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**A hvy building mod that LOOKS like a hvy building!!**

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Just in time for Christmas

- Heavy Brick Building for CMBB and CMAK.

On the CMBB side of our favorite site:


Let me divulge up front that I did take the liberty of borrowing a few details from one of Gurra’s building mods. A bit less effort for me, a mod that blends with Gurra’s excellent building mods for you. I do hope Gurra approves.

I did this mod because I was tired of not being able to easily tell the difference between heavy and light buildings during gameplay. I wanted to see something substantial, something that looks like it might be able to stand up to shellfire. While doing the winter version, I was aided in my efforts at authenticity by the furnace going out in my apt! While I piled frosty snowbanks against the sides of my virtual building I sat shivering at my keyboard wrapped in scarves.

Here’s the cmmods.com screenshot:

MikeyD's "Gurra-style" Hvy Building"

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1- great mod, MikeyD , as always..

2- Normally, i'm tolerant,but this time sorry,

I can't let write such imbecilities like those in your signature, "Exploding monkey". :mad:

With two great-grandfathers, and a grandfather killed in my family, in the two wars (at the front..), I do not appreciate this kind of weak comments at all and I feel insulted for all frenchs.

I really doubt your ability to understand the situation in our country, as well during the war as currently.

This is guys like you who lead to animosity between peoples and it seems that you have really many things to learn, obviously, and not only about France...

If it's a joke, it's really bad, if not,then i really feel sorry for you.

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Originally posted by Beorix:

I really doubt your ability to understand the situation in our country, as well during the war as currently.

This is guys like you who lead to animosity between peoples and it seems that you have really many things to learn, obviously, and not only about France...

As being french too (no one is perfect, ah ah) I'm agree with you Beorix.

A souvenir day spent with french WW2 veterans (as my grandfather, wounded in winter 1944 somewhere in Alsace) would be an interesting therapy :(

This kind of futile agressivity is an obvious insult to anyone who fought a war or was a victim of military operations. Did someone see me insulting german, english or american people that way ? Come on, how old are you, EM ? You're surelly very tired or stressed to post that kind of signature.

Feel so sorry for you :(:rolleyes:

Edit : by the way, EM could feel agressed by my OWN signature, LOL :D:D

[ December 21, 2005, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: Bogdan ]

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Guest ExplodingMonkey

It's a joke.

I've lost family in war as well. In both popular and unpopular ones where my nation and it's people were ridiculed. During those times, the ridicule was not a joke, yet my family dealt with it an moved on, because even though the people disrespecting the warriors in my family and my nation as a whole were rude, my family respected their right to speak how they felt about things.

Now what's in my sig is nothing more than a little fun being poked at a nation where MY FAMILY died as he helped liberate it from the Nazis, but you know what? Even though you've both acted in such a mean and childish way to me (rather than just saying: "Hey monkey, think you can take that sig down please?"), I respect your right to voice an opinion on it.

However, what you two (three now it appears) represent is part of what is wrong with the world today and almost everyone in it. Political correctness. I swear, everyone's feelings get hurt so easily anymore. GROW THICKER SKINS PEOPLE.

However, if you would like, to make the world that much more properly padded and antiseptic for you, I'd gladly take the sig down. Hate to shatter the utopia you've all fashioned in your minds. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take the Christ out of Christmas because it offend someone else. Oh, and I’m an agnostic that find that whole issue ridiculous as well.


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Hi mum!

Before this all gets out of hand and the thread gets locked, I would like to attempt to resolve the issue for you both. Firstly, EM, a wargaming forum with international appeal probably isn't the best place for that signature. Funny as it is, not very appropriate. On the other hand, I think certain people have overreacted to it. I'm sure its not meant maliciously and its just a bit of fun. So we should all apologise, EM should consider removing the sig and we should get back to discussing heavy building mods

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