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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

ps~ I sent my request as an e-mail to Madmatt, Manx. I didn't ask for it to be made public. All I asked was if they could please remove my mods.


If i had said nothing and just taken them off, i would guess it wouldn't take all that long before people were asking - "Manx, what's happened to all Tiger's mods you had hosted???".

The mods are hosted on a site that IS public John, and because these mods constitute a major part of the sites content, i decided people should be informed that these mods will not be available to them shortly.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Priest:


Slappy here is an idea! You obviously upset the man so issue an apology. Maybe you did not do anything wrong but the "manly" thing to do would to simply say "ya know what buddy I am sorry, I don't feel I did anything wrong but I never wanted you to leave"

See was that so hard instead of pulling some dialogue that can be viewed as demeaning. It does not matter what anyone says or states about discussion or argument what does matter is that someone was obviously hurt by an incident and you just passed up on an occasion to help heal it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


May I suggest reading this quote from Steve.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>BTW, I put rude critics and blind suck-ups in the same class in terms of feedback value. Neither will help improve whatever it is you are working on. The former just gets you mad, the latter just strokes your ego. Neither are examples of good, critical feedback. However, if I have to be subjected to one more than the other...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sucking up a bit, my friend?

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Aitken, it's not paranoia; people don't like to be patronized like you do to them just to 'win' a discussion and I'm not surprised you don't see it.

And Slapdragon you said in that other topic stuff like "I already knew BTS's response to the casualty markers and that I had already brought this discussion out many times already (30 you said). Completely untrue. This shows how much of an intellectual discussion you really wanted.

The intellectual quality of discussions on this board is typically the same 'intellectual' crowd not agreeing with some discussion, for no other purpose than to be disagreeing/wanting to 'win' another argument.

I respect Aitken's views but if he wants to hop onto a discussion of a mod-maker and start arguing that mods are irrevelant eyecandy, he can expect further discussion. Don't employ personal reasons to support your arguments and claim them as pure facts, claim you're taking the moral high-ground, then patronize the topic poster (and be even nastier to others) when he still does not agree with you. It's not an intellectual discussion you're making it personal. You don't like the way I attacked you Aitkens? Well I didn't like the way you had patronized me either. It goes both ways.

As Aitken says "all mods are irrevelant eyecandy". Then why should he be arguing with people repeatedly on a discussion about modding, something which apparently holds no intrest to him. Then instead of using 'intellectual' discussion he starts saying "well it's disrespectful", then "it would take too much coding" (he doesn't work for BTS) then it becomes "well you already should know the answer my poor Tiger fellow"

Then you get the Slapdragon/Germanboy 'intellectual' fanclub to join in "oh Tiger's just looking to stroke his ego". Pu-lease. Get a life Germanboy. I haven't been to these forums in awhile, much less modded anything for longer.

You wish to defend his tactics as 'intellectual' then so be it. I'm sure some would bother to disagree. I do.


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If he wants to leave, so be it, reluctently, please come back, you are one of the few very talented modders how made CM a better game.I've not got a clue what thread they are on about, but I know I have many of your mods and each one has made my CM experience better. The silent majority still believe you are one of the best.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tiborhead:

I think I can explain all this hostility that's been floating around here lately. Ahem... here goes... People are just a little moody because they're waiting for CM:B2B to come out.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, you're probably right. I was thinking of this just a few days ago. IIRC, this same "tension" was apparent last June right before CMBO was officially released. Playing Valley of Death for the 100th time does something to ya. ;)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

[snip]Then you get the Slapdragon/Germanboy 'intellectual' fanclub to join in "oh Tiger's just looking to stroke his ego". Pu-lease. Get a life Germanboy. I haven't been to these forums in awhile, much less modded anything for longer.[snip]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Matey, you are not doing yourselves any favours here. Currently you come of slightly less mature than my 4-year old niece. She tends to throw a tantrum as well if I don't agree with her ideas on e.g. how much ice-cream she wants.

But carry on, human nature is fascinating to observe ;)

You said you were leaving?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ParaBellum:


Could everybody take a deep breath?

Come on, it's not that hard.

All is quiet...I'm am calm...peace....

And now alltogether:


Hey, you there! Relax! Yes, you !

OK, let's do it together again:


Feel better?


Shut up. We're having a nice little discussion here. tongue.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>She tends to throw a tantrum as well if I don't agree with her ideas on e.g. how much ice-cream she wants.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't mind people disagreeing with me Germanboy. However I'd say the door does not apparently swing both ways for some here, does it.

Tantrum? I'm not upset in the least GB.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

And Slapdragon you said in that other topic stuff like "I already knew BTS's response to the casualty markers and that I had already brought this discussion out many times already (30 you said). Completely untrue. This shows how much of an intellectual discussion you really wanted.


Not true, you said that it was not true, I could not find the original posts, so I accpeted what you said.

This of course is apples and oranges.

You posted an idea.

People decided to debate the idea on three levels, modelling, game engine, and moral. I feel the moral level was a crap, and that you and Aitken were barking up the wrong tree. I even said that. From a modelling and moral stance I thought you were off base, as many others did. But there was no give and take of discussion, then it rapidly turned anti intellectual with all of these attacks on anyone who disagrees with the topic, or at least wants to debate the issue and see if it stands up to some tugging.

Read some of Steve's frustration at the anti-intellectual movement that is gain power and that your thread was a center of. He is being very fair about it because he is not pointing fingers at one group, but at all groups.

So, we as an online community have two ways to go -- toward anti intellectualism (certainly not as far as book burning but maybe not much short of that) or to open debating of subjects. I would prefer debate over censorship.

But this has nothing to do with your leaving. That is totally your own idea and I wish you well. The community will survive, and there are plenty of modders out there of all skill levels, so even that wont bring mass suicide and teotwawki.

The community may not survive, except as little elite enclaves walled off from the outside, with the current rise in anti-intellectualism. While the root cause is an educational issue (and it was well said by the person who commented that rhetoric is no longer taught in high schools). That hurts new posters more than getting asked for support of one of their positions during a discussion.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Will the creators of future mods please be kind enough to include an expiration date with their mods so we know for how long we can expect to use them? That way we can avoid the trouble of downloading mods that have a very limited shelf life, or we can have the opportunity to archive them before they expire. All of the masters do this. The next time you are in an art gallery take the time to examine the back of the artwork and you will see these expiration dates. And as a public service I would like to alert you all that the Mona Lisa is due to expire on 5/30/02, so you better hurry if you haven't seen it yet. Davinci hasn't put out any quality work for a while, so it's just as well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

ROTFLMAO! Now that's the best post on this whole thread!

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OK, I think this has gone on long enough. It is clear it could continue for a couple of months, but I can see where it is headed... and it isn't good.

Let me close by saying the following, VERY strongly...

If someone posts an opinion, informed or not, they should be prepared to have it critically challenged by ANYBODY who has access to this Forum. People being people, there might even be a little edge tossed in as well. If anybody does not wish to have their posts the subject of discussion, kindly slip into Lurker Mode and refrain from posting. This BBS here is for the discussion of topics and ideas, not to have a selected bunch of people fawn over your words.

If you wish to challenge someone, do so politely and constructively. None of us are perfect, none of us know everything there is to know. That means even the smartest of us will be WRONG or make a mistake of some sort. So if you are not capable of finding yourself proven wrong in a discussion, yet you want to prove others wrong, then do not post here.

If you are bothered in ANY WAY by people who have strongly held beliefs, who can and do express them here, then please do not post here if you can not refrain from getting personal with such people.

For those of you who enjoy discussing various topics related to WWII or the game itself, and are honestly interested in learning and advancing the quality of CM in any way, please post whenever you feel like it. But do so without losing sight of the fact that the only thing that matters is the strength of your arguments. Abusive language in an intellectual discusion is not a sign of strength, but a sign of weakness. It is not welcomed here.

Lastly, we can not be around in every thread to answer people's questions. If you ask a quesetion that has been answered before, and a few "old timers" offer up answers based on what we have "officially" said about the issue, then accept such words at face value unless you have a VERY good reason to doubt the statement's validity. A question doesn't need to be directly addressed by myself (or Matt, Dan, or Charles) to be answered correctly. If the info is correct, it shouldn't matter where it came from. Period.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

I don't mind people disagreeing with me Germanboy. However I'd say the door does not apparently swing both ways for some here, does it.

Tantrum? I'm not upset in the least GB.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Oh the door swings both ways - I get terribly upset with her too when she does that. Although I should know better then getting upset with a less-than 4-year old. :D

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