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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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I find the concept of referring to anyone hereabouts as “My Buddy” really distasteful. True, that inane doll was most suited for flammability testing and BB gun target practice, but do you really want to have to refer to CMPlayer as your buddy?

I am not certain, but I think that the original “My Buddy” song was a moving number about a friend killed in World War I. The getting killed in combat angle would make it very fitting for CMPlayer, but I think that Hasboro or Mattel has really ruined it.

“My Pet Monster” is also a bad idea.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lars:

Didn't take Gilligan long to prove me correct!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Laugh all you want, Lasse, but I finally

broke 100 at bowling today, so nothing is

gonna bring me down off my cloud.

Now, here's a wager. If you can beat me

at a plain old vanilla ME, random time,

weather and troop quality, at around,

say 700-1000 points, pbem or tcp....

...as I said, if you win I will change

my name to gilligan, for the duration of

my life on this board! If however, as

is much more likely, I whup you upside

yo elongated nordic cranium, you will

go by the name of 'LASSIE' for as many

days as the difference in our scores.

Comprende pardner? Du FšrstŒr, kompis?

SŒ...hit med pengarna svennis! I call

yo sad sack a** down!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>SimPlayer predictably replied: I'll bet you're just like Joe Shaw: talk

the tough talk, but when it comes to

proving it in a game you squawk the chicken squawk, BWAWK bwakbwakbwak BWAAAAWK!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh come now, are we in the tenth grade? Chicken? Apparently I have to remind you of three salient facts: (the following is for Mace despite the fact that I find it objectionable)

(iii) KNIGHTS of the CessPool, and especially Seniour Knights, don't play SSNs except under very special circumstances ... since I've seen no actual cash from you ...

(14.567/3.1416) The rules specifically stated that you, as a disgusting SSN, should challenge yet another SSN rather than just jump right into the fire of playing a Seniour Knight such as myself.

(XLVII) WINNING MEANS NOTHING ... it's the taunting that accompanies the game that's of value ... and so far my lad ... you're losing badly.

And this after I've taken the initiative and tried to help you with your pathetic handle. Just look at the interest it's received. Why that's more notice than you'd have received in months otherwise. Sheeesh, SSNs these days. I note that Lorak has not yet acted on my proposal that young Jar O' P*ss be made a Serf but then it IS Lorak we're talking about.

Speaking of clowns ... (nice segway huh?) ... has anyone had any Goanna sightings in the past week or so? I sent him my last disastrous (for him) turn on the 8th but apparently it so disheartened him that he's not replied.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

(14.567/3.1416) The rules specifically stated that you, as a disgusting SSN, should challenge yet another SSN rather than just jump right into the fire of playing a Seniour Knight such as myself.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Fair enough, thx for the expl. I respect

rules. Fact is I have little or no idea who

is what around here. So yer a knight huh?

Well hats off then...and a courtsey bow or

whatever. So who else am I NOT allowed to

challenge?..just to avoid the embarrassment

of making that mistake again...Is that

Lars guys a knight? If so, I SO HUMBLY

retract my challenge, if that's still

possible at this late stage. And who's

the grand wazoo?

(XLVII) WINNING MEANS NOTHING ... it's the taunting that accompanies the game that's of value ... and so far my lad ... you're losing badly.

How can I taunt _accompanying a game_ if

the only cess game I got is with snacho who

sends turns about once every blue moon?

Wait! I got a game with Stixx...he's an

Aussie, and he's an SSN I believe, and

he is really good about sending back

turns. Thing is, he seems an alright bloke

and I wouldn't want to put him down....

erggh...that's not the right attitude

to have around here is it...

So to be accepted I gotta say nasty things

about STixx? the only guy who was ever

nice to me?????

Sheeesh, SSNs these days.

welll thx for trying,. I know I'm hopeless,

may your arty always fall true and your

snipers make the TCs cry 'mein bein!' I

guess I'll go take a bath with the hair

dryer now.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Buzzsaw:

The getting killed in combat angle would make it very fitting for CMPlayer,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Thems fightin' words, Fuzzpaw. I hear

a lot of boasting around here but not

much delivery of the goods.


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OK CMPlayer, since my current victim has gone back to lurking, I need someone to dis in a battle. And since we're both noobs here (me and you can dispense with the SS part of this quaint little practice), and since neither of us has any past history of being nice to anybody, we can act as if we were big and mean like some of these pansies who call themselves knights.

My CM plate is real full right now, but I'm fixin to finish a few tournament games, so I'll be ready to kick your ass back to Sydney (presuming you're from down under that is, or even if you're not). What say you?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Juardis:

OH, and cmplayer, none of this random pick crap. I want to be gamey and it's hard to be gamey if the computer picks.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You can pick your toys, I just meant

the computer chooses:

weather, time of day, quality of troops

what say you?


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Originally posted by Gilligan:

Laugh all you want, Lasse, but I finally broke 100 at bowling today, so nothing is gonna bring me down off my cloud. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You broke 100 at bowling? Gosh, you are good. Were you using the gutter bumpers too?

And are you calling me a girl or a border collie?


Now, here's a wager. If you can beat me at a plain old vanilla ME, random time, weather and troop quality, at around, say 700-1000 points, pbem or tcp.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmm, I’m tired of cutting toilet seats in two for half-a$$ed lackwits like yourself…


...as I said, if you win I wll change my name to gilligan, for the duration of my life on this board! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

…but this is intriguing.


If however, as is much more likely, I whup you upside yo elongated nordic cranium, you will go by the name of 'LASSIE' for as many days as the difference in our scores. Comprende pardner? Du FšrstŒr, kompis? SŒ...hit med pengarna svennis! I call yo sad sack a** down!



Ah, it’s the border collie then. Very well, Gilligan, I accept. However, it will not be some paltry ME, Oh No!, that just will not do. For such high stakes only a Operation would be acceptable.

And do try to sound off like you have something other than a pair of Swedish meatballs.

My Liege Shaw, could you consult with the Old Ones and direct me to a nice balanced Operation suitable for this Blood Hamster? Failing that, a balanced Rune or Berli scenario will suffice. I leave it in your capable hands, Sire.

P.S. Could you please, please, please start the next MBT before Sancho does?

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Actually, Lasse, it's just Lasse. That's

the normal Sw. nickname for 'Lars'. 'Lars'

in Sw. is about as cool of a name as

being called 'Hubert' is in the USA, so I

was trying to revamp your image to the


Forget an operation dreamed up and tweaked

by your cronies to humiliate noobs! I'm

already undergoing that sort of treatment at

the hands of Snacho Panza.

If you want to up the stakes, make it

a best 3/5, 1000 pt 20-turn meeting

engages. You pick your gamey toys, but the

comp picks weather and time of day. You

can be whatever nationality suits you.

Is this a reasonable compromise?


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First of all, Little Buddy I just want to say that my computer has decided to screw off for a bit, hence no graphics card = no turns. Rest assured that when I get my baby back, we will aim all our resources at a quick and painful demise for you.

As for the next thread which is fast approaching, though I would not be so brazen as to start another MBT, might I suggest a title?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Was that a PENG CHALLENGE in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

See ya on Monday! I'm outta here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gilligan:

Actually, Lasse, it's just Lasse. That's

the normal Sw. nickname for 'Lars'. 'Lars'

in Sw. is about as cool of a name as

being called 'Hubert' is in the USA, so I

was trying to revamp your image to the


And I'm Danish so why would I give a raggedy rats rear end about a Swede nickname?

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>forget an operation dreamed up and tweaked

by your cronies to humiliate noobs! I'm

already undergoing that sort of treatment at

the hands of Snacho Panza.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you could possibly learn to read before replying you would have noticed the "balanced" part, idjit!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>If you want to up the stakes, make it

a best 3/5, 1000 pt 20-turn meeting

engages. You pick your gamey toys, but the

comp picks weather and time of day. You

can be whatever nationality suits you.

Is this a reasonable compromise?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So sorry, but SSN scum such as yourself do not set the rules. You'll live or die with what you get.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Lars ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>My Liege Shaw, could you consult with the Old Ones and direct me to a nice balanced Operation suitable for this Blood Hamster? Failing that, a balanced Rune or Berli scenario will suffice. I leave it in your capable hands, Sire.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I trust that you mean a SCENARIO and not an operation, I can't imagine a squire of mine having the time to mess around with an SSN for an entire operation.

In the meantime, perhaps Berli could take time off from crowing about the victories HE'S BEEN GIVEN in our Peng created abortion and suggest a balanced match for you and what's his name.


edited to add the following: I don't give a rip WHAT you play, but if Berli can forward something that would be a GOOD thing. And I absolutely forbid you to play more than one game with this SimPlayer thing.

[ 08-17-2001: Message edited by: Joe Shaw ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

edited to add the following: I don't give a rip WHAT you play, but if Berli can forward something that would be a GOOD thing. And I absolutely forbid you to play more than one game with this SimPlayer thing.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

{meekly} Yes, Sire, as you command.

And oh, Sire? You forgot the Boot.

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> You'll live or die with what you get.

Very well then, my Danish nemesis, my

mailbox is open. And may I put in a

word of thanks to your Master Joe Shaw

for allowing you this singular duel, and

especially to whomever has put together the

scenario where we are to join battle.

hat off and deep bow,

but sabre ready,


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>{meekly} Yes, Sire, as you command.

And oh, Sire? You forgot the Boot.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Quite right lad, quite right, please forgive me on several levels. Real Life intruded for a moment and I forgot myself.


Becuase you see, lad, I have no right to tell you or anyone who or how often they should play.


I mean that goes against my entire philosophy and I must beg your forgiveness.


Also you are quite correct in pointing out that I did forget the boot, again that was my failing and you have done well to remind me of it.


May I also commend you for your course of study to date and your record of 4 games played. Why in no time at all you'll be a full fledged Knight of the CessPool.


Well done lad. You've made an old Knight very proud.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen:


You, sir, are a rat bastard. I will loath your very existance from now until the end of all existance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, no, no, he is a SLOW rat bastard. He gave a good title several minutes ago, but apparently whomever he got to type for him has taken a smoking break.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

No, no, no, he is a SLOW rat bastard. He gave a good title several minutes ago, but apparently whomever he got to type for him has taken a smoking break.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

He is slim of the lowest sort. I can not accept him breathing in the same world. I will not rest until his putrid body is feeding the worms!

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