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The old Laptop question chestnut!

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I know that something like this has probably been asked many times but...

For a variety of non CM reasons I need to get a laptop but on a budget. Most of the machines that I am looking at seem to use either a ATI Rage mobility (4 or 8Mb) or the SIS 630 or 630s.

Can anyone tell me their experiences with these chipsets. Like 'IF' and 'how good'.

Thanks guys

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I use a Dell CPx 650, which has the ATI Rage P/M Mobility AGP 2X, and it has served admirably for "diversion" on business trips.

Not the greatest 3d "card" around, but eminently playable. The Dell hardware has been rock-solid as well with zero hardware issues in about two years.

I have no experience with the other chipset mentioned since I use the nVidia chipset at home.

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My experience with the SiS video chipsets is less than stellar when it comes to 3D performance. Many of the SiS video solutions are "memory sharing" schemes that have limited bandwidth and don't perform very well in CM terms (probably the amount of textures being moved around causes this). I don't think I've tried out the 630 chipset specifically, but based on previous iterations the SiS video chipset family, I would not recommend them for game playing.

The ATI chipsets are very common on laptops nowadays. I believe that there are some models out there with up to 16Mb of VRAM. They should work fine, but you'll not see any fog with the ATIs.

If you could afford it, I'd suggest laptops based on the NVidia GO chipset, which is equivalent to the GeForce (MX ?) family on the desktop. I think these will come in 16 and 32Mb varieties. However laptops using this chipset are probably on the expensive side. The video drivers will also be different from the desktop versions, so the features/performance won't exactly be the same.

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I bought an HP laptop for my CMing away from home.

P3 850

and a 8 Meg dedicated Savage video card.

Obviously it can't do transparencies and I have to use the quick ugly smoke. But other than that it runs CM just fine.


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Thanks for the feedback guys!

I was kinda hoping that someone was useing the SIS 630 chipset as altough it steals system memory, it can go upto 64Mb which MIGHT let me play CM:OB too. ;)

The online blurb says that it can do bump mapping and other cool stuff but who can trust that?!

If nobody can help me out with the SIS I guess I'll have to trust to ATI :(

Thanks again

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Gateway 600MHz Celeron w/ ATI Rage graphics set under W98.

Very playable if you don't mind working around some small issues. Namely:

1. No fog - ATI does not invoke fog tables

2. Ugly smoke - see above

3. Disappearing Cursor at Game start

solution: hunt and peck until you invoke the PBEM BUTTON and thus get the FILES WINDOW. Thereafter the cursor is visable as long as you don't jump to the desktop

4. 800x600 graphics (low res)

Other than those issues I have never experienced drop outs or hangups even when using files up to 3MB in size.



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Ive got a laptop with a sis630 chip set and a PIII 933/128meg RAM. CM seems to run fine with the video memmory set at 16meg. I haven't done any serious testing just used it to play the game, I'll try some fog games when I get home from work and let you know. The graphics card works ok for things like Thief, Delta force landwarrior & AOS II, but nothing stunning. The 1Ghz /32meg Geforce desktop we got at the same time runs much smoother. The only problems I've had with the laptop were serious clipping when I tried to run Delta force II

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Guest ckoharik

Dell Inspiron 5000e P3-700 w/ ATI RAGE Mobility 128 16MB video system, UXGA screen (1600x1200 capable...sweeet). Runs CMBO in 1600x1200 with a few mods thrown in pretty well. Of course, no fog table support.

What kind of "budget" are you looking at? Me, I'm hoping to get my grubby hands on one of the new Dell Inspiron 8000's with the 32MB GeForce GO chips in it.

[NOTE: This systems even plays CounterStrike pretty well too.]

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My HP Omnibook (700MHz, Savage Graphics) just about manages with a few glitches, though the game installed straight into my Windows directory, which confused the hell out of me when I was trying to stick the mods in. Now it's there I'm too scared to pull it out. I think I'll wait for Halloween and draw a pentagram round it or something. Hate to say it, but I bet the new G4 powerbook runs like a dream. I might sneak the CD down to the Apple shop on Saturday for a look.

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Thx for all the info everyone!

Panzer Boxb: My budget is £1000-£1200 so no Geforce for me :(

I suppose that the next best choice in this sorta price range would either be a 8Mb ATI or S3 Savage.

Private Pike: I would be really interested in the results of your CM test!!

The problem as all you laptop games know is that You are stuck with the graphics subsystem but with memory in freefall right now so I don't care if the graphic steal from the system as I can increase it.

Sheesh don't these laptop designers understand that CM compatibility is part of the minimum spec!

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Private Pike

Thanks man but it looks like I'm going to find out myself.

The choice came down to either a HP Omnibook X3 (S3 Savage IX chipset) or a Hi-grade Atlas flyer (SIS 630).

The flyer won as it had the higher spec:-

PIII 800

14.1 TFT

DVD etc

cost £997.58

I'll resurect this thread when it's delivered as it may be of some use to any CM players who want a laptop in the future.

Once angain thanks all for the help!

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