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i have only 1 thing to say (well 2 actually)

thank god for us brits during WW2 i mean we

took some equiptment off the U.S (lend lease)

which was lets face it pretty poor

1, P51 mustang

and you all know what we did for that YEP thats right we put a merlin engine into it

and turned it into 1 of the best fighters of the war

2, sherman firefly

yes yes i know what you are going to say

but the fact is the firefly was the best SHERMAN varient ever produced

ok guys before you all get on your high horses yes it went the other way also

especially in todays climate

so here you go


without American investment in the harrier 2

or the AV8B that your marine corps use the harrier would not be the plane it is today

and finally

1 more for us brits

simply 1 word CHOBHAM

well thats it thats mine thats all yer gettin


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Dud! Ok so what! Intresting points and um info. I have to say this (don't want to) but it was the Americans that won WW2 the British held out all thoughs years(wich realy helped),but the Amerians sent how many people to Eourope to die for the British, French ,etc so don't say that the U.K did evey thing...don't forget Canada!


I was Rob/1

[This message has been edited by Sherman (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Okay, jake went to the edge of starting an inflammatory thread and then extinguished himself. Rob, we don't need to turn this into a US vs. Britain thread. We can just concentrate on the specific technologies Britain and America and various other countries contributed to the war, can't we?

I vote for the Germans' helmets. =)

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Originally posted by Sherman:

Dud! Ok so what! Intresting points and um info. I have to say this (don't want to) but it was the Americans that won WW2 the British held out all thoughs years(wich realy helped),but the Amerians sent how many people to Eourope to die for the British, French ,etc so don't say that the U.K did evey thing...don't forget Canada!


thats right you did win the war for us

i think you have been watching to many

hollywood blockbusters my friend

and as for you guys winning the war well bull**** it,s true we may have not won the war if you hadn't got involved but you did not win it single handed

did you have to put up with the bombing of your homeland well no not really

so stop your drivelling it was a JOINT EFFORT



ohh and did i say the british did everthing

well mmmmmmm i cannot remember saying that anywhere tongue.gif

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Okay, jake went to the edge of starting an inflammatory thread and then extinguished himself. Rob, we don't need to turn this into a US vs. Britain thread. We can just concentrate on the specific technologies Britain and America and various other countries contributed to the war, can't we?

I vote for the Germans' helmets. =)


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at the end of the day ww2 is past and we should just be looking to the future and not bickering over who did what and who had the best weapons etc

from Jake Bullets Wife

Alright stfu you drunk limeys wink.gif

Everyone knows that the Russians would have pushed the Germans two times across the planet given half a chance smile.gif


etc so don't say that the U.K did evey thing...don't forget Canada!

The USA owns Canada, right?? biggrin.gif


Rugged Defense England Team Website:


For all our AARs


"I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]

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If you guys want to argue about who "won" WW2 go to: http://www.dayofdefeatmod.com/forums/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&forum=History&number=3&DaysPrune=45&LastLogin=

for an "interesting" look at the subject, lol.



"Only a madman would consider the possibility of war between the two states (France and Germany), for which, from our point of view, there is no rational or moral ground." - Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Oct. 14, 1933

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The Allies won the war because they helped each other. No single allied country can be given the full credit for winning it.

As for Technolgy, its mixed all through the war.

I am not getting involved in this post any more than this.

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Wow, the thread fizzled out peacefully. First time that's happened.

Jake, you'll find that most of the people here already reconize the contributions Britian, Canada, Brazil, France, Poland, China, Greece, Russia, and many, many other countries made to winning the war. The allied coalition was perhaps the most successful in the history of warfare, with surprisingly little bickering between the different members, despite their differences in goals, strategies, and methods.

Besides, it worked, and you can't really argue with that.

-109 Gustav


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

-Commercial fishing in Kodiak, Alaska

[This message has been edited by 109 Gustav (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

Wow, the thread fizzled out peacefully. First time that's happened.

-109 Gustav

Which is why I like coming to this forum more than any other on the net (that and it discusses my favorite game, lol). The maturity level here is so much higher. For those who want a reminder of how bad a discussion like this gets in other game forums go to the link I posted earlier. I figured it would be a cool place to talk about WW2 history, which is my favorite subject. How wrong I was about that one! By the way, if anyone knows a decent, active, forum that discusses WW2 history like this steer me to it.



"Only a madman would consider the possibility of war between the two states (France and Germany), for which, from our point of view, there is no rational or moral ground." - Chancellor Adolf Hitler, Oct. 14, 1933

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Originally posted by David Aitken:

Okay, jake went to the edge of starting an inflammatory thread and then extinguished himself. Rob, we don't need to turn this into a US vs. Britain thread. We can just concentrate on the specific technologies Britain and America and various other countries contributed to the war, can't we?

I vote for the Germans' helmets. =)

David I don't even like Americans!

[This message has been edited by Sherman (edited 01-27-2001).]

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Saying that one group won the war, is like saying that only the finger of a soldier won an engamgement. Sure, it pulled the trigger that killed the enemy, but the legs got it there, the eyes saw the target, the brain told the finger when to fire, and the arm braced the gun, among other things. Proportionally each Allied nation committed about the same amount to the war effort, some nations had a larger industrial base, but that does not mitigate the contribution of the smaller nations. America may have delt the death blow, but without UK, Russia, Canada, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Holland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, Denmark, China, Mexico, Brazil, India, South Africa, East Africa, West Africa and later Italy, Romania, Finland and Bulgaria (among other nations) America would not have got its chance.

Rob, your hatred of Americans is unfounded. Being a Canadian you should in reality respect our southern neighbours what they could, and didn't do to us, and what they actually have done for us. To hate an entire group of diverse people purely based on a fictional barrier between our two nations is pretty ludicrous.

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David I don't even like Americans!

Presumably you like them enough to name yourself after one of their tanks!! smile.gif


Rugged Defense England Team Website:


For all our AARs


"I drive over farmyard animals in my farmyard tractor, then I laugh afterwards."--CavScout [comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.war-historical]

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