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I'm a bit drunk. Will give you a serious reply later.

For now: I'm agnostic, and I'm a firm believer in the statmnt thaqt church and state should be forever separated.

Hence. No religion in politics, and no politics in religion,.

Furthermore:Fundamentalism is the road to fanaticism, and any and all fanatics have stopped thinking.

As I said proper (sober) response ias forthcoming, right now I'm gonna crash

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Kind of curious, how come all of a sudden you are reaching out to our "pervader of the Gospel", brother Rambo? I'll agree with your fundamental fanaticism conclusion of disillusionment. But where does man go to seek out moral clarity, ultimate justice, in a world of inequities? Are you saying that religion cannot provide any redeeming qualities to the human condition? Seems to me the political structures throughout the world could use a good dose of the "Golden Rule". Are you saying "The Ten Commandments" are an improper foundation for a man to live his life by? So you are guided by "common sense" and relativity....relative to what? What is your basis of measurement? How do you define the increments of "good" and "evil" since you have no knowledge of "God"?

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If you gentlemen enjoy this sort of philosophical discourse, why don't you click onto the link in my signature and join The Writing Club?

Part of the reason it was set up in the first place to remove these things from Battle Front where they are completely out of place.

By the way, I was wondering if anyone's noticed that this Thread may be just a little bit -- how do you guys say it? -- off topic? :D

Click on my sig and go scribble in peace. ;)

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Arngrim said


I'm a bit drunk. Will give you a serious reply later.

For now: I'm agnostic, and I'm a firm believer in the statmnt thaqt church and state should be forever separated.

Hence. No religion in politics, and no politics in religion,.

Furthermore:Fundamentalism is the road to fanaticism, and any and all fanatics have stopped thinking.

As I said proper (sober) response ias forthcoming, right now I'm gonna crash

I got saved when I was a kid, never had a problem with faith in the Gospel (Death, Burial, & Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ). My issue is with the flesh, who's isn't?

Far as seperation of "Church & State", that never bothered me. In school I was too busy with Math, Sports, & hanging out with friends. There's no such thing as "Christain Schools", but there are "Schools", "which Christains attend". I wonder how God feels about being seperated from the schools? I got my Bible teachings from parents, study groups with different Pastors, & enjoyed listening to preachers. I don't need some Politician to help or prevent my beliefs smile.gif I would prefer the Bible being taught in the Public Schools, but those days are way over. The average school today needs "Seperation of Psycho Shooters & State". Bottom line, the government took the Bible of out the schools in 1964, along with the rules & beliefs....look where it got us.

Far as "no God" in politics, well, that's impossible. Politics is beliefs. People act based on what they believe (for the most part, unless they are a total lost soul, not even pondering decisions). Personally, I really don't care much for politics, because that's not the greatest calling in life. The greatest calling in preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't need some governer to tell me when or where to open my mouth & preach. The prophet Daniel for example didn't listen to the law "banning, praying to the God of Israel".

Fundamentalism is not the road to fanaticism. I haven't had any major issues in my life. I guess in all depends on your definition of the words. Remember, people are strange for the most part. They'll go to football games & scream for their team, but the minute some kid gets excited for God.......well, they're a fanatic. I guess that's why sex, drugs, & rock 'n roll is king in America & not the Lord Jesus Christ.

Far as you being agnostic (will believe it when you see it attitude), well, Faith doesn't work that way. You need to get "Born Again" --- John 3:3. I don't know if you live in the States, but the majority of Americans are agnostics, broken records with the same old tune: "Gee, I went to Church once, they are all hypocrites. Gee, I heard a preacher say this & I got made. Gee, I read the Bible & it doesn't explain some science theory.....Well whatver to all that.

Read this:

Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned & come short of the glory of God".

Romans 6:23 "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru the Lord Jesus Christ".

Simple enough? Jesus saves.

Legend, from Boise, Idaho >>>>>>>>>> OUT

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Originally posted by Kuniworth:

Ok as I'm not drunk I would like to make a statement:

YOU ALL SUCK :mad: :mad: :mad:

The last bottle empty, Kuni becomes philosophical.

-- This thing is still going, there has to be a padlock shortage. :rolleyes:

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I'm very much behind Kuni's point of view on this one guys. Is it not interesting how Murdoch controlled media spins history any way it likes. Look at how the media began to reinvent Nixon after his death, as paving the way for international dialogue with the Chinese etc..so what if he was a crook, or prolonged the Vietnam conflict...For a reminder of the social impact of 'Reaganomics' check out the movie "Roger & Me" by Michael Moore.

Perhaps to be a little more objective of a country's politic, you have to be able to observe it from a distance, and not get caught up in the domestic hype and spin doctoring.

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I think I've been backing Kuniworth all the way through, till he went off into those angry red faces at least! :D

There's no doubt in my mind that the United States of America today is nothing short of greed and corruption run bizerk. There are no controls on it, the more wealth and power you've got the less you need to care about abusing it. That isn't democracy or free enterprise or anything else, it's a free for all.

No matter what anyone says pro or con it has to change sooner or late, either through it's own means or be some form of intermal breakdown.

A pathetic situation but there's nothing really new about it's happening. History is full of failed social experiments and we have turned into aonther of them. That isn't being a communist or a socialist or any other label except one -- it's being a realist.

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

"Can you name a better place to be or where everybody wants immigrate to?"

I hear that Rambo! Looks like the USA ran out of padlocks too! I guess we need to wedge a stick in the gate to keep all the people from getting out! :rolleyes:


stop talkin about god damn sticks in the gate. This thread is about Reagan :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by SeaMonkey:

Your right Kuni, sorry for getting off tract.

Soooo.... ever notice how many people have left USA since he was President? Now where's that damn stick!


This thread is not about how many have left the USA :mad: :mad: :mad:

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InVainWorth --- You claim to be a member of a Christain Church, yet you take the Lord's name in vain? That's why membership means absolutely nothing. If I went to InVainWorth's so-called Christain Church & preached against sin, they'd call me a judgemental so-and-so.

[ June 17, 2004, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: jon_j_rambo ]

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

InVainWorth --- You claim to be a member of a Christain Church, yet you take the Lord's name in vain?

Rambo chainsaw massacre mega slut;

You claim to be an american, yet you rather eat at pizza hut(pizza=italian) than mcdonalds. Commie! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by jon_j_rambo:

I don't eat at McDonalds or Pizza Hut. I prefer Outback Steakhouse, Texas Roadhouse, or Baha Fresh.

Texas was once mexican. You're not only a commie, you are traitor to the american people.

Rambo = not a patriot. Who would have thought that :eek:

commie :mad: :mad: :mad:

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