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Scenario "Saving private Ryan" available ??

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Thanks for the replies guys !

The "Radar station" scene is not easy to simulate i think, because we cant give orders to seperate man and the halfsquad will run as a group , making a better target for the machinegun right?

How can a halfsquad win in such a case ?

I am at the moment busy with the "Augen Zu" scenario.

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SPR was just a freaken movie!!

Any average player, playing as the Germans should have no problem finishing off the Allies in quick time considering what they had in the movie.

Don't forget SPR was done for Hollywood!! Its bull****. With those Tigers and infantry support the Allies are no match!!

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Originally posted by IDF:

Any average player, playing as the Germans should have no problem finishing off the Allies in quick time considering what they had in the movie.

My impression of the version I played (Ramelle, by Wild Bill Wilder) was that it was intended as a 1 player (Amis) against the heavily armed AI. It's certainly winnable as the Ami's against the AI, and the AI germans aren't as tactically stupid as the movie ones.


"If you can taste the difference between caviar on a cracker and ketchup on a Kit-Kat while blindfolded, you have not had enough aquavit to be ready for lutefisk." (stolen from some web page about lutefisk)

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IDF, sure its a Hollywood Movie, but it give a very nice squad level view of how it could have been in WW II.

Indeed, when there is a movie of WW II,there are ALWAYS tigertanks :)

I think the German tanks would have wait before the town in real life, tanks were to rare to risk in a town fight right ?

The 20 mm gun proved my idea that a Whirlwind is VERY lethal for infantery.

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Guest Napoleon1944

As a follow-up to my Kelly's heroes Operation, I will be doing a SPR OP next starting on the beach.


The only enemy I fear is nature.


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The SPR scenario I did in the Combat Mission format has been well received and downloaded about 3,000 times from various sites.

I have received hundreds of personal e-mails and seen quite a few here on the forum saying how much people enjoyed it.

Yes, it is to be played from the US side and yes, it is only a movie. The scenario is nothing more than a piece of entertainment.

It was never intended to be on the level of Bridgehead at Benicourt or some of the other more than 40 scenarios and operations I have done in the game.

I'm sorry you feel it "isn't very good," Michael, but of course you are entitled to that opinion. And I am not contemplating suicide because you don't like it biggrin.gif

Of course I would be very interested in seeing your version and how you have portrayed the battle.

Thanks for the comments.

Wild Bill

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Originally posted by Wild Bill Wilder:

The SPR scenario I did in the Combat Mission format has been well received and downloaded about 3,000 times from various sites.

I have received hundreds of personal e-mails and seen quite a few here on the forum saying how much people enjoyed it.

Yes, it is to be played from the US side and yes, it is only a movie. The scenario is nothing more than a piece of entertainment.

It was never intended to be on the level of Bridgehead at Benicourt or some of the other more than 40 scenarios and operations I have done in the game.

I'm sorry you feel it "isn't very good," Michael, but of course you are entitled to that opinion. And I am not contemplating suicide because you don't like it biggrin.gif

Of course I would be very interested in seeing your version and how you have portrayed the battle.

Thanks for the comments.

Wild Bill

Hey, Bill. If you email me at madorosh@home.com I will send you a copy and we can exchange notes. I had some good sketches of the set and references for the map, which is the main difference between the two versions. My own version is far from perfect but I thought I came a little closer in matching the terrain and forces involved than yours - truth be told the situation we are modelling is very lopsided in favour of the Germans and your order of battle provides a more even matchup than mine - which provides for a more entertaining game. IIRC, your forces were Heer rather than SS, as well, which I found interesting.

Anyway, I didn't mean to dismiss you out of hand - you obviously spent a bit of time designing it and truth be told I found it enjoyable to play. I thought about editing my (mildly inappropriate) offhand comment out later but thought perhaps at worst it might draw you out - which I'm glad it did. I'd be interested in discussing the choices you made in designing your scenario; scenario design can be a passing hobby or an art depending on how seriously you look at it. I would agree with you that Ramelle falls on the "fun" side of the spectrum and so am pretty sure no one will get too worked up - or suicidal - about how "accurate" or "inaccurate" a particular recreation of that scenario is.

Thanks for taking it in stride, I do apologize for the clumsiness of my post. As one who is quick to demand class on the part of others, I can see where I failed myself in this instance. I am glad to see that you did not.

I look forward to comparing notes.



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Originally posted by IDF:

SPR was just a freaken movie!!

Any average player, playing as the Germans should have no problem finishing off the Allies in quick time considering what they had in the movie.

Don't forget SPR was done for Hollywood!! Its bull****. With those Tigers and infantry support the Allies are no match!!

And knowing it is a movie shouldn't get you worked up so much...

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The note was fine, Michael and no apology was needed. I enjoy viewing the work of others and always learn from it.

And I still have a lot to learn biggrin.gif

I will drop you an e-mail at once because I would be delighted to look over your scenario. I am sure it is a fine piece of work.

When I was leading the Scenario Design Team for CMBO we ended up with three different representations of Wittman's encounters at Villers Bocage. All of them were very good and rather challenging. It was interesting to see how the scenario designers approached the battle.

I'm sure the same is true here. That was a very gentlemanly reply and I certainly appreciate it.

Note on the way...WB

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Well I just finished Wild Bill's version, played as PBEM Game, I was Axis and I did win but it took a while (maybe 10 turns), now we are playing Michael's version, I am the Americans and I am getting my ass kicked, turn 4 or 5 and I am down to 3 men in the HQ unit and everone else dead, this is one hard scenario against a person, I hope reinforcements come soon. I would say Bill's is probably better for PBEM and Michaels is better for 1 player.

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Guest SS Peiper

To Michael and Wild Bill I just want to say that I think you guys have class. Michael stumble on the comment about Wild Bill SPR scenario, Wild Bill came back with a very class note and Michael answered with an apology that was just as classy.

Nice to see adults talk and not just act like ass. My hat is off to both of you.

SS Peiper

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Peiper - thanks for the compliments.

Tom - I agree completely. Wild Bill's scenario is much better suited to face to face play and is much more balanced.

I tried to stick to the movie's situation as much as possible (though I didn't have molotov cocktails, a kettenkrad, a BAR, a broken 60 mm mortar, Hawkins mines that can be used as anti-personnel devices, or the ability to blow up the bridge, nor did I have the ability to go into the steeple). Since that was my intent, and the situation in the movie was practically unwinnable for the Americans (which is why Spielberg had the SS run down the middle of the street and get killed by the phony Hawkins-cum-claymore mines), the scenario is also pretty tough for a CM player. I designed it mostly as a lark to give a player the chance to try out the scenario properly as the Germans. As you are finding out, when the Germans are properly handled (ie not running willy nilly down main street) they are more than a match for a handful of paras, especially when backed up by decent armour. Basically I was pretty disgusted by the movie's portrayal of the Germans as incompetent morons and thought I could give them their proper due!

I never thought anyone would dare try it head to head. I suspect the replayability factor is low, but if one of you wants to take me on after you've finished, I'm game.

In any event, I hope you'll post a couple of screen shots and perhaps an AAR; it would no doubt be fun reading. I'd love to know how the German player attacked the situation. Actually, if you wanted to do a scenario replay, with screenshots of the different turns, it might be something fun to put up on my website.



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Welll my HQ unit is running for it's life towards the woods in the back corner of the map, when does the calvery arrive? I am praying for a little air power. One problem I had was the MG crews were only 2 men I think? It didn't take long for 1 man to be killed and the gun immobilized, after that they were dead meat. I did manage to kill the Hetzer in the first turn and immobilize a Tiger in the second. I will see how many of the files I saved and let you know.


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Well, it seems that the MMG crews in SPR were two men only - Mellish and Henderson on one (with Upham acting as ammo runner) and Parker up in the tower (who I think was alone on the gun, with Jackson being busy sniping).

Kind of shows you how silly the Ramelle battle in the movie was, doesn't it?



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Thank you, SS Pieper!

It was kind of you to say that.

This has been a nice experience for me. Michael and I have communicated personally and I have found another new friend in the wargaming community. I'm greatful for that. He is a true gentleman.

Let me encourage all of you to download and try Michael's masterpiece. He is a good designer and has a very fresh approach to the battle.

If you enjoyed the movie SPR, or just like a small quick play battle, with a slightly different twist, it is worth your while.

You'll find a download link in the first letter at the top of this topic. Good job, Michael!

Wild Bill

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Thanks, Tom. I have no other scenarios to offer you for the time being - I do have a monster operation. I've put them both on my website - the page for the SPR scenario (and the other operation) is


Priest, you emailed me looking for a copy of the SPR scenario - but the emails I sent to you bounced back. You can download it from CMHQ Scenario Depot (it seems to be working great now, and consistently, too), or from my site above.

Thanks to all who have emailed me and/or tried the scenario out. Thanks for the compliment, also, Wild Bill. I've made mention of your scenario on my site - if you have a more specific URL for your scenario I'll be happy to include it, just let me know.

EDIT - oh, I've also included the sketch of the set that I based my map on; it might be of interest to other scenario designers or those wondering what the heck it was I was thinking of!



[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 01-31-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 02-27-2001).]

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