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How to remove ski?

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After years of playing CM, i've never had Ski units. But finally the time has come but i can't find any info, how my units can get rid of the skis (nothing in the manual nor in the forum).

Please help, the Iwan is already coming and my poor boys still stand on their skis in the woods... :D

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I'm sure I've had a shrpshooter enter a building in skis and keep them on - In the end I had to issue a nominal sneak command for him to discard them.

Originally posted by Bone_Vulture:

If I recall correctly, the troops ditch the skis as soon as they start firing, or enter a building.

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Steiner14 - Change your tag.

He said it, you're just repeating it. Great frigging logic. Why don't we all go around quoting Hilter, Himmler or one of the other Nazi scum. They said it we're just repeating it. Same type of f'ed up thinking.

I know where you can put (shove) the skis.

I may be banished for this post. If they want to bounce me, Stiemer should go too.

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His name is "Stiener14" His tag is "We the jewish people...." It has doubious sources as to the quote and has neo-Nazi philosophy behind it. He has been called on it numerous times, at first politely as in "you should change you tag" to which he raised a neo-Nazi defense. Despite many requests that he change his tag, he defiantly persists. Nothing like the real thing, and I've met a few!

I personally will continue to call him on it until he, or BFC does something about it.


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As I strongly believe in applying the same amount of doubt to both sides of the story, I did a google on the quote, and - aside from a great many third-hand quotations on homepages and in forums - came up with this page which strongly suggests that the quote is false.

IAP News is the "Islamic Assosiation for Palestine", hardly a "neutral" news source. I was unable to find any sources referring to that quote other than through the IAP item. If those words were uttered where the public could hear them, you'd think others but the IAP would have heard.

As such, I'd second David I and General Colt on this one.

Steiner14, if you want to voice criticism on Israel, you have to tread doubly careful, since the "nazi" and "anti-Semitic" tags are far too quickly applied to you even if your sources are sound, and in this case they aren't.

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I think it would be best if you kept this stuff out of this or any other topic that isn't explicitly to do with his signature. If you have a problem with it, inform BFC or PM him, don't just hijack the thread.

Back on topic: firstly, if you advance, assault or sneak, you lose your skis (there may be more, possibly withdraw). You sometimes lose your skis indoors, but sometimes you don't - I don't know about that one. You don't lose skis when you fire - they just kinda kneel down, shoot, then stand up again. And I haven't noticed any performance penalties when my troops fight with skis on...I think the remove skis thing is to stop you advancing or assaulting faster that you should.

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Mr P Wase

May sound strange but I agree with you and David and Colt.

Because my view is that Steiner defines the topic of the thread himself, by injecting hatemessages in his tags.

Tags are volontary, if you put a message in it, it is part of your post here, and not off topic. Steiner asked about skis, and expressed his fear of ZOG. Both can thus rightly be adressed in any answer here, as I see it, without straying from topic.

Hatemessages in tags is not ok with me, I think it disrespectful and ruthless, expressing disregard for the feelings of other debaters here.

Steiner has joined a open global forum to share his hobbies with kins of mind, yet at the same time he display in his tag that he prefer the company of some, but not all of us.

Among gamers and grogs, here or on conventions, there is usually a code of mutual respect resembling that of athletics. Meaning we do not use this particular forum to express criticism of the errs we feel others commit in life. It's a platform for enjoying what we have in common instead.

So let's all do as you say, stick to the topic of our common passion, in our tags as well.

But Steiner has heard all of this before, and it has not prompted him to show more conern for his fellow man, or respect either, in here.

By the way, your tag contains a link that cannot be followed. Says I am not allowed in...

Yours Truly


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Zionism is to judaism what nazizm is to christianity, namely a nasty and hatefull disease infecting an otherwise fairly reasonable religion, Sharon has made hatefull and racist statements to the media and many jews have expressed their disgust that such a criminal should be hailed as a representitive of the jewish religion, All racialists make unfounded and arrogant claims, So sharon could have made the claim being quoted by steiner14, it would certainly fit the man, Most responsible jews reject zionism the way that most responsible christians reject nazizm, but in every group there are a few evil and malignant criminals who spew racialist dogma and doctrine to advance their own sick fantasys of so-called 'racial superiority' and 'racial purity', I suspect that steiner14 is a zionist, But i could be wrong, He could be a neo nazi,, Both groups have a lot of germanic names, As well as similar ideologys,,,

as to the ski question,, ski troops are about mobility, keep that mobility as long as posible,

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First of all: sorry for my poor English.

I looked at the leopard 2 link. Seems to me, it links to a pro-Israel site. Some months ago we had a nice program on Dutch television.

They talked with some reporters and writers, incl. jews, who wrote or said something about Israel and doubted some things the Israeli's are doing: talking about Israel, before you know it you'll be called a Nazi.

I'm not saying Steiner is doing a smart thing with his tag(giving no reaction to what people say doesn't give him much credit), but I guess some people also have their doubts about playing Vietnam scenario's, Iraq scenario's, someone talking about his great Israeli tank, people who like communisme, people who buy a Tiger for christmas, the Dutch Army in Indonesia, the French in Indo-China, Clinton's cigar, my neighbours dog, etc. etc.

My grandfather fought against German FJ near The Haque before joining Dutch Resistance.

He did something for my freedom, for the freedom of speech I have today.

Steiner also has that freedom of speech, as he's not asking us to hurt, harm or kill jews. Is he a Nazi?, I don't know. It seems to me he doesn't like Israely politics. I don't like what China is doing in Tibet. That doesn't mean I hate all chinese people and want them off this planet.

If you don't agree with Steiner just tell him or just ignor him. If you don't like freedom of speech, just move to Iraq, Cuba or China.

So, let's stop talking about Steiner, Israel or politics. Let's talk about CMBO, CMBB and CMAK. What the H..., my wife is Indian, let's talk about spicy chicken masala, samosa or other food that makes you cry your eyes out and **** your pants if you've had too much.


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Originally posted by Behemoth:

Ahhh man you guys are killing me with all this FOOD talk! Before I start eating my keyboard we should discuss skis.


Ok then....

I was under the impression that troops that were on ski's had a higher exposure % and would take casualties at a faster rate.Is this correct?I remember a finnish battle where I had ski troops,and I managed to get them to fight(out of woods)while on their ski's,but they took casualties really quickly.

I have always viewed troops moving on ski's the same way I view troops "moving".It should only be done when you are sure there is going to be no enemy fire.Except that ski troops moving through woods or sct trees,might not fair as poorly as troops moving in open ground.

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MASALA RULES !!!! I also use a lot of peppers from Surinam, they call it Madam Janet and adjoema, if your not used to it, it hurts like hell visiting the toilet.

Also Junk2Drive, as you've had some Indo neighbours, be advised: There's a lot of that blood in my family too, and so is the food. I just had some Ajam Opor with Sajoer Tjampoer.

If you're interested in Indo, do visit The Haque in the summer. We have a big big Indo-meeting called Pasar Malam every year. We can have a rendez-vous there and have ourself a nasi goreng with a large cold beer.

About the skis: I'll have myself a nice Finnish

scenario and see what ski's will do. Then I'll go to Surinam on holiday, doing a little bit of hunting and fishing in the jungle. March I'll be ready to work on some Dutch scenario's (the past few months I didn't have the time because of my daughter, 3 months old now). Then I'll be trying to make my wife stop leaving my because off all the time I spend playing combat mission. Now we're talking summer 2005, I'll have to visit Pasar Malam many times with my family.

Guys, you'll have my answer august 2005. Sorry 'bout that.

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"March I'll be ready to work on some Dutch scenario's"

If you mean CMAK 1940 scenarios in early war, I have a set of Italian green uniforms renumbered for the French that I use for Dutch troops in DEI PTO.

"If you're interested in Indo, do visit The Haque in the summer. We have a big big Indo-meeting called Pasar Malam every year. We can have a rendez-vous there and have ourself a nasi goreng with a large cold beer."

My wife toured Benelux in the 90's and stayed at one of their sister's house in Amsterdam, then got a railpass. My wife tells me we need to go someday so that I can see it all.

The Neighbor and their Dutch friends have lots of stories of the Japanese interment camps and post war DEI.

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Originally posted by painfbat:

Steiner also has that freedom of speech, as he's not asking us to hurt, harm or kill jews. Is he a Nazi?, I don't know. It seems to me he doesn't like Israely politics.

Well then let's begin with taking the time to read some of Steiners posts shall we? There are 189 of them to read.

Steiner, reacting on the German movie "Stalingrad".


03-12-2004 22:53

"This movie is an excellent example movie, how german comradeship is devaluated and only practised by stupid Germans fighting for the wrong side.

3. the impression the movie creates, is that the good and symphatic german soldiers are against Hitler, yes are even against Germany, are against winning the war, are for a peace in the east, know already how the war will end, although only a small Schütze Arsch, do in no way believe to defend Europe but have a politically correct opinion.

4. and even in the war-historic aspect the movie fails, because the aspect of the heroic self sacrifice of the 6. Armee, to rescue the 1 million comrades of the Heeresgruppe Süd, is not even mentioned at all."

If Steiners message is not clear to you, he finds the movie revisionist, denying the heroic sacrifice at Stalingrad and not mentioning the need to defend Europe by assaulting the USSR.

This is Steiner reacting on a suggestion from Mikey that communism might have had appeal on the German labor force.


09-12-2004 16:38


Take a look at Germany after Hitler took power: 90% of the laborers were won within months!

In Italy almost the same, but not that rapidly.

I don't know why you're spreading here bolshevistic propaganda, but it is a ridiculous myth, that the laborers all over the world, were supporting the Bolsheviks.

The jews all over the world and the communists were doing so. But not the average laborer."

The NSDAP never reached more than 40% support in any category of the labor force and Germany had the largest communist party of Europe. There was communist unrest as late as 1944 in Hamburg. There was worldwide support of the USSR coming from trade unions, throughout the war. Not least US such. The bulk of all resistance in all of occupied Europe was communist, thus apparently of some appeal after all. But these matters, Steiner will regard as Bolshevik propaganda, Jew lies and Victor censorship.

This is Steiner debating a book and also reacting on acomment from Zveroboy


25-12-2004 16:16

"Yes, it's one of the best books dealing objectively with the slandered Waffen-SS and also contains interesting unknown or withheld info (what really happened at Malmedy, the end of Martin Bormann, Michael Wittmann, the private letter from the US-chief prosecuting-attorney to Jochen Peiper after the war,...).

What makes this book IMO so precious, are the uncensored and authentic, without political glasses and political correctness 1st hand accounts of the tank-commanders. A real relief among all the politically inspired worthless books.

But readers like Zveroboy ('Carius has indeed a tendency to forget that Germany was the aggressor in this war.'), who expect even from the single soldier's first hand accounts a politically correct and instrumentalized winner-history, being glad of losing the war and about the dying of the comrades and the suffering of the civilians, will be disappointed.

Authentic history is never onedimensional."

Carisius was of the firm and declared opinion that the West should have joined Nazi Germany in her aggression on the USSR which, incidentally, he did not regard as an aggression but a preemptive strike. He was very far from alone. Many Germans were lost in the same delusion and somehow forgot who attacked who. Carisius is being "objective". Having any other opinion is being "subjective". If Carisius is wrong, it is merely because he is a simple, honest, hard working German.

It goes on, to shorten my post here I leave you to find the remainder via Search. These are typical Wiederbetätiger statements, they all sound the same and they all read the ten or fifteen books revealing the Real Truth about the Nazis and the war. Where the Nazis are made heroic victims, Germans are warheroes and the rest of Europe is one big aggressor, and Judaism the source of all evil. All other books, archives, photos, are lies, censored and propaganda. Science is disregarded, discarded as politically correct and censored.

You do not know, you say, how Steiner feels about politics. But it is so simple. Ask Steiner. He will explain. He cannot tell the whole truth, since he would be banned, but enough. Start in, say, Auschwitz? Steiner is silent here but he does not always hide in the shadows and he is by now an old-timer. He will defend his values if they attacked on the forum.

I disagree with your definition of freedom of speech. You are confusing democracy with apathy. Freedom of speech is not in any democracy a freedom of the individual to offend his fellow man, nor the preaching of hatred. Any society will act to suppress and prevent centrifugal forces trying to rip it apart. All European nations - and many other of course - have laws to curb hatepreachers. Including your own. Your country is party and subject to the European Convention on Human Rights. According to which it is illegal to preach hatred on grounds of ethniticity, religion, sexual persuation or gender.

You speak as if you had the impression that these opinions were instead protected under the freedom of speech of the same convention?

Democracy is not the blend of everything, it is not the white light containing all other colours of light, it is a distinct set of values with an identity of its own, separate from rival ideologies. It appears pluralist because pluralism and tolerance are part of the values, but pluralism does not extend to hostile ideologies, because it can't coexist with them.

Democratic values are not eternal, nor self evident, nor general. There are other values still - such as corporate states, fascism, martialistic values, fundamentalist religious states et cetera. Values are in conflict, democratic values can no better survive in the dominance of hostile values than any of the other can.

Thus, values are fragile, can be attacked, can deteriorate, can be lost and must be supported, defended, argued for in order to continue to exist. Hostile values do not go away if you ignore them. They grow, unanswered and unchallenged, like any other argument. What is happening in your own country right now? You do not only have "nice" programs on your TV anymore, do you? Values seem to deteriorate and the strahngest news of ethnic hate and violence reaches us. Why do you think that is?

Colt, David, Leopard and I defended the values insulted by the hatemessage in Steiners signature. By argument. This is voicing critical opinion.

Critical opinion is not a characteristic trait of Cuba, nor China, and I wouldn't know about Iraq right now. It is a characteristic trait of the continents in which we four, and you, live (and not only these continents).

Again the urgency to remain on topic, in your post. In my opinion, David and Colt, first to react here, acted to cleanse the forum of political provocations, thus infinitely more helping this place to stay on topic CM (and on any other non-confrontational common interest, such as Indian food) than any ignoring of the same or telling everyone to stay silent will ever do. I sympathise with both efforts and would not want to be less than they in this.

Steiner does not explixitly incite violence. Hitler never once uttered the words "kill jews!" It doesn't work that way, you do not preach action, you preach hatred, minority groups lose individual status, action follows.

This is my hobby, like you and everyone else I do not wish to be disturbed by unpleasant realities here and I am probably among those most resentful about people shoving politics down my throat in threads (you mention the Israeli tanker). The issue with Steiners tag is but one: Steiner is furthering his political opinion in his tag. Steiner will find peace as soon as he stops. But he does not stop. And so there is no peace.

And. Though I know nothing of him, I cannot believe your grandfather fought for the right to preach hatred among people.



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Well since this thread seems to be going nowhere...


My Girlfriend and I are Indo-challenged when it comes to cooking Indian; Do you have any tips on cooking that popular cauliflower and Tameric(maybe it's curry) dish. We have not done a very good job in the past. I think the name is "abu-gabi"? perhaps or somefink like that. Thanks in advance... I find good food can unite all the masses. Peas out.


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