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I wasnt expecting much - but Trotter actually RESPONDED!

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I didnt think editors wrote back to their fans all that much, and I sure wasnt expecting it to happen this time. The REAL surprise was that my suggestion of doing an article covering a battle in CMBO was "very appealing" !!!

Here is a copy of his e-mail:

"Your suggestion about a Combat Mission match is very appealing (except for

the fact that I've been so busy working on a 1500-page Civil War novel that I

haven't played a single CM scenario since, well...I can't remember. In any

case, I'd probably get my arse shot off unless I had time to work up to it)

In any case, I'll run the idea past the editors and see what happens. As long

as they don't stick me with that "World's Greatest Wargamer" label (as they

did when we ran that Steel Panthers feature). I was not informed of that in

advance and was absolutely furious..."

I guess the lot of us were wrong in jeering at him for that greatest wargamer label.

Right then, what do you think I should suggest to this poor, CM-deprived man that would put us high on the charts of a possible article?!? Suggestions are not ONLY welcome, they are downright required! Now get writing! wink.gif




"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Guest Michael emrys

Originally posted by The Commissar:

Right then, what do you think I should suggest to this poor, CM-deprived man that would put us high on the charts of a possible article?!? Suggestions are not ONLY welcome, they are downright required! Now get writing! wink.gif

Well, Commi, you could play a hotseat game against yourself, writing a play by play as you go along.


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Originally posted by The Commissar:

I didnt think editors wrote back to their fans all that much, and I sure wasnt expecting it to happen this time. The REAL surprise was that my suggestion of doing an article covering a battle in CMBO was "very appealing" !!!

This gibes with my experiences with Trotter. Among other communicatiosn, I emailed him when a promised game (SPWaW) that PC Gamer promised to put an issue was omitted. Apparently, the bright editors decided at the last minute to leave it out of the subscription magazines and only include it in the magazines for retail sale. Trotter contacted the magazine folks and I had a copy in my hand within a few days.

Of course, now I have a REAL internet connection, so that won't happen anymore! wink.gif


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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

I don't know who Trotter is, but if it's for mass market consumption I would suggest a historical scenario, or better yet Op. Since poor misguided non-grogs know nothing about WW2 except "Tigers are Kewl", VB would be a good choice.

William Trotter is a wargamer and history guy who writes for PC Gamer and other publications. I believe he is based in NC, but oculd be wrong. I do know that he operates more as a freelancer than as a game magazine staffer, and is pretty sympathetic to newcomers to the hobby.


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Okay, well I'd still go with the Villers Bocage Op. It has, to recommend it, a famous cool guy; famous cool tanks; some wild fighting; some interesting secondary equipment such as mortar half-tracks, 20mm half-tracks, scout cars &c; air power; and a good mix of terrain.


"Good for burn infantry. WERY cheap!"

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I concur with the demo idea - although it's more buggy than v1.12, it stands a better chance of sucking a reader in, because as Sten points out they can easily grab the demo off the net and replay the battle with whatever tactics are used in the article. I'd suggest playing Valley of Trouble, with him as the attacker, so that he can talk about all the choices he has to make. It's a nice small map, with easy-to-understand objectives and forces, but there are a couple of twists (e.g. pillboxes, reinforcements).

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Originally posted by FriendlyFire:

I concur with the demo idea - although it's more buggy than v1.12, ...

No need to use the Demo. The same battles are available in the full game.

I think VoT would make for a nice game, with all sorts of units and fortifications involved.



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Yes, the same scenarios are available in the full game.

But don't you think the instant gratification of first reading The Commisars article, and thinking "What an idiot! I would never have done THAT!" and then immediately download the demo and try out your own ideas, has a huge value?


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Sten, you do have a valuable point.

But using the demo (game engine v.1.02) to explain how the game (v.1.12) works, can be a bit misleading as well.

There needs to be some emphasis on the differences between the two, as well as some tactical decisions that has to be made due to limitations in the game (like not shelling the ATG pillbox with all heavy artillery available). And even if v.1.12 is used for the portrayed battle, nothing prevents any reader from downloading the demo and try it out for themselves...

The most apparent difference between the versions is how AFVs pick and trace targets, and IMO it's better to show the audience how the latest version works while pointing them to the demo.

(I've also suggested an updated demo, but that was dropped cold...)



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Originally posted by Forever Babra:

Since poor misguided non-grogs know nothing about WW2 except "Tigers are Kewl"

uh huh... they go "bang" too when they fire.. at least a non-grog can make the moves on a girl when things are going well.. and not think..

"well if I move my hand over her 45º Glacias here I may be able to penatrate that locking system on her Mark IIV bra strap.. then again if its the double DD model I may need to use both hands to release that boulderholderdouble action firing release pin" biggrin.gif

besides.. Tigers are cool... tongue.gif

tee hee..oops hey this is not the cess?... hello? senachoo?... little macie?... its awfuly fresh here.. ewww.. is that a potted flower over there?... i think some of the grime on me is washing off... yikes.. damn I dropped my dried frog pills.


www.derkessel.com Home of „Die Sturmgruppe“; Scenario Design Group for Combat Mission.

"So if it is a coy of flamethowers lighting up everything in sight like a Mongolian barbecue chef gone postal, and your opponent is OK with it, PLAY ON!"


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I guess the lot of us were wrong in jeering at him for that greatest wargamer label.

Not all of us jeered. As a rule, editors (and folks in the graphics dept.) are the ones responsible for what you see on the cover of a magazine, the table of contents page, and often article intros and headings. Of course, they often alter writers' text to an extent as well. Don't be too quick to blame writers for what may be totally out of their hands.


I pity the fool, thug, or soul who tries to take over the world, then goes cryin' home to his momma. --Mr. T

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Thank you all for your suggestions.

I must make a few clarifications, however. It seems to me that you guys think I will be playing the battle, and while this would be a great honour if this article is ever printed, it is also doubtful. The battle would more likely commence between Trotter and a fewllow editor, or between Trotter and the AI.

I have suggested Valley of Trouble for the very reasons you guys mentioned, and I really hope he gets the permission he needs. Thanks again for your responces - Ill keep you posted.




"...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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Originally posted by PeterNZer:

He's not reviewing the demo, he's reviewing the game, he should play on the full.


No, I think he is just playing a game for an article. He reviewed CMBO about six months ago. In fact, his review was the first time I heard about CMBO and is directly responsible for my decision to try the demo and subsequently buy the game.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrspkr2:

I emailed him when a promised game (SPWaW) that PC Gamer promised to put an issue was omitted......

Trotter contacted the magazine folks and I had a copy in my hand within a few days.

Of course, now I have a REAL internet connection, so that won't happen anymore! wink.gif



Had the same experience....he got me in touch with the right party to get the CD. I was fairly suprised he responded with a personel e-mail.

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