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v1.06 Patch Now Available for Strategic Command!!!!


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Hubert has just finished the last planned update to Strategic Command. This v1.06 patch adds dozens of new enhancements, tweaks and bug fixes and continues with the full TCP/IP support added in 1.05.

Grab it today!

Strategic Command Patch Download Page

Changes Made For v1.06 (December 3, 2002)

Normalized research via 5->4->3->2->1 slow down and relationship with enemy

research levels to represent captured equipment, spying, etc.

** New Formula **

(5% + highest enemy level - current level) * applicable chits

Restriction: highest enemy level - current level > 0

- removal of research chits now acts as a reclamation with 50% cost

- added South Atlantic/Suez Canal transport loop via new UK Suez port

- 4 turns from South Atlantic to Suez (1 turn longer than running the Mediterranean gauntlet). Suez port must be Allied otherwise transports will be returned to the South Atlantic after 6 turns

- added Turkish port at Istanbul

- added experience +.1 to Axis subs from raiding

- reduced kill experience from +.5 to +.3

- Soviet partisans now inflict a supply penalty by reducing the strength (variably) of any captured Soviet resource within 6 hexes when they first appear, simulates behind the line supply disruptions etc.

- USA, Italy and the USSR now declare war on their opposite turns to take full advantage on their own turn

- some FoW messages during AI turn now hidden to avoid giving away planning elements

- bumped US and USSR start chits to 2 and 3 respectively for the 39, 40, 41 Campaigns

- reduced Industrial Technology effectiveness from 10% to 5%

- extended the game's stalemate date to May 7, 1947 (1 extra year from previous versions)

- fixed the interception losses bug, entrenchment and defensive bonuses no longer affect losses

- fixed the soft defence bug with respect to heavy tank research, air defence bug for carriers with respect to jet aircraft research and the naval defence bug for Cruisers and Battleships with respect to gun laying radar research

- added increased Soviet war readiness to balance out German tactic of destroying Polish units but not taking Warsaw, earlier annexation of Baltic States also possible as well as a slight bump in initial Soviet start MPP's

- adjusted French surrender rule for excessive evacuation of French mainland to avoid gamey strategies, France now surrenders once Paris is captured regardless of available French forces remaining

- divided one Italian army to add a Corps in Sicily

- fixed the escort icon bug for expected combat losses under FoW, sometimes icon was improperly shown revealing hidden enemy air fleet defenders are in the area

- Campaign Editor updated to reflect recently found bugs with unit placements and neutral territory specifications

- Campaigns updated to reflect new additions including:

- renamed Gillingham -> Chatham

- renamed Arachon -> Arcachon

- renamed Caio Duilio -> Ciao Duilio

- renamed Luftlotte -> Luftflotte

- renamed Garibaldi -> Gariboldi

- renamed Sevastapol -> Sevastopol

- renamed Runstedt -> Rundstedt

- renamed 4th Panzer -> 5th Panzer (4th x 2 in the 1942 Campaign)

Note: These were only previously updated with the data maps but not in the campaigns


NOTE: These notes reflect User Manual errata and some of the major changes since v1.0 of the game.


Sub Spotting - All spotting ranges for air, land and naval units are decreased by 1 with respect to spotting subs

Rivers - Attacker is reduced to 50% offensive power when attacking from a river hex

Reinforcement - Any unit that has all adjacent land hexes occupied will have a max reinforcement value of 5

Sub Raiding - Axis sub raiders now receive +.1 experience for each successful raid on Allied shipping

Additional Partisan Effects - Soviet Partisans can now variably affect the strength of captured Axis resources in the USSR the first turn they appear within a range of 6 hexes. Simulates the disruption of Axis supply lines in the USSR


Axis Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th, 1947)

- Both Germany and Italy have not surrendered, France has surrendered and either London, Moscow, Stalingrad or Leningrad are in Axis hands

Allied Stalemate Victory Conditions (May 7th 1947)

- Either Germany or Italy have surrendered or

- England, the USA and the USSR have not surrendered and either France has been liberated or Italy

surrendered and both London and Moscow are not occupied by the Axis


Land/Air Units - Recovered MPP = 5% unit's cost * lowest value of unit's supply or strength

Naval Units - Recovered MPP = 1% unit's cost * lowest value of unit's supply or strength


supply = 0 -> HQ supply = 5

supply <= 5 -> HQ Supply = 8

supply > 5 -> HQ supply = 10

Note: Friendly HQ's can now be linked to supply each other over extended distances


Normalized Research - Slow down system using 5 -> 4 -> 3 -> 2 -> 1

Enemy Research Relationship - Formula now has a representation for captured enemy equipment, spying, espionage etc.

Removal of RECLAIM button - Research chit reclaim function is now implemented whenever you wish to remove a chit from a category. This acts as a transfer penalty of 50%, i.e. the same amount as the old RECLAIM method


(5% + highest enemy level - current level) * applicable chits in category

Restriction - highest enemy level - current level >= 0

So if for example you have 1 chit in Jets with Level-0 and your enemy

has Level-0 then it would look like this:

(5% + 0 - 0) * 1 = 5% chance (same as before)

If you have 1 chit in Jets with level 1 and your enemy has Level-0 then:

(5% + 0 - 1)) * 1 = 4% chance

Now if you have 1 chit in Jets with Level-1 and your enemy has Level-5 then:

(5% + 5 - 1) * 1 = 9% chance


With the addition of a port at the Suez Canal you will now be able to loop transports around Cape Horn via the South Atlantic to the Suez. In order to take advantage of the loop, transports must be moved on top of any one of the seven red down arrows located in the South Atlantic.

Note: The port in the Suez must be Allied controlled

Once a transport has been positioned on top of any one of the seven red down arrows, it will automatically be transferred the rest of the journey at the end of your turn. Transfer time will be 4 full turns (1 turn longer than running the Mediterranean gauntlet) and will appear in and around Alexandria/Suez at that time. Should the Suez fall into Axis hands or there is insufficient landing hexes around Alexandria/Suez then any remaining transports that have not appeared in Egypt after 6 turns will be returned to the South Atlantic.

Note: Only the Allies can use the South Atlantic/Suez Canal transfer loop



- Axis Declarations of War, highest when directed against the Baltic States, Turkey, Romania, Finland and Yugoslavia

- Insufficient Axis garrisons along German/Soviet border

- Large buildup of Axis forces along German/Soviet border

- Prolonged battle in England after an Axis Sealion attempt

- Delayed victory over Poland


- Axis Declarations of War, highest when directed against the USSR, Switzerland, Spain, Vichy France, Sweden

- Prolonged battle in England after an Axis Sealion attempt

- Decreased readiness for Allied Declarations of War


- Axis victories

- Allied Declarations of War

- Allied abandonment of land positions in the Mediterranean, naval movement has no effect

- Axis near victory over France


- Canada declared war on the Axis September 10, 1939

- 30% chance of entering the war on or after this date


- Winter war commenced November 30, 1939

- 40% chance of entering the war for every turn after the Axis and the USSR are at war so long as the USA is still neutral, otherwise may enter once Axis forces near Leningrad


- Hungary joined Axis alliance on November 20, 1940

- 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Spain, Romania


- Romania joined Axis alliance on November 22, 1940

- 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Spain, Hungary


- Bulgaria signs military pact with Germany February 8, 1941

- 25% chance of joining Axis on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Romania, Hungary


- Yugoslavia has pro-Allied coup on March 26, 1941

- 25% on or after this date depending on status of fascist minors: Romania, Hungary, Turkey and Spain


- Hypothetical alliance with Axis possible if UK is near surrender and status of fascist minors: Hungary, Romania


- Hypothetical alliance with Axis possible if UK near surrender and Balkans/Greece under Axis control and favorable status with fascist minors: Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria

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One thing I found, if you use the terrain graphics mod, the red arrow jump points for the Suez Canal loop do not show up....best to keep it with original terrain for now....

I'm referring to the mod which gives the texured look to the countries, not the symbol or unit graphics

[ December 06, 2002, 07:57 PM: Message edited by: J Wagner ]

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I helped beta test this 1.06 patch, and let me tell you, it is a TREMENDOUS improvement over 1.05.

What all SC players need to do is digest the changes, because 1.06 plays almost like night and day compared to 1.05. The Allies actually have a good chance of winning, and the Axis must actually budget and plan now. No more flood of research advances and glut of mpps.

The research slowdown means the Axis won't be blessed with a steady stream of tech advancements. Plus, there's a 50% penalty for switching research areas. Plus, industrial tech is only a 5% improvement now, which makes a significant, cumulative mpp difference over the course of a game. Plus, those Russian partisans can be real pesky, they really effect German supply and resource centers. Plus, that Suez port opens up the Med for much more action. Plus, subs get experience now for disrupting convoys.

I could keep going on with the "pluses," but I think everyone is going to like what they see.

Also, I don't believe 1.06 is compatible with 1.05, because the changes were just too many and too significant.

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Hubert, you are without a doubt The Man! :D

Everyone else: you realize that 99% of the other

gaming companies out there would be shamed by the

performance of Hubert (& Co.) here on this site,

right? Aside from SC, I also play things like

Heroes of Might and Magic, and if 3DO had shown

a TENTH of the attitude, dedication, and

willingness to listen to the fanbase that BF and

Hubert do, then it wouldn't be the unplayable

mess that it is currently (9 months after release).

But I digress. 3 cheers for Hubert!

smile.gif :cool: ;)

John DiFool

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LOL Department: :D

I tried the shipping arrows to the Suez, and it

seems there was a mistake in my orders, because

the units were shipped around Cape Horn,

not the Cape of Good Hope, so I can only assume

that the Japanese decided to attack Pearl Harbor

et al. 2 years early, and my units were suddenly

diverted to the Pacific instead. tongue.gif

The funny thing is, Clash of Steel made the

exact same error! Those who forget their

history... ;)

John DiFool

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I helped beta test this 1.06 patch, and let me tell you, it is a TREMENDOUS improvement over 1.05.
Like Jollyguy, I've also been helping with v1.06 testing and the changes are significant. Gone are the rapid research tech advances and ability to switch research chits around without penalty. Industrial Technology being reduced to 5% adds a lot of balance to the game. This still allows the Axis to gain some early advantages and eventually reach high tech levels, but not the spectacular gains previously achievable. And the research adjustment for captured enemy equipment, spying, and espionage helps the Allies to catch up. Players should focus on more balanced strategies with an eye toward long-term results.

I have provided Otto a scenario mod for the 1939 campaign based on Dgaad's and Martinov's mods that I've been tweaking during playtest. Once that gets posted, I'll provide more details.

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Hubert --

Great Job.

1.06 does everything that was expected of --presumably the last patch -- and more.

Looking forward to V 2.00 and hoping it will incorporate the major revisions we've all been suggesting in various forums. From what I've seen you'll find a way of correcting previous flaws and instituting vast improvements.

Terrific job -- glad you did all this, it was time to finally retire all those DOS games!

[ December 07, 2002, 11:44 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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Originally posted by Carl Von Mannerheim:

So Hubert, if i am reading this correctly there is a Russo Finnish Winter War.

Can you elaborate on that?


It's probably handled about the same way as the Baltic states, in early 1940 a pop up box appears saying that there was a Winter War and the Finnish/Russian borders are changed accordingly.
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Originally posted by J Wagner:

One thing I found, if you use the terrain graphics mod, the red arrow jump points for the Suez Canal loop do not show up....best to keep it with original terrain for now....

I'm referring to the mod which gives the texured look to the countries, not the symbol or unit graphics

I applied the 1.06 patch over the terrain mod and the arrows are still there.
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