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TOURNEY: SC Summer Heat Tourney


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Zapp could you pls set a time limit ...whilst some ppl are really busy playing this tourney some others even did not show up so far. To sign in and vanish in a cave is not enough!!!! Everybody is responsible to contact his opponents and to get the ball rolling.

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Ok, Dragon I will.

Deadline for the Group Play is then July 3, 24:00 GMT.

Means players still have 3 weekends to play. Those games that are not played will be judged the following. The guy that posts on forum and starting an AAR will win over the guy that did not show up or did not post anything.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

Now you see why I quit, look at my group, where are they?

Ha you are a joke, looking for an excuse for your quitting? You lost therefore you quit. Your game is not competitive anymore no chance to reach the final, so you quit. Maybe i wont reach final too but i signed in to play this tourney no matter which place i will reach. Better you sing some gospel and pray in church,care for RL and for golf.

So far i can see is Group B the most active group with most ongoing and finished games in comparison to group A.

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Your problem is pride, you play to the loss of Berlin. Actually, Hellraiser wanted a restart against me in our game, I gave it to him on a misclick. I failed LC, was done. Not going to look for Trapp or the other newbies.

Seriously DH, I like you, maybe we would be friends if we met in person, but you have some serious pride issues...but I don't blame you, it's a matter of the enviornment of Europe.

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You are talking about pride?? Just clean up the case in front of your house i would say. :D

Hellraiser will confirm that i dont play every game until the fall of the capital...but you are rite sometimes i do..either if i see some minimal chance or as its just fun to work on strategies you can seldom train....defence of Berlin or London or whatever. And sometimes this reckless style brought me wins were others have surrendered long ago......but anyway everbody has its own style to play and own sense of honour.

We never had problems with each other so i dont see this discussion as argument. ;)

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dalmatia, dude .. .you gotta work seriously on your english tongue.gif

On a side note:

I will be away from town starting with next monday - very few chances to meet you guys during the week. I hope I can play some more games during this weekend but I also have some other things to do. I just hope I won't be forced to forfeit any game till the 3rd of July.

and yes , JJR - buy me a nice present smile.gif

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Mulligan hmm let me think i think its an expression from golf...where you can redo your drive or T-shot or put... without getting a penalty.

Well Hellraiser an me always grant a mulligan when we misclick or even had bad rolls at the start ;) as we aint have that competition feeling like you have....just wanna have a cool game.

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"Funny thing is, HR is the one who wanted a new game after he misclicked."

True, I asked for a new game and you agreed. If you didn't you'd prolly have won that game.

I offered in return the same honourable treatment - you didn't missclick, you just had bad rolls vs LC, but I thought it to be fair, because you were a gentleman at first.

I doubt this is a real issue smile.gif

Fact is, a lot of players came near you or even got better and your games are no more easy victories. Just face it, there is quite a challenge out there, your 'legend' status needs to be defended on the battlefield.

Crying about being unlucky and having sucky rolls and saying the tourney sucks and such is not a way to go on with it. We all have bad luck, we all lose games, we all get the burnout - things happen. It's all about having fun, having a competition and get over frustrating things that can and will happen occasionally.

Take my game vs Rannug from yesterday - several turns ONLY minimum rolls, only 250ish plunders, poland fights with 2 lousy units, etc. What the heck can I do about it? I'll just fight on - well, I maybe lose this game, so what? Does it make me a worse player tha him? Or him 2 times better than me? It's all about fun - rannug tried a whacky low success rate opening move and it worked - **** happens, let's take the good part - a whole different game and indeed a challenge for myself.

Just take the good part of the story and get your @ss back in the Centercourt.

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Just as a reminder. When deadline runs out for the group play, the players that have been posting about playing tourney game on forum and shown their presence are the ones that will judges the winner in the "no contest" games.

Deadline for the Group Play is July 3, 24:00 GMT.

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@DragonSlow --- I didn't see Mulligans in the rules? I guess you're allowed them.

@Hellraiser --- I didn't see Mulligans in the rules? I guess you're allowed them.

Tiger Woods tees off, 1st shot of the tournament, slices it into the water..."Wait says Tiger, I just want a good match, I'm going to rehit".

There are rules gentlemen, that's a fact. Playing slow is also against my rules, DragonSlow, you're a joke. Playing a game against you, I age just thinking about it. Hurry up & move punk.

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

"Wait, wait, I need another shot, I miss clicked" --- Hellraiser


Or you could see it this way. Two players play matchplay Golf. Both players tee off straight on the fairway on the first hole.

Player one puts back his driver in the bag but notice he has 15 clubs in the bag (14 allowed). He says "Oh Man, I have too many clubs in the bag". The other player says "It's ok, we had just started so I allow it to pass. Go put one of your clubs in the car". Note that it is match play and that this allowance does not hurt other players.

The player two loses the match and afterwards say "I am gonna protest that you had too many clubs".

Rambo, accepting the Mulligan or not that is your choice. I would not blame you for NOT accepting a mulligan. But accepting it and then bitch afterwards is very sneaky.

[ June 16, 2005, 07:39 AM: Message edited by: zappsweden ]

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"But Rambo, I'm a good little prideful Bunta who needs to have everything my way (Slow disgusting Play that is). Can't you see my pride patch on my sleeve to prove it?" --- DragonSlow


"You don't need a patch to have honor Harold" --- Tom Cruise in the classic, Few Good Men.

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@Rambo Never hear new things from your side always the old crappy stories. Zappslow,Dragonslow,bad rolls,cheating stories,retirement etc...

Honour is not a matter of rules...if an opponent does a bad mistake or misclick why the hell i should have an advantage by this?

If you feel good if you win such a game then go on with your behavior but your style is against my rules and i m glad that you retired so you cant annoy noone anymore here.

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