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BLOOD HAMSTER feud has been declared!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Babra:

This whole arrangement smacks of pengdom. Mummy says we can't have two pools, y'know. :(<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It does bear some resemblance to a pool outbreak. The combatants intended the single thread as a means of a running AAR ... with a little taunting along the way.

I'm sure our fine moderators will let folks know if it gets out of hand.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Ooh yuck!

Butt kissing or what?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A head-nod to His Baldness.

Gyrene and Abbott liked the idea of a running AAR open to forum participation that, hopefully, will not go ballistic. So, if you're lookin' fer a game mister ... do it right and in the 'pool.

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Turn four

The map:

The map is mostly high ground. There are lowlands to the south that rise steeply towards the high-forested ground. A very large and rugged ravine splits the map running diagonally along a northwestern axis. Two large, high stone bridges cross this ravine some distance apart and are several tiles wide.

A large victory flag occupies the western end of the southern most bridge in a small village. The ground surrounding the village is fairly rough and broken.

A small victory flag occupies a dirt crossroads a short distance east of the northern bridge. A large flag is located in the village, which lies between the crossroads and the large stone bridge.

Axis report:

Kampfgruppe Abbott has slowly been moving forward towards the objectives through wooded terrain. The terrain is fairly flat which blocks the view down into the large valley and ravine. Only a few minor roads are available for movement and the ground is wet. An overcast sky is helping to keep us covered from allied air support.

Enemy artillery has been falling near the crossroads and now is striking the village near the northern bridge. There seems to be two enemy batteries firing that have caused causalities among some of our more seasoned troops.

[ 05-06-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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This shouldn't fall off the first page. Its too much like the first man on the moon. I've got to know who will win. I also know about the stomping of the guts of the loser. I have to know. Don't let me down now. Tell me about your snipers. Tell me about the crew guy who sheds tears after popping out of his tank and sneaking away.

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Enough with the Nazi propaganda, now for the real story:

The brave, young defenders of the free world are making their advance towards the hun menace, but due to the Germans' cowardly, knees-bent sneaking about, there has been no contact yet.

My artillery spotter decided to kindly provide a wake up call to the boys in grey, and to remind them to come out and fight, there's a war on.

We now return to our scheduled program.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Gyrene:

A month is fine by me, how about it Abbott?


No "Paper Scratch Hamster" battles for you I see. It is done sir, one month it is! Now post some intelligence, if you have any.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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The Germans have proceeded to level the key large heavy building on my side of the southern bridge, doing me the favor of exposing some of his armor.

I informed the German commander that he will be held responsible for the cost of the damage he causes here when this war ends.

Meanwhile there are some uncorfirmed reports of enemy contact on the German's northern flank, deep inside his territory.


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Turn 8

The German forces have engaged Gyrene’s troops near the southern bridge. Movement spotted in the large stone building overlooking the western approach to the bridge drew heavy HE and 81mm mortar fire. The building was destroyed, with no sign of its occupants.

The crossroads near the northern bridge are still under heavy artillery fire. The fire now seems scattered and is falling to the rear of the crossroads. Farther north in the woods what appears to be an American infantry platoon has been engaged in a close-in fight in a heavily wooded area by infantry from first Company.

Heavy artillery fire is still landing in the northern village. No enemy movement near the northern bridge has been observed at this time.

[ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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My scouts in the woods on the north side of the map have made contact with and eliminated a German rifle squad and was engaged in a brief but heated fire fight with 3 more German squads who have since retreated.

Artillery continues to pound the west side of the Chateau and the assault element of Baker company has gained entry to the church and is inflicting heavy casualties on the Pioneer squads defending it. The are unconfirmed reports of kraut armor in the Chateau area.

Light action continues in the southern bridge area, but direct contact has not yet been made with any German infantry.

The Stars and Stripes fly proudly above both bridges, the crossroads is still under Hun control.

We took the fight to the enemy, we will root them out of their hiding holes on their side of the map. No German will cross these bridges alive.

Maj. Gyrene

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Turn 10

Heavy fighting has erupted near the northern bridge. A Company of enemy infantry has been engaged in and around the church and cemetery costing a Panzer in the firefight. I believe the enemy Infantry Company sustained heavy casualties, with two platoons being pushed out of the Church, the firing is still extremely intense and holding the Cemetery is in question.

Tank Destroyers have been spotted across the deep ravine to the south near the western approach to the southern bridge. Our armor is engaging the enemy and the exchange of heavy fire continues, loses have been sustained.

The northern picket platoon has withdrawn from the woods, with the loss of one squad in hand-to-hand combat. The platoon remains in good morale and has fallen back to secondary positions. The number of enemy troops in the northern woods was not ascertained.

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In the most intense fighting so far, Baker company has taken the Church at the Chateau and completely eliminated the 2 pioneer squads defending it and inflicting heavy damage to the remainder of the pioneer platoon. Allied and German shells continue to pound the Chateau, with the krauts barrage of 81mm mortars wounding some of their own men in the Church area. Germans in the large building across from the graveyard have joined in the fighting.

An unidentified enemy tank, reportedly a Tiger has been destroyed on the west side of the Chateau. Reports of the first of our tank's shells breaking up on impact support the claims that it was a heavy tank. Another german tank, a PzIV is making its presence felt in the inner Chateau area.

Another German tank, possibly an assault gun, was killed by an excellent 600+ meter first shot, fired by one of our -BLANKED- tanks from across the southern bridge. Light action continues around this area.

There are no reports of renewed enemy contact on the northern flank.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> *yawn*

I want some passion, folks. Tell me about a squad leader and his troops. What is Hauptmann Kugelscrieber doing in that building with that french maid?

Give me a reason to get some popcorn. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Huh, ok...

Sgt Johnny Farmboy of Niceville, Iowa lead his squad across the ravine of death towards their destiny, Johnny was an All-American quarter back/defensive lineman and starting pitcher for his Niceville High School teams (The Niceville Good Guys) and he snatched German grenades from the air as they fell and hurdled them back with the precision that made him Major League Baseball's top prospect in '42, but he said "No thanks...There's a war on, and no one likes to fight, but someone has to..." and between pitching grenades back he would tackle german troops with the ferocity that made him the scourge of the grid-iron. All the while he sang "Glory Glory Aleluia" to motivate his troops, who lovingly called him "Sarge", especially young Timmy Soondead of Gonabiteit Creek, Missouri.

Timmy Soondead was a shy and bookish lad who had never been outside his home town of Gonebiteit Creek and was taken under the wing of Sarge, because Timmy reminded Johnny of his little brother Jimmy.

As they desperatly yet gallantly clawed their way to the top of the ravine Timmy, the shy and bookish lad of Gonabiteit Creek, Missouri who had never left his home town and had yet to fire his rifle in anger, yelled "Look out Sarge!" as an unshaven, shifty looking German sniper took aim at Sarge...

In a blur, Timmy, the shy and bookish lad etc..jumped across the path of Johnny Farmboy and took the bullet that would surely kill his beloved Sarge.

As he lay there dying Timmy could see Sarge throwing his famous tomahawk "Flash", which had been given to Johnny by Chief HonkyTonka of the Plains Indians, who had taught Johnny the ways of the warrior and the spirit of the land, and watching as Flash embedded itself in the shifty, dirty, unshaven Nazi sniper who plumetted from his tree hide with an agonizing groan.

As Johnny held The dying Timmy in his arms, the war seemed to be very far away and Timmy summoned his remaining strenght to deliver this message..."Sarge...Johnny, when this is over...<cough> promise me that you will go to my home town and look up my father who..<hack> disowned me, because I wanted to go to school and be a <choke> proctologist and not a birthday clown like him...and tell him...I did ok...<die>..."

Johnny, fighting back the stream of tears said "I will Timmy...I will"

Then Sarge and the boys finished killing all the Germans, Johnny shagged the French maid and caught a case of VD and they got married and had 8 kids and moved to Toledo where they both work in a bowling alley where Sarge Johnny bores the customers with his war stories and stews in his own bitterness for having lost his Baseball chance when he got severe rotator cuff damage from throwing back too many German grenades.

Sarge forgot all about Timmy and never did go to Gonebiteit Creek.

The End.


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better get me a bucket..." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It's just a mint...It's ah wah-fehr thin...

On the Hamster front:

Another German tank has been knocked out and my Southern flanking force has been spotted and engaged by heavy caliber artilery, they have reached the departure point for their push North well inside German territory East of the ravine.

Fighting in the Chateau area continues to be very instense with heavy casualties on both sides. The Huns continue with their policy of levelling this once beautiful castle.

My Northern scouting force has once again made contact with the enemy and is itself under artillery fire.


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Turn Damnit

The wine cellars of Chateau Neuf du Pape held abundant supplies of the finest wine Kampfgruppe Abbott has yet found in France. Our point platoon arriving last night was able to make off with an entire truck brimming with the lovely old bottles and cart it back to our lines. It seems today however our Crack tank crews may have partaken too readily to the spirits and could not hit the broad side of a crippled Chateau if it was sitting on its arse.

However even with last nights jolly partaking all around, we believe that our heads will stop aching and our eyes will clear before we are completely pushed out of the lovely Chateau Neuf du Pape area and sent to the Eastern Front.

[ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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Turn 14

The heaviest fighting is occurring near the Cemetery where it is believed an entire Company of enemy infantry has been engaged. Mortar fire seems to be having no appreciable success on the enemy positions in the woods west of the gravyard and the rubble of what once was the Church. Our troops still hold the woods east of the Cemetery and the village. They are offering heavy resistance. Enemy Tanks and Tank Destroyers have been spotted and engaged on the rising ground across the ravine, west of the northern bridge. Our gunners are having some success in the exchange of heavy gunfire, some of the enemy vehicles have been confirmed, hit and destroyed.

The northern picket platoon has been engaged by enemy armor and infantry and was in danger of breaking as it was reduced to 50 percent of its strength. A local counter attack from the PanzerJager platoon destroyed the enemy armor with Panzershreck fire and restored the situation in the northern woods. Rumor has it one brave soldier destroyed a Tank destroyer and Tank while under heavy small arms fire.

The southern bridge has fallen under enemy control and a large group of infantry and armor has been seen moving towards our southern flank. The units tasked with capturing the southern bridge have been taken under heavy fire and have been pushed out of the southern village into the eastern woods. Their southern flank is in imminent danger of collapse.

The overall situation is becoming very dangerous as our southern flank is under heavy pressure. The morale of the troops remains stable, after witnessing what is believed to be an entire platoon of enemy armor destroyed in the last few minutes.

[ 05-10-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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