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possible nOOb question

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I noticed this statement in the FAQ on the official website :


Bombers can be used to attack any valid land, air, or naval units, but are very useful in attacking strategic resources.

I wonder just how it is that strageic bombers can be used to attack air units... unless maybe it represents them bombing airfields?
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I'm really sure that air units are considered grounded *unless* they are on a mission. So the bombers, on their turn, will basically try to hit them air units while they are on the airfield. I bet that Hubert has implemented some defense value representing "emergency scramble" while under attack, though.


[ April 30, 2002, 06:06 PM: Message edited by: Straha ]

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Damned you fast Straha! Im sure you would find time to play WIF if you cut down on the forum time! ;)

Another concideration of mine: I kind of miss the mechanised infantry unit.. what is the reason for cut-down of the variety of units compared to "the other" games?

And the stacking issue... i cant drop it. I would definately want to stack at least 2 or 3 units as i cannot see the reason not to be able to do so. If my presious capitol was threathened by a army i would definately want to stack my surrounding 2-3 battle-weakened units on it. And what happens if a unit is built by a city that already has a unit on it? But im sure you have some proffessional answers to my newbie concerns.. :D

But im sure you have planned to hold some improvements to the SC II right? Be sure to include more of northern Europe then as well as N Africa ;)

But dont worry - i have already decided to buy this game...

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Holyman: in principle, I'm with you in case of the mech units, and I would also like to see at least one more row of hexes in Northern Africa (so that only the Quatara depression narrows things down to one row). I do think, though, that at least the mech units would be too annoying to implement at this stage (with respect to balancing things). Somehow I was just never very fond of stacking, but that's probably just me ... hey, remember that very early SSI game "Kampfgruppe"? IIRC, one could cramp one's whole army into a single hex. :D


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As originally posted by Straha:

Holyman: in principle, I'm with you in case of the mech units, and I would also like to see at least one more row of hexes in Northern Africa (so that only the Quatara depression narrows things down to one row).

Straha, this is the one (minor issue smile.gif ) where I tend to agree with you. I had thought all along that it was two hexes (except for the narrows at quattara).

So, there wouldn't be that opportunity for even a small encirclement. You could only smash into the opposing unit :( .

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Even after reading a lot of war books I'm still confused on exactly what mechanized infantry is... I had thought the tank groups took care of that in SC. Apparently I'm wrong, so can someone please explain.

I don't see the stacking issue being a problem... in fact I think this will be a cleaner system, and becuase of resupply/reinforcement, it still seems realistic.

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I had thought all along that it was two hexes (except for the narrows at quattara).

So, there wouldn't be that opportunity for even a small encirclement. You could only smash into the opposing unit :(

OK, so everyone understands why this is so, the actuall reason why there is only a limited amount of space in Northern Europe and in North Africa was due to limitations in Windows of how much information could be held in 'memory device context' at any one time. By me adding in the east coast of North America I reached that limitation and had to work the map out as best as I could to include all the items I wanted. Trust me I would have loved to have been able to allow players to recreate convoy PQ-17 or the encirclements in North Africa, but I just couldn't do it. Sorry about that guys. :(

There are ways around this, but it would have meant either really slow scrolling, a much smaller viewable play area, or a messy manipulation of bitmapped memory that would have been a real headache. All in all I think that the benefits of the current map outweigh the few shortcomings.

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Having had a look at the large map again, I see that you have double hexes in and around Tobruk anyway... so it would only be that last gasp for Alexandria that is going to be tough, as it should be.

While we're on the subject of North Africa, I have a couple more questions:

1) Can you transport (with appropriate time delay) around the Horn of Africa -- you could still attack Britain while in the Atlantic.

2) Any provision for ANZAC or Indian or SA units arriving through the Suez Canal?

Historically, Italy had a strong navy and her Admirals were hesitant and unwilling to confront the Royal Navy... but I wouldn't be!

I am absolutely sure smile.gif you have play-tested this to within an inch of its life, and are satisfied. But I wonder if Britain can insure that life-line to Alexandria?

You could have that Egyptian factory eligible to produce a small corps -- say, 3 times per year on a random basis?

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1) Not right now, and the game play I think is pretty good to live without this option, but it is something I have been seriously thinking about adding for the longest time, just keeps getting placed on the backburner unfortunatly

2) Nope

Italy will have a strong navy, and could be in a good position depending upon how the UK player deals with the positioning of their own navy, i.e. spread out and defend in and around Gibraltar, Matla, Alexandria, or just two or just one kind of thing.

I think the option to ship around Cape Horn would be a nice one and I am working out the details to see if it can be added in effectively, but otherwise as the game plays now it's still very balanced, and it does make running the Mediterranean gauntlet very intersting for the UK player ;)

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As originally posted by Straha:

Ehem ... the hex just South of East Prussia, where the Polish Army is located now, should be in fact Prussian (Allenstein region, Southern East Prussia came to be Polish after WW2, the North went to Russia).

Instead, Poland should get the hex exactly to the right of said army (from the Baltic states) ...

(Straha skitters away and hides under the nearest table ...)

... and as our Straha-Land Story goes...

And he comes careening out on hands & knees.

And there are dust-puffs in his eyebrows.

And he is holding up this tiny, greasy, cat-chewed bit of cardboard.

And, as heard by a sleep-deprived neighbor, who lives 3 blocks down the street:

-- Come quick everybody! -- Come See!

-- It's that Silesian Honor Guard piece that I lost... let's see...

April 14th, 1983!

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