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I am trying to compile a list of military abbreviations that people use on this forum when posting. Reason being I don't know what the hell you trolls are talking about half the time and it's just not as interesting when you don't understand the conversation as you can well imagine so since I can't find it I'll make it. That's where you guys come in. If each of you would give an abbreviation or two and then in plain english spell it out - this is where I come in - I'll compile myself a list so I can at least understand what you are talking about. So what do you say? Now I know there are going to be some wise asses out there :rolleyes::D that will try some nonsense abbreviations but hopefully I'll catch them. Now in case I don't catch every one you only can blame yourself when I use them sometime in a post and would hope you would be ashamed of yourselves. Probably not but should be. How about it? This could be over time so you don't have to study up on it or anything just bump the topic when you remember or come up with one. Ok, now if you're willing does everybody understand what to do? Oh yeah - and thanks in advance. I hope this doens;t get locked for being in the wrong forum. I feel it belongs here.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I hope this doens;t get locked for being in the wrong forum. I feel it belongs here.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yeah? I'm betting you're wrong. In any case I'll help out ... SNAFU ... Situation Normal All F**ked Up. Perhaps this might work better if you'd list some that have you confused rather than asking for a list of ALL possible military abbreviations.

Oh ... Hi Dad!


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That is a much better idea Joe Shaw and since you think this belongs to the general forum you're probably right but I've seen topic's such as what's everybody's age and it didn't get locked up and it went on for days. But if it does it does but maybe it won't. But now that you brought that idea up let's can this one and I'll just make up a list that I don't know and ask it like that. That's a much better idea thanks. Ok everybody - never mind. :D I'll be back.

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This site explains a lot of abbreviations.

eg: HVAP

Hyper Velocity Armour Piercing. The USA name for an APCR projectile in World War II.

or: APCR

Armour Piercing Composite Rigid. An anti-tank projectile which has a high density solid core (the penetrator) of smaller calibre than the gun bore. The penetrator is carried by a full calibre sabot of light weight material. In an APCR projectile the sabot remains with the penetrator in flight after firing, unlike an APDS projectile in which the sabot is discarded. In the USA this type of projectile was called HVAP. More information about this and other ammunition types is in the Background Information section.

A nice site all around, actually.

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HD - hull down

AT - anti-tank

AP - either armor piercing or anti-personnel, depending on context

SPG - self-propelled gun

HT - halftrack

FO - forward observer

HVAP - hyper velocity armor piercing (dense tungsten core with a fixed light alloy sheath)

APDS - armor piercing discarding sabot (dense tungsten core with a light alloy sheath that drops away after the round leaves the barrel)

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AC - Armored Car

Arty - Artillery

HE - High Explosive

LOS - Line of Sight

MG - Machine Gun

LMG - Light Machine Gun

HMG - Heavy Machine Gun

AP - Armor Piercing (Also Anti-Personnel)

SPA - Self-Propelled Artillery

AFV - Armored Fighting Vehicle

AT - Anti-Tank

VT - Variable-Timed (I think)

HC - Hollow Core

HMC - Howitzer Motor Carriage

BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again

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And from the other side:

Pz -- Panzer (Tank)

PzG -- PanzerGrenadier (Armoured Infantry)

SdKfz -- Effectively, halftrack (actually, designation for all armoured vehicles, but tanks etc usually were called by their mark name)

FlaK -- Anti-aircraft (literally, flier defence cannon)

PaK -- Anti-tank (literally, tank defence cannon)

Schwerepunkt -- Attack point (literally, heavy point, where all the mass of the attacker goes)

Kessel -- Encirclement (literally cauldron/kettle)

Schlacht -- Battle, engagement (also combined with kessel for encirclement battle)

Stellung -- Position

JagdPz -- Hunting tank (a tank that hunts, typically a well armoured low-silhouette tank destroyer)

PzJager -- Tank hunter (typically a poorly armoured high-silhouette tank destroyer -- there is a key difference)

Jabo -- Fighterbomber (contraction of jagd bomber)

FaustPatrone -- literally fist cartridge, another name for the PzFaust

lMG -- surprise, surprise, light machine gun

sMG -- heavy machine gun (and the two aren't always the same weapon in German usage -- there were still Maxim 08s in the OOB of some stomach divisions as well as Vz26s)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Triumvir:

with editorial from yours truly

And from the other side:

Pz -- Panzer (Tank)Short version of PzKw -- Panzerkampfwagen

SdKfz -- Effectively, halftrack (actually, designation for all armoured vehicles, but tanks etc usually were called by their mark name) Sonderkraftfahrzug -- special purpose vehicle (as opposed to Kfz -- Kraftfahrzug or general purpose vehicle). All German vehicles had a SdKfz or Kfz number (the Kubelwagen is Kfz 7). By no means limited to halftracks

FlaK -- Anti-aircraft (literally, flier defence cannon)Flugzueg Abwehr Kannon

PaK -- Anti-tank (literally, tank defence cannon)Panzer Abwehr Kannon. Note: tank guns are know as KwK (Kraftwagen Kannon IIRC)

Kessel -- Encirclement (literally cauldron/kettle)Also the best CM site around smile.gif

PzJager -- Tank hunter (typically a poorly armoured high-silhouette tank destroyer -- there is a key difference)Also refers to infantry trained and operating in an antitank role... literally Tank Hunter

lMG -- surprise, surprise, light machine gun Actually le.M.G.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

To this I add:

IG, leIG, sIG -- Infanterie Geschutz (infantry gun... le - light, s - heavy)

FH, leFH, sFH -- Feld Haubitzer (sp?) (Field Howitzer)

FK, leFK, sFK -- Feld Kannon (field cannon)

FJ -- Fallschirmjäger (literally Hunters From The Sky)

All I can think of at the moment

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ooops, forgot the e in leMG. As for SdKfz, effectively for lcm's purposes those would be halftracks. As said, the tanks etc would get their own naming conventions. As far as I'm aware, no armoured vehicle had a Kfz number.

As for FlaK, I'd always thought that it was Flieger Abwehr Kannon -- defence against fliers, not planes.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Triumvir:


ooops, forgot the e in leMG. As for SdKfz, effectively for lcm's purposes those would be halftracks. As said, the tanks etc would get their own naming conventions. As far as I'm aware, no armoured vehicle had a Kfz number.

As for FlaK, I'd always thought that it was Flieger Abwehr Kannon -- defence against fliers, not planes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I doubt the Germans refered to anything by its SdKfz or Kfz number (Kfz are all softskin... trucks and such, but not all SdKfz are armored... SdKfz 7 & 10 for instance). The only place I have seen the SdKfz (Kfz) numbers used by the Germans was in the organization charts (full form), in which all vehicles are refered to by them.. including tanks. Also in English language publications, the German armored cars are usually refered to by their SdKfz number (ie. SdKfz 234/1).

You may be correct about FlaK (I'm getting old and my mind ain't what it used to be smile.gif ), but I was sure it was airplane and not flier.

Another bit for our intrepid thread starter... German guns (not small arms) are refered to their size in cm not mm. Therefore, it is a 10.5cm leFH 18 not a 105mm.

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@ Berli & Triumvir,

Flak could be

-Flug Abwehr Kanone ("Flight defence cannon")

-Flugzeug Abwehr Kanone ("Airplane defence cannon")

-Flieger Abwehr Kanone ("Flieger" can be a crewman of an airplane or the airplane itself. Therefore it could be translated both as "Flier defence cannon" or "Airplane defence cannon" as well).

But I don't know which version (Flug-, Flugzeug- or Flieger-) was actually used in "Flak"... :confused:




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@ Berli,

another question:

"PzKw" is the "PanzerKampfwagen" (tank).

Could it be then that the "KwK" (tank gun) is a "Kampfwagen Kanone" instead of a "Kraftwagen Kanone"?

"Fallschirmjäger" would rather be "Parachute Hunters", but I agree, "Hunters from the sky" sound better ;)

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Just wanted to thank all those that replied and maybe to bump one time so any one that has more or didn't get to the first time could do so now - if you want to of course.

Oh and Cybeq the BOHICA isn't going to make it in the list but not a bad try.


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APC: Armoured Personnel Carrier, or Armour piercing Capped, depending on context. The latter consists of a softer metal capping on a normal AP round to spread the initial impact load over a wider area hence improving the penetration of the round. (I trust Rexford to correct me here if required!! smile.gif

APCBC: Armour Piercing Capped Ballistic Capped: APC with a thin metal sheath over the nose to improve the shape and hence ballistic (flight) characteristics of the round.

BTW wasn't there also a "Panzer Kraft Wagon" = armoured cars??

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