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Axis & Allies: RTS


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Here's some news from the Wargamer site:

Texas-based games developer TimeGate Studios announced during the E3 convention the ongoing development of a real-time strategy PC title based on the classic board game franchise Axis & Allies. Tentatively titled "Axis & Allies: RTS" the game is being developed by the same studio which created the Kohan franchise and is also working on Kings of War, another fantasy strategy title.

Based on the classicly popular board gaming series by Larry Harris, players will take the board gaming experience onto the PC by playing as either the United States, England, Germany, Japan, or The Soviet Union. Although historically authentic, players will be able to change the outcome of major conflicts through various tactical and strategic decision-making. Very few other details were released about this World War II real-time strategy game.

This Axis & Allies PC game will be published by Atari and is expected to arrive in stores sometime in 2004.

I mention this to keep our lively Strategic Command discussions in perspective. Like A&A, very few details about SC2 have been released. Offhand, I'd say the two games will offer complimentary features - although A&A does appear to offer worldwide and perhaps multi-player RTS action. HOI of course already provides this if that's what turns you on. SC fills a niche with its turn-based, hex-based simulation that's easy and fun to play. Why spoil a good thing trying to be something you're not? smile.gif
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Because we are ignorant Americans.

Let me see if I understand this.

There is England, Scotland and Wales. The three (3) together are the United Kingdom.

It's hard for us to understand, because we think of the three in terms of being a state (English "shire"?). So of course that means English is like saying American and UK is like saying United States of America.

Now... where does Northern Ireland fit into all of this?

PS... and why does your English sound so funny? tongue.gif

[ May 19, 2003, 06:39 PM: Message edited by: Shaka of Carthage ]

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conventional long form: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

conventional short form: United Kingdom

abbreviation: UK

England has existed as a unified entity since the 10th century; the union between England and Wales was enacted under the Statute of Rhuddlan in 1284; in the Act of Union of 1707, England and Scotland agreed to permanent union as Great Britain ; the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland was implemented in 1801, with the adoption of the name the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland ; the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921 formalized a partition of Ireland; six northern Irish counties remained part of the United Kingdom as Northern Ireland and the current name of the country, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, was adopted in 1927

i wanted to find out too! :D

worldfact book 2002

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England is for English. Wales is for Welsh and Scotland is for Scotland. Nothern Ireland is Protestant Ireland. All combined are the British Isles and Ireland. The United Kingdom or England as the main seat over goverment is in England, the power base and the great achievements in history. Scotland shoned for a short period but is now a economically depressed region that would probably hurt by a break away from the Mother Country. Though all the hard feelings. Northern Ireland desires Religious Freedom, so whatcha gonna do? Wales doesn't care being a full English Pawn. tongue.gif never has mine as well call Wales American Alaska.

When people say America I don't get on them because we're not America or Americans. We're United States of America. USA Citizens to be specific. I should know best I'm part Irish/British/German. Lived in East Anglia, in otherwards it's not a big whooptie doo da. I think that the other countries around the Mother Country are just jealous tongue.gif of her success

P.S. and no offense but she hasn't been very Great lately. 30%+ taxes, 6 bucks for a gallon of gasoline, adopting US Culture...oh by the way I had a Scottish Landlord boy was he nice... Couldn't distinguish him from the Anglo-Saxons if you weren't a native.

[ May 19, 2003, 06:57 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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Yes, I know all of this. England, Scotland and Wales are Great Britain. With Northern Ireland (or Ulster)it's The United Kingdom Of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

It just really annoys me when people only think of the UK as England. :mad: It would be like calling the USA New York or something. :confused:

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Originally posted by H.J. von Arnim:


Well, I do not think this to be the problem....everybody knows what one is meaning by saying "England", "UK" or "Great Britain".

But what would you do if people start to mix up countries ?

I am from Austria and a lot of folks out there think it is Germany ;)

Well, I see your point, but it's still not right. England is only one part of the UK, so it's still wrong to call it that.

Oh and I would never think Österreich was in Deutschland. tongue.gif

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Here's the Bottom Line:

About 5-years ago Axis & Allies came to the PC-game-market. I went to ComputerUSA (CompUSA) & bought it the second it was available. I rushed home & played. It was the worst game I ever played, the game sucked. Want to talk about a sorry A.I.? This was it!

I promptly drove back to the store to return this POS. The customer service return person stated their policy is not to allow return credit for open PC-games. I stated Rambo policy: I want my money back for this garbage. They would not give my money back.

What did I do? Read the outside of the box & all of the claims of the product to the store manager. The product did NOT deliver what it said. There were bugs, defects, crashes, & a sickly A.I.

I got my money back.

So what's up with the new A&A product? It's proabably to basic for us SC guys.

Please tell me more,

Rambo-Hollywood >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> OUT

[ May 20, 2003, 08:21 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

And still it would only be bad version of HoI....

Now that is something that would really reek. :rolleyes::D

Never played the original PC version, but I'll take Rambo's word for it. PC Risk is no prize-winner either. Makes you wonder what converting to RTS will add to the mix, except perhaps helping weak AI by letting it cheat, building new units with insane speed.

I agree, the concept is interesting, but we need to know more about it.

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Here's another byte of intel, from the Timegate Studios website:

"Axis & Allies: RTS will feature gameplay elements such as unique organization of units; command of land, sea, and air units in real-time; dynamic fronts and supply lines; interaction with Generals and Leaders of the era; and intense online play with a powerful random scenario generator."

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Steve C

Welcome to the wonderful world of marketing, where people who just look at the numbers make decisions on what is sold or promoted.

A&A sold alot of units on retail shelfs. Then the sales tapered off.

Real Time Systems are big sellers these days.

Now you have some marketing geek, sitting in his cubicle wondering how he can get noticed among all the other geeks that have cubicles just like his. Hmmmm... Lets take a product that has already reached maturity (ie we are making as much money as we can off of it... aka a Cash Cow). And lets marry it with a hot selling concept... Real Time Movement. This is known in the business world as synergy (ie when 2 + 2 = 5).

And that is how you get a new product called A&A RTS. If enough units sell, this geek will now move from his cubicle to a office, somewhere in the middle of the other offices (the corner offices are reserved for those who have power, the farther away you are from the corner, the less power you have).

Hmmmm, it I explain the concept of dead duck, rising star and ?forgot name of last one?, you would have just learned everything that a MBA from a business school will give you.

Please send $5 to the address I will provide you.

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steve c--

Axis & Allies: RTS will feature gameplay elements such as unique organization of units; command of land, sea, and air units in real-time; dynamic fronts and supply lines; interaction with Generals and Leaders of the era; and intense online play with a powerful random scenario generator
whatever your opinion on a&a, this would be the logical conclusion of their pc game.

i played the pc game, but ONLY with a human opponent, stayed away from the AI.

with 4 other human opponents, it again becomes the board game of old(seperated by cables). as for the "interaction with generals", i would wager that will be a simple piece of fluff (as shogun was). i would also wager they will have a toggle for "classic game"

whether it works or not you can always try and add "depth" to an existing game, but no one simplifies them.

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