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Who are the best versed in English, outside US/Canada/UK in SC community?


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I don't know about the rest of the American dudes online, but these Euros sure do know their English, they know it better than us. In school, I sucked at English classes, usually got C's, I just didn't give a rat's ass about verbs, nouns, & such forth. I was more interested in math class, sports, & chicks smile.gif

Anyhow...Here's my rankings for top speaking American English dude. (Funny English in UK doesn't count, or New Zealand, etc.) Note, there is a tie for first.

1) Zappsweden --- Grade A. This dude knows his English, better yet, knows the slang too. I've played enough SC games against him to figure out he loves his American movies too. He's got a full throttle of Hollywood. And he knows the song by The Sounds,"We Don't Live in America, and We're Not Sorry".

1) Kuniworth --- Grade A. Tied for 1st. This Euro knows more about American history than we do, maybe he should be teaching at some University here in the States. Excellent English skills. I wonder how big that Swedish accent is?

3) Terif --- Grade A-. This dude knows his English in a more scientific manner, just read his saga's posted online about SC. He gets an "A" for knowing tenses & how to explain stuff in English. Only reason he gets the "minus" part of his A, he probably doesn't know the culture movie stuff like the top ranked Swedes.

4) Cosmin --- Grade B+. Romanian cracks the ranks as a well verse English dude. I was shocked to get his "Stand & Deliver". I would have sworn he was a friend on mine messing with me saying he was from Romania because I've got some roots from there.

5) DragonSlow --- Grade B-. This dude knows his English, but I think he prefers The Fritz & The Fritz life.

6) SomeBra --- Grade C+. This dude is covered in English, but seems very Euro.

7) DalmationPartisan, Qyussom --- C students in English. This is still a very high rank. Think about it, they gotta learn all that Euro in school, & have picked up English.

8) The rest of the PL crew --- C- grades. They can communicate, but were probably the common Fritz in school who would rather drink Heinike, chomp on pretzels, & chase after Gretels. They mix there words up at times like the guy in the movie Dr. Strangelove. It's understandable, considering they might not use the language much, kind of like the 1-year of stupid Latin I had to take in college.

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Roosevelt45 and Kurt88, both Belgian, write extremely well in English. I think xwormwood's (German) English is also very good as is Rannug's (Swedish).

Brother Rambo, I still don't know any of that seventh grade and earlier nonsense about conjugation and the rest. I still have problems when anyone starts talking about consonants and vowels and other mechanic aspects of the English language. But whenever it came time to actually write a story or essay I'd always have a high mark on it where the ones who could correctly break down a sentence would come up with nothing. So I think knowing most of those rules counts for naught in the real world.

The only problem I've got with American English and Commonwealth English is in the spellings of various words, such as grey and gray, honor and honour etc.. Why we've got different spellings on these things from the British is incomprehensible to me. The words already existed and, naturally, were in use in America. So why didn't the same spellings dominate on both sides of the Atlantic?

Reading posts at the General Forum I find myself often surprised to find that someone or other is neither British nor American because their English is so excellent.

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Reading posts at the General Forum I find myself often surprised to find that someone or other is neither British nor American because their English is so excellent.

Same thing here,JJ.

When I first got here it took some time before I actualy realised there were other Euro's in here ;)

Of course, when we started calling each other 'commie Euros' and 'fascist Americans',

I realised some were from Europe as well tongue.gif

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From what I can tell Rambo, most of the fellows you described are well versed in English and should get a Star for learning one of the more difficult languages in the world. I can tell that both Zapp and Terif get lost after a certian point. Zapp knows a bit more than Terif.. Terif is more Robotic in his education.

Dragon, he's not bad! I'd like to give him an honorable mention to Dalmatian, he seemed as educated as any of the others.

Kuniworth, he's really an American in Euro Clothing tongue.gif he just hasn't accepted his true identity yet. Aside form all his draftdodging in games with me, he's not a bad fellow tongue.gif

I was an A student in Reading, a D Student in English. I've been trying to learn Francais, it's a pain in the arse..

The truth about Euros are

They want to Rule the World

They want to bring back National Socialism and Communism back<in France and Russia at least>

B-Rated movies about Love Affairs staring Johnny Depp

They have to look to us Americans for Gorgeous Dudes, cause we're the only nation with em ;)

Germans and Brits are much better Goths than Americans ;) They're less Homophobic<NYCers and Californians are Unofficial Euros>

They love our Movies but Hell, German Porn is the most friggin' out there you can possibly get they're so UberFreakishness you gotta see that shyt ;)

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Well, english isnt that difficult language. Chinese is difficult :D .I have also to admit that due to reading and writing in some forums i m much better in writing than in talking. This is also due to the fact that i was never abroad during my schooltime and during my holidays i m rather lazy...when i realize that the guys in italy,greece,turkey,spain or whereever can speak german i prefer to speak german. ;)

There is also a huge difference what i m capable to understand and what i can express myself.

I realized that some ppl of the SC crowd a quite good in german too :eek:

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Originally posted by cosmin:

thenck yow for the fourthe renk youw gaeve too meee ... meibi i hev som problens wif a word or too but mi inglish iz veri gud, i admitt yt ;)

Eye thynk yt will be the Inglish of the near footor and iz a veri gud theeng. ;)

Once in a while I type terms papers for friends and, really, a lot of them do look like that! :D

[ November 11, 2004, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I too have been impressed with all of the Euro's who can capably communicate in something other than their native language.

In this case, and since we are rapping around on a North American forum... English.

To comment about the one country that I DO know, not very many Americans can speak a second language, which is actually a more recent phenomenon.

[... we also used to have many charming dialects - such as the French inspired Cajun ... I used to live in New Orleans and I would often go to Cajun bars and just sit and listen all evening long... to that beautiful musical lingo... and also there were distinct permutations such as Spanglish and Ebonics ... but alack, Mesmerizing Mass Media has pretty much made all those old dialects... X-tremely... blended bland :eek: ]

Used to be, here in America, you HAD to take a "foreign language"... in high school.

Then, that requirement gradually disappeared (... though not completely - there are "elitist" Prep schools where it is yet required, oh sure, mostly the ones where the very Rich folks send their reluctant but precocious kids)

And so, as our story goes, it was left to the American Universities and Colleges to uphold the.... ummmm, "sophisticated tradition."

However, now you can go through 4 and 5 years of college and NOT have to take ANY "foreign language."

Recent surveys indicate that upwards of 85% of students "elect" to avoid this language requirement.


Too bad, but blatant Chauvinism seems to be the common approach to (so-called) "education" here in my dumbed-down home country of US of A.

I guess we could say... and it is more and more reinforced, of late, and from the very highest, most influential places, as the... de rigueur attitude:

"Stupid is good." smile.gif


You add that to the prior prevailing mantra of the amassed-money-giddy 1980s,

"Greed is good." smile.gif

And what do you have?

Being... stupid AND greedy is... good!


Folks are actually PROUD of this emerging zeitgeist , and will wave their little guns around (... kinda like a new cast-iron flag ) and challenge all them "elitists:"

"Yep, I'm stupid and greedy, so what? Whatcha gonna DO about it, you feeble dweeby elitist ?"

Ah, Lord love a punk Donald Duck, an evolution towards an eventual American Enlightenment... seems to be... fast & gladly! regressing! LOLOLOLOL! smile.gif

[ November 11, 2004, 09:12 AM: Message edited by: Desert Dave ]

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@Dave --- Yes, agreed. In high school we had to take only a year of a Foriegn Language, OR you could take Music, that was it. Each school was different of course. In college (each are different once again), the same requirement was true, a year of Foreign Language or some funky Fine Arts Music class.

98% of the students could give a rat's ass about Foriegn languages. We laughed & joked about French, German, & Latin which were offered. Then there was Spanish class, which a few would partake. Also remember, the value of English is higher than learning French in the States. Actually, Spanish would be the class to take, from a use standpoint, lots of jobs want bilingual w/ Spanish.

There's no immediate value to learning an extra language to the student's eyes (save the 2% & Spanish). More can be gained from an extra computer elective (C, C++, Java), or take an easy class to party.

Now as a Legend, I was much more interested in playing Baseball, Basketball, Golf, brew, a few Bible classes, & being James Bond with the Ladies.

Everybody's All-American,


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There's no immediate value to learning an extra language to the student's eyes (save the 2% & Spanish). More can be gained from an extra computer elective (C, C++, Java), or take an easy class to party.

Now as a Legend, I was much more interested in playing Baseball, Basketball, Golf, brew, a few Bible classes, & being James Bond with the Ladies.


Actually, jjr, you make a good point about focusing on those subjects that would indeed foster further dominance in... science.

Problem is, we are lagging in that area as well.

A second language is NOT imperative, but it never hurts to "communicate" with our neighbors (... given the new means of communication, Europe is NOW as Montana used to be in relation to old Idaho) on THEIR playing field, so to speak.

English is fast becoming the lingua franca, ... or "universal language," which is perhaps one reason WHY we are somewhat reluctant to "push" the students to learn another language.


No matter the "business applications," I personally am disappointed that we SEEM to have allowed a "two-tier" educational system to develop.

BTW: I too "majored" in baseball and building up flame-throwing hot-rods and of course, Coors beer, mixed in with great heapings of Gospel and Blues and Rock and Roll.. and James Bond was one of my "heroes" back in high school... I read EVERY one of those Ian Fleming books, 3 or 4 times... in fact, when I volunteered for the Army in 1966 I seriously considered applying for "Army Intelligence," imagining that I could play "cloak & dagger" with all them most nefarious RED foes! LOL! smile.gif

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I was watching a move the other day with Micheal Keaton. Was a comedy. He took on the role of being a pimp making lots of cash and getting away with it essentially was fu nny, paraphrazing him, "You could never do this in Russia!"

Heh, now Russia is Pimp Central ROFL

see how things change in 15-20 years.

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Parlez-vous Français?

Si oui, j'ai une message pour vous.

TAISEZ-VOUS dans tes remarques dirigées à les Européens!

J'éspère que c'est du sarcasme mais si non,

ils sont ridicules.

Ok, so my french sucks :D

but I thought this thread was supposed to be about the best versed on this forum?

Personaly,I'd say Kurt88 is very good.

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I thought this thread was supposed to be about the best versed on this forum?

Isn't it?

Ah, but is anyone really the best versed?

And isn't it more true that each SC member is... equally, and UNIQUELY versed? smile.gif


jjr, wondering:

Were the 60's a cool time to be around?

Much has been written already. Maybe too much.

I doubt that I could do those truly amazing times much justice, unless I were to write 3 or 4 hundred pages... for a start. Doubt VERY much that the brothers (... and sisters if there are any) would stand for that, eh? ;)

Let's just say,

It was...


Magic, and... Tragic.

Apparent opposites,

Together one moment and gone

All apart

At once.

Like... a thin falling leaf since a chilling

Wind... entwined through the limbs - look-see!

The dwindling green!

The brittled hints... of sienna, of red!


Ghostly old golds

Intending... an end.

(notice... some ancient great Painter

is arisen to visit - out of his hillside

home... you realize, it's really

a dream, his occasional vision

of... a just-bursting! leaf)

It was...

A leaf that braved a brief, Spring

Into Indian Summer life,

A curious nourishing kind of life, freely!

Offering fresh inspiration - to friend

And foe, to the Unicorn kneeling

And the Shaman while healing and also,

Sans limit, the small

Hunted animal alike.


How it tried.

O you know how direly it tried... to see

The old treasured tree, and the grounds

Frosted 'round... flourish,

And finally, survive.

And so,

As Magic and Tragic

Ever and eternally will, yes, yes,

They beautifully blended - opposite

Together, and

For - a long seeming moment... died.


Well, not a lot, but how I NOW remember the 60s. smile.gif

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