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Hey! CMBB playtesters!!

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I was wondering if you could maybe explain a few things about CMBB. Ive heard that MGs will have something like a field of fire that you can set, and the MG will lay down suppresive fire(yay!) in that area. What Im wondering is if its 'abstracted', like all enemy troops in that area are suppressed automaticly, to represent an MG spraying an area, or if it shifts to individual targets until they are slowed, then moves to the next?

Also, how does the hull down command work exactly? Do you have to specify an exact spot, telling the unit what direction to face and such, or just point to a spot and give the command?

You are probably sworn to secrecy, under penalty of emasculation or something equally painfull, but if you could pleeeeeeeaaase give us a hint on how it plays I would be eternally greatfull :D:D .

Im really looking forward to buying this game and I want just a tid taste from the people playing it. Thanks!

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Yeah, but Im dying to know, and I was hoping we could get a little teaser info at least. Whats the harm of letting a little info out here and there anyways? I dont know how many people I speak for, but I cant wait for CMBB( well OK its worth it to have it done RIGHT.)and I havent heard alot in the way of updates or any juicy tidbits lately. I do have to say thanks to the fellow who asked for the new screenshots, that was great! They have been my desktop wallpaper ever since. Pathetic, I know, I just love this damn game. Theres probably a CM Addicts Annonymous group somewhere already, they're just not in the yellow pages, Ive looked.

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I in no way can speak for BTS, but I got this funny feeling they've got more feedback than they know what to do with already, and don't want to generate any more right now by giving us a bone. You should have seen the feedback they got on those screenshots. Of course they could prove me wrong. I wouldn't mind a bit.

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I missed all of the feedback, but cruising around this board, I can see why BTS would want to spare themselves the hassle, I didnt consider that I geuss. NO! I take that back, Ahem...

I, Dogface21, do hereby solemnly swear, I will not nit-pick, nag, poke, prod, nor pontificate on any information BTS chooses to share. I will only be gratefull that such a fine group of gentlemen have taken it upon themselves to create this wonderfull game, of which I and countless others have devoted untold hours to. Without Combat Mission, I would be lost, stuck in a world of sh!tty RTS games, pointing and clicking in a frantic rush, trying to get a little functionally retarded sprite to walk over here, and shoot there. I must respect the vision that they have toiled so hard for, and appreciate the experience they so selflessly bestowed upon me.


OK, so maybe if we all take some kind of oath not to critizice any info they give, BTS might spill a bean or two. Well, maybe not, but I like suprises. Suprises make me want to order games, especially (wink wink) games you can only get online. In fact, I like suprises so much, I might order two, or three extra copies, one can never be sure of these times we live in. I might have to stockpile CMBB(wink,wink)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cubbies Phan:

The people playing it are the same people that are making it. Which is BTS. That includes the Great Bald One, Dan the Man, Steve, and Charles.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's funny. This was in the article that SuperTed linked to.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Testing relies heavily on our group of "outside" (for lack of a better word) beta testers who are also big fans of the game. The game is just too intricate for us to test it properly on our own, internally, and not miss something. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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I always liked the rubble/destroyed buildings in Panzer Elite. That was another good looking game. When a building was destroyed, the roof would collapse, but portions of the wall would remain standing. It just looked like what you'd imagine a destroyed building would look like.

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Hey Dogface,

If I was BTS, I would ask teh beta testers to sign a NDA just like other siftware companies. I have beta tested before, and I know that not only could I not post beta test information to a public forum, but I could not share it privately, or even reveal that I was a beta tester.

So posting this likely wont get you any new information. BTS can correct me here (they know how they do their beta tests, not me, not being a member of the company) but I would be very surprised if anyone came on and said, "I am a beta tester and" which actually were telling the truth.

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I was hoping for just a lil' sumthin' from sombody who knows the answers, they dont have to be a beta tester neccesarily. Someone with a very low member number( not that that always denotes 'rank' mind you) mysteriosly said "You will be on the Eastern front sooner than you think" in another thread disscusing a likely release date. That totally got me going, thinking that this guy could easily be a beta tester( I recognized him as one of the 'nice' Ubergrogs)and so now I have this hankerin' for any and all info about the game. Preferably stuff I dont already know, like how the Hull Down command will work, or the collapsed building thing, or if there will be commando attack frogs or whatever.

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Not only have all testers signed NDA's but if I EVER see or hear them saying anything about the game they won't be testers any longer...

Oh, and the rubble HAS been improved...As has just about everything else but you will have to wait to see...


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The fellow referring to players fighting on the Eastern Front soon meant the "Frontovik" mod, I think, not the release of CM:BB.


We'll find out eventually, eh? And knowing now won't put the game in your hands any faster... tongue.gif

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Mud ]

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It was probably Frontovik come to think about it. I dont want to get anyone in trouble ya know, so I geuss Ill go and read all the stuff Ive read a million times once more, and twidle me thumbs. Waiting IS the hardest part. I wonder how many types of buildings there will be?

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