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KEEP MANX'S CM's ALIVE pledge drive.

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Hi all,

Count me in for 20$, as long as I can pay via Visa or Paypal.

That's 315$ total for now !

This thread reminds me of a similar story on the StarFleet Command boards some months ago : the guy running the best independent server for the multiplayer game had to change its server's motherboard ... He had no money and said "I quit" to the board : but the guys there opened a paypal account for him, and in one week he had the needed 250 bucks or so. I wanted to donate but arrived to late ! :eek:

We can do the same thing here, and save Manx from his misery :D:D !!

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Mr. Dorosh,

I would challenge your contention that his provider is "unfairly" raising his rates. The amount of bandwidth his site is allowed to consume has a fair market value. He has surpassed his bandwidth limit regularly, and his provider wants compensation. This isn't the big guy bashing the little guy for no reason, it's just business. I don't think there is an 'evil internet company' conspiracy to be uncovered in this situation.

And you're right. The money doesn't go to Manx, and people probably wouldn't send any if it did. We're interested in keeping his site alive for OUR benefit, not simply filling his pockets. Manx is providing us with a public service. Public services should be payed for by the public that uses them.

And you're also right about this not helping other webmasters, although I don't comprehend the relevance of that statement.

Manx buying his own server wouldn't help either. The amount of traffic his site supports would lock up and make worthless any private server he could purchase, unless he also wanted to by a huge bank of incoming routers.

If you have some moral qualm with helping a chap out or are simply too strapped to give, then don't. But I think if you're looking for some evil corporate entity to blame, thus rationalizing not giving, I don't think you're going to find it or them.

Everyone else,

Good job fellas, keep it rollin'.

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Reading the other "Bad News" topic, I am mindful of Manx's comment about being reserved to receive monetary contributions to support his site. He does have a point in that he part of a larger "free" CM support community (though obviously not free to the site sponsors paying to keep their sites up).

A possibility MIGHT be that a charitable "trust fund" could be sponsored in turn by BTS or by the CM HQ guys (CM HQ & co.). In regards to the latter, I am presuming that Madmatt's CM HQ costs are covered by BTS, though I could be wrong. Anyway, the notion is that CM support sites could be allowed to draw from this fund based on hosted CM material, site cost, and demand loads like bandwidth. The downside, of course, is that someone has to monitor the fund so that no one CM support site unfairly draws money from it at the exclusion of others.

Perhaps too messy or complex. But a thought nonetheless.

However it works out, though, I'm willing to go in for at least $40 if donations are accepted by Manx & others.

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Guy's -- i just want to say that i really appreciate all the offers of financial help and moral support you have given.

Over the past day or so i have received numerous offers of practical help and things are currently in the pipeline that may sort out this mess in such a way that it will be to everyone's satisfaction. smile.gif

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I guess a wine donation is not going to last long Manx. ;) And as some Italian noted before, your website is easily the "sexiest CM:BO site to be found on the net!" Uhm, you get the picture!

My pledge: $10.00 - Please accept Manx.(BTW, it's USD, not Zimbabwean!)

Clubfoot, be so kind to do the math...


Charl Theron



What is man, when you come to think upon him, but a minutely set, ingenious

machine for turning with infinite artfulness, the red wine of Shiraz into


-- Isak Dineson "Seven Gothic Tales" (1934)

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Due to the usual poor showing of our Great British Pound my Fiver won't go very far and hasn't been added into the total anyway.

Therefore I'll increase it to £10 and I've used the currency converter on the previous page. It's a nice round number to pledge but it's going to stretch my maths to the limit.

Pledge £10.00 ($14.31)

Total Pledge $449.31

Remaining $700.69 LOL! :D

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Just saw Manx's original thread regarding server brandwith problems/financial predicament popping up. He'll need a bigger drop from me. I'll increase my offer from US$10.00 to US$50.00

Calculator Clubfoot/Rex...


Charl Theron



"Today, praise be to God, wine was pressed for the first time from Cape grapes!" [Seven years after the Cape Colony was founded in South Africa]

-- Jan van Riebeeck in his diary, summer of 1659

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As a lurker, I tend to think that I've gotten a lot from this community and this game for my measly 40-some bucks I paid for it (I can't remember the exact amount, it's been so many QB's and Operations too remember!). I've played a total of 1 PBEM game, which the other guy dropped from, and I've tried playing TCP/IP games with pals from work and school, but to no avail (damn their lack of interest). But despite my social ineptness, I can definately see this being a worthwhile cause.

IF the following conditions are met:

1) How exactly our (er, at least my) money is spent, so that we know the gritty details of what our greenbacks did for this honorable service. (I.E., buy a server, pay off a host server, pay for a prostitute for Manx or something). That way we can know exactly how the process worked out.

2) We see some extra cool new features on the site smile.gif.

.... I'll pledge a $20 from this wallet here. Someone do the math please? It's early in the morning.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Robeek:


I've played a total of 1 PBEM game, which the other guy dropped from, and I've tried playing TCP/IP games with pals from work and school, but to no avail (damn their lack of interest)...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Keep Robeek interested in CM, second good action of this thread !

Man, start a game (anything, scenario or QB), send it to me and you'll have a second PBEM :D ! I ended all the numerous games I played (and lost too much often), don't worry ...

Ok also for TCP IP play, but I'm in Europe, so expect to play on your afternoons !

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total pledges: $560

remaining: $640

Great job fellas.


I hope everything gets sorted out favorably. If your current avenues don't pan out, however, don't forget this thread!

We'd all be more than happy to help the best CM site stay afloat. Thanks for all your work!

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You know what he could do...

1. Get a new host...

www.readyhosting.com gives you a domain, setup, and 500 megs space with UNMETERED data transfer, and unlimited mailbox space for 150 dollars your first year and 99 dollars every year after that. They even pay your internic renewal.

I don't work for them, I have a site with them and they are awesome to deal with. I am entering into my second year now. Overall I've had probably 8 hours of non-service with them in the past year and 2 months.

500 megs isn't a lot, however...you can utilize space on other free servers by merely making a coverpage with a list of links to the files and a title, and then using your readyhosting account to tap into the free files. Nobody is the wiser and that too will aid with bandwidth / space problems.

Readyhosting also supports ASP, ASP-MAIL, ASP-UPLOAD, CGI / PERL, FRONTPAGE, and PHP. It's seriously the best deal I've seen for the space and bandwidth you get. The extras rock as well.

once again... I DO NOT WORK FOR THEM, I'M JUST VERY VERY SATISFIED. They are like taking out a Jumbo Sherman at 100 meters with a Hetzer in the first 5 turns of play....

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