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Interested in PBEM?


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I'm interested but I have to caution others about running too many games simultaneously. At one point I was up to 16 against ten different opponents. I came into this situation innocently enough but it isn't fair either to yourself or your adversaries. After a while the individual games lose their significance and you find your opponenets having to wait for your moves, which I've been pretty guilty of lately.

Idealy PBEM games are best with a pace of one move per day; naturally there would be times when it goes faster or slower, but on the average that's about right.

Four games running simultaneously is about the enjoyable limit. It usually takes me fifteen minutes per move when the game becomes really intense, so at worst it comes to an hour per day. I doubt there are many of us who have much more spare time than that.

Oak Great move in compiling this list. I hope it stays with the emphasis on having fun.

There should be some sort of rating system, but the less formal the better. It would only serve as a guide rather than a championship tier.

If my present opponents sign up for this then I will also. That way we can phase out our off-hand games and limit ourselves to games against listed opponents.

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I'm a PBEM. I usually run two games at a time with a person, taking both sides. I'm getting into some of JerseyJohns mods right now. I usually stick with a max of 6-7 games, 1 turn per day.

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"-- in pbem games he is a ruthless hired killer!"

Hired! Please -- my amateur status!

When your left hooks and hard rights connect you're awfully devastating yourself! You're by far the most aggressive player I've come up against. But the real treat is the off the wall humor that peppers your correspondance. I'm glad you put so much of it into the AAR, wackkyest time I've had in ages, enjoyed it far beyond the game playing. smile.gif


Glad you're interested in the Mods -- I've been revising them.

Just sent the updated Brest-Litovsk Aftermath to Otto's thanks to some great feedback SeaMonkey and Arby were good enough to provide from their game.

I've also updated Z-Plan as per your own observations and those of the others in the Tournament. Updated the 1939 Expanded Fall Weiss disorder and myself just used for the AAR; at first that idea was a lark but I came to like the premise.

The 1939 Fall Weiss Adaptation at Otto's is in need of revision -- the Allies need some boosting (sound familiar? :D ). I've let it slide because Immer's 1939 scenario came out concurrently and I felt that would be the one getting downloaded for a while. Also, with all the 1939 adaptations currently at Otto's I knew mine wouldn't attract much attention. All the same, as it can be greatly improved with a little effort I should have done so, and will very soon.

I'll E-mail all the updated versions in an hour or so. They'll be in a single zipped file; if for some reason they don't download properly let me know and I'll be glad to send them individually.

Looking forward to your excellent input. smile.gif

[ July 02, 2003, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I dropped out of TCP/IP (both SC and CMBB) completely. Now I play strictly PBEM. That way I can take my time on a move (and my opponents can too). If my opponent disappears, or if real-life intervenes, it's no big deal because I keep several different games going.

Hopefully, someday PBEM can be made cheat-proof so it's allowed in the Ladder League. That's the only thing I miss from TCP/IP.


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So far, we have 13 (including myself) that have expressed interest. I expect that we will be able to get that up to 20.

I know that some are very experienced while others (like myself) are fairly new. My suggestion is that we do this somewhat informally, with a schedule where each person on the list plays everyone else on the list once. That would involve 19 games, if we end up with 20 people. We can keep track of wins/losses to creat an informal ranking.

We can then look at something more formal, like a ladder or tournament. How does that sound?

As for cheating ... my suggestion is that we make it clear that cheating won't be tolerated. If a player is caught cheating (or accused of cheating) then they are off the list. Hopefully, the potential consequences of cheating will outweigh any perceived benefits of cheating. From my limited experience in PBEM, someone would really have to spend a lot of time and effort on cheating for it to have any significant impact to the game's outcome.

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How can you disqualify someone because he's accused of cheating?

What's more, all the cheating on earth will not turn a bad player into a good one.

Sounds like we're going right back to the nonsense they had at the ladder. Amateur sleuths coming up with a lot of convincing sounding nonsense about re-entries and continuous accusations about their opponent making his move four or five times!

Well, to be honest, I've never accused anyone of doing that and will not participate in any sort of structure where an accusation is even considered! I'd prefer having the accusor being thrown out!

If that's the way things will be run I'll have to withdraw my name from the list. I'm looking for something social; if we want to divide it into brackets giving people an idea of what level they're on that's fine, but I'm not tolerating some inept wimp saying I'm a cheater when I beat him -- and what's worse, having it accepted as a fact!

If that's the system, please scratch my name. There's no shortage of opponents out there and not one has ever said I'm a cheater nor have I done it to them; if one ever does, that's the end of our games. I'm amazed you even want to go near that slop.

And BTW, there are even numerous accusations of cheating in IP games, so this is a really absurd issue.

[ July 03, 2003, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: JerseyJohn ]

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I am going to have to agree (again) with John on this one. There really is no way to prove cheating.
How does one prove anything? Prove to me 2+2=4.

The PBEM reload cheats USED TO BE out there, but I haven't played PBEM since TCP/IP came out. What's it been? A year? All of the shady players are gone that I knew of.

1) People sending turns where Poland surrenders on Turn #1. That's a good one to save.

2) Never any "surprise contact"

3) Perfect combat results, no unit is EVER left strength 1 or 2.

4) Your ships are spotted ever dang place they move, with perfect set-up of opposing warships.

5) Tech advances beyond reality.

When it comes to TCP/IP the accusers come out too. Disconnect charges & messing with the editor are at the top of the list.

I haven't had any problems in a long time. I have some opinions about a few, but keep them to myself, no reason to bring up again.

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Good points, there are indicators but I'll give you one example of a recent indicator that involved me. No insinuation was made and I almost stopped and did the move over because Poland did fall on the first move -- and it was during the spoof AAR I was posting with disorder.

After posting it I tested it against the AI, invaded Poland the same way in the same scenario and with the same results, but Poland never surrendered! As I say, sometimes, if you take Warsaw on turn one, the country does surrender. I'd hate to do it again and be accused of cheating instead of being lucky.

No surprise contacts would be a better indicator. Still, I hated the way there were so many bashings going back and forth when the ladder first started. It's just too easy to accuse someone of cheating; especially if it's a new player going against someone with a lot more experience. Fortunately, in a sense, I've been a lousy enough player that no one would have any basis to think I was doing it. But in case I do start improving it would take most of the fun out the game playing in a setting where those accusations were tolerated. So, until there's a way of showing whether the move has been tampered with I'll probably stay away from anything that resembles competition.

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oak-- connect with the list on pg. 3or 4 od NEW pbem tournament thread, and probably find a few more interested. some people dont check the forum but once in a blue moon, so we need this out there a while to get everybody in.

rambo-- good comments on cheating! i started out in march using a "work" pc, and the radio program on it plays live on the air/internet stuff, so when it came time to use it, i had to close ANY other programs involved on the pc(including SC) or else the sounds from the SC game would go out over the air along with the regular programming. you would be hearing the news (for example) and in the background you might hear tank sounds,rockets, etc. :D it wasnt a matter of preference(cheating), i had to turn the program off!

to tell you how stupid i was, i just started new each time this happened! hadnt read manual, didnt have a clue. someone pointed out the multiple reloads, and i thought "man NOW i understand why it looks like i am cheating!"

since that time, my inept play has hopefully proved me to be honest(stupid, but honest). the only real temptation one has is when you mis-click and send your army to the wrong hex.thats the worst. but it happens to everybody.

i like the idea of the BIG ladder thing, but as you recall, oak, you just missed out on our tourney, and perhaps if we let people know (on english-player finder thread and other places) we could get everybody in. :cool:

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Yeah, I just started another PBEM (my opponent accepted my surrender as Allies...again, sigh). This time I am playing Axis and....Yep, you guessed it, Poland surrendered on the first turn.

I could see that being a problem in a Ladder League.


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