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"Return of the Allies"


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That was great fun! smile.gif

I played on intermediate level and conquered Germany in Jan/Feb 1945, but they didn't surrender until mid July, which was a bit of bad luck, the Italians having gone down at the start of July.

The colossal amount of Russian partisans produced was a major factor, as was the fact that the Luftwaffe had no real strategy.

The AI also kept getting its units cut off in the east. However, I mistakenly thought in Aug 1943 that my Russians were on the road to Berlin as I had some units in the vicinity of the German border, but the AI managed to launch a major counter-attack which drove me back to Minsk for a while.

I didn't understand why the AI was trying to use an Italian HQ to batter down my defences in Egypt, but the 8th Army sure enjoyed the experience!

Thanks Brad for a very enjoyable and all too addictive scenario.

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Most welcome Bill

Congratulations!! You beat my best so far and I'm the designer.

I'm getting indications of other Supreme SC commanders out there having some successes also.

And you are right the partisans play a major role, its just they are so random, you never know if they will popup at that critical moment. May have to add some more Luftflottes to the mix, its just once you go over 6 its kind of outside the "what if" realm,....maybe an Italian or two.

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Couldn't resist the temptation to play it on the highest setting. It took a bit longer (18th Sep 1945) but the same strategies paid off.

I'm even thinking of playing it with partisans off, but that might be tempting fate too much!

Playing this scenario has been like playing SC again for the first time, and my girlfriend hardly saw me over the weekend as a result.

Don't let Hubert play this scenario otherwise SC2 will be delayed by another month... ;)

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Ok, I'm back...short business trip. Glad to see many of you still enjoying this scenario. Stahlwolf, I will put together a read.me file and do some modifications and testing before we'll be ready to post it permanently, thanks. I'm thinking of adding the Turks to the Axis, or something to stop the gamey move of using the American and/or UK contingents into the USSR, probably would never of happened in real life.

Matt, if none of our SC brethren haven't sent you the campaign, I will send it to you tonight when I get home.

[ February 12, 2005, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: SeaMonkey ]

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Alright, I think I'm up to date on getting everyone this campaign, sorry but business was demanding.

I would like to suggest two "house rules" although I detest the use of them, but SC design limitations sometimes make them appropriate.

1. No building of UK units until both Manchester and London are in Allied hands.

2. No operating or use of UK/USA units in the Soviet Union.

Both seem logically to have occurred if this "what if" had truly been a part of history. Anyway it will make for a more competitive game for you "experts" out there.

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SeaMonkey, I've just finished a game using the two house rules you suggested.

The first didn't make any difference as I've never needed to make any UK units before London is liberated, but the second, preventing allied troops from fighting in the USSR, certainly did.

The Soviet Union surrendered in late 1944, just when DDay was on the verge of liberating France and US troops had cut the land link between France and Spain.

Sadly with the Russians out of the war we had to slowly withdraw from France, and then we spent the next two years fending off continuous German landings in Britain. Fortunately Iraq and Egypt remained allied, providing enough MPPs to fund the war effort, so this was possible and the game ended with London still allied and the Axis winning but with a negative score.

Great fun once again. My next mission will be to actually win without using allied troops in Russia. I'm sure it can be done! smile.gif

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Hey Bill,

You are becoming an expert in this campaign and my best feedback so far...thanks. Now what were the settings for this game?

I can tell you that my win on Intermediate/+1 exp. the only use of Allied troopers(in addition to 2 USSR corps) in USSR was to surround and kill a rampaging Panzer group in the Caucasus(the last southern city)that was destroying all my resources in that area. So technically I did violate the "house rule", although I used only the units that originated in Iraq and Egypt, ie. I did not operate air or transport additional units around the "Hope".

Glad you are still having fun with this.

Anyone else want to profess to being a conqueror in this campaign. How about it CT, you were suppose to win the first day? :rolleyes:

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Hi Brad

It was on the Expert/+2 setting.

I also had the problem of the rampaging Panzergruppe, but once I had a couple of corps nearby it settled down. Unfortunately it was settled on one of my cities deep in the Caucasus!

I used the British troops already in the Middle East to entrench in the northern most hex of Iraq, with a HQ also in the mountains. The remaining corps were placed on all the Iraqi resource hexes.

The US troops ended up defending Egypt. It's funny how they ended up swapping positions, but I'd had to pull back the British due to a lack of MPPs to repair them, and then I gradually rebuilt them in Iraq.

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Hey guys,

My game was only +1 setting. But I also used American forces in the USSR and then USSR forces in the mid east for awhile. I think it would be harder and more realistic to limit it. Bill does seem to be getting the expert at this. I was very challeneged at +1, never even tried +2.

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Of course you are right AS, but I'm not sure this will be my final edition and my read.me is not done yet...due to demands of business.

Any of you guys already in possession of the scenario, feel free to pass it on to any of our requesting brethren.

I apologize for not getting this out to all parties in a timely manner...just the demands of Earth are sometimes overwhelming.

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Just done it!

Allied victory in May 1947 with +114, using the house rules and expert/+2.

What a tough game though, and as Wellington said of Waterloo, it was a close run thing.

DDay took place early in 1944 and I managed to liberate France and half of Spain, and (just about) hang on to them until the end. Unfortunately the Axis never seemed to run out of MPPs to repair their airfleets, so it was a constant battle in the west, swinging backwards and forwards between DDay in early 1944 until the end.

In the east, well, that was a very different story. When DDay was launched the Russians had 3 corps and 1 HQ defending half the Caucasus, Stalingrad and the northern half of the Caucasus having already fallen.

I had a similar force, commanded by Zhukov and backed up by a rocket, holding the Urals.

The good thing about DDay was that it really diverted massive Axis resources away from finishing off the Russians, so while my small army group deep in the Caucasus was slowly beaten down and eventually the one surviving corps and HQ had to be evacuated to Iraq, Zhukov slowly retook most of northern and western Russia. Just before the end we had retaken Stalingrad and another force was fighting the Germans NE of Warsaw, but with all the oil fields in the Caucasus in Axis hands Russian income was very low.

I think that a rocket strategy for the Russians, might be the way to real victory, i.e. actually destroying the Axis, rather than just holding them. I might try that one next.

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I played on intermediate +1 experience, followed house rules. Occupied all of Germany by August 1944 and had Italy surrender in December of 1944. Heck, Germany did not surrender until April 3, 1945. I diverted resources to the mideast or else this would have been done and over with earlier. Such a waste of having those army leaders bunched up in the mideast doing nothing. Next I will try the expert level/+2. I have played the fall weiss campaign as allies on that level and giving Italy and Germany each 9999 MPPS and got them rolled up usually all the time by late 1944 or early 1945. Hey, make this really difficult by having Sweden and Finland already joining the axis and maybe some extra mpps, plus industrial tech 5 for Germany and Italy. As long as you know what you are doing, the AI is really predictable and it is easy hit areas with massive firepower than doing attrition (then you lose!). Good tough scenario. Although I think the US should be more mobilized as the invasion of the UK would have prompted a massive full mobilization of the US Army. Another suggestion, the UK and US navies should have been actively deployed in the Atlantic and UK area.

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