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Pearl Harbor - Upcoming Movie

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Okay, who else has seen the previews for this EXCELLENT looking movie?

I particularly liked:

1.) The sight of Zeros zooming less than 30 feet off the ground on their way to hit Pearl Harbor... Man, they gives me the chills...

2.) The voiceover of the FDR's famous "...that shall live in INFAMY" speech. God, THAT was intense to listen to...

Basically, this looks to be a great movie that I will see again and again...

And when I say great, I mean SPR-type of great. Oh yeah. smile.gif

(Movie preview reminded me of the lessons we forget every generation: 1.) That war is horrible 2.) But that some things ARE WORTH fighting, DYING, and KILLING for...)

I welcome all comments. Mods, this may be OT, but you have to admit it's not too far off-base, yes?


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Originally posted by I/O Error:

(Movie preview reminded me of the lessons we forget every generation: 1.) That war is horrible 2.) But that some things ARE WORTH fighting, DYING, and KILLING for...)

Yeah! Like Kate Beckinsale!


[This message has been edited by Compassion (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Well, if that photo is from the movie, I'll pass, thanks. That's a Charles F. Adams-class DDG in the foreground with what looks like a row of modern LST bow ramps sticking up in the background. Looks to me like they just went up to Puget's mothballed fleet storage area to film the harbor scenes and made no attempt at all to make the ships look anything like WW2. At least SPR had some pretty believable-looking Tigers.

Strange. You'd think it would have been worth their while to make a computer-generated harbor scene with representations of the actual ships in it. Then they could really have blown them up.



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Darn, they don't have the long and even-more-uber-cool version of the preview that I saw in the movie theater during "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

They had an AMAZING shot of the fatal blow the USS Arizona took. Now THAT was an incredible work of CG. Following the bomb all the way down from drop-off to impact... *shudder*

Note: I don't know why, but I swear I get chills every time I hear that speech from FDR. Call me crazy.

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Originally posted by I/O Error:

Sorry friend, I don't recognize the name/reference.

It's the girl in the movie... Who gets about as much coverage as the battle from what the trailer shows.

The pic was taken by one of the pilots hired for the shoot. Nice lighting, I liked it, so there it is.

My first love was WWII air power. Here's another... a little less a-historic.


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Well, don't believe everything you hear, but I hope this quote from the message board at www.cinemenium.com/pearlharbor contains some truth. I believe he (Nick) is the moderator for the forum there.

"Hey everyone,

I've read email after email from people who are concerned with the way the ships have appeared in the trailer. IT is my duty to report that I just spoke to someone from inside _____ that the ships WILL be fixed and authentically reproduced for the film. SO, lets not all worry! Accuracy is still the winner!"

Anyway, I'm sure many of you will scoff, and even if the message is true that you'll find all kinds of faults anyway(hey, it's Hollywood).

But, for what it's worth, there it is. smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Richlop (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Guest Mr. Johnson-<THC>-

Ok no one go crazy on me, but I don't want to see it. Cuba gooding Jr. is going to try and be Rambo for a day, the Japanese bomb Pearl, then we bomb them. Boring. Only thing good I can say about is its gonna look cool. Its been done. Go get Tora Tora Tora on DVD.

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Originally posted by von Lucke:

Yah, why sit through 2 hrs of hackneyed love-triangle Hollywood tripe just to catch the last 20 minutes of CGI destruction (can you say Titanic?).

From what I read, the attack's in the second act... Still, you are probably right about the ratio of war stuff to love triangle stuff..

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Originally posted by Bullethead:

Well, if that photo is from the movie, I'll pass, thanks. That's a Charles F. Adams-class DDG in the foreground with what looks like a row of modern LST bow ramps sticking up in the background. Looks to me like they just went up to Puget's mothballed fleet storage area to film the harbor scenes and made no attempt at all to make the ships look anything like WW2. At least SPR had some pretty believable-looking Tigers.

Strange. You'd think it would have been worth their while to make a computer-generated harbor scene with representations of the actual ships in it. Then they could really have blown them up.

That's exactly what they did/will do - just not in time for the trailer.

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i heard that there will also be the doolittle bomb run in there as well...

as this is a bruckheimer flick hopefully there will be an action/chase scene in/through a kitchen a la crimson tide[fire in the galley!], enemy of the state[mexican standoff], and the rock[err...chase, chase, chase]. (just kidding.)



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Sorry guys, Pearl Harbor is a love story first. Some guys like girls, so I don't mind that aspect of it.

There will be historical stuff from the Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor, and the Doolittle Raid - but the story will be about the characters first and foremost. That doesn't invalidate it as a film in my books; I'm looking forward to it.

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I was over in Enlgand last autumn and went to Duxford Air Museum. They were shooting some scenes somewhere in the South of england and the planes for the European part were kept there. I spoke to a mechanic who showed me a Messerschmidt 109 (Buchon) that they were using. It had been shipped over from the states, assembeled for a couple of shots, then was to be disassembeled and sent back. Guy told my that he would NEVER fly that thing because of its condition. Reckoned that the pilot had to be a complete nutcase (or just getting a lot of money for the job smile.gif )

By the way. That 109 was one of the stars in Battle of Britain (the movie).


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[This message has been edited by bebbetufs (edited 01-26-2001).]

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Originally posted by CavScout:

Those were American flags on those ships....

Yeah, I heard that British filmmakers where originally going to make it British Ships being attacked. But then they decided that it was a bad idea cause a British audience would remember know how Hawaii as stolen from it's inhabitants and the irony would work against them.


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Originally posted by Tankgirl:

Yeah, I heard that British filmmakers where originally going to make it British Ships being attacked. But then they decided that it was a bad idea cause a British audience would remember know how Hawaii as stolen from it's inhabitants and the irony would work against them.

True irony is the British being worried about people thinking of land "stolen" from someone...

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Tankgirl, you are a very very bad girl!!!

Pearl Harbor was a day of valor! Think of all the heroic Japanese pilots risking (and given) their lives when executing a perfect planed attack!!!


Keine Gefangenen!


[This message has been edited by Scipio (edited 01-26-2001).]

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I was stationed in Hawaii while the filming went on - for about a month we had about 15 P-40's, B-25's, Kates, and Val's "strafing" Pearl and Wheeler airfield (where I worked). Many soldiers and sailors were extras in the movie. They used the USS Missouri and naval reserve ships for the scenes pictured and from my understanding will be "Modified" by CGI to resemble the older BB's. Every so often you would hear machine guns and see smoke and fire from Pearl - very eerie.

Very cool to be there when this was happening. (April 00) Ben Affleck even went through some training with the army while he was there to prep for his role, a friend of mine got to hang with him during the training - said Ben was a pretty good guy...

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