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patton vs.rommel


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I agree that the US is increasingly unpopular in Central and South America, but what are you thinking? Giving Iran the bomb will solve nothing. First Iran, then Syria, Jordan, Libya Morocco. And you think America is destabilizing the Middle East. When you were listing countries on your poopy list for now or once having empires, you left out a few: ALL OF WESTERN EUROPE! AND RUSSIA AND TURKEY AND AUSTRIA-HUNGARY. Every country with any kind of power at any point in history could not help itself but to influence everyone that they possibly could. America has seen what happens when we dictate to countries, just look at how our development of China backfired and led to the rise of communism.

Spreading nukes around only makes global diplomacy harder because suddenly everyone gets concessions because they have a finger on the button. You're just mad because Canada doesn't have nukes or any global influence to speak of since you left the British empire.

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Yes, USA hasn't been all that helpful in places I feel it should've. It was my personal and dire opinion that during the first days of the Yugoslav breakup from Croatia all the way to Kosovo that something be done. Noone ever heeded my warnings and it was a vengeance of the Serbs on the rest of the States first for WW2, second for Real Estate.

Sierra Leone and other such places are very difficult to police, takes a lot of peacekeepers. They're soooooo backwards and so Third World you cannot keep them together without stationing troops their 24-7 or having a Dictator. The People Must fight for themselves... At some point if people do not fight for themselves then the ole American saying how does it go, "Give me Liberty or give me death!" Heh, Frenchies loved us so much they would've married their Queen to our President around that Era.. Great Opposition to the UK Imperialism.

Central South America, are still non-terrorist States, LOL. If you exclude the fact that Drug Kingpins and Dictators usually run half the countries down there.

As far as giving Iran a Nuke? Lordy, have you lost your mind people. I hope the Nuke doesn't go off in your backyard, because if it does you'll eat those words! You better start waking up, someone will get ansy enough to push the button. We we're dumb during Horishima and Nagasaki, and those were infantile bombs. There are ones now that can wipe out Millions...And in an arsenal the World

Isreal has 100-200 Nukes, some which are Russian... See! I personally think the UN should be doing it's job there in Russia but another failure ;)

IF the USA Isn't backing up the UN because our President isn't skilled enough "to do so," LOL... Then it's up to the Power of Western Europe to take some iniative or has that region gone to sleep and would rather sit on it's laurels and just let the World devour itself. Sounds like it from these postings. Personally if the World would've done that for them 60 years ago we wouldn't have this problem now!

Iraq vould haben Swatikas, and Russia vould be Fritz

Psycho but more stable than the ideologies expressed here ;)

as far as N.Korea and China and the rest of Asia. The Greater Japanese Empire

::Yawns:: USA should've just conquored S.America and Canada and dealt with the Nazis, you Euros act weak!

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Well, Rambo: The US is slepping with the Sauds for Oil , the Chinese buy your debt. You are driving soon japanese cars and your computer are made in Taiwan.

Ever played Risk? When the tpdogs fight suddenly the underdog is at the top...

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Ba dee ba dee ba dee! We cant please everybody.

What the world needs to understand, is America is head of this house, we call Earth!

So what are you going to do?

So you are tired of the way America is running things? America is on top, and why should they not want to stay on top?

All's anybody ever has is problems in this day and age. So who really cares if We all get exterminate from this planet.

Sure let everybody have Nukes, That will teach us. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by waltero:

Ba dee ba dee ba dee! We cant please everybody.

What the world needs to understand, is America is head of this house, we call Earth!

So what are you going to do?

So you are tired of the way America is running things? America is on top, and why should they not want to stay on top?

All's anybody ever has is problems in this day and age. So who really cares if We all get exterminate from this planet.

Sure let everybody have Nukes, That will teach us. :rolleyes:

Pssst I am baiting Rambo .... Don´t spoil my fun
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Yeah America is strong...But they always think that they can play "the boss" everywhere(Vietnam, Irack,...)

Would be funny if they would face a real enemy..

They cant even control Irack or Vietnam, I wonder what would happen if they invade China or N-Korea, or even the EU(dont think this will ever happen, but who knows^^).

They think that because they are strong, they can do everthing they want. I even remember that America threatend to invade Holland if an American officer was being hold in Den Haag(its a court where war criminals are being held).

So yeah, you guys are the strongest, but that doesn't mean you can do everything you want...

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"Remember guys, Europe had a 3500 year headstart"

Yeah,3500 years of war against eachother....

America only had some Indians to fight with and Mexicans....

So America had a country the size of Europe with gold,oil,... all for themselves

And Europe is divided in 20 countries, so it's only logical that America is stronger...

And the Economie of all the countries of the EU together is bigger than the American Economie:P

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It was during the Sicilian campaign that Patton generated considerable controversy when he struck a hospitalized G.I., whom he accused of being a malingerer. For this act, the general was forced to issue a public apology.


We've had a lot of sound,

Down on the ground - where them Sherman tracks

Stretch so straight and true,


Let's do... a bird's eye view?

Were Patton around now,

He'd be apologizin' all over the place!

Ayup, 'til 'e was red, white,

And blue, in the face.

As 'e labors over the stove, sure!

He'd be... some sort of scullery Chef, yep,

On this here modern-day Ship of State,

Barefoot in that kitchen mess,

Cookin' up a batch

Right from... cut, scat & scratch,

O a veritable scalding! cauldron

Of... chicken-hawk stew.

And that stew - mmm, mmm O Boy!

Served on blood red plates,

Made in... bloodless red states,

With wry little pictures adorned

All around - the edge, why - it's!

Some biblical Lion!

Jaws a'prised wide!

Wit' these fleecy hind-quarters

A'hangin' from - lip & ledge

Of... ancient fangs, glistened in grease!


As you sup Polo Pat's patented blend,

You'll have somethin' to do O Lord yes!

You can scratch them lion & lamb emblems

Wit' yer fingernail,

Should you choose, and stir the debris

Right in with the... poor-boy gravy!

(... hey Joe! Where you goin'

with that gun in yer hand?, say, hey Joe,

ain't this new day - sloppy-crazy, man!)

Yep, were Patton around these parts now,

Sure enough, ol' Joe, he'd be a'goin strong!

Cookin' up fresh, and endless

Batches of... chicken-hawk stew,

All the long night long!

(... hey you Joe! What these... entrails mean?

I mean, jeeez, it's indicatin'

somethin'... kinda strange,

ain't it... man?)

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Originally posted by pino:

Yeah America is strong...But they always think that they can play "the boss" everywhere(Vietnam, Irack,...)

Would be funny if they would face a real enemy..

They cant even control Irack or Vietnam, I wonder what would happen if they invade China or N-Korea, or even the EU(dont think this will ever happen, but who knows^^).

They think that because they are strong, they can do everthing they want. I even remember that America threatend to invade Holland if an American officer was being hold in Den Haag(its a court where war criminals are being held).

So yeah, you guys are the strongest, but that doesn't mean you can do everything you want...

Look, What would you suggest America do?

This is king of the hill baby! We are king of the hill now!!!

Why would we let you monkey ass mothers run anything?

The only reason we have problems in other country's is because we are trying to keep it peaceful.

The only reason some of these third world country's want to have nukes is to use them against us.

We say no! 'NO' nukes for you!

And once we find out they have nukes, we should send some more their way (they can have them all)!

You could say that there is only one of two ways a person can go in this world today.

If you want to be part of this world you can stand by America or you can chose to not be apart of this world and go with Jesus.

You have a big daddy now, like it or not he is still your Daddy!

Of course we are going to go for the Gold (oil) that is the name of the game! How else do you think we stay on top?

Don't be sore, be Glad we are friendly enough. We ain't going to kill you. We might Rape you first.

But hey, we are not the ones who invented this game. you taught us by involving us in your murderous wars and all.We are trying to keep the peace.

Why fight it? the world is going to hell in a hand basket! enjoy it while you can.

Have you ever butted heads with the Police? well then you know you can not win.

If you can't beat them join them.

If you think America is 'only' raping the poor and misfortune ate you are wrong!

They stick it to everybody! even their own.

So bite it!!!

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Originally posted by Desert Dave:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> It was during the Sicilian campaign that Patton generated considerable controversy when he struck a hospitalized G.I., whom he accused of being a malingerer. For this act, the general was forced to issue a public apology.



We've had a lot of sound,

Down on the ground - where them Sherman tracks

Stretch so straight and true,


Let's do... a bird's eye view?

Were Patton around now,

He'd be apologizin' all over the place!

Ayup, 'til 'e was red, white,

And blue, in the face.

As 'e labors over the stove, sure!

He'd be... some sort of scullery Chef, yep,

On this here modern-day Ship of State,

Barefoot in that kitchen mess,

Cookin' up a batch

Right from... cut, scat & scratch,

O a veritable scalding! cauldron

Of... chicken-hawk stew.

And that stew - mmm, mmm O Boy!

Served on blood red plates,

Made in... bloodless red states,

With wry little pictures adorned

All around - the edge, why - it's!

Some biblical Lion!

Jaws a'prised wide!

Wit' these fleecy hind-quarters

A'hangin' from - lip & ledge

Of... ancient fangs, glistened in grease!


As you sup Polo Pat's patented blend,

You'll have somethin' to do O Lord yes!

You can scratch them lion & lamb emblems

Wit' yer fingernail,

Should you choose, and stir the debris

Right in with the... poor-boy gravy!

(... hey Joe! Where you goin'

with that gun in yer hand?, say, hey Joe,

ain't this new day - sloppy-crazy, man!)

Yep, were Patton around these parts now,

Sure enough, ol' Joe, he'd be a'goin strong!

Cookin' up fresh, and endless

Batches of... chicken-hawk stew,

All the long night long!

(... hey you Joe! What these... entrails mean?

I mean, jeeez, it's indicatin'

somethin'... kinda strange,

ain't it... man?) </font>

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But hey, we are not the ones who invented this game. you taught us by involving us in your murderous wars and all.We are trying to keep the peace.

Why fight it? the world is going to hell in a hand basket! enjoy it while you can.

Have you ever butted heads with the Police? well then you know you can not win.

If you can't beat them join them.

If you think America is 'only' raping the poor and misfortune ate you are wrong!

They stick it to everybody! even their own.

So bite it!!!


waltero, I swear,

When you are... NOT hardly trying

To make enny sense,

You make pretty great sense!

When you TRY to make sense,

O alackaday, what's the use,

I can't grok a word of it. :eek:

In my experience,

This is damn hard to do.

Turn the Gestalt - inside out, I mean, or

Return the due cents when handed

A yo-yo, some pocket-lint, or a dollar,

Yea, it's like when that acrobat rabbit

Comes bustling backwards outta that hole

And smooches ol' Alice - smack!

On inside 'er cheek. smile.gif

This is rarely accomplished,

Once every other decade or so I'd guess,


You've somehow managed.

Nope, I ain't seen much a' the tangerine

Dream, the quick-silver swelling

The wishing well, well

Not many... can do it.

Almost NOBODY can be bothered... to try.

And reckon some sense when

There just... ain't enny.

Yer one of the few.

My Cleveland Indian ball hat's

Off, and doffed - to you.


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Cleveland Indians lost today to Tampa, they need to go on a little run to grab the wildcard. Watch those Oakland A's.
Off topic I appreciate, but, what the hey.

Yah jjr, the Lake Erie Clown Parade

NEEDS a big bopper, bad.

Losing to twerpish Tampa?

Crimeney! :eek:

That's like... tooling down the hi-way

In yer '65 raked & nitro-jaked GTO

And... being passed by some kid on a tryke,

Who has the unabashed temerity!

To ring that little handle-bar bell - twice!

As he... passes you by.

Pity the double-clutching Road King.

BTW: I've done it a lot, mostly @ the Track,

But... ONLY bet on what you KNOW.

I mean, really, REALLY know.

Like it's tucked in yer hip pocket.

If you ain't studyin' them "form sheets,"

And if you ain't got a hands on "feel,"


Keep them wagers - way down low. ;)

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"The only reason we have problems in other country's is because we are trying to keep it peaceful"Oh yeah, like in Irack, lets try to maintain peaco overthere. Well, I must say, you kind of failed in that, don'd you think. Thinfs were MUCH bether under Sadam, they had food, watter, electricity,oil...But the Americans dind't like that they were using the oil while they needed more and more. So invented a story, made some pictures above Irack of some builidings and said:"Hey, you van see this truck moving in and out every day, I think they're making nukes in there to" to the rest of the world

"Oh no, we have to defend our so called "freedom, boohoo, oh no, some other countries have nukes, now we have to attackt them"

And when the war is over:"Oops, they didn't have any nukes, well yeah, who the hell cares, we are America, we can do everything we want. "Well, and since we are here, let's take their oil too.Who's going to stop us?After al, we are America. Well, more and more people die overthere, but who cares?We've got the oil..."

Well, i've been in the States a year ago,and I didn' see much "freedom". It was almost impossible to get in the country because of all security.And those stupid laws in America????You can't drink a beer when youre not 21, well, a LOT of teenaged kids of America is on crack or something like that.Butt at least they don't drink alcohol.

And the worst part of you Americans is that you always blaim someone else for your own STUPID mistakes."Oh no, im fat, what to do now?Excercise a bit, or mayeb it less...naaah..Hey I know, let's sew Mc Donnalds for making me fat and with tha money is can afford a liposuction"

Or"I got cancer from smoking.Oh whatever, I'll just sew some of, the cigaret producers to gett some money"

Why do you people always look at other countries instead of make things bether in your own country first?

"Oh no, some people in Vietnam are communists, let's attack them"(you got youre ass kicked overthere,isn't it?)

More homacide in the US then in any other Western country in the world. So much verry rich people and so maney poor people.

So to all you Americans:stop blaiming other people for your own mistakes, take a look at your own country first instead of saying whats bad in other countries.

But if you don't do that, I don't care because in 50 or 100 years the Chinese are going to get you anywhay....

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Try to tone down the redderick, would ya? You bring up a few valid points but mostly skewed statements that can only be made by one not actually in America.

The majority of fatalities in traffic accidents come from collisions involving drunk drivers. Want to know how to fix that? Let teenagers drink as much alcohol as they want.

The fat kids, well, you got us there. All I can say is that I'm not fat, my friends aren't fat, and people who are should do something other than sue. Preferably something that burns calories.

My grandfather died from emphysema and you know what he got from the tobacco companies? Jack squat. He had respiratory therapy for the last 15 years of his life.

Vietnam? Right cause, wrong strategy. When we sent into Korea to stop the spread of Communism did Belgium protest? No. THEY SENT TROOPS! Nam was a war that could have been won had it been fought properly from the beginning.

Iraq? Not nukes, but biologicals and chemicals. That all does seem very shaky now, and you can bet something like that won't happen again without much more solid proof. I do believe Iraq will be much better off in the long run without Saddam, and Iraq is not "ours". Its Iraqi, and we buy the oil, just like every other country, including Belgium.

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Originally posted by stoat:

Try to tone down the redderick, would ya? You bring up a few valid points but mostly skewed statements that can only be made by one not actually in America.

The majority of fatalities in traffic accidents come from collisions involving drunk drivers. Want to know how to fix that? Let teenagers drink as much alcohol as they want.

The fat kids, well, you got us there. All I can say is that I'm not fat, my friends aren't fat, and people who are should do something other than sue. Preferably something that burns calories.

My grandfather died from emphysema and you know what he got from the tobacco companies? Jack squat. He had respiratory therapy for the last 15 years of his life.

Vietnam? Right cause, wrong strategy. When we sent into Korea to stop the spread of Communism did Belgium protest? No. THEY SENT TROOPS! Nam was a war that could have been won had it been fought properly from the beginning.

Iraq? Not nukes, but biologicals and chemicals. That all does seem very shaky now, and you can bet something like that won't happen again without much more solid proof. I do believe Iraq will be much better off in the long run without Saddam, and Iraq is not "ours". Its Iraqi, and we buy the oil, just like every other country, including Belgium.

Oh, and I remeber once a guy telling me something about how kind Belgium was. One of these Belgian Peaceful Extremists holier than now. Telling how awful America was an Imperial LOL

Biggest Load of Crap I ever heard. Rwanda is the way it is because of Belgium. ;) They seperated the two factions and made one more white than the other! So they had something grind their axes about. Over a million Rwandans died in the 90s due to Belgium! And it ain't over and that's one itty bitty country on the map.


Everyone has an opinion.. That's fine.. That's what the Free World is about.

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