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Time to Lock the Forum and Concentrate on Peng Thread

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Yes, these other useless posts have been slowing down the Peng Thread. I expect Madmatt will start locking them up any time now. Psha, you people with your O/T posts on 1.1 patches and WWII.


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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Wish I was a moderator so I could do stuff like this.


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

Congrat Meeks! Your thread is hereby nominated the new home of Cess!


When the Bald One speaks,

he opts for Meeks.

What Brave New World is this, that has this Swine as it's Spokesman?!

Okay, Elijah, run with it. What follows is the post I was working on when that (godlike) Bald Lunatic locked the Mutha-Beautiful Thread.

Sod all, I'm still at least 4 pages out on getting caught up, but I'm seeing posts from Emma, PawBroon, Goanna, Kitty, The Usual Gang That Are Suspect, and Meeks. To quote Sam Gamgee: "Oh great glory and splendour! And all my wishes have come true! And then he wept."

Well, weeping is in order. I've also seen posts from several, indeed many, new chums. Most of them have yet to prove themselves a part of the evolutionary process. Remember, lads, the Peng Challenge Thread is not an Entitlement. You must actually contribute to belong.

Anyone can evacuate their bowels. Anyone can make reference to evacuating their bowels. Anyone can go to great and rather disturbing lengths to make everyone else massively aware that bowels can be evacuated. This is not wit.

There you have it, in a nutshell. ****e is not, perforce, necessarily humour. For all newcomers, and also for our regulars, please keep in mind that "The Cesspool" is a bloody metaphor. This means that Cess, in its pure, undiluted essence shall be found here. That it shall, if you Challenge the Walls of Schloss Peng, be rained down upon your immigrant heads. But it does not fecking mean that we want to stand neck deep in your endless descriptions of your mucous, phlegm, urine, fecal matter, and other less savoury and unnatural excreta.

Cess you gang of miscreants, is not just the effluent that drips from your rather feculent minds (and in some cases, bodies). Cess is the very stuff of abuse, the purest form of insult. All too many of you are merely wiping your nose on your sleeve and then holding it out for us to examine (mind you, I'm being kind in this analogy. What most of you are doing does not bear witness, and one normally latches the stall door on your activties).

ROIGHT, THEN! Meeks is back, and those who suppose he wasn't eaten by White Bears are wrong. It's just that, as I always knew, the bastard is simply indigestible. He passed through unharmed, and, unfortunately, unimproved. It may take him some days to get his bearings. Meeks, 'jd' is Morse, the Attorney. Now, without having read all the recent posts, I've decided to make my presence known again, as I was both heartened, and in despair, over the recent series of posts. The French seem to be back, which I heartily approve, Meeks is returned to us unchanged after having passed through a Polar Bear's rectum, Emma posts once again, and brings light into this dark place, Lorak is quite mad and driven by delusions of grandeur, Hiram has progressed from Lower School niceness to Middle School name-calling, Peng is in Recovery, Kitty has returned to tempt, allure, and cause Mace to massively snivel and suck-up, as well as bringing us the Very Nice "MASK OF SHAME", several New Chums have all but embarassed themselves posting useless drivel, but undoubtedly will shortly figure out 'the way that they should go', Mark IV continues to post some of our nicer invective, Berli continues to be charmingly evil, and Croda does, in fact, count. Sometimes up to 10, and even with a rare leap, up to 20, but never up to 21 without undoing his fly. Still, he's one of us. For we are all, all, honourable men. Except f


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

To quote Sam Gamgee: "Oh great glory and splendour! And all my wishes have come true! And then he wept."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What are you, stupid? Do you think that sam Gamgee was that idiot from Rainman? What else did he say? Maybe classics like, "Hello Mister Frodo. Sam then walked to the corner." Or "Take that you vile thing. With that Sam swung at Gollum." Eh? Christ frickin' Jesus. You don't post for something like ten days and that's the quality we get? Subliterate frickin' moron. I'm ashamed I asked about you earlier.

NOW HERE THIS! Any stupid son of a bitch what posts here with some, "Hey look at me, I'm cuuute and posting in the Cesspool." Will be rectally examined on live TV during the pilot episode of CBS's new reality show, "Flagpole Up Your Ass Island."


The Thin Red Line doesn't deserve to lick the sweat from my balls let alone demand the cash I would lay down for the DVD version. Seesh. The movie was lame-o! With a capital Hiram.


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man deja deja...more to follow. Okay, the room has stopped spinning. Meeks in charge. Why the hell not. A little responsibilty may make the man. Well prob not. But it is now on his watch.

I have noticed that with a fresh start a number of drive bys stop in. Well get the feck out. Start your own mutha beautiful theread. Maybe I'll be lucky and that feckless bump on the arse of a victim of Mace's predations Chuckles will not find his way here. I should be so blessed. Oh well, whipping the Olivers as they ask for more, to break then into the mysteries of the pool seems to be my lot. However, if he doesn't make a presence here, it'll be expunged from pool conciousness


If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiramy

[This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

What are you, stupid?

You don't post for something like ten days and that's the quality we get? Subliterate frickin' moron. I'm ashamed I asked about you earlier.


Elijah, old sod. I am so very happy to see you too, don't you know. But you did ask about me earlier, Meeks old chum, and I've often thought about you. I'm going to give you a gift, Meeks. I'm going to ask Hiram to be a sort of 'Greek chorus' to your madness. You see, Meeks, my mad friend, I've been contemplating the human soul. I've thought about yours, as well. And I realize that nothing is as charmingly ridiculous as humanity. I believe, for example, that you were actually in the arctic. Most would argue that you got 'sent up' for either Assault, or repeat Madness Without a License. But I know better. You see, Meeks, I have faith in you. Now, what about a rematch, you posturing swine?


Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties,

Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices!

But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Berli,

All these tigers which, without pity, Bauhaus the centre of their mother!

We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more,

We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues

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Another place, same old faces, and the same old vagrants rushing in to claim the nearest bed before they're taken!


This nomadic lifestyle of ours can sure be disruptive!

Oh well, may as well make it home for the next 1000 posts of so...err, has any one seen where I packed my sheep costume?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks:

NOW HERE THIS! Any stupid son of a bitch what posts here with some, "Hey look at me, I'm cuuute and posting in the Cesspool." Will be rectally examined on live TV during the pilot episode of CBS's new reality show, "Flagpole Up Your Ass Island."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wellll, hel-loo sailor!

Need to up our Ritalin dose, do we? Is that the best you can come up with to keep the peasantry out? Well viva l'revolution baby! Maybe you should just post one of those "No Smoking / Non Fumar" signs and cross yr fingers, because I just lit up a big, fat, stinking San Cristobal and am waving it around the place! Time to call the maitre-d' and ask to be seated at another table, because I intend to finish my stogie and move on to a nice snifter of Gautier Cheval!

It'll be a cold day in Northern Saskatchewan (er, um - yah!), before I cower at your BSE-induced ravings, Meek!

I understand now why that ursine predator was unable to digest you --- with all that excess bile you exude, you prolly flew out his arse like a well-lubed gerbil at a MBLA convention!

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So Madmatt spilled beer over the server again, eh? You'd think Steve would have house trained him by now. Okay, who's sponsoring this episode of the Peng Thread? jd associates? Marlow's Salvage and Wrecking Service? Oh look, it's Meeks Polar (Bear) Exploration. Okay fellows, here are your t-shirts, make sure you don't cross your arms over the logo.


1) My troops ran out of the building as it was being damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry!

2) Hey! My troops stayed in the building as it got damaged and got slaughtered! I'm angry!

– Mr. Clark

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back at work, nothing to do.. since its a friday and I kinda got jet lag.. so I understand half of the stuff thats being said to me.

to all the poolers, I AM BACK... Merry Germness! and heres a round of toilet paper samples!

a new 1.1 version is out.. wow.. and my goodness peng is still throwing up chunks... ha!

to my least favorate poolers, Meeks, Mace, Stuka, PawBroon... I flick a booger at you all.

now back to sleeping at my computer.

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Guest Germanboy

I'd rather hang dead over a fence than post in a thread started by Meeks. I'll be back when this one is locked up - maybe. Who cares.



Der Kessel

Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

to my least favorate poolers, Meeks, Mace, Stuka, PawBroon... I flick a booger at you all.


Hey Stensch, welcome back.

Good to see your social grooming and interpersonal skills haven't decreased one iota since your trip to the home country. Could it be because you dont have any?

Also good to see that you always managed to keep one step ahead of the Mounties and their Horses....but you better hope that someone in the Canadian Government doesn't realise that there's an extradition treaty between Germany and Canada.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>but you better hope that someone in the Canadian Government doesn't realise that there's an extradition treaty between Germany and Canada.



ya and lucky for you BTS has not booted you out from the threads.. damn.. and all those letters I wrote to Steve to get you banned... the bugger. His typical response is..

"we are hard working on the new CM and updates, I'm sorry greg. As much as we are frustrated by the git "mace" we are very busy; but rest assured we will ban him when we are finished the new 1.2 beta patch and try to get the authorities in Australia to arrest him or a public flogging"

I guess I have to deal with this.. but getting a video of that flogging will be nice.

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 01-12-2001).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

As much as we are frustrated by the git "mace" we are very busy; but rest assured we will ban him when we are finished the new 1.2 beta patch and try to get the athorities in Austraila to arrest him or a public flogging"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The public flogging sounds right up my alley.

Mensch, you shouldn't have! *wipes tear from eye*


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

The public flogging sounds right up my alley.

Mensch, you shouldn't have! *wipes tear from eye*



did I say Public.. oh I'm sorry that was a typo... PUBIC I mean... I hear they use a old stick with a rusty nail for those.

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