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I Saw a Beast Rise Up Out of the Sea, and Upon His Heads the Name of Peng Challenge

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:


did you also wear the Cloak of Ignorance +2,

and wielded the Wand of Barrel Droop -30%, not to mention the Boots of Horribly Stink +6?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you have to ask, you just haven't dared reading it have you? The Cloak is +3 by the way. But I've traded the Wand for an Amulet of Tungsten Availability.

How perfectly awful of you to drop by, you awful awful person. Do you still have the Cursed Garters of Panzer Leader -3? Don't give them back or he'll start posting about his "bronzed spear" again.

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Elvis you fetid, simpering little cabbage. I do believe there is only one way to settle your hash for good and keep you from naggin’ on like the big-haired Philly chick you are. That’s right campers, I hereby call a Blood Hamster on Elvis. Subject to the rules governing such an act, following our match he will be wearing the following ditty for one month {that’s 31 calendar days for you wussies that hate numbers}:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I number my turns sequentially because it makes me feel pretty. I also enjoy long walks in the park, chatting with like-minded simpletons such as myself and being Goanna’s bitch. If you’re ever in Philly, please look me up, because my wife just loves cooking for and accommodating any old blow-in that happens through town.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I will be travelling from the land-o-sand back to the Lucky Country from today until 26 July {oops, more of those dreaded numbers}. By that time I would like to have agreement or a counter proposal from the cabbage in question on the following:

* <2500 point attack/defend {out damn numbers!}

* Map selected or prepared by Germanboy if he is able or selected by mensch

* Force types selected at random by Berli who will tell us what we have and whether we are attacking or defending only after you have selected your choice of Axis or Allies.

* Scenario date, time, weather, ground condition and number of turns selected at random by Seanachai

* We will make our unrestricted purchases in the required force types and provide them to mensch who will buy them on the map and send the game out to us as a tournament save to the first player.

That'll sort the gob****e out.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Geier:

Lindan! You terrible person!

You actually own the name www.nahverteidigungswaffe.de?

You sick sick sick wonderful man.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, this is indeed the beautiful site filled with Warphead and my adventures. I have to say that Warphead is the main contributor as he has all the work with it. I as the lazy bastard that I am, have the important function to pose next to all kinds of equipment for the sake of "size-comparison" :D


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Gone fishin' at the coast for the weekend, and I return to 8 (!) pages of weekend spew. Elvis, you may substitute a "y" for the offending digit. The Pacific was beautiful and bountiful as usual. How fortunate that Australia is so far away.

Further, I have an Inbox full of hate from current oppos, and even a setup from Soiledman. I laugh at you all, haha. I'll get to it when I bloody well please, i.e., when She lets me.

Hats off once again to Seanachai for cramming more into a header than most SSNs do in a post (apologies to the always-quotable Herr Nietzsche).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna:

* Map selected or prepared by Germanboyif he is able or selected by mensch<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

you sir I have one!! One where there will be much nashing of teeth and words spoken like "wholy ****! I got to use tactics!!" or "crap.. real life terrain!! who makes crap like this.. GOD?" well ok I'm no god but I takes god's work and puts it like smack dab on a map..

so to answer your question, yes I have a map you can choke on. just right for your point value stuff.

now email me when you need it.. now bugger off.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by DekeFentle:

You owe me a feckin turn boy! In fact your slackerdly pace for our little conflict is beyond reason...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Au contraire, it is quite within reason: I finished an entire game with Goanna while doing the setup of this game, and I've got to finish the follow-up with the unterlizard before ours ends. Given my recent teetering near auto-surrender, that's taking some careful time management, shall we say. I am an attritionist, both within the game and without.

Quite aside from that, there has occurred an occurrence so au courant (well, more sort of retro really, and not in an up-to-date, trendy way, either, but that didn't scan as nicely) that I am shocked into posting


Croda has SENT A FECKIN' TURN!. Unimagineable. Of course, it mainly consisted of his signature Crodastic assualt style: send the squads up one at a time to be summarily hashed by my superior forces, now firmly dug-in around one of the VLs. At least he's out of arty, so he can't shell himself anymore. Our young Croda is down to about 4 squads of effectives, and I'm ready to roll up his flanks and serve him a steaming platter of Die-a-Lot. Either that, or I've fallen right into his trap. Whichever.

Speaking of which, the recently-exonorated/convicted Seanachai is facing End Times of Biblical proportions in our game. I've finally tracked down his last infantry squad, which turns out to be the half-strength sole victim of my rocket barrage. I've still got a Wespe and a StuH42 to batter all the rest into submission, and the last flag will soon be in my grasp. I will have my revenge, Seanachai; I will have my revenge!

Which brings us to Goanna, with whom I am engaged in an intense psychological struggle of which neither of us seems to be aware. On the surface, our game should be tense, exciting--nail-bitingly edge-of-the-seat, even. Limited LOS, sudden appearances of tanks, guns, flamethrowers... squads looming out of the woods, stumbling into ambushes, appearing unexpectedly on the flanks, and so forth. But the first ten turns were really boring, so neither of us cares now that fighting's actually started. I finished my last move on Wednesday, but I forgot to send it until last night. Goanna didn't even notice that I hadn't replied. Anyhow, I've knocked out a couple of guns and scattered a couple of platoons, he's killed some of my men, both of us are dropping arty on friend and foe alike.

Speaking of the ever-whiny whuppin' boy, DekeFentle is gamey, cheating, file-hacking bastard. He's edited my orders files at least twice to convert my brilliantly-timed smoke barrages into disastrous HE drops that broke my close-assaulting infantry just as they were about to knock out one of his gamey pillboxes. His cheating has cost my most of my infantry and several vehicles. However, this turn I got a first-shot kill on a Vet Hetzer at medium range. That's what you get for trying to hurry me along!

The other gamey bastages I'm playing need to SEND ME A FECKIN' TURN!. Croda does, too, just because it's never too early to start nagging him about it, the brainless prat.

Agua Perdido

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Its quite absurbed actually. The duel between SSN Stalin's Organ and SSN Mr-Johnson resulted in:

Johnson/Germans 44


1 captured

3 guns destroyed

6 bunkers knocked out

11 Panthers destroyed

Score 44

Stalin's Organ/Brits


3 mortars destroyed

35 tanks destroyed

Score 52

Thanks RUNE very fun. I achived my objectives. Only a few more casualties then I wanted. I think we gonna do a regular QB next, lets see if Stalin always attacks like a ballerina.

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**Scene: An empty courtroom

A rattle is heard from somewhere near the side of the court. A hand spasmodically grips the bannister of the Jury box, slowly pulling a bleary eyed face to a level where it can look about the room.

"Bleck! What a mess back here. Hey, where is everyone; the Judge, the lawyers, the accused, but most importantly - the Stenographers! Man, take a quick nap and see what happens...hey what did happen? Did we finally get around to finding the bastiche guilty? If so, I hope I didn't miss the punishment!

Oh no, I'm feeling a little ill, maybe I will just lay my head down and take another nap. Maybe there will be another trial along soon!"

The figure slowly slumps back down into his corner of the Jury box, a beatific look on his face, dreaming of scantily clad stenographers bouncing around the courtroom holding bottles of nirvana...


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Mr. 5308,

If your PBEM helper makes you number your turns then what does it do for you? Doesn't sound like a very useful tool. I know HIrams didn't make him do that because we played games and the files weren't numbered. I will have him contact you so you can check out the one he used.

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I accept the challenge from Lizardboy.

I have never done one of these somebody else sets up the game thingies so you will have to hold my hand through the process as I am a very dim and thick-headed person.

I do wonder why you are the throwing down the gauntlet because we ave played many many games and think you only numbered turns in the last one we played. There will be no numbering of turns in this gae we are about to play. I still stand by my no numbering rule for games vs Elvis. The first email I send to you I will remind you that if there is numbering then there is no game. If the turn sent after that email is numbered itwill never be responded to. I will act as if we never set up a game. I will not return the file or even acknowledge that I am not returning the file...you will receive dead air. This is not open to debate with anyone I ever play again (with the exception of CMMC battles)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lindan:

BTW: look at what happens if the cesspool doesn't eradicate the fieldmarshalls of the world. give them some more years which they don't deserve and you get this:



Surely this guy's not for real???

He actually thinks he is MR WONDERFUL.

He describes himself as having an attractive body and HAIRCUT????????


GORGEOUS, SEXY AND BRAVE this has got to be a wind up.....

More like, very weird looking guy in need of a haircut and a personality transplant. Notice how none of the pictures are close up or even clear...... I thank him for small mercies. It will take some time to rid those pics form my fragile mind

Still, thanks for the laugh Lindan

Now please excuse me while I throw up.....

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Surely this guy's not for real???

He actually thinks he is MR WONDERFUL.

He describes himself as having an attractive body and HAIRCUT????????


GORGEOUS, SEXY AND BRAVE this has got to be a wind up.....

More like, very weird looking guy in need of a haircut and a personality transplant. Notice how none of the pictures are close up or even clear...... I thank him for small mercies. It will take some time to rid those pics form my fragile mind

Still, thanks for the laugh Lindan

Now please excuse me while I throw up.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are we sure that's not Mouse?


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mr. Johnson-<THC>-:

35 tanks destroyed


Only if you count MMG carriers, White Scout Cars, Daimlers and M3 h/t's as tanks!!

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I achived my objectives. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Only because you defined them when the game was over!

So what were they? To not actually "lose"? That's about all that you achieved! Let's see - you failed to even secure the one flag that was not threatened by the Brits, failed to stop me crossing the river, failed to win, failed to score more points, failed to destroy the Brits, failed to deploy your Pantehrs properly - one even got KO'd by a 75!

Yep, I'm dying to see what you succeded at??!!

Since you couldn't stop the attack of a ballerina it is self evident that you must be lacking a decent pair of cojones....maybe even lacking all of them!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elvis:

Mr. 5308,

If your PBEM helper makes you number your turns then what does it do for you? Doesn't sound like a very useful tool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Probably because yuo weren't listening you feckless youth - when yo grow up you can have a number even higher than mine if you're a good boy - until then a good spanking is in order!

The helper keeps track of my games - not as many as some ppl play, and tells me their status. It lists each game on a single line regrdless of how many files are in the PBEM directory. It automatically enters my passwords when I open the turn, and it allows me to send the files to my opponents without having to use outlook or figure out which file to attach. all in all it's a good time saver and organiser.

Oh, and it works for variou other games too should you PBEM them, not just CM.

Now go away and see if you can't improve on that stupid little 3 digit thing you call a number!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by YK2:

Surely this guy's not for real???

He actually thinks he is MR WONDERFUL.

... we agree with your wholeheartedly...

Still, thanks for the laugh Lindan

Now please excuse me while I throw up.....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So, Emma, you didn't take a look at his 'how to pick up chicks' video then?

I did, and one question comes to mind: is that nasty chest rash of his causing him some grief?

Now from one extreme to the other, here is another Bright spark, no doubt a CMer keen in trying out a few new uniform mods.

And yes, Stalin's Organ I always maintained you looked pretty in pink, and here's proof.


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Other thoughts from Elvis’ forthcoming book, “Rants Against the Machine”:

I will no longer drive on named streets. Streets are not people and do not move about, therefore they do not require names. If you are driving and get lost, simply return to the previous street and start over.

I will no longer address envelopes with anything other than the receiving party’s name. I only have one acquaintance named Peng, and everybody knows him. The post office should simply deliver it to him without fussing about his personal data.

I will not name my newborn son. I only have 2 children and can easily tell them apart at a glance, and so can everyone else.

I will no longer read the dosage indications on medications. After all, you should just keep taking them until you feel bett…

The manuscript ends here, but I’m sure he’ll be adding more later, as soon as he is able.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mace:

And yes, Stalin's Organ I always maintained you looked pretty in pink, and here's proof.


Teargas the thought of you thinking that I look pretty at all makes me wanna puke!

But at least it's a sign that your standards are changing since a human is the object of your affections! I won't call it an improvement tho'.

90 million sheep in Auss can bleat in safety today!

4 million kiwis wish they could say the same!

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