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The Master, Margarita and the Peng Challenge thread

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

I DID make the only worthwhile suggestion in your thread, however; actually, two of them, as I will soon gather the southern Kalifornienens for a similar CMfest. There, Foobar and I shall plot your demise.


But you'll probably have it in San Diego, which, despite being a very nice place to visit (beaches, 360 perfect days/year) is a bit of a drive.

Game updates:

dalem has lost his mind. He's up and moved from Ann Arbor, which is a pretty nice place to live, to Minneapolis, which is not. And he chose the worst time of year to do it-- two or three days before the first good snow. Most importantly, he still appears to be on the road (it's only an 11 hour drive, so I don't know what his problem is) and hasn't returned a file since yesterday or so. Loser. At any rate, he's attacking with a bunch of green amis on a fairly open map. It looks like he spent a good chunk of his points on medium sized VT (horrifying stuff that, but of only limited effectiveness against a well dispersed defense) and is hurling his troops up against my regulars now. He's had one platoon cut to pieces, mostly by a single squad (28 confirmed casualties), and his next platoon is running in the open in SMG range. There appears to be another small attack developing on my right, but the one squad that's getting close has been upset by a minefield or two. All in all, going very well for the defenders.

MrSpkr and I are playing some sort of micro-abomination created apparently by satan himself. It's a big map full of woods, with a big river running through a gorge and a itty bitty bridge that I have to defend. It would have been nice if I'd been given some troops. After my platoon accidentally bumped into one of MrSpkr's platoons (he appears to have a battalion or so) they were cut up a bit and are none too pleased. Now my only healthy units are two 16 year old boys who lied about their age and are armed with rocks, firecrackers, and pocket knives, and an 8 mm video camera. They're resourceful little kids though, and are hastily cutting up twigs to weave into little stick men which they're going to leave on the ground and hanging from trees in the path of the advancing germans. They're going to tape the reactions and try to use the tapes to scare the next bunch of germans. Unfortunately the german army in 1944 didn't have any 8mm video players. MrSpkr has been a very accomodating opponent though-- he spent a lot of time lurking through the woods and I was getting bored, so I asked him to please drop some shells to indicate where he is. He kindly obliged, dropping a nice barrage full of treebursts on the platoon that beat up on my platoon. It's nice to have such helpful opponents.

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Two points --

1. I know Foobar as a vile and evil fool who promises much, but delivers nothing. He asks his wife when he can play CM, and she often says "yes" because it gives her a reason to be away from him that he gladly accepts. Yet, he still fears to be seen here on the MBT as his craven cowardice is not so well accepted as it is at home. There's nothing wrong with Foobar that a good strong quake under San Diego wouldn't fix. With any luck, we might also see his Fresno look-alike taken under as well.

Beware, Mark IV, as Foobar wants the remnants of your Lawyer's Cup. He lusted for it originally, until I satisfied his subdued expectations with a cheap substitute. He was grateful, as is his wont.

2. I know Chrisl, absent here lately, as a vindictive and overly serious CM player who (GASP) wants to win. But he is a computer geek of the worst sort, so if you send turns when the computer is down, Chrisl is easy to beat. hehehe.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I have posted an offer of free beer for Washington area CM players who want to get together with Marlow and me next Friday. If you live in this area, please feel welcome to attend.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Alas, I reside in the woods of the Western Coast, and since my ass (of the hay-eating kind) is tired of pulling the plow that allows me to grow vast fields of hemp, I will be unable to attend. However, I plan, in your honor, Sir Lawyer, to wear my best overalls, and tip a jug o' Shine in commiseration with those fools you've so easily flummoxed to attend.

Your friend always,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

I know Chrisl, absent here lately, as a vindictive and <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Vindictive? Me?

I'll get you for that!!

Good thing I don't have a trip to DC planned for your fest. I was in town last week but it was airport-hotel-meeting-airport without any time to track you down.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

Vindictive? Me?

I'll get you for that!!

Good thing I don't have a trip to DC planned for your fest. I was in town last week but it was airport-hotel-meeting-airport without any time to track you down.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Only women and computers have the power to recall every movement a man makes like you do.

You aren't a woman and you aren't a man. So you must be a computer. Call me next time and I'll buy you some bytes.

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For most things I have the memory capacity of a doorknob or a piece of cheese. For weird technical arcana (including CM...) I have a pretty decent memory. (I also number my files and keep them for a while-- you hear that Elvis you wanker-- so I can look back occasionally).

I managed to avoid another trip to DC tomorrow- I got someone else to go who doesn't mind wearing a tie (I don't even own one...)- but I seem to find myself in DC (or more often Baltimore) a couple times a year. Sometimes I even remember how I got there, except for the part about getting onto MLK in Baltimore, which I always seem to mess up.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Umm, Seanachai, you really need to go on a date with a REAL girl sometime . . .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Shaw always gets the grovellers, and I always get the ones with attitude.

Lad, there's very little a 'girl' could do for me that is anywhere near as satisfying as the enjoyment I get out of annoying you lot. Admittedly, a 'woman' might indeed distract and satisfy, but I've found that, other than basking in the occassional smile of the Fair Emma, I'd rather put the boot in on you lot of little piddlers than jump through the hoops that you younger dogs get such tongue-lolling enjoyment from.

Besides, when I re-work a poem by The Bard of Empire, I get to read his original over and over, which rather rinses away the memory of some of the more recent posts I've seen here. Including yours.

Come, lad, you were a Squire to the Bard of the Peng Challenge Thread. Have you no more feel for the joys of language than that?

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Game(y) Update:

Regrettably, the ubergamey swarms of Lars's Jabos have finally located the last of my valiant forces. It should be noted that they are completely out of his control, which means that he in fact is so dumb the computer has to do the killing of my hopelessly exposed, poorly armored vehicles because it is beyond his mental capacity. Bring on another round, you worthless Texan scuzzball transplant.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Regrettably, the ubergamey swarms of Lars's Jabos have finally located the last of my valiant forces. It should be noted that they are completely out of his control, which means that he in fact is so dumb the computer

has to do the killing of my hopelessly exposed, poorly armored vehicles because it is beyond his mental capacity. Bring on another round, you worthless Texan scuzzball transplant.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am SHOCKED, shocked to hear that MY squire isn't, in your considered opinion, clever. Why one would think that the scenario was so horribly balanced that it was DESIGNED to be of no challenge, that it was in fact DESIGNED specifically for playing those that are not worth paying attention to. By George I'll have a word or two with HIM so I will. Thanks for bringing this to my attention Pillenwerfer 00.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey Shaw, have you figured out how to use the reply with quotes button? It seems like the kind of thing you would have trouble finding, rather like your problems with TRPs. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well, let's see Pillenwerfer, {Shaw looks above to check the quote} ... yep, looks like it. And you do well to remind me of my failings lad, heaven only knows how I was able to create Jabo! ... did you enjoy it then?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

Well, let's see Pillenwerfer, {Shaw looks above to check the quote} ... yep, looks like it. And you do well to remind me of my failings lad, heaven only knows how I was able to create Jabo! ... did you enjoy it then?


I means this one you dolt. It's the one right above the enemies message, the little quote markey type one, right next to edit. And for the record Jabo! was very amusing, as it showed me how little brain matter you have between your ears.

[ 09-10-2001: Message edited by: panzerwerfer42 ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I means this one you dolt. It's the one right above the enemies message, the little quote markey type one, right next to edit. And for the record ,Jabo!was very amusing, as it showed me how little brain

matter you have between your ears.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well lad, for those who can't handle UBB codes I suppose it's a nice crutch, I wish you well with it. I'm so glad you were pleased with my modest efforts, I always found the sight of all those burning German vehicles to be vastly amusing. Of course the PURPOSE of the scenario was see if you are CessPool material and for that we'll need the opinion of my loyal and trustworthy squire Lars. So Lars, did the lad show any more promise in exchanging emails than he's shown here ... wouldn't have been too difficult.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Shaw! Run before it kills you!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh look Seanachai, isn't that cute ... it's misquoted you ... by George THAT'S never been done before. A real keeper we have here lads, Pillenwerfer has just posted a knee slapper ... Bauhaus go slap his knee.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

So has dalem showed up on your doorstep yet?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, but I expect a call from either the Minneapolis police department or a bail-bondsman at any moment.

Also, I've informed the local SPCA branch that his dog's earless condition is not completely Dalem's fault.

I imagine I'll know the moment of his arrival when shortages begin to manifest in area liquor stores and the local Homeless begin to abandon their underpasses, babbling and weeping, and seek sanctuary in the churches.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by panzerwerfer42:

Nice to see others realize that I'm winning.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You are not qualified to misquote me.

Not only do you live in the suburbs, you live in a St. Paul suburb. And you work retail. Even jackals would avoid the corpse you'd make.

Now, go see if someone needs assistance in aisle five.

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Ack-- thanks Seanachai for making me look at the profile of the SSN. I hadn't before, and now I probably have to have my eyeballs removed, or maybe see of my insurance will cover a lobotomy. I had utterly forgotten (in the active sense of forgetting) that particular suburb. The presence of a resident of it can mean nothing good at all for the pool. It's quite horrific. And to top it all off, his occupation requires frequent utterance of the phrase "For only fifteen cents more you can have an ultra-jumbo-mega fries with that."

I'm going to go barf now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

And you work retail. Even jackals would avoid the corpse you'd make.


Frankly I agree with that. I hate JC Penney, as do all of my coworkers. I spew my hatred upon those dumb enough to walk up to me, squint at my name tag and then squawk" Do you work here?". I also hate those who decide to form their own line at the back of my counter, when there isn't anyone cashiering. I further hate those who demand cash back on returns when they don't have a receipt. But the ones I hate most, almost as much as I hate all of you, are the ones who bring a pair of Levi's home, and realize there is an inktag still attached to it. These are the morons who look at the top, which reads in red "Warning: Inktag Do not attempt to remove, may cause personal injury or damage", and then attempt to pry it off with a screw driver. These are the Jakovs who bring them back, with permanently dyed green hands and jeans, yell at me and demand a refund without the damned receipt. I may kill one some day. There are many more people that I hate, (Shaw), so many in fact that I can't list them all because that would surpass the total number of words ever posted under a thread with Peng in the topic.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by chrisl:

And to top it all off, his occupation requires frequent utterance of the phrase "For only fifteen cents more you can have an ultra-jumbo-mega fries with that."

I'm going to go barf now.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Would you like to apply for a JC Penney Charge Card ,sir? You can save an extra %10 off the barf if you're accepted!

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