "come on lets go", that's when I aughta say nix.

Edited to mention that both the farmers and the cowmen should be friends.

Dearest Hiram,

Have noticed your blatant cry for help STOP

Would really like to talk you through your latent tendencies STOP

But have decided I'd rather watch you whip yourself with the jagged end of a car antenna and never STOP

Hoping this finds you in prison,


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Geez. A bloke could get his head shot off posting around these parts lately. The wit is flying faster than the APCRPZGr38HVAP projectiles.

But I only wanted to say that......... OGSF is a cowardly caber-sliding-without-vaseline TOSSER.

<font size=+2> SEND THE LAST TURN !</font>



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Originally posted by Boo Radley:

Dearest Hiram, Oh, won't you please share some more lyrics?


Sure thing, Boo!!

Chit-ty bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

Chit-ty bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

Chit-ty bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang!


Oh! you! pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, we love you!

And our pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, loves us too!

High! low! an-y-where we go,

on chit-ty chit-ty we de - pend.

Bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

our fine four-fen-dered friend.

You're un - cat-e-gor-i-cal;

a fuel - burn-ing or-a-cle,

a fan - tas-ma-gor-i-cal ma-chine!

You're more than spec-tac-u-lar,

To use the ver-nac-u-lar, you're wiz-ard!

You're smash-ing! You're keen!

Oh! chit-ty, you! chit-ty, pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bng Bang, we love you!

And chit-ty, our chit-ty, pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, loves us too!

High chit-ty, low chit-ty, an-y-where we go,

on chit-ty chit-ty we de - pend.

Bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

our fine four fen-dered friend!


Oh! you! pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, we love you!

And in Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, what we'll do!

Near far! in our mo-tor car,

oh, what a hap-py time we'll spend.

Bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

our fine four fen-dered friend!

You're sleek as a thor-ough-bred.

Your seats are a feath-er bed,

You'll turn ev-'ry-body's head to-day!

We'll glide on our mo-tor trip,

with pride in our own-er-ship,

the en-vy of all we sur-vey!

Oh! chit-ty, you! chit-ty, pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bng Bang, we love you!

And chit-ty, our chit-ty, pret-ty chit-ty bang bang,

Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang, what we'll do!

Near chit-ty, far chit-ty, in our mo-tor car,

oh, what a hap-py time we'll spend.

Bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

our fine four-fen-dered friend.

Bang bang, Chit-ty Chit-ty Bang Bang,

our fine four-fen-dered friend!"

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Originally posted by Leeo:

I hate Hiram and his sneaking "let's-hide-our-infantry-and-AT-guns-in-the-woods" ways. If he had any dangly bits he would stand up and wave like a man so that I could see him. Bastige.

Oh, and his versifying is an affront to all Dalemites.

Send a turn Fiend. (How anyone can be losing for so many turns and still have the gall to keep sending turns, even though none of his troops are in command or control, is way beyond normal goodness and decency). Oh, my mistake - normal does not apply to you. Decency not in the list either.

Only the painfull fact that my computer given Conscripts turn up and run at the slightest sqweeky noise is saving you from starting a new game. So. We shall keep you sqweeking for a bit longer. "Hold fire lads, make it squeal."


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Good morning,

I would like to nominate JasonC for a makeover. While Dorosh, Andreas, Bassy and others come to mind, JasonC’s distinct lack of humor needs dressing. Never has one man posted so much without one shred of humor. Dorosh at least makes a feint towards humor, I guess only other Grogs can understand. Actually I cannot remember him ever being funny, but hey, he has a mannequin that counts for something! Andreas sports that winning smile (it makes the kiddies laugh) and wears boxing gloves to class. Grades one thru five find him funny until they have to take a nap.

I would nominate JasonC, yes JasonC for a makeover in the worst way. Dressed up or shaken down his posts never contain even the smallest glint of humor. A makeover may not be enough, maybe just lock him in a room with Redwolf where none can hear them scream.

Edited: because some evenings I like tequila to much.

[ September 23, 2003, 10:12 AM: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Originally posted by Noba:

(How anyone can be losing for so many turns and still have the gall to keep sending turns, even though none of his troops are in command or control, is way beyond normal goodness and decency).

We are the Uber-Finns. <big>Fear Us!</big>

You'll win. Not through skill or tactical prowess, but by default. However, had I surrendered when things looked hopeless, I'd not been able to destroy that Flaming Dragon, er, I mean KV-1, nor would I have been able to wreak vengeance upon that water hose of lead known as the M17 (and I ain't talkin Messier).

Sometimes defeat can be sweet in and of itself. I should know.

The fact that my tenacity annoys you is merely an indication of the true victory I have wrought.

Ahhh, defeat; How sweet it is!

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I don't think anyone could accuse Andreas of being totally witless, he does try. However he usually speaks in riddles, when he fumbles for something humorous, could have something to do with his living in the U.K., but Benny Hill was pretty funny, wasn't he?, and John Cleese is a laff riot, I believe he is in need of a makeover.

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Andreas sports that winning smile (it makes the kiddies laugh) and wears boxing gloves to class.

That was a frog hand puppet. It is significantly more amusing than anything you have posted here, ever. And that is while it is stowed at the bottom of my dirty underwear hamper.
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Originally posted by Andreas:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Abbott:

Andreas sports that winning smile (it makes the kiddies laugh) and wears boxing gloves to class.

That was a frog hand puppet. It is significantly more amusing than anything you have posted here, ever. And that is while it is stowed at the bottom of my dirty underwear hamper. </font>
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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I don't think anyone could accuse Andreas of being totally witless, he does try. However he usually speaks in riddles, when he fumbles for something humorous, could have something to do with his living in the U.K., but Benny Hill was pretty funny, wasn't he?, and John Cleese is a laff riot, I believe he is in need of a makeover.

I second the nomination of Andreas. As he is constantly pulling information off the top of his head, it would appear (that in order for him not to win the Madmatt lookalike contest) that some hair restoration, at the least, would be in order.

As far as sense of humor...he appears to be more German than Grog, which when taken in combination would give him the wit of brussel sprouts.

So, I vote for Andreas.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

What is it now? Your Li'l Buddy?

I'll have to ask my 2 year old nephew about that. My guess is that it has resolved into shreds of its constituent elements.
Oh my....Grog Humor

constituent elements

Get it?

constituent elements

Okay, needs some work.

Can I vote twice for Andreas?

[edit]-Remember I'm from Florida, it's legal to vote twice here.

[ September 23, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]

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Originally posted by Abbott:

Good morning,

I would like to nominate JasonC for a makeover. While Dorosh, Andreas, Bassy and others come to mind, JasonC’s distinct lack of humor needs dressing. Never has one man posted so much without one shred of humor. Dorosh at least makes a feint towards humor, I guess only other Grogs can understand. Actually I cannot remember him ever being funny, but hey, he has a mannequin that counts for something! Andreas sports that winning smile (it makes the kiddies laugh) and wears boxing gloves to class. Grades one thru five find him funny until they have to take a nap.

I would nominate JasonC, yes JasonC for a makeover in the worst way. Dressed up or shaken down his posts never contain even the smallest glint of humor. A makeover may not be enough, maybe just lock him in a room with Redwolf where none can hear them scream.

Edited: because some evenings I like tequila to much.

Nonsense, you just didn't translate his grog-talk correctly...

Originally posted by JasonC:In WW I tanks had to stop little spitwad thingies, but weren't expected to withstand anything else, like frying pans. Even 75mm HE-man collectible figures were sufficient to KO them. Flat plates were used because they were simplest to produce and fit together, and were readily available from the mess hall after chow.

In the inter war period designs improved considerably, but armor protection against gunfire was not a primary design goal. It was just assumed that seriously pissed Mormon wives wielding cookware would succeed in KOing tanks if they managed to hit them. Protection against large fatty arms wielding iron skillets was the main point. Other design goals were small size and weight (especially to use roads and bridges, also to make more of them), improved speed and reliability (for escape), while keeping enough room for men, beer, and... er... men's literature.

The idea of Mormon mother-in-laws joining battle, particularly the MIL-300 (the three hundred pound version of the basic MIL) is what initially led to thicker armor. The opponent envisioned was the MIL supporting a supposedly insulted Mormon wife. Matildas, Chars, and KVs were initially designed thick not to duel other tanks but to approach pan-equipped MILs safely.

So part of the answer is that a need for thick armor in the first place was not obvious, and when it first appeared they weren't thinking of the MIL threat, let alone the MIL threat from other nearby tanks, as MILs are known to lash out at any perceived offender within range, whether related or not. The Germans uparmored their IIIs and IVs after experience battling MILs in France (quite a fiery temper evidently), but they had been originally designed thinking a plate or so of armor was all a tank would ever need. Hence the appearance of bolt-on plate armor.

The Soviets were the first to truly appreciate the threat, and later developed much more heavily armored units like the IS-2 and IS-3, designed to withstand the strike of 2 or 3 iron skillets at the same time before catastrophic plate failure.

For what it is worth.

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Originally posted by Jim Boggs:

As far as sense of humor...he appears to be more German than Grog, which when taken in combination would give him the wit of brussel sprouts.

So, I vote for Andreas.

You gormless twit. Your supreme complete lack of comprehension of what is going on in the world around you in general, and the forums in particular would only be excelled by the level of understanding the average Dutch cucumber could develop for Shakespeare.

I tried to be funny, in an in-joke amongst Grog, hard to get for anyone sort of way. The next thing that happened was that Emrys was called a Nazi (well, he joins AndrewTF in that), JonS was loathed, and Sean got his personal mortal enemy. So far so good you probably nod by now, while contemplating whether the green goo on your finger is still snot, or already brain, but let me tell you, it makes bugger all difference in your case.

But then, the next thing you know, all the grogs start posting in the Peng thread. Well, that enlivened it a bit, and quite frankly, a typically overboiled Brussels sprout still marginally (yes that is a word) beats the cream of the denizens here when it comes to grace, wit, worldliness, and (yes you guessed it) taste. Still, I would not expect you to get it anymore than I would expect a tub of lard to develop space travel.

Now, just focus that braincell of yours (remember, it is needed to resume breathing in 3 minutes, so think quick!). What will happen next? Well, I got next to me a book on German tanks, the diary of a general staff officer in 4th Army in 1940, and a treatise on Tarnopol 1944. Do you want me to open them, and discuss the lEEtness of the Waffen-SS with the other grogs, who are so handily assembled in here? Punk.

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Originally posted by Nidan1:

I thought the punch line was the two year old nephew part, I just don't get it....can you explain Jim ?

Maybe the shreds part is the key?

resolved into shreds of it's constituent elements.


It's like trying to decode those French Underground messages.

Wounds my heart with monotonous regularity.

Even that's funnier.

Can I vote three times for Andreas?

This is almost becoming a comedic emergency.

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