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It Was the Best of PENG CHALLENGES, It Was the Worst of PENG CHALLENGES

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:


Are you 4.2 or 4.5?


Hmmmmm now you got me........

I would say a combination of both, which by my calculations and because of the fact I like nice round figures I am at least 8.....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Ahhh you mean like.....

All Guys are male, but not all Guys are MEN?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Pretty much. To me, chicks are the kind of females that make me glad I'm male, and sometimes even make me glad I'm a man.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>dalem wrote:

chicks are the kind of females that make me glad I'm male<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's a bit of an ambiguous comment...

And MrSpnky, take a lesson from me, and if an Outer Boarder says something incredibly stupid, don't flame them directly, do it behind their backs like me. These people are dangerous and should be left to their own bizarre devices.

That said, Colonel_Braindead is responsible for a one-man reign of ignorance which has terrorised this board for too long.

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Okay, required appearance in thread to keep my 'pool stayus, such as it is....

Number of you may owe or I owe files to...although by my records I am current....so if you are missing a file let me know.

Sancho As much as it pains me to say this, I am afraid we have unfinished business. Send me your proposed particulars, which I shall of course reject out of hand and we shall resume our discussion on stakes through your heart.

Elvis see above

Jake Have fun, don't come back.

Emma, you tease

JoephSmithShaw keep your filthy Tiger paws off me.

Seanachai did I hear draw?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

Roight, then.

And as for the 'Knights', I want an essay, 25 words or more, on "How The Peng Challenge Thread Has Redeemed My Otherwise Useless Existence".


See Seniletea crouching in the tree line. Silly git thinks I don't see him. "Ready on the right!" "Ready on the left!" "Commence firing ... bring all guns to bear on the git." Status: eliminated. Ah, I feel much better now.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

And MrSpnky, take a lesson from me, and if an Outer Boarder says something incredibly stupid, don't flame them directly, do it behind their backs like me. These people are dangerous and should be left to their own bizarre devices.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I had the shot -- there was no danger -- I was only on the Outer Boards for a few seconds -- so I took it.

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I have questions about life that need to be answered!

Does a bear ****e in the woods?

When it says "objects in the mirror are closer than they appear" is the distance between said object and myself less than what my ocular connection with my feeble brain tells me it is?

Since nothing is sure but death and taxes, do I have to die?

If my brain is the size of a peanut, and no one is around to measure it, am I really as stupid as others think I am?

Okay, okay, this is too easy. I almost feel guilty. Had this come from one who hasn't blathered on endlessly, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, ad subliminal, ad agency, ad lobotomy, I wouldn't feel the need to be such a condescending git.


With all that said, the 75mm question and the VT question aren't outside the realm of coherence.


I must leave now, because I find the role of patronizing arsehole a bit of a stretch, and definitely uncomfortable.


If a fool and his money are soon parted, why is my wallet still full?

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Why, Mr.Morse, I was under the impression that my brutal spanking of your forces -- in the manner of TOTAL VICTORY as a defneder against the assault, for anyone who missed that epic triumph -- I was under the impression you had had enough. Ah, I guess it is true that lawyers, like vampires, cannot be slain by ordinary methods.

Perhaps we should turn the tables, and you can defend with your choice Jerries and I will bumble over the hills with my best pasty-faced gits? Send a set-up mon ami!

In other news, I am now on turn two of a Berli mini-battle, or battelle, as I like to call it. I have a sniper, and Dalem seems to have a jeep. A bullet through the radiator, so what do we do for the NEXT 9 rounds? Who knows!

I have set up my meagre forces in another DvA with CMplayer. I hope his name has meaning. Anyway, I will continue to call him My Buddy until he proves he actually CAN play the game. My Buddy, this is one area where you might be best served in NOT taking instruction from Seanachai.

Geier! I am looking for you!

Oh, and finally, Mrspkr have you always been an 11 year old girl or is this something new? Why don't you just stick it out in the Polite PBEM gathering circle of jerks, eh? (notice the polite side-stepping of crudity, while at the same time injecting a bit of insult to him and his minions?)

Finally, I seem to be playing Sir Seanachai but who can tell?

I am also sweeping up (now on turn 15 or something) after a furious 2 turn battle with Dame Achin'.

Am I playing anyone else. Ah yes, I have a double-feature going with the Aryan Aussie. I am dying a-lot, and I hope he is too. Its those damn un-limbered guns, I tell ya! Gamey, like venison, it is.

I asked him if he had transport for them guns and he said "Yep, two wheels and six sets of feet."


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Okay, this Sand Paper fellow seems to be Perco Lator with a wide-brimmed hat and maracas.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I am also sweeping up (now on turn 15 or something) after a furious 2 turn battle with Dame Achin'.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

PL informs me that he is sweeping up his own forces, and in an impressive display of German ingenuity (Vorsprung Durch Technik and all that), has used a 300mm ricket barrage to kill off his 150mm ricket FO's (four of them he says). I took seven infantry casualties. This was after he had assaulted my positions with another FO (at the same time as he maneuvred some light armour into my killzone and sat still for my PIATs' benefit). Leading with FOs, it's all the rage...

Edit: It's late and I missed the obvious comic potential of leading with FOs. Punchline: They're not supposed to be THAT far Forward Observers!! Boom boom.

[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: David Aitken ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Leeo:

If a fool and his money are soon parted, why is my wallet still full?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Take said contents of wallet, place contents in envelope and post to Mace

I'll soon have an answer for you!


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