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Dear Mom. Letter from the front.

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Tomorrow our CENSORED platoon crosses into the CENSORED for operation CENSORED. It is an incredible feeling mama. To be teamed up with such fine men in such an impressive military formation. I'm sure that our American adversaries will soon wish they had never dared to set foot apon our continent. As we are set to roll over them with much speed and carnage.

Mama, I hope to make you proud tomorrow. And if I do not make it, you can blame my platoon leader. ;)

Nyuk nyuk . . . Seriously folks, I'm in the set-up stages of TEAM RUMBLE II and it is already the most fun I've had in ages. The briefings, the maps, the coordination. It's like I'm participating in a real military operation, right down the radio net security.

I'm having such a blast, and we're still just in the set-up phase. (I'm sure my glee will be somewhat diminished as soon as I'm blown to smithereens.) smile.gif

Much accolades go out to Gordon Molek for setting this whole thing up. Also, much handclapping and vigorous nodding in the direction of our overall commander for German forces, Mr. CENSORED. He has done a superb job of organizing us into a deadly fighting force.

Next time one of these RUMBLES comes around, I highly recommend you jump on it. smile.gif


[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: KnifeForkSpoon ]

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Ditto to everything he just said. This is a pretty awesome event. It really brings home the difficulties inherent in coordinating units even on the tactical scale. I mean, we are having to coordinate a reinforced battalion, and seeing the difficulties and miscommunications just in that little scale. I can't image the confusion and coordination problems inherent in commanding a regiment.

Anyway, just my two cents worth. Do it if you can - I plan to do so again in the future.

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I mean, you almost blabbed about our engineer platoon...and the Panthers we've disguised as M10s...

Go back to the command net and make sure you know the answers to the following

a) Who is the Undersecretary of Defence?

B) Who won the World Series in 1939?

c) How many homers did the Babe hit during his best season?

Just in case someone asks us...heh heh...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kampfgruppe_Commander:

I mean, you almost blabbed about our engineer platoon...and the Panthers we've disguised as M10s...

Go back to the command net and make sure you know the answers to the following

a) Who is the Undersecretary of Defence?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We ain't got one. Its called a war department, buddy. HIS name's Judge Patterson.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>B) Who won the World Series in 1939?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Yankees, of course. Fourth year in a row. They swept Boston.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>c) How many homers did the Babe hit during his best season?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wouldja believe SIXTY?! Ain't nobody never gonna break that record.

What outfit are you with anyway? Where're the MP's? Lazy goodfernuthin' sonza . . .

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

Wouldja believe SIXTY?! Ain't nobody never gonna break that record.

What outfit are you with anyway? Where're the MP's? Lazy goodfernuthin' sonza . . .

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You gamey cheating bastard! They didn't have google.com in 1944!!!!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kampfgruppe_Commander:

You gamey cheating bastard! They didn't have google.com in 1944!!!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Goo-gull dotcon? Whatizzat? Some kinda radio show or sometun'? Hey - lemme see doze hands, buddy, nice and slow . . .

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I read once that some soldiers at a checkpoint during the Bulge became confused when they challenged a high-ranking general (I've forgotten) whom by asking him what the capital of Illinois was; they confusion came about because the general answered "Springfield," but the soldiers had been of the impression that the capital of Ill. was a larger, more northerly city.

Apparently most of the other people passing through the checkpoint were under the same impression, though.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kampfgruppe_Commander:

a) Who is the Undersecretary of Defence?

B) Who won the World Series in 1939?

c) How many homers did the Babe hit during his best season?


a) Not sure Goebels does not tell us.

B) can we talk about Football?

c) boy you americans are violent, I'm sure all those Homers didn't like getting hit buy some guy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I read once that some soldiers at a checkpoint during the Bulge became confused when they challenged a high-ranking general (I've forgotten) whom by asking him what the capital of Illinois was; they confusion came about because the general answered "Springfield," but the soldiers had been of the impression that the capital of Ill. was a larger, more northerly city. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think they questioned general Bradley, and he answered Springfield, but the troops said it was Chicago. smile.gif

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Statue of Liberty? So what? You are sadly mistaken, my friend KGC. We are fighting for Warsaw, not for NYC. Too bad you just got the Americans ticked off as much as we are. ;)

Now, please, before my Bren gunner starts up, rence do gory...

KFS. Now isn't that interesting. Appears engy has your soldats running headlong for Berlin. Good job, engy, fine boy.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrSpkr:

a) Who is the Undersecretary of Defence?


We ain't got one. Its called a war department, buddy. HIS name's Judge Patterson.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry, Heinie, you lose. It's Henry Stimson. Now just step away from that Kübelwagen with your hands in the air.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

Sorry, Heinie, you lose. It's Henry Stimson. Now just step away from that Kübelwagen with your hands in the air.


Get yer hands up you stinkin' Nazi! I gots six guys with tommy-guns in them thar trees. Every fool, naw, every idjit fool knows dat Stimson is da Secretary of War you stoopid galoot; he asked who da UNDERSecretary of Defence were. I told him da truth - we ain't got no Defence department, but we does have a WAR department, an' the undersecretary in da' war department is Judge Patterson - and has been since before deez Yeropeons started dis little shindig. And anudder ting - dis little baby here is an american classic - a jeep. Now git yer hands up or I'll have da booyz ventilate ya', ya' hear?

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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Gordon has gone Gamey!

I work in the same office as Gordon and I heard him telling his assistant that he went "Gamey" towards the Axis in this Rumble.

The Americans have 1,500 points of AT mines and 1,500 points of AP mines. Can't swing a dead kublcat without making something blow up.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Otto Mekanik:

Gordon has gone Gamey!

I work in the same office as Gordon and I heard him telling his assistant that he went "Gamey" towards the Axis in this Rumble.

The Americans have 1,500 points of AT mines and 1,500 points of AP mines. Can't swing a dead kublcat without making something blow up.


Yeah, well, we have our own portable minedetonator - our good friend PanzerLeader over here. We just have him march about 50m in front of the rest of the units and jump up and down and yell and stuff - works great!


[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: MrSpkr ]

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