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Hey, anybody seen that episode where they find a crayon in Homer's brain? Then he flashesback as a kid, and you see him sticking crayons up his nose counting '14' '15' '16!'.. 'ooooh, i don't feel so good'. That, my friends, was hilarious.

[ September 04, 2004, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: Avatar ]

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A middle east strategy is a hard call and normally I vary my strategy in that area. Sometimes defeding it strongly, other times sending only token units to delay an axis conquest.

The Key I have found is normally 2 air units to intecept attacking air fleets targeting Cairo, control of Beruit, and stationing 2 bombers near Beruit and 1 Cruiser sheltered in the Suez Canal. I hold off using my bombers until Axis transports are in Range and then sink them, giving priority to sinking HQ transports and sally forth my Cruiser only if a tempting target presents itself, as the Axis will surely sink it once it reveals itself. They key is not letting your air fleets be stranded in the middle east, which can occur if you all the Axis to control both Cairo and Beruit.

[ August 12, 2004, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Edwin P. ]

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MidEast Philosphy in a Nutshell:

Support our Soldats, they're fighting men that would gladly see you all dead.

Support Our Leaders, they're not Pattons, MacArthurs, etc... but they're good...

IF WE DON'T FREE these oppressed people who will? They have no will or ability to fight for themselves. Despite the Ill Will, the Cost, The Blood..We're winning, just get used to casualties, they're a fact of war. What the enemy wants is for you give up, that's why their waging this cowardly war. ;) If we were WW2 Russians or Germans, we wouldn't have Laserguided bombs, Civilian Deathtoll worries, or any of that other stuff. We're not bad, we're the good guys...

As far as Allied Strategy in the MidEast, it's too expensive... The Brits can't afford it... I always smash the Allies if the Allies are holding it, then the Axis already lost without some dumbutt miracle like a perfectly time Sea Lion

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this is too good, there are no good guys when there is war, us troops are scavenging the mideast like any imperialistic european country used to do. If president Bush and his crew stay on top, the world has bad days to come...We are fighting islamism but not taking the reasons of islamism away, this will lead to more terrorism against the west.

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I agree wholeheartedly - when these despots do not afford their people any political expression, they instead ferment hatred towards Israel and the USA by supporting madras schools that are ripe breeding grounds for little Osamas.

The world is tolerating these dictatorships because of the oil - ergo we need to cut our dependence on oil and foster meaningful democratic and economic reforms in the middle east.

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Not to insult but Islamism is that a correct term?

The Islamic World Loathes us, yes. That's poor politics, BUT, someone has got to do the job and France and Germany aren't volunteering are they?

I don't agree with Bush's Loud War<more covert, more sneaky> that would be ideal.

Originally posted by Qyusson:

this is too good, there are no good guys when there is war, us troops are scavenging the mideast like any imperialistic european country used to do. If president Bush and his crew stay on top, the world has bad days to come...We are fighting islamism but not taking the reasons of islamism away, this will lead to more terrorism against the west.

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I dont know if the word islamism exists in english, but it exists in french, it means a radical view of islam. Doing the job is not the point here, let those people find democracy themselves, like we did, let them appreciate democracy because they will have fought for it. The US are pretending to mainly be there to install democracy, i don't believe that (i believe your fellow americans believe that, i believe they are good people, but not the leaders), but even if this was the main reason, it would not work.

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Okay, that's French. From what I understand a nation like Afganistan is no immediate danger of being a Time Bomb. Would you want Adolf Hitler in Iraq with 20 Nukes? Iran is fastly approaching Nuclear Technology and so was Iraq, it was going to happen, one way or the other and then in mass quantity..

Essentially that is what you had. Whatever you may think The end Result should be good if the Coalition finishes their job. Even if some of their goals and methods are in question, nothing is perfect is it? If the French and Germans would help, and the rest of the world, maybe something could be accomplished faster and in a way that would be more acceptable. We don't have time for extremist Views with our World Interests over there. Oil is the BloodLife of the Modern Era, we cannot afford to let it fall into the hands of Madmen who may potentially blow it all up, blow themselves up, our Allies, cause a WW3 or start a Nuclear War/Winter/Mass Armageddon. If American foreign policy aimed inthat direction I would protest and fight my own Goverment. These people weren't and aren't capable of fighting. The Entire MiddleEast Armies couldn't defeat Isreal in all the passing Wars and would likely have trouble with it now and could've caused WW3 and even now could cause this.. I personally as the head of a Major Power with interests there couldn't turn a blind eye regardless of the bad we do cause, I assure you it's so far less than that which was caused by others if you do not see this then you believe that we censor our press like the extremist Islamic Fundamentalists do. Only publiziing what they feel better supports their Points and Propaganda Agenda.

It's all Propaganda, they want Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein, both men that would gladly murder Millions to Rule their Nations then they do not deserve Autonomy. They still should be French, British and English Colonies. They're not evolved enough to be free nor possess anything more than a samurai sword as an advanced weapon which is what they possessed before the French, British, American, Russians and Chinese gave then Missiles, Jets, Tanks, etc...

It's too late to go back in history, they've been already infected with our Gold, Technology and ideaology. Most of the educated Muslims come to Western Europe or America to be educated. We cannot deny a need to intergrate, accept, and embrace a future peace, they most also make sacrifices. We have.. The deficit for War could buy every American Social Security by the time we're done, my Nation will have a bunch of old sicky people without Medical coverage or a home to live in because we're alone standing against Evil Tyranny. If you don't think that Saddam was Evil, look at the Figures of the amount he murdered? Was it a Million? How many Iraqis have we murdered liberating them? 20 thousand?

Originally posted by Qyusson:

I dont know if the word islamism exists in english, but it exists in french, it means a radical view of islam. Doing the job is not the point here, let those people find democracy themselves, like we did, let them appreciate democracy because they will have fought for it. The US are pretending to mainly be there to install democracy, i don't believe that (i believe your fellow americans believe that, i believe they are good people, but not the leaders), but even if this was the main reason, it would not work.

[ August 15, 2004, 08:27 PM: Message edited by: Liam ]

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The fear for an attack...but u saw they had no WMD, nothing found! therefore us&gb had troubles, to explain to their pple they had lied! do you really think they didnt know...iraq had no WMD...u know usa, and france, and some others have a lot more of them, look at israel, they have 200nuclear warheads...i dont trust that either.

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Look at Saddam's Sons. His nation had major advanced Research in Bio/Chem/Nuclear Weapons. His sons were more unpredictable than him, maybe he would'nt have but they would have. Just like in North Korea! His sons are known Murderers, and Child Rapists, It's a Public Fact. You want them head of a Major MidEast Power that in 20 years is Fully Nuclear Capable?

Isreal is a problem, but so far they have more brains than that. Their leaders need to calm down, but I haven't seen the sorta of muderous behavoir from them I have from the Iraqi Goverment or other Regimes there. France may have a ton of Nukes but they're a stable nation, who're they going to fire them at? Joe Blow?

WMD was besides the point. Cleaning up that corrupt Regime is worth every penny, They were Criminals, Bruts, Lowlives. Our Politicans aren't perfect but theirs were nothing more than Mafia Hitmen with no Honor or Code.

I Suggested in first Gulf War that my Dad Fought in we Finish the job. Bush Senior was lacking.. That's why this problem had to be addressed later. Wussies, our Modern Goverment. Think Russia would've thought second about it? Check them out in in the Caucasus

Originally posted by Qyusson:

The fear for an attack...but u saw they had no WMD, nothing found! therefore us&gb had troubles, to explain to their pple they had lied! do you really think they didnt know...iraq had no WMD...u know usa, and france, and some others have a lot more of them, look at israel, they have 200nuclear warheads...i dont trust that either.

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Oil is for the moment the main energy source, well look at other ones, that u can produce yourselves, to quit dependance from the middle east. But of course if you believe that force is going to resolve it, well look at what we did. Europe has shaped this world. Maybe it should never have been decolonized, but we werent strong enough after WW2 to keep it. Now they r fighting across borders we gave them. I believe the pple there are a threat for themselves, and now the us are focussing their hatred on the west, so the war in iraq does not improve the us image over there neither the european image. Its causing more bad things than good ones.

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Breaking away from Oil now, is wishful thinking. Germany, Japan and the USA altogether could likely curb a Majority of it, but someone will always buy their oil if they sell it cheap enough and someone will always sell them Technology to Kill and Arms nomatter what. With the break up of the Soviet Union you've left a Power Vacuum, there are nolonger Great World Powers, there is only one.

Syria and Iran haven't the Natural Resources that the others do. Nor do the other Minors in the region. If Saddam would've been allowed to keep Kuwait and then move in on Saudi Arabia he'd of possessed more than what 70% of the Worlds Oil? Do you think a PowerTrip was involved? What about that man strikes you as a bit off? He indentified himself most with Joseph Stalin.

The Question comes down to does Syria really care? No! They're not getting up in arms about anything, do they like us? Did they ever? I don't think they much like Christian Nations period. Is The MiddleEast Capable of Waging a World War3? No, not yet at least and likely will never be able to. They lack some of the other qualities that would make a World Power. Their Oil will run out and so will their bank accounts, cause they haven't properly invested in Infrastructure and other areas like Europe and the Americas have, and China and Asia is doing so they'll fall behind in 30 years or so when their oil reserves are out. They're already backwards, and incapable of defeating a Minor State like Isreal, they'd not be even a threat for a nation like China with a Backwards Military. China, or Russia is still the largest Threats with their unstable Goverments. A few Nuclear Devices launched of the Middle East will only bring the Sender their own demise... And then the World Opinion will be unanimous...

I agree that the proper technique to disband Iraq's Goverment and to get rid of The Terrorist Threats in the MidEast would be Special OPs CIA, NSA Men, 20-30 thousand Snipers... That is the ideal way, but Operation CleanUp Evil Dictators cannot be all bad.


Originally posted by Qyusson:

Oil is for the moment the main energy source, well look at other ones, that u can produce yourselves, to quit dependance from the middle east. But of course if you believe that force is going to resolve it, well look at what we did. Europe has shaped this world. Maybe it should never have been decolonized, but we werent strong enough after WW2 to keep it. Now they r fighting across borders we gave them. I believe the pple there are a threat for themselves, and now the us are focussing their hatred on the west, so the war in iraq does not improve the us image over there neither the european image. Its causing more bad things than good ones.

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Nice. Keep attacking around and you will see the world filled of hatred towards the usa more and more. Instead of trying to make the mideast pple liking the usa, the current war only makes them hate you. Do you want more 9-11 attacks? Im sure my spanish friends dont want a new 3-11. Their government neither.

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It could become a world war: usa oversee overstretch+bad economy , so that china takes her time to attack taiwan, while russia starts nuking around, dont forget Putin is completely reorganising the russian command, and army. In his favour, he can now be elected an infinite number of times, 70% of the parliament behind him. This is possible if the us keep waging preventive wars.

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Sorry but all I can say here is that noone is is doing the job are they? Where is the UN, where is the World Police Force? We're it! I honestly believe the rest of the World are acting weak and afraid and bowing out to terrorists rather than standing up to them. This is exactly what Gave Hitler his Torch, the inability for Men to stand up and fight against Tyranny. Deciding what is good and evil is the only real question!

Look at the Yugoslav War, I have family that fought in it. What do you think?? It took forever for the European Community to put an end to that junk, I was angry from day one. It's about time the USA, Japan and Europe started acting and stopped talking. Spain fell like a deck of cards cause politics, that's wrong! Their Internal Security like our own is worthless. If more 911s happen I'm prepared, from the burning of the White House in the war of 1812, to the Lusitania, to Pearl Harbor I believe the USA is equiped for fighting. Every ancestor of mine has fought Tyranny, from Civil War to WW1-WW2.. Even if the end Result wasn't perfect we must try to make a better tomorrow. Doing nothing is the same thing as helping someone commit a crime if you're the witness. I'm sorry but the World has witnessed far too much.

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Precisely! And Perhaps the current USA Political administration is incapable of this. Hopefully if there is a new one, they'll do this<our own Goverment may be changed due to Foreign Events just like Spain, in the next few months>.. Working with the World is the #1 Aim. Cooperation towards a common Goal, a safer World for us all.

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I am pro- a united european defence strategy, so we can take care of our problems ourselves, indeed the yugoslavian war was a fiasco. But the usa are very dubious on that point, so i think france, belgium and germany have to create the first european army, the others will have to join. Working together with the US. But then US should re-learn to listen to allies on some points. You do not have the right to go there and tell these pple how to live. What do you want? Occupation of the Middle-East? After going there and burning it all, what do you want to do?

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Posted by Qyusson:

The fear for an attack...but u saw they had no WMD, nothing found! therefore us&gb had troubles, to explain to their pple they had lied! do you really think they didnt know...iraq had no WMD...

Personally, I don't care.

That's right, I DON'T CARE!

At the end of the Gulf War, Iraq agreed to abide by a certain list of demands. These demands were conditions that the UN expected Iraq to abide by. If they didn't accept these conditions, the war would have continued.

But they did choose to accept them and the war ended.

To make a long story short:

Over the years, Iraq has repeatedly ignored these conditions (kicking out UN inspectors among other things).

To add insult to injury, they repeatedly attacked U.S. and British warplanes enforcing UN imposed no-fly zones.

That alone warranted invasion by the United States, WMDs or no WMDs! The SOBs repeatedly attempted to shoot down American pilots as they enforced the UN imposed no-fly zones.

That is a very clear violation of the peace agreement Iraq agreed to. The United States has every right to respond to any attack on American servicemen with military action.

[ August 15, 2004, 09:38 PM: Message edited by: Comrade Trapp ]

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