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TH Blues...

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Ahh the highs and lows of CM ladder games. smile.gif

After a somewhat surprising win, I was just about to go to bed when a fellow by the name of thedubman entered THCM irc. He talked me into a game and we finally agreed on the typical 1500 ME, moderate woods, village, med hills, clear day game, him Germans me Brits. I finally agreed to an unrestricted game(he didnt fancy short 75), even though I didnt really fancy facing the German heavies at such an ungodly hour. Anyway my point is I was happy to go by his preferences. We agreed on the game being a ladder match, he seemed eager, esp when I told him I'd only played 3 games. I checked his record and he hadnt played a game yet. No problem I thought, I'd only played 3 so I it didnt really concern me. However he told me he'd played many games on TH but he'd had to register again. Again no problem there i thought.

The game itself starts pretty grimly for me, I've acidentally bought a Churchill ARVE, (mistaking it for the monster with 260mm front armour) yea one those 100m Hollow charge only jobs, and there wasn't exactly alot of woodland around smile.gif. No matter I thought, a challenge is always more fun. On turn 1, to add to my troubles I find my cheeky opponent has 10 big guns with exellent LOS arosss the map. We both laughed, him somewhat harder than me, "hey it works", he says but again I thought what the hell, rise to the challenge, and thedubman seemed a friendly chap. 10 turns later and after a horrendous but wild barrage, 9 German guns lay smoking along with a Tiger a German TD and an assault HT. All for the loss of 5 men and a AC. Dubmans laughing was somewhat clipped by now, but he said he wanted to soldier on, after all his infantry was for the most part unmolested. So thedub decides to go for broke, he launchs a bum rush up his side of the only major hill in a last ditch attempt to capture the single large VL, god knows how he planned to hold it for 20 rounds with nothing but infantry, smile.gif but anyway, he went for it. Turn 11, thedubs nazi hordes hit my line, 60 seconds of mayhem ensues, Germans are dying by the bucket load..... - EXIT thedubman never to be seen again. I setup game again, go back to TH irq, send the dude an email ffs, and nothing, sweet FA. Ive wasted over 3 hours with this ass.

I went with his wishes for game paramaters, cheerfully put up with his obvious glee at the start of game, for nothing. The annoying thing for me is now I'll be less likely to play a so called ladder match with peeps I havn't played before. Which is one of the great aspects of CM online: playing lads with new/different/unknown tactics.

Furthermore, theres nothing to stop him doing this again. He can keep registering until he gets a nice win to open his TH account with. Yobobo, is there a way to avoid this in the future? If there is I'd be much more willing to cough up $15. :D thedubman, sort it out m8, grown up ffs. :mad:

[ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Londoner ]

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It does happen. Not too often though. We call this a no show. It sometimes is by accident and other times by pure frustration. In either case it is a Total loss for your opponent. The new dispute area is being setup for just this type of thing. If you have any questions always shoot then my way.

Please email me for more details smile.gif



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Don't blame something like this on a ladder. There's absolutely nothing that can be done to prevent people from doing this and then signing up again under a different name. I would recommend you not play people who don't have a record yet. Let some other guy take the chance and be his first opponent.

If this guy is registered on the ladder but simply hasn't played a game yet, then you can claim a win through a report to TH about what happened. There's a button for that on the CM page.

My advice to you is to look through the posts on this board and find the friendly people who are on ladders like yourself. It takes me about 5 minutes to look through a few posts to find my next opponent that I'm about 99% sure isn't a gamey bastard.

Of course in the situation you described, this was not possible but the red flag should've went up after you saw that he had 10 guns and said, "This works all the time."

Apart from all this, I'd love to know how the heck you took out 9 guns and only lost a daimler. What tatics did you use to secure a victory?

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Londoner, sorry you ran into a loser on the ladder. As Yobobo and others have said, this sort of thing does happen. As with any community, there is a minority of jagbags who can sour just about anything. Fortunately, people like that soon will find they have no one to play but the AI.

My experience has been that the majority of people I have played on the ladder (RD or TH) are stand-up folk ... whether power or historical. And if you want a game to get back on track, just send an e-mail.

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Thaks for advice all, I'll checkout the dispute thingy now.. smile.gif

Heh Colonel, well, his guns had compete coverage of the map bar the reverse slope of the only hill with the VL on it. Lucky I had postioned all my armour, a Wolverine, Challenger and Churchill ARVE on this reverse slope. Right from the off he opened up with everything, area firing the hill in prep from his armoured assault. I did however have 3 guns of my own, postioned more thoughtfully than his, I waited acouple of turns until i had 50-70% hit chances on his guns, then opened up. 3 of his guns went up with 3 shots smile.gif. He was still area firing (hoping to smash up my recon force on the VL/hill) so i basically got a free turn of counter battery fire. Luckily I had a good HQ unit with mine (+2 morale, +1 combat and stealth i think), which i reckon made the dif. I dont think he had most of those guns in command, half of them were abandoned under fire in the next 5-6 turns. I lost 2 out of the 3 guns i had, but they all fought well, typically losing 90% of their crew but still firing. The last German gun (he may have had more :rolleyes:!)didnt have LOS to my last gun and obviously vice-versa.

He got his armour up to the top of the hill before me, which caused me some worry. I only had a light recon force in place, but he didnt cover his right flank (his guns had no LOS there because of this weird hill on my extreme left/his extreme right) and his infantry werent on the seen yet. So i drove a plucky little daimler round this hill-his flank, and charged my 3 tanks up the hill to meet him head on at the top, at almost point blank. Perfect for that dam ARVE. With his armour surrounded, all of em madly traversing their turrets left n right, and his infantry still 200-300m away, they were destroyed for little loss.

My tanks bought the time that was needed to reinforce the hill with trusty British infantry. So by the time he hit the crest and was about to overun my tanks positions I had more than enough manpower to throw him back down. smile.gif

[ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Londoner ]

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This is likely as good a thread as any to find a "good" opponent in.

I like to play as well and have had one similiar experience to the one you posted. I'm registered on the T-house ladder but have not played any ladder games yet. I'm not sure why I registered as it sort of seems lke "power gamers" congregate there and the games "sound" like they are so competitive, especially with gamey uber tanks and SMG squad purchases that I'm not sure that is the kind of game I'm looking for

I like to play games to win, ofcourse, I think everyone does, but not with "gamey" buys, or gamey, use the "The System" unit combinations.

I have however used ahistorical tactics and some times might use what some refer as "gamey" tactics, but I prefer canned scenarios and historical force compositions. I am looking forward to having more time to play shortly. Mannheim Tanker and myself have a game scheduled for next sunday PM EST.

I can't wait :D.

I'm sorry to hear of your recent disapointment, I'm sure you will be duely credited with the win, Congrats! smile.gif

-tom w

[ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: aka_tom_w ]

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While, as I've posted in other threads, I'm disappointed that there is a "system" that puts so much emphasis on purchasing correctly (the area that historical commanders had the least control over), I'm pleased that the "system" is not so powerful that it prevents good players from beating bad players.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

Don't you love those German players who pair up Fallschirmjager troops with Panther tanks smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I just met Gebirgsjaeger with a Tiger and a Hummel.

However, that is just fine for me. Look, German Heer has almost all the squads types you could like, plus any Axis vehicle. If you say that forces (U.S./British, Airborne/Army, Heer/SS) must not be mixed, the German player will always choose Heer. He will have a huge advantage over the Allies and non-Heer doesn't have a chance to be played at all. All assuming that people choose a force to win with, not neccessarily an interesting one. Not all people like to play this way, but by all account noone can make a universal statement whether one-force-optimization is "better" that more exploring play modes. It is a matter of taste and on TH optimiztion is default.

Also, there are many historical accounts where airborne troops fought with tanks from other forces. And in the CMBO timeframe that was rather the rule, except Normandy. Market Garden had a lot of British tanks fighting with U.S. airborne.

For the Germans it is even more so, since after Kreta they were never dropped in a large-scale operaton again, but were not converted into normal troops. So they fought as airborne with their usual equipment as normal ground force, mixed with tanks forces as any Heer unit.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:


I'd have to disagree with you on that "none-Heer don't stand a chance" bit. I played a game with a full Waffen SS force and won quite handily. Despite other people's comments about them routing too easily, mine seemed to fight very well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I didn't really mean does not have a chance.

But the relationship between available forces is heavily distorted towards an advantage for Axis Heer, so I tend to free people to choose from all available forces for their side. I don't neccesarily do that myself, though, somehow I'm irritated by changing flags in the game display as I plot my turn.

And as far as I can see, there are quite few people whom you can't agree on historical or non-fixed forces with. And that includes TH, from my limited samples the number of cardboard noses on TH is not critially high.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Commissar:

Hey, and where's my turn anyway? ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Had easter liabilities, sorry. Didn't you just blow up the house with the flag? Working on the problem...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Londoner:

Cheers tom smile.gif, and moriarty do you TCP m8?

[ 04-15-2001: Message edited by: Londoner ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Unfortunately, I haven't had the time due to work to get into TCP/IP play. I'm a pbemer at heart, I like to study the move before I lose. hehe.

If you're up for one, I'm game.

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